avatarMike Broadly, DHSc


An Australian writer humorously reflects on the comparison made by a fellow writer, Aiden, between himself and successful Medium writer Tim Denning.


In this humorous and light-hearted article, an Australian writer named Mike Broadly shares his thoughts on being compared to successful Medium writer Tim Denning by his fellow writer, Aiden. Mike expresses his gratitude for Aiden's kind words but also acknowledges the significant differences between himself and Tim, such as their age and writing pace. Mike, who is retired and in his mid-70s, emphasizes that he is not looking to chase the limelight or write at a rapid pace like Tim. Instead, he enjoys sharing his life lessons and supporting other writers as a volunteer editor for Illumination publications. The article is filled with Australian slang and a friendly, conversational tone, making it an entertaining read.

Bullet points

  • Mike Broadly, an Australian writer, is compared to successful Medium writer Tim Denning by fellow writer Aiden.
  • Mike expresses gratitude for Aiden's kind words but acknowledges the differences between himself and Tim, such as their age and writing pace.
  • Mike is retired and in his mid-70s, not looking to chase the limelight or write at a rapid pace like Tim.
  • Mike enjoys sharing his life lessons and supporting other writers as a volunteer editor for Illumination publications.
  • The article is written in a humorous and light-hearted tone, filled with Australian slang.


A Hopeful Aussie Tale: Could Yours Truly Be the Next Tim Denning?

A Brief Open Letter with an Aussie Flair to Aiden from Illumination Gaming — A Source of Honour and Inspiration

Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels

Story Context: Here’s a ripper for ya — Aiden (Illumination Gaming) got this wild idea that yours truly might just be the next Tim Denning on this very platform. Why, you ask? Well, it turns out we both call this sunburned land home, and Aiden’s reckonin’ that might just be the secret ingredient to cookin’ up some success on Medium. So, gather ‘round as I spin you a yarn about this cheeky notion of Aiden, this fair dinkum hunch that’s got me chucklin’ and ponderin’ all at once.

G’day Aiden,

Dear young mate, let me kick this off with hearty cheers. Yes, your tales are like a shot of espresso to my noggin, keeping those brain cells joggin’ in style. Now, let me spin you a yarn that’s got more twists than a kangaroo’s dance moves.

So, here’s the thing — I stumbled upon this young bloke named Tim Denning on this writing spot, all the way from Down Under, just like you and me, Aiden.

Firstly, the funny thing is, he’s younger than my youngest squib. Heck, he’s even on par with my oldest whippersnapper grandkid. Can you believe that?

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’ve been knockin’ words around for five decades, but I’m a bit of a newbie here in the Medium game.

I reckon I won’t be pullin’ a Tim Denning any time soon — his stories are like catnip for thousands of readers, and me?

Well, let’s just say my pace is more turtle than tiger.

Sure, I’m chuffed to bits about the compliments you’ve been slingin’ my way, but mate, let’s not chuck any more weight on these old shoulders.

I finally clocked out after 53 years of graft, and now it’s time to enjoy the sunsets and coldies. Money ain’t the name of the game; it’s all about keepin’ the gears upstairs turnin’ and helpin’ fellow scribes shine like a star on a clear night.

Now, I’ll admit, sharin’ my life lessons is a ripper way to spend the days, and I’m tickled pink knowin’ folks might get a thing or two from my tales.

But I ain’t lookin’ to churn out words like a factory line to chase the limelight. There’s this legendary Tim fella, right?

He’s like a rocket, probably spun out thousands of stories by now, stealing the hearts of many readers. Meanwhile, my ticker’s got more candles than a birthday cake.

I’ve got a soft spot for Tim’s mojo, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll channel him in another lifetime. But in this round of life, I’m clockin’ over 70 years — no speedy sprints left in these old bones.

Anyways, Aiden, a good looking guy on YouTube with a cool Aussie accent, your shout-out’s got me grinnin’ like a possum with a secret stash of eucalyptus leaves in my back pocket. I owe you cold ones by the dozen for that one, mate.

Your juicy tales, Aiden, they are pure gold. I’ve been swipin’ ideas from ’em, makin’ my grandkids reckon I’m a gaming guru. That kind of street cred? Well, it’s worth its weight in gold to this old-timer.

Crikey, you’re not just a looker but a right clever wordsmith, too. You’ve got a knack for pokin’ at my rusty gears and kick-startin’ my brain cells into action.

Your ripper stories are like a breath of fresh air on a scorchin’ arvo — they keep me chuggin’ along and earnin’ brownie points with my grandkids by nickin’ ideas from your top-notch tales on Illumination Gaming. I have no Aussie words for your management of Illumination Videos and Podcasts. Keep curating, mate!

I reckon I owe ya a cold one for bein’ a true blue supporter of our YouTube channel and scribblin’s. You’re a true blue legend, mate. Keep up the rip-snortin’ work, and let’s keep the good times rollin’!

Mate, just like you, I’m fair dinkum addicted to Tim’s yarns on Illumination. It’s like a daily ritual — cuppa in hand, feet up, and diving headfirst into his tales. And let me tell ya, I’m not the only one! All our editors are gobbling up his stuff faster than a pack of seagulls on a hot chip. True blue fan club, we are!

Catch you on the flip side, my skippy friend. Until then, keep those stories comin’, and I’ll be sittin’ back with my coldies, givin’ those brain cells a workout.

Cheers and good on ya, mate.

PS. Now, let me tell ya, I had a squiz at your cracker of a story about Tim on the Lamshade of Illumination. It was like sippin’ on a glass of the finest Guinness — chockers with content and inspiration that’s top-shelf. How on earth did you manage to get Artifishal Intellijence dancin’ like a kangaroo on a hot tin roof, spittin’ out such a rippin’ piece of class? Fair dinkum, hats off to ya, mate!

If you enjoyed this story, you may check my new one about how well I did on this platform after 1st August.

Thank you for reading my story. I look forward to your feedback.

I dedicate this funny story to my other Aussie friends Dr Mehmet Yildiz, Dr John Frederick Rose, Dr Kylie Harris, Britni Pepper, Maria Rattray, Amy Marley, Grace Mary Power, and more I haven’t met yet but will soon.

About Me

I am a retired scientist in his mid-70s and a new writer on Medium, but I am not new to writing. As a giveback activity, I volunteered to be an editor for Illumination publications, supporting many writers recently joining Medium like me.

If you want to write for these publications, you may send your Medium ID via this weblink. I will be happy to read, publish, and promote your stories.

You may connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Quora, where I share stories I read. I plan to share stories I read and edit on the Quora Space of the Illumination-Curated publication.

Here are the links to my recent stories.

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