avatarEram Siddiqui


Nature is the best healer ever…..!!

Nature is the best healer of all. Nothing in this world can perform as effectively as nature does to turn your wounds into scarless spots or heal every wound you could ever have.

Photo by Tim Swaan on Unsplash

I find myself very relaxed and calmed when surrounded by nature, as I have experienced before.

Whenever I feel stressed and depressed and can’t find anything to settle me, I simply go to a place where I can see myself surrounded by nature.

I am very thankful to Almighty God for providing a relaxing and graceful view of a beautiful garden from my balcony. A few days ago, I lost my job because my mentor wanted me to go to a place to examine an evaluation report. However, at the same time, my mother was going through a critical health condition, and my father had just undergone surgery due to gall bladder stones. Given these challenging family circumstances, I simply had to say 'no' to my mentor’s request. Unfortunately, my mentor reacted with anger and insisted that I do the task at any cost. When I explained my family’s situation and why I couldn’t comply, he fired me from that job.I was very depressed, and I brought back all the things I had kept in my office cupboard back home. I couldn’t understand why I was being fired from my job just because I didn’t comply with my mentor’s request. He could have easily assigned someone else to take my place, but he didn’t do so.

He could have sent another person for the evaluation; there was no problem. But this time, his ego prevented him from doing so.

So, I came back home with all my stuff, went straight to my bed without saying a single word to anyone, and didn’t eat either. I was shattered into tears. I cried a lot, and my pillow bore witness to my emotions as I poured out my feelings from my heart in the form of tears. Tears have a great capability; they come out automatically when you’re in pain and sometimes even in happiness.

But do tears in pain give us strength or weakness? Let me know in the comment section.

Mother is mother…!!

She came to me with a big plate full of food, including pulses, rice, and mixed vegetables. I can’t exactly remember which pulse was made that day because I was so depressed.

She broke a piece of roti (bread), mixed it with veggies and pulses, and brought it close to my mouth to feed me. At that moment, I opened my mouth without saying anything. After finishing my meal, I went out to my balcony to relax.

As soon as I stepped onto the balcony, I saw beautiful flowers in full bloom, leaves of various shapes creating a captivating garden view, providing fresh oxygen. Many birds were perched in the trees, some even nesting. The chirping of birds, the vibrant blooms, and the rustling leaves, combined with the gentle flow of air, made me feel fresher and calmer than before.

That evening, the sun had set, and as I watched it, I thought that today it’s setting, but tomorrow it will rise again with its same brilliance and light. So, can’t I get another job? Of course, I can.

A image taken from author's balcony

After an hour spent with nature, I returned to my mother and shared everything that had happened that day. I expected her to be upset with me for my actions, but instead, she smiled and said, “Perhaps something even better is waiting for you. That’s why this happened. If God takes something away from you, it’s to give you the best you could ever have.”

That day, I realized the power of nature. After spending an hour with nature, I encouraged myself to explain everything to my mom. Both nature and my mom are the best healers in my life.

Thank you so much to God Almighty for giving us such a beautiful natural healer and mom like mine, who can heal any wounds very easily... Isn’t it?"

Follow me for more,thanking you 😊

Mental Health
Self Improvement
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