avatarAiden (Illumination Gaming)


Email Marketing

Start Cliqly with a YouTube Video I Created for Beginners

How to use CLIQLY to earn easy money from your computer in 10 minutes daily

Image screen capture by Aiden (Illumination Gaming) on Illumination YouTube Channel.

Hey there, future email marketing rockstars! I have a piece of fantastic news for you. It is something straightforward and fun that can bring you guaranteed cash daily. And it won’t take more than 10 minutes of your time. No need to solve puzzles or do cold calling. All you need is click click and click on Cliqly site quickly.

To make it easy for you, I created a short (7-minute) YouTube video showing you how to get started with Cliqly. If you don’t have access to YouTube, here is the video transcript for you.

Here is the link to the video on Illumination YouTube Channel. Please remember to subscribe to receive updates on our educative videos.

Transcript of the Video

Ready to turn your web browser into a cash register and earn easy money without leaving your computer? Well, you’re in for a treat because today, I’m your guide to the exciting world of Cliqly.

So, what the heck is Cliqly, you ask?

Imagine it as the cupid of email marketing, bringing you together with a charming and lucrative relationship!

Ready for some money-making magic? You may be asking how to Make Money with Cliqly, right? It is easy peasy.

The secret is you can get paid for every email opened with Cliqly’s ‘get paid per opened email’ deal!

Whenever someone opens your email, it’s like winning the lottery in your inbox. You may almost instantly hear the sound of money hitting your favorite money box. You will be addicted to this sound, like Pavlov’s dogs.

But wait, there’s more! Sprinkle some affiliate marketing magic with Cliqly! Become the grand wizard of links and watch as thousands of hungry readers click their way to your cash!

You may wonder whether Cliqly would cost you. Good news! Cliqly is free for those who want to dip their toes in the water, as many people who love freebies.

But for an upgrade and secret features to boost your commission, you can get the VIP treatment for just 97 USD. I did and reaped some benefits.

Wondering how much you can earn with Cliqly?

You earn 10 cents per opened email. For example, I send more than 5000 emails with one click, and at least 50 people open it. So it brings me around $5.

With the low risk and potentially high rewards, why not give Cliqly a shot? It’s like a risk-free, exhilarating joyride to the land of email marketing wonders. Plus, you get to learn a superpower skill — email marketing wizardry.

Now the hearing of this presentation. I know you want to know how to start. I will definitely get you started in less than ten minutes.

How to start Cliqly quickly step by step?

The first thing is to start with the Cliqly site. I provided a link in the description section.

When you click on that link, you will see the page with a video. The video is inspiring, so it is worth watching.

Image screen capture Cliqly site

Then in a few seconds, a pop-up window will appear.

So you may click on the YES button.

Image screen capture Cliqly site

If the pop-up window does not show, don’t worry.

There is a button at the bottom of the page to get started.

Image screen capture Cliqly site

When you click the button, you will also see some testimonials in video format. They all sound happy and cheerful.

Of course, we don’t expect the owners to put negative comments on their front page. By the way, I know one of these happy people, but I don’t want to mention their names to protect their privacy.

Image screen capture Cliqly site

The next step is to fill out the following easy form. Remember to inform you are not a robot but a decent human being.

Image screen capture Cliqly site

Once you complete the form and submit it by clicking the Build Your System Now button, you will instantly receive an email similar to the following screen capture. How cool is this!

Image screen capture by the author from his email for information only

When you receive an email, you will see user names and initial passwords in the email, but I cut those parts in the screen capture as this is a public article.

So when you receive such an email, you click on the Log In Here section in the message. It will take you to your portal, as shown in the following screen capture. Easy peasy!

Image screen capture Cliqly site

As a paid member, I get extra entries on the left panel, but when you begin, you will see only these as I captured before being a member. This is what you get when you are a free member.

Image screen capture Cliqly site from the authors portal

Here’s How to Start Sending Emails which brings ten cents per opened email.

If you follow these steps it won’t take you more than 10 minutes daily. If you don’t follow the steps, you might need to do unnecessary troubleshooting that might waste your precious time. So please read these steps carefully to save you time.

You click on the STEP 1 tab shown in the following screen, which will be on the left of your screen when you log on to your portal.

1 — Choose to send an email to your OPENERS LIST.

2 — Enter how many people you’d like to send the email to. I usually select 5000, which makes my job easier to complete 20 daily requirements.

3 — Press enter.

4 — Choose one of the pre-written (pre-approved) emails to send to the list.

5 — Choose whether you would like to send the clicks generated to Your Commission Tracking Link or to another offer.

6 — Enter your “From Name.” Your first name is accepted.

7 — Press Send or Schedule the email to be sent at another time. I haven’t scheduled it yet, but there might be a need for it, like targeting people in certain parts of the globe.

So when you send an email like that, and someone opens it, automatically, ten cents go to your money box.

From my experience opening rate is around 1%. Some people might get less or more. So out of around 5000 email subscribers, my email typically brings me 50+ clicks, equaling $5. So I earn by sending just one email than writing an article.

Let me show you a sample of open rates from my recent transactions. As you can see, the open rate is all over 50. Some even get 85. They must be well-written email scripts enticing readers.

image by the author

By the way, you can choose the type of emails you want to send from the repository, but it will take time. It is up to you.

How to Start Sending Emails which Build Your List

The second advantage of Cliqly is to create your own list so that you can do affiliate marketing, such as promoting your own products.

I understand that Cliqly allows us to download our lists, but I haven’t tried it yet. When I learn I will write an article about it.

Nevertheless, you may consider sending a few emails to build your own list.

To achieve this goal, click on STEP 2 and follow the instructions in the previous section. So when we send an email, it goes to 5000 people. I assume at least a few people might subscribe to our list.

Cliqly manages the process. I read somewhere that they do data cleaning regularly, like removing uninterested people, which is a good service.

Some marketers believe this is not a good way of building a list, and they suggest creating our list via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Google ads is better. But they cost money too.

So it is a personal preference. I choose this one and will try it for a while.

I will inform you of my progress as I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience.

So that’s it. Daily you spend 10 minutes, and your money automatically goes to a portal you can see at any moment.

The Value of Upgrading to Next Level

As a free user, I relished my Cliqly experience, but when my email marketing mentor, a list-building wizard, wholeheartedly endorsed the upgrade, my curiosity was piqued.

Initially hesitant about the investment, I pondered if it would elevate my business. Yet, my mentor passionately explained the benefits, and his conviction won me over.

Trusting his expertise, I leaped and upgraded my Cliqly account.

Lo and behold, after investing $97, I unlocked a remarkable 15% boost for expanding my mailing list and attracting new subscribers, making the decision undeniably rewarding.

Image screen capture by the author from his email for information only

There are many benefits of upgrading to the paid version called Cliqly Pro with 200,000 List Building, allowing 500,000 emails.

In my upcoming article, I’ll delve into the benefits of upgrading, catering to those ready for advanced features while sparing beginners from boredom.

So stay tuned to discover why upgrading is beneficial and how it can maximize the returns on your investment.

So, what are you waiting for? Click on those magical Cliqly links in the description section of this video and unlock the secrets of email marketing wonders!

Stay tuned because, in the next video soon, I will show you how to maximize your income through Cliqly.

And don’t forget to hit that subscribe button for more thrilling Cliqly updates! Stay tuned, and let’s kick poverty out the door and embrace a world of financial abundance!

So my champs, I’ll see you soon with more mind-blowing money-making tips that’ll make Mr. Warren Buffett wish he had me as his financial advisor! Until then, keep on making that money, my moneymakers mates

I hope you enjoyed this video.

So please share it with your friends who might be interested in this online money-making business.

If you missed my initial humorous story, here is the link to give you a few chuckles.

Please also consider subscribing to my Substack newsletter, where I will share all my money-making ideas in short posts.

Here are a few money-making ideas for you

About Me

I write articles in my field covering gaming, film-making, social media, and design. I am also a YouTuber. Thank you for subscribing to my account to get notifications when I post on Medium. I also created a new website to share my content for free and promote stories of writers contributing to my publications on Medium. I also have a Substack newsletter. Let’s connect on Twitter and LinkedIn.

I own two publications on Medium. One for video gamers and another for YouTubers and Podcasters. I also support Illumination Integrated Publications as a volunteer editor and participate in collaborative activities in the Slack Workspace. Writer applications for my publications can be sent via this weblink. Please add your Medium ID.

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Email Marketing
Online Business
Passive Income
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