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Curated Story

A Heart Warming Story of a Woman Who Fell in Love After Marriage But Not With Her Husband

Why this unique and memorable story left an impression on me as a reader, writer, editor, curator, and publisher

Image created by the author with Adobe Firefly

Here’s how a simple yet authentic story might impact a reader.

Rarely do I delve into narratives about specific stories, yet as a reader, this brief and empowering account uniquely resonated with me, touching my mind, heart, and spirit from a unique perspective despite the contrast in gender and cultural backgrounds between me and the author.

The narrative commences with the author’s wedding day in India, portraying overwhelming stress and strain. This introduction instantly resonated with me, evoking memories of my wedding day and its afterward effect.

For example, while I found joy in that special day, it imposed a significant financial strain akin to the author’s experience.

My wife and I endured a prolonged financial burden, taking out a loan to finance the day’s expenses, a substantial weight on our shoulders during our low-income phase when my scholarship was our primary income source.

The First Plot in the Story Enticing My Imagination

The author skillfully weaves a plot by introducing a young child living with her husband’s family, leaving the reasons in mystery.

As a reader, this deliberate ambiguity stirred my curiosity, prompting a desire to uncover the hidden details within the narrative and allowing my imagination to roam freely. Great writers do this intentionally.

The author vividly illustrated an innocent child’s dynamic within the extended family, a segment that deeply resonated with me. The real-life photos of the child amplified her feelings, connecting me with their lives.

This part particularly affected me because my heart was touched, reminiscent of my family’s compassionate efforts in nurturing and supporting various orphans during my younger years, guiding them through the solitary struggles that life presented.

The children within our extended family and neighborhood held a special place in my heart. Their genuine interest and authentic connections have offered me a unique sense of comfort and importance in our shared experiences.

In addition, last year, I captured the remarkable life of a centenarian orphan whose mentorship granted me profound insights into healthspan and lifespan during our illuminating conversations.

Similar to Gisela, Susmita found herself in a situation where marriage wasn’t her desire, a choice driven by multifaceted reasons waiting to be unraveled within the reader’s imagination.

Back to Other Interesting Impressions of Sushmita’s story.

Image created by the author with Adobe Firefly

The story's core reveals the unexpected bond that blossomed between the narrator and her husband’s young nephew, Vaidik, following her marriage.

Despite initial concerns about fitting into her new family and especially connecting with Vaidik, she found an unexpected ally and source of comfort in him.

Through heartwarming interactions and shared moments, Vaidik’s innocent and genuine acceptance became a significant source of support during a challenging adjustment period.

The narrative emphasizes the profound impact children can have, depicting their purity and ability to bring joy amidst life’s challenges.

This unexpected relationship served as a pillar of strength and positivity during a transformative phase in the narrator’s life, highlighting the importance of genuine connections and the pureness of children in fostering love and support.

Through the lens of the author’s experiences, this unique story reveals the depth of human connections and the capacity for growth and love, even in the face of uncertainty and change.

The End

The image was created by the author using Adobe Firefly.

As a reader, editor, writer, curator, and publisher, I firmly believe this authentic story deserves to be highlighted. I hope you find as much joy in its simplicity and artful storytelling as I did.

Sushmita Singh is a writer, software programmer, and an avid reader living in India, trying to make sense of life through words and sharing her experiences with the world.

Many thanks to caring and supportive ILLUMINATION editors and ILLUMINATION-Curators for bringing this memorable story to my attention.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

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