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The website content recounts the history of the first American Christmas, marked by General George Washington's strategic crossing of the Delaware River on Christmas Day 1776 to lead a successful surprise attack against Hessian forces in Trenton, New Jersey, during the Revolutionary War.


The first "American" Christmas is recognized as a significant event in 1776, following the Declaration of Independence, which signified America's break from England. Despite the lack of a solid government structure, as the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution were yet to be established, the American Continental Army, led by General George Washington, demonstrated their commitment to independence. On Christmas Day, Washington orchestrated a daring crossing of the Delaware River amidst harsh winter conditions to surprise and defeat the Hessian troops in Trenton, who were celebrating the holiday and had lowered their guard. This victory, along with subsequent battles at Trenton and Princeton, boosted American morale and unity, setting the stage for the eventual British surrender at Yorktown in 1781. The narrative emphasizes the pivotal role of Washington's leadership and the resilience of the Continental Army during a critical phase of the Revolutionary War.


  • The author, Bill Petro, positions the crossing of the Delaware and the subsequent Battle of Trenton as a turning point in the Revolutionary War, highlighting its importance in American history.
  • The content suggests that the American Colonists' spirits were significantly lifted by Washington's strategic victory, which was crucial for the morale and unity of the Continental Army and American militias.
  • The text implies a sense of betrayal or exploitation regarding the use of Hessian soldiers by the British, as it was one of the grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence.
  • The author seems to admire Washington's decision to attack on Christmas, a holiday celebrated by the Hessian troops, as a bold and unconventional military strategy.
  • The narrative conveys a sense of historical irony in the future US Secretary of Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, participating in the battle at the College of New Jersey, where he had previously been denied admission.
  • The article commends the bravery and sacrifice of the Continental Army soldiers, noting the low number of American lives lost in the Battle of Trenton compared to the number of Hessian soldiers captured.

Christmas Series: First American Christmas

History of the First American Christmas

Crossing the Delaware in 1776

Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel Leutze, 1851. Image: Wikipedia

It is called the first “American” Christmas because the Declaration of Independence was created the previous summer, essentially “divorcing” America from England and declaring our country an independent nation.

Admittedly, the country had not yet created a solid form of government. The Articles of Confederation were not produced until 1781, nor was the subsequent Constitution (1788). But there is no doubt that Americans saw themselves as independent of England… at least most did. But these “Patriots” had to fight for their independence in a War of Independence, a Revolutionary War.

Crossing the Delaware

General Washington, Commander of the Continental Army, 1776 portrait, by Charles Willson Peale. Image: Wikipedia

On Christmas Day of 1776, General George Washington led the American Continental Army across the Delaware River to attack British forces in Trenton, New Jersey.

The Patriots had met with an unsuccessful Fall, experiencing defeats in New York.

  • Supplies and morale were low.
  • The British had overrun Fort Washington in Manhattan, taking 2,000 American prisoners.
  • Ninety percent of the Continental Army soldiers who had served at Long Island were gone.
  • Men had deserted, feeling that the cause for independence was lost.
  • The line between being an American Patriot and being a Loyalist to England was thin, and hard times made it easier to cross that line.

Even the 44-year-old George Washington was discouraged, having written to his cousin in Virginia,

“I think the game is pretty nearly up.”

Trenton, the Turning Point

The Battle of Trenton was a pivotal one during the war. After Washington had crossed the icy Delaware River on Christmas, he marched the main forces of the Continental Army, 2,400 men, for four hours the nine miles south to Trenton against Hessian auxiliaries. Washington planned three separate river crossings using cargo boats and ferries. Still, only one made it across the 300-yard wide river amid snow and sleet that night, enabled by strong New Englanders who were experienced seamen.

Washington chose as his challenge or counter-sign for the crossing,

“Victory or Death.”

The enemy was called Hessians because 65% of these soldiers came from the German states of Hesse-Kassel and Hesse-Hanau. In total, these auxiliaries comprised a quarter of the British land forces. They were called “auxiliaries” because, unlike mercenaries who voluntarily fight for a foreign government for pay, these were hired out by their own government to whom they remained in service. The Hessian states received a significant source of income from loaning out highly trained and disciplined fighters like these to the British to the tune of 30,000 total. Indeed, using these foreign fighters was one of the 27 grievances the Colonies had declared as a violation of Colonist’s rights against King George III in the US Declaration of Independence.

Battle of Trenton

Battle of Trenton, 1975 portrait by Charles McBarron Jr. Image: Wikipedia

Washington did something unusual that turned the tide. Attacking during the bitter winter was not uncommon; it’s been done for centuries before and since, including at the WWII Battle of the Bulge. Nor was the night attack unusual.

On December 23, 1776, General Washington met with Dr. Benjamin Rush, a Declaration of Independence signer and amongst the few congressmen who were still in Philadelphia. He confided to Rush a stunning and momentous decision: to launch an unexpected attack on the Hessians.

What was rather remarkable was that Washington made a daring surprise attack on Christmas, a holiday that the German troops observed. The Hessians had lowered their guard in their celebrations and stationed no long-distance outposts or patrols.

He inspired the troops with Thomas Paine‘s “The American Crisis.” They would shout these words as they pressed their attack,

“These are the times that try men’s souls.”

Caught unprepared, at about 8:00 AM on the cold morning of December 26, the battle was fierce but short against the sleepy 1,400 Hessians stationed there. Within two hours, 900 of the Hessians surrendered, though a third crossed the Assunping Creek to escape, at the cost of only 4 American lives.

A week later, on January 2, 1777, Washington would fight again as he repulsed an attack by British regulars in Trenton under the command of Lord Charles Cornwallis at what would be called the Battle of Assunping Creek, located south of Trenton.

The next day, the Americans marched 10 miles south to fight the Battle of Princeton, defeating Cornwallis’ rear guard before retreating to Morristown, NJ, for their winter quarters.

Historical Trivia:

Alexander Hamilton, New York Artillery, by Alonzo Chappel. Image: Wikipedia

Future US Secretary of Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, fired cannons at the British troops in Nassau Hall, the main building of the College of New Jersey (now called Princeton University) where, though he had been declined admittance there three years earlier, he gained permission to take courses at his own pace.

Future US President James Monroe crossed the Delaware and was wounded by a musket ball to his arm at the Battle of Trenton.

American Victory

News of Washington’s initiative raised the spirits of the American Colonists. Washington’s actions enabled the Continental Army to reassert American control of much of New Jersey and significantly improve the morale and unity of the Colonial Army and American militias. Cornwallis would ultimately surrender to Washington on October 19, 1781.

Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, VA, 1781, by Nathaniel Currier. Image: Wikipedia

But Cornwallis was unwilling to face Washington, so he sent his Brigade General Charles O’Hara, instead to present his sword. Washington, similarly, had his second-in-command, Benjamin Lincoln, accept Cornwallis’ sword.

Bill Petro, your friendly neighborhood historian billpetro.com

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