avatarRajan Bhateja


The Importance of Mindset

Why Mindset matters and how you can change yours

Photo by Ahmed Zayan on Unsplash

You must have heard the story of the two shoe salesmen. About how two shoe salesmen are sent to expand their business. One salesman says “Terrible news! No one here wears shoes.” and the second salesman says “Amazing news! No one here wears shoes.”

How can it be that both the salesmen assessed the same situation and found different outcomes?

The answer lay in their way of thinking. The first salesman thought only of the obstacles, while the second salesman saw the untapped market as a potential for growth.

In the same way, our mindsets help us see the potential around and within us and can help us tap it, to grow and develop as a person.

What is a Mindset?

First, let’s start with: “What is a mindset?”

A mindset is a way of thinking that shapes our beliefs and opinions and subsequently, our world. It is a lens through which we see the world and perceive different things around us, similar to a camera lens.

How Mindsets are formed?

As a baby, you observe the people around you. Like a sponge, your brain absorbs their words, behaviors, and emotional reactions and how they explain the world.

As you grow up, you learn some “truths” about the life and world by interacting with your environment.

Your interactions with your environment continue as you age. Friends, family, TV, music, books, and the internet all contribute in one way or another to formulate your way of thinking.

For example, if you grew up in a family that values hard work and perseverance, then you’ll most likely believe that hard work is important for success in life.

Why do Mindsets Matter?

Mindsets matter a lot as they help in shaping our world. They define how we interact (or don’t) with others. So, they can constrict or expand the way we engage in life.

They can influence how we behave in a wide range of situations in life.

Our experiences shape our mindsets, for better or for worse.

Also, they are important for an individual in different aspects of life as they can be the stepping stone between success and failure.

They define an individual’s ideology. They define the meaning of success and failure, the highs and lows of life for a person.

Why Mindsets are Important in Different Aspects of Life?

I think we’ve already established that mindsets are an important part of a person’s belief system. So, let’s move on to how they impact our education and careers.

You must have noticed how there’s always that one student in your class who loves to study, who was always the teacher’s favorite.

Similarly, your colleague in the office who never backs down from a challenge.

So, what do these two have in common? You guessed it: their mindsets.

It’s their mindset that makes them top the class or take the lead on a project. That gets them ahead in life.

So, why don’t we apply the same mindset as well? We all want to be successful, don’t we?

Well, the good news is you can change your way of thinking. It’s not set in stone.

Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset

Before changing your way of thinking, I think it’s best to know the two ways of thinking beforehand.

  • Fixed Mindset: A fixed mindset is one in which a person believes his abilities are fixed, and no amount of hard work is going to change that. This ultimately leads to missed opportunities and sets a person back.
  • Growth Mindset: A growth mindset is one in which a person believes with hard work and dedication, he can accomplish anything. He isn’t afraid of failures but sees them as an opportunity to learn and grow.
Image by Sources of Insight

Cultivating a Growth Mindset

As I said before: we can change our way of thinking.

So, the question arises: “How do we?”

With the help of perseverance and resilience, you can cultivate a growth mindset. Here’s how:

  • Embrace challenges: Welcome any challenges that come your way. Use them as an opportunity to learn new skills or enhance existing ones.
  • Learn from failures: Failure doesn’t mean it’s over. It simply means you’re trying. So, keep going. It’s better to try and fail than not have tried at all.
  • Cultivate resilience: Develop your resistance to setbacks. They are a part of life. The quicker you recover from them, the better.
  • Effort-oriented: Don’t focus on the results. Focus on the efforts you put in. Believe they’ll eventually pay off. And usually, they do.
  • Positive Self-Talk: Motivating yourself is important to cultivate a growth mindset. Positive self-talk is one way of that.

But most important of all, don’t lose your faith in yourself. It’s important to trust yourself to make yourself grow.

In conclusion,

Having the right mindset is crucial for success in life. Our mindset shapes our beliefs and opinions, and ultimately, our world. By understanding the difference between a fixed and growth mindset, and by cultivating resilience and effort, we can change our way of thinking and achieve our goals.

Remember, it's never too late to change your mindset and start living the life you want. So, embrace challenges, learn from failures, and always believe in yourself. With the right mindset, anything is possible!

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Growth Mindset
Personal Development
Personal Growth
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