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The article outlines three key signs that indicate a man is genuinely interested in a woman romantically.


The author of the article shares insights on dating as a middle-aged adult, emphasizing that men are not as complex as often perceived. Drawing from personal experience, the author highlights three principal signs that a man is into you: he will want to know you deeply beyond surface-level conversations, he will offer genuine compliments rather than superficial flattery, and he will pursue a friendship with you, which is crucial for a lasting relationship. The article also touches on the importance of recognizing these signs to avoid wasting time on someone who is not truly interested and encourages readers to learn from past dating experiences and to value themselves by not settling for less than they deserve in love.


  • The author believes that meaningful conversations are a sign of genuine interest from a man.
  • She distinguishes between flattery and compliments, suggesting that the latter is more specific and indicative of true admiration.
  • Friendship is considered an essential foundation for a romantic relationship by the author.
  • Online dating is acknowledged to add complexity to relationships, with a caution to be vigilant.
  • The author advocates for not settling in relationships and shares her personal experience to reinforce this point.
  • She promotes her book, "Stop Settling When It Comes to Love: Wise Dating Practices for Women," as a resource for women based on her own dating mistakes and lessons learned.
  • The article implies that self-worth is critical in the pursuit of love and that readers should aim for the best in their relationships.

The Top 3 Signs He’s Into You

Men aren’t as complicated as you think.

Photo by marqquin on Unsplash

Disclaimer: There is an affiliate link below.

Dating is tricky sometimes. Wouldn’t you agree? As a middle-aged adult, it can be even trickier, especially when you’ve been out of the dating scene for years.

That said, I thought I would share a few things I noticed about men while searching for my current husband. Though I didn’t date other men before I met him. I did talk to a few online.

A quick caveat: Online dating adds another layer of complexity, so always be cautious if you meet someone online. If you’re interested in trying online dating while having your wits about you, you’re welcome to use my affiliate link for Christian Cafe. Stay tuned for a future article about online dating tips.

Now, back to the discussion at hand. What are the top signs a man is into you?

The signs

If a man is really into you, he’ll want to get to know you.

You may start off talking about surface things, but the surface-level conversations won’t be the mainstay. You’ll graduate beyond that to discussions that matter. And while discussing things that matter, he’ll want to know your thoughts. He’ll care about your feelings.

He’ll complement you rather than flatter you.

There may be a fine line between the two at times, but in my opinion, flattery puffs up whereas compliments build up.

Also, flattery is often general whereas compliments are specific. If he’s focusing on your looks alone, that might be a sign of flattery. If he admires a particular skill you have, that’s a compliment.

Keep in mind, these are my observations. You may have different thoughts about flattery versus compliments and that’s okay.

If a man is interested in you, you’ll eventually know.

Even if you’re not sure at first, he’ll pursue you. He’ll express interest in you as a person and want a friendship with you.

Friendship is a very important ingredient in romantic relationships. If you have great chemistry but aren’t great friends, things might seem wonderful at first, but chemistry alone isn’t enough to maintain a relationship long-term.

There are other signs a man is into you but talking about three rather than many more makes them easy to remember. And easy to remember is good.

When you’re serious about finding love, you don’t want to waste time with someone who doesn’t like you, even if they make you think they do. Believe me, this can happen far too easily.

Don’t waste your time with someone who doesn’t:

👨 try to get to know you

👨 build you up

👨 assure you of their good intentions towards you

If you’ve had experiences with men like this, that’s okay. I have, too. The thing is, we learn from our dating failures. And we can share them with others so they can avoid the mistakes we made.

That’s why I’m writing this article. That’s why I wrote my book Stop Settling When It Comes to Love: Wise Dating Practices for Women. My dating mistakes weren’t in vain. Neither are yours.

Move onwards and upwards and refuse to settle. After all, you’re worthy of the best when it comes to love and relationships.

This article is also published on my website.

Dating Tips
Love And Relationships
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