avatarMike Broadly, DHSc


The author shares their personal journey of discovering the joy and fulfillment of giving back to others and the benefits of altruism.


The author, who once focused on their own needs, shares their transformative experience of volunteering at a local community for disabled children. This experience led them to make it a personal mission to give back in various ways, such as helping at homeless shelters, donating to food banks, and supporting animal shelters. The author explains the concept of altruism and its positive impact on individuals and communities. They also list the benefits they have experienced from giving back, including increased happiness, a sense of purpose, stronger relationships, and gratitude. The author concludes by offering tips for giving back effectively and shares their recent achievements on Medium.


  • The author believes that giving back to others can bring happiness, purpose, and stronger connections to one's community.
  • They emphasize the importance of altruism, which involves doing kind things for others without expecting anything in return.
  • The author suggests that even small acts of kindness can create significant positive changes in someone's life.
  • They encourage readers to find a cause that truly speaks to their heart and be specific about their intentions when giving back.
  • The author values consistency and sincerity in giving back efforts and expressing gratitude when others help.

How Giving Back to Others Can Make Your Life More Meaningful and Joyful

From Self-Centered to Selfless — How Helping Others Enriches Your Life

Photo by RDNE Stock project from Pexels

When I was younger, I mostly thought about myself and what I needed. I didn’t really think about helping others or how it could change my life. But then, something incredible happened that shifted my perspective.

I decided to volunteer at a local community to help disabled children. It was eye-opening. I saw firsthand the incredible impact even a small act of kindness could have on someone’s life.

These children and their parents were struggling. I realized I could make a real difference just by giving my time and energy to their well-being.

Since that moment, I’ve made it a personal mission to give back to others in any way I can. I’ve lent a hand at homeless shelters, donated to food banks, and supported animal shelters. I’ve also contributed to charities that champion causes close to my heart.

Giving back has transformed my life in profound ways. It’s filled me with happiness, purpose, and a stronger connection to my community. It’s also taught me to appreciate the good things in my own life even more.

The True Meaning of Altruism

Altruism is a beautiful word that means doing kind things for others without expecting anything in return. It’s like helping someone just because you care about them or want to make the world a better place.

Altruism matters a lot because it has a powerful impact on people and our communities. When someone acts with altruism, it can make others feel happy and loved.

Imagine your friend surprises you with a thoughtful gift just because they want to see you smile. That warm feeling you get when someone cares about you is what altruism is all about. It spreads positivity and can create stronger connections between people.

Altruism also has big implications for our communities. When more people practice it, our neighborhoods become kinder and more supportive.

It’s like a chain reaction of goodness. If you help your neighbor, they might help someone else, and it keeps going. This makes our communities happier and more united.

So, altruism is a simple but powerful idea: being kind to others just because you want to. It matters because it brings happiness, builds strong communities, and makes the world a better place for everyone.

Here are some incredible benefits of altruism and giving back to others that I’ve experienced:

It makes you happier.

When we help others, our brains release a chemical called dopamine. It’s like a happiness booster that can improve our mood and lower stress levels.

It gives you a sense of purpose.

Making a positive impact on the world can give your life new meaning, especially if you’ve ever felt lost or unfulfilled.

It strengthens your relationships.

Helping others builds trust and connection, leading to stronger bonds with family, friends, and your community.

It makes you more grateful.

Focusing on the needs of others helps us appreciate the good things in our own lives, leading to a more positive outlook.

If you’re wondering how you can give back, here are a few ideas:

Volunteer your time at a local soup kitchen, homeless shelter, or animal shelter.

Donate money to a charity that supports a cause you’re passionate about.

Mentor a child or young adult.

Consider being a blood or organ donor.

Perform small acts of kindness for neighbors or coworkers, like holding the door open or sharing a smile.

Even the smallest acts of kindness can create significant positive changes in someone’s life.

So, the next time you’re feeling down or lost, remember that you have the power to make a difference by giving back to others.

I want to give some extra tips to make your giving-back experience even more rewarding.

Find a cause that truly speaks to your heart. Your passion will help you stay committed and feel satisfied.

Be specific about your intentions. Instead of saying, “I want to help people,” say something like, “I want to volunteer at a homeless shelter.”

Be willing to dedicate your time and energy regularly. Consistency makes a lasting impact.

Be genuine and sincere in your efforts. People can sense when you’re truly caring.

Remember to express your gratitude when others help you. A simple thank you can mean the world.

Thank you for reading my story. I look forward to your feedback.

As a giveback activity, I volunteered to be an editor for Illumination publications, supporting many writers recently joining Medium like me. It gives me great pleasure to help others without expecting anything in return.

If you want to write for these publications, you may send your Medium ID via this weblink. I will be happy to read, publish, and promote your stories.

I am a retired scientist in his mid-70s and a new writer on Medium, but I am not new to writing.

Here are my recent achievements on this platform.

If you are a new writer, you may need to create a BIO. As a give-back activity, my good editor friend Aiden (Illumination Gaming) compiles these writer bios and promotes them. You can learn from this story.

You may connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Quora, where I share stories I read. I plan to share stories I read and edit on the Quora Space of the Illumination-Curated publication.

Here are the links to my recent stories.

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