avatarSushmita Singh


The author, who got married in December 2021, found unexpected love and companionship with her husband's nephew, Vaidik, which helped her adjust to her new married life and family in India.


The author shares her personal experience of falling in love with her husband's nephew, Vaidik, after her marriage. Despite her initial apprehensions about the wedding and adjusting to a new family, Vaidik's immediate acceptance and affection for her made the transition easier. Vaidik, who had been living with the author's husband and his family since he was a year old, became a central figure in the author's life, offering companionship and joy during the early months of her marriage. The author describes Vaidik as an extraordinary child with a thoughtful and imaginative nature, whose pure and unconditional love provided her with emotional support during a period of significant change. Although Vaidik now lives with his parents and visits on weekends, the bond they share remains strong, and the author cherishes the time they spend together.


  • The author did not enjoy her wedding due to the crowd, uncomfortable attire, and the constant attention from the photographer.
  • She was worried about leaving her own family and adjusting to her new family, especially concerning her relationship with her husband's nephew, Vaidik.
  • Vaidik's acceptance of the author from the first day was unexpected and played a crucial role in helping her navigate her new life.
  • The author believes that children are often taken for granted and expresses admiration for Vaidik's mature and thoughtful behavior, considering him to be no ordinary child.
  • Vaidik's ability to make the author feel like the most important person in the world was a source of comfort and support during her challenging adjustment to married life.
  • The author acknowledges that Vaidik's uncle (her husband) holds a special place in the child's heart that cannot be replaced but is grateful for the place she holds in Vaidik's life.
  • Despite the changes in their living arrangement, with Vaidik now residing with his parents, the author continues to look forward to their time together and values the enduring connection they have formed.

I Fell in Love After Getting Married. But Not to My Husband.

And I don’t regret it

Photo from my big fat Indian wedding (Photo by the author)

I got married in December 2021, and I didn’t enjoy my wedding at all. I was hungry, in uncomfortable clothes, and surrounded by about 300 to 400 people. And I hate crowds.

On top of everything else, the photographer and everyone on his team kept following me around, asking me to smile. Everyone in my house knew I was angry, and they knew the reason. It’s no secret that I don’t like parties or attention.

But there was another reason for my anger that no one knew.

I didn’t want to get married.

Not because I didn’t love my husband. On the contrary, I have known him since I was 17, and we survived 8 years of a long-distance relationship. I was sure we would make a great couple.

I was worried about adjusting to a new family. And leaving mine behind.

I knew my to-be husband, but I didn’t know anyone else. And in India, we mostly live with our in-laws, so there was a little stress because of that part.

What I was worried about the most was whether my husband’s 3-year-old nephew would like me.

I know it sounds weird, but hear me out.

Ever since Vaidik (the nephew) was a year old, he has been living with my husband and his family. The why is complicated, but he was there for the past 2.5 years, and they were inseparable.

I remember the day he was born and how anxious my husband (then boyfriend) was that day. And during the time Vaidik was living with them, my husband also had a major surgery, so he had to stay at home all the time.

It was hard and depressing, but due to Vaidik, it was much more tolerable. Sometimes, it is even enjoyable.

You can find Vaidik in almost every one of our wedding photos. He just never left his uncle’s side, and I was worried about how I would fit into Vaidik’s life.

Image by author

My mum used to joke all the time that he would tell me to pack my bags and go back to my own house. And I knew it was a joke, but I was worried it would actually happen.

But I don’t know why Vaidik accepted me from day 1. He was always by my side and would get angry when I visited my parent’s home. I used to tell my husband that he loves me as much as he loves you.

This was not true. I know that for Vaidik, no one comes as close as his uncle.

And I didn’t think it would happen, but I fell in love with him so quickly. I used to look forward to coming home to spend time with him and to play with him.

Looking back, I realize now that he made the initial few months a lot easier for me.

And he is no ordinary kid.

Image by author: Vaidik at 2

He was a little over three years old and behaved like a mini adult. He would stay quiet and think really hard before asking any questions. And his imagination is just out of the world.

Maybe every parent or relative of the kids thinks the same, but he was different.

He would listen to me as I go on and on about how I travel to work and all the boring work I do. I didn’t know what else to talk about, so I just told him about my day, and he would listen like it’s the most important thing in the world.

He is the most thoughtful person I’ve ever met and has the most amazing heart.

Every time he bought something for himself, like chocolates or something, he would save half for me. Even my husband doesn’t do it every time, but he does.

And all this made me realize how much we take kids for granted.

They are the purest thing in the world. It’s not that he never threw tantrums or never talked back. But when he was talking to me, he made me feel like the most important person in the world.

And I’m grateful for that, especially because it was a hard time for me. Everything was different, and adjusting to a new life was sometimes too much.

But I had his support all the time. He just didn’t know that. For him, I was a playmate. Someone he could talk to and run around with. For me, he was a lifesaver.

Image by author: Vaidik at age 3

He’s 5 now, and last year he went to his parent's house. He has been living there ever since and visits us on weekends, but he’s still almost the same.

I look forward to the days I get to spend with him. Things have changed now because he goes to school and I’m writing and there’s a lot to do. So, the time is restricted, but I love every time he looks at me like I am the most interesting person until his uncle comes into the picture.

After that, he’s the most important person in the world, and I accept that. I know I can never take his place, but I love that he thought I was worthy of a place in his heart.

Because he will always have a mansion in my heart. No matter how much time goes by.

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