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The website content describes a dreamlike vision of a global, digital community centered around nutrition, humor, and storytelling, spearheaded by Surekha and supported by Dr. Mehmet Yildiz and Mike Broadly, which has materialized into the "ILLUMINATION's Nutrition" publication on Medium.


In a whimsical narrative, the author recounts a fantastical dream where they encounter the "Illuminating Nutrition Kitchen," a virtual hub for nutrition enthusiasts on Medium. This community is the brainchild of Surekha, a chef and writer from India, who invites contributors from around the world to share their culinary experiences, recipes, and nutritional insights. The publication is enriched by the contributions of Dr. Mehmet Yildiz, a nutrition expert, and Mike Broadly, an Australian writer known for his humor. The platform is envisioned as a place for writers to exchange knowledge, engage in lighthearted banter about food, and find camaraderie in their passion for nutrition. The author reflects on the diverse and vibrant nature of the community, which includes debates on various diets, personal anecdotes, and the sharing of wisdom across cultures, all while maintaining a light-hearted and inclusive atmosphere.


  • The author views the "Illuminating Nutrition Kitchen" as a unique and extraordinary place for nutrition enthusiasts.
  • Surekha is portrayed as a visionary leader and culinary expert who has created a welcoming and diverse community.
  • Dr. Mehmet Yildiz is seen as a dedicated nutrition advocate, encouraging participation in the publication.
  • Mike Broadly brings an element of humor and Australian camaraderie to the publication, making it more engaging and relatable.
  • The author expresses surprise and delight at the global reach and collaborative nature of the publication.
  • The publication is celebrated for its ability to blend humor with wisdom, making complex nutritional topics accessible and enjoyable.
  • The author emphasizes the inclusive nature of the community, welcoming writers of all levels of expertise, from seasoned chefs to novices.
  • The narrative suggests that the publication has become a source of inspiration and a platform for writers to showcase their work and connect with like-minded individuals.

Nutrition and Humor

I Had a Bizarre Dream About an Illuminating Nutrition Kitchen in the Vast Plains of Medium

Stars of my dream were Surekha, Dr. Yildiz, and Dr. Broadly — Our Nutritional Avengers from the Lands Down Under and Beyond!

Photo by Phạm Tuấn Hải from Pexels

This was a bizarre dream from all ends as I found myself in the mystical land of Medium in a far and exotic galaxy. There existed a wondrous place known as the Illuminating Nutrition Kitchen.

At the helm of this gastronomic galaxy was none other than Surekha, the illustrious Chief and Chef Extraordinaire hailing from the exotic realms of India. Surekha Chandrasekhar was not just a chef but a culinary sorceress, weaving nutritional spells with a dash of spice and a sprinkle of wisdom.

She decided to create a publication, a haven for all the wordsmiths who fancied themselves as nutrition enthusiasts, or at least folks who could tell a carrot stick from a celery stalk.

In a proclamation that echoed across the vast plains of Medium, Surekha declared,

“Let there be a place where writers and readers alike can gather to discuss the mysteries of diets, the wonders of food, and the artistry of recipes!”

And thus, the Illuminating Nutrition Kitchen publication was born.


Surekha envisioned a community where the scribes could share their tales of triumphs and mishaps in the realm of nutrition.

She wanted writers to come together like ingredients in a recipe, creating a literary feast for the mind.

Surekha sent out invites to writers from all corners of the Medium universe.

“Come one, come all! Whether you’re a seasoned chef or someone who thinks “cooking” is a microwave button, there’s a spot for you in our kitchen of knowledge.”

The response was as diverse as a spice bazaar.

Writers from different cultures and backgrounds flocked to the publication. They shared stories of epic culinary fails, triumphant diet transformations, and heartwarming recipes handed down through generations.

Surekha, with her diplomatic charm, welcomed every writer, turning the publication into a global potluck of ideas.

She laughed heartily at the funny anecdotes, offered words of encouragement for the kitchen mishaps, and nodded sagely at the nutritional insights.

In the Illuminating Nutrition Kitchen, writers exchanged recipes and jokes about kale (because, let’s be honest, who really likes kale?).

They debated the merits of various diets, from keto to vegan, with the fervor of philosophers discussing the meaning of life.

Surekha, the Chief and Chef, orchestrated this symphony of flavors with a blend of humor, wisdom, and a touch of spice that only someone from Exotic India could bring. The kitchen became a place where writers found inspiration for their next culinary masterpiece and companionship in this delicious journey of words.

And so, in the heart of Medium, the Illuminating Nutrition Kitchen flourished, bringing laughter, knowledge, and the occasional burnt cookie to writers around the globe.

Surekha, with her ladle in one hand and a pen in the other, continued to stir the cauldron of creativity, creating a community that celebrated the richness of words and the joy of a well-cooked story.

Out of the blue, Dr Mehmet Yildiz burst onto the scene like a nutrition superhero, declaring,

“This land shall be extraordinary! Every nutrition enthusiast, from the seasoned chefs to the microwave-button maestros, shall pilgrimage to this haven of wisdom in the vast cyberspace.”

And just as I was absorbing this grand declaration, I got a Slack ping from Dr. Yildiz, asking, “Hey Aiden, would you like to cook up a YouTube video for our latest creation, ILLUMINATION’s Nutrition, created by Surekha?”

I questioned, ‘Are you for real Dr Yildiz?’ He responded confidently, ‘Absolutely. Why the surprise? I even submitted one of my boosted stories there.” Hesitant to reveal my peculiar dream, I pondered on how to respond and heard a bell on my Slack.

Then, imagine my surprise when my Aussie buddy Mike Broadly dropped me a message, saying, “Guess what, mate? Our legendary friend Surekha just whipped up a new and juicy pub, ILLUMINATION-Nutrition, and I’m spinning a yarn about it. Fancy joining the banter?”

Knowing Mike, the bloke who always has a quip ready. You know, he loves teasing me, claiming I’m as young as his eldest grandkid! He even wrote an open letter to me on Medium. And, of course, I responded to his funny letter in my Aussie accent.

And there goes Mike, defying expectations with a scholarly story! No Aussie slangs in sight — surprisingly well-articulated, even decipherable for folks like me who usually need a translation from down under!

I swear I did a mental facepalm and thought, “Good gravy, what on earth is happening in this topsy-turvy world?”

To regain some semblance of sanity, I retreated to my comfort zone — computer games. Because, in the midst of the digital chaos, blasting virtual aliens seemed like the most logical thing to do.

So here I am, gearing up for a rollercoaster of Aussie humor, inspiration from Dr Yildiz, and Surekha’s nutritional wisdom from India. It is gonna be ripper fun, no doubt!

Join us, and let’s eat, chat, and even play in this virtual cuisine of the ILLUMINATION community.

Here is the link to the announcement by Surekha.

With that being said, thank you for reading my post, and have a good one.

Here are my previous collections.

Here’s What I Wrote in July 2023.

Here’s What I Wrote in June 2023

Here’s What I Wrote in May 2023

Here’s What I Wrote in April 2023

Here’s What I Wrote in March 2023

I provided an update on my last month.

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About Me

I write articles in my field covering gaming, film-making, social media, and design. I am also a YouTuber. Thank you for subscribing to my account to get notifications when I post on Medium. I also created a new website to share my content for free and promote stories of writers contributing to my publications on Medium. I also have a Substack newsletter. Let’s connect on Twitter and LinkedIn.

I own two publications on Medium. One for video gamers and another for YouTubers and Podcasters. I also support Illumination Integrated Publications as a volunteer editor and participate in collaborative activities in the Slack Workspace. Writer applications for my publications can be sent via this weblink. Please add your Medium ID.

If you are new to Medium, you may join via my referral link. You may also consider being a Vocal+ member to monetize your content. I write for both platforms and repurpose my content to reach a larger audience. Here is more information about Vocal Media. I also enjoy email marketing using Cliqly, my referral link.

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