avatarAnnelise Lords


Killing A Spouse!

How do you tell children that their mother murdered their father for money?

Image by Annelise Lords

Watching one of those crime episodes on Tv and a married female, Mirinda Boob cheated on her husband with three different guys. According to Law Enforcement officers, she was spending money as if it was going out of style. He worked hard and complained about her excessive spending. She was an only child with parents who spoiled her and gave her everything she wanted. She and her husband had children. She would wait until he fell asleep at night then leave. He worked hard so he is tired at night.

Her third lover murdered him.

She was charged and found guilty of the cold-blooded murder of the father of her children. She had her lover kill him with his own gun. The Police got help from her husband’s brother who wore a wiretap. Then they got access to her and the killer's text messages, which caused the case to explode giving the police more evidence against her.

Her two ex-lovers testified in court that she asked them to kill her husband.

Investigators found further evidence that Mirinda had extramarital affairs with two men in 2008 and 2009 and asked them if they could get rid of Samuel.

One of her lovers asked her “Why don’t you get a damn divorce?”

She wanted the insurance money. If she gets a divorce she might get less.

The thing that pissed me off and it’s not the first time I watched these true crime episodes and heard either a wife or husband wants their lover to kill their spouse.

Many of these people don’t think that they have a responsibility to report anything to the police in hopes of saving a life. What, they thought she was joking when she asked them to kill her husband? Or she was just playing around when she told them that she wanted to get rid of her husband?

From one male to another, didn’t anything connect with these men?

She was a married woman cheating on her husband.

Did they take a moment and think, ‘what if I was her husband, would she cheat on me and try to get her lover to kill me?’ Which she did.

That individual male or female, if they have a conscience their instincts with fear attach should throw them in the spouse’s place and their brain would start asking, “damn, if I was on the inside, she would want me dead too.” I need to save this person’s life. That thought would see the innocent children and how it would harm them. When did we stop caring for children and each other?

Most of these people die, and their lives could have been saved if someone cared enough to report it to the authorities. Yes, I know you were aiding and abetting her in committing adultery, but didn’t you think for a nanosecond that you should say something to someone? They didn’t have to die if someone cared enough to tell someone instead of remaining silent until after the fact.

Innocent children lost both parents.

How do you tell children that their mother murdered their father?

Can you imagine the pain these children will endure for the rest of their lives? Having to live with the memory and pain of their mother and her lover murdering their father. The pain of this terrible act will go on for generations.

I feel the pain for these children.

If only someone cared enough to say something!

These men knew she was married with children. Something should hit their heart and instincts. If not for themselves, but for the children.

Children are suffering because humans don’t think about what they are doing.

The pain grows with us and sometimes, never lets go disrupting lives for generations.

If you can save a life, I beg of you, do it. Call the police. Call the spouse. Call someone! Think of the children and how they must go on knowing what their mother did to their father for money!

This story cuts both ways as children lose their mothers too.

Not much thought is put into, ‘What will become of the children if I do this or that?’

Our world is already plagued with suffering and pain. Please, don’t add to it. If you will add something, add love, kindness, thoughtfulness, consideration, gratitude, and anything good that will help or heal, not hinder.

Prayers are needed in our world for PEACE!


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