avatarJasbeer Singh


For Work And Nothing, Don’t Know Why I Always Ignored My Health

Why do we always de-prioritize our health?

Photo by Olga Kononenko on Unsplash

Last week I went to Gurgaon, India City to work from office mode. I joined the office after more than 3 years of working from home.

It was altogether a very different experience for me to work from the office.

I loved the work environment and went to the office for regular 3 days.

Meeting with colleagues, working from my seat, going to the cafeteria for food, and watching other people coming to the office were something I missed all these years.

I traveled more than 650km to visit my office and stayed there for a week in a hotel.

I ordered my food from the hotel and commuted to the office via cab daily.

I enjoyed the whole week but missed my home badly.

The one I missed the most was my son who called me every day on WhatsApp video call.

The very different thing for me was the hustle and bustle of the city.

The crowd and weather were altogether different for me.

The traffic and so much noise in the markets were disturbing my peace of mind.

After one week, I came back home. But now I was not feeling well.

I suffered from a throat infection, high fever, and body aches.

The week has passed but still, I have not recovered from the same.

I am writing this today with a cold and cough disturbing me.

I know the reason behind all this. It is only me.

The reason for my weakness and my bad health is only me.

I am sluggish in taking care of my health.

I can be busy with work the whole day doing things that are not required at all. Or reading, writing, and consuming content.

but when it comes to taking care of health I am the worst in this.

I don’t take care of healthy food and exercise or meditation.

I read these things that our health is a wealth but, when it comes to real life, my health is the least priority for me.

Now I am suffering due to this only.

I went to the office for 3 days only in another city.

I don’t know if it was a sudden change in weather or way of work.

After coming home, I am on medication and feeling very sick.

I have taken sick leave as I cannot sit for work and concentrate.

I feel very weak and uneasy and the reason is that I want to complete every other thing and never take 1% care of my health.

I should change, no I must change this.

— Health is priority

— if health is good, work can be easy

— wealth comes after health

— if you are healthy, you can engage in anything

— your health is you, nobody else will care

— what matters is you.

Healthy Lifestyle
Self Improvement
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