
Meet Thomas Allen Moon

Author of Payback: Why the Top 1% Must Invest in the Rest and How It Can Renew America.

Image courtesy of Thomas Allen Moon

Dear Readers and Writers,

In this post, we introduce you to a brilliant author Thomas Allen Moon. He is a new writer contributing to our publication on Medium, but he is not new to writing. He is a 77-year-old retiree after 40 years of service to the industry as a financial attorney in the US.

Our chief editor Dr Mehmet Yildiz, recently reviewed his famous book “Payback: Why the Top 1% Must Invest in the Rest and How It Can Renew America.” You can check the book review in the attached story and find complimentary access to it.

Thomas doesn’t merely consider himself a writer in the conventional sense. While most writers wield words to conjure entire universes in readers’ minds, Thomas sees himself as more of a harbinger of a message as profound as Cassandra’s prophecy.

His message is that for America to remain the beacon of hope it is, it must summon the willpower to reshape its tax landscape, bridge income gaps, and diminish social inequities.

Thomas’s journey through life has been profoundly influenced by the opportunities America offered him.

From his humble beginnings in a middle-class Texas family to a fulfilling career, he knows firsthand the transformative power of education and support.

Thomas, who has come close to ascending to the top 1% at various points in his career, identifies himself proudly as a member of the middle class.

His humble beginnings as a Sears stock boy and subsequent journey through law school as an Air Force intelligence officer illuminate his unique perspective.

And now, in the embrace of retirement, he has set forth on a noble quest to repay the land of opportunity.

His career, which commenced in USAF intelligence, guided him toward the path of law, politics, and finance.

With his keen insights into how markets, tax policy, and politics intricately intertwine, he’s well-equipped to deliver a sobering yet compassionate message to America.

Beyond his professional life, Thomas is an avid history enthusiast. He has delved deeply into the annals of human civilization, immersing himself in the chronicles of ancient Greece, classical Rome, and the Age of Enlightenment.

These narratives of past heroes and their trials have given him solace and invaluable wisdom, which he generously imparts to his readers.

Thomas’s “Payback” book transcends the role of a mere call for tax reform. At its core, it is a heartfelt plea for a more just, prosperous, and united America.

He envisions a nation where a flourishing middle class is accessible to all, diverse voices coalesce in harmony, and progress is achieved at an equitable cost.

His mission is to ensure that the generations yet to inherit the same opportunities that he so deeply cherishes.

So, as you embark on your journey through the pages of “Payback,” keep in mind the core values that steer Thomas’s vision — equality, justice, progress, and an unwavering gratitude for the land that has bestowed upon him so much.

To understand the thought leadership of Thomas, you may check out this inspiring interview conducted by Tony Robinson, President of Beacon Editorial.

We would like to share a few of his stories to give you a quick taste.

Thank you for reading these insightful articles by Thomas Allen Moon.

You can learn more about Thomas on his website, Payback Project, and read his inspiring book.

Image courtesy of Thomas Allen Moon

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