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The Productivity Cult

Why Your To-Do List is a Lie

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Did you realize you’re in a cult? Chugging your fifth cup of coffee, eyes glued to your screen like it’s the Holy Grail of life. What the hell is that, man? That sounds like The Cult of Productivity. And guess what? It’s screwing you over.

We’re all obsessed with doing more, being more, achieving more. But let’s get bloody real. This hamster wheel of “more” is a one-way ticket to Burnout City. And spoiler alert: there’s no VIP lounge there, just a bunch of tired, miserable souls.

Do you think you’re a badass because you’re “productive”? Nah, you’re just a cog in a machine that doesn’t give a damn about you. You’re not Elon Musk launching rockets; you’re just launching yourself into an early grave.

So, how did we get here? Blame it on the Protestant work ethic, hustle culture, social media, capitalism, or your overachieving cousin Steve. It doesn’t fucking matter. What matters is that we’ve turned productivity into a sick religion, and not the fun kind with wine and crackers.

Fast-forward to today, and we’ve got life hacks, productivity apps, and self-help gurus coming out of our ears. But guess what? They’re all selling you the same crap: the illusion that you can “optimize” your way to happiness. Spoiler: you can’t.

Do you know what happens when you try to cram 36 hours of work into 24? You end up eating lunch at your desk, skipping that bike ride with your partner, and feeling like a failure because you didn’t cross off every damn thing on your to-do list. Congrats, you played yourself.

And let’s talk about rest. Yeah, that thing you think is for the weak and unambitious. But guess what? Your brain actually needs it. This is no damn rocket science. But hey, keep chugging that energy drink, champ. I’m sure that heart palpitation is a sign of your impending success.

Look, I’m not saying quit your job and become a monk. But maybe it’s time to redefine what “productive” means. Perhaps it’s not about how many emails you can send in an hour but about whether you’re actually fucking happy. Radical idea, isn’t it?

So the next time your boss or your inner critic tells you to “be more productive,” ask yourself: Productive for who? Productive for what? And at what cost?

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