avatarMike Broadly, DHSc


5 Reasons I Enjoy My Retirement Years More Than Working Ones

My life became better after retiring from my 53 years of service

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

Dear Reader,

I’m a new writer on Medium, and this is my first story. However, I’ve been writing for a long time, mainly professional content. I aim to share my stories with like-minded readers and writers and learn from diverse experiences.

I’ve read many articles since I joined and enjoyed them very much. Some stories blew my mind, and some warmed my heart. Most of them gave me hope and inspired me to share my stories.

Those stories I read encouraged me to write my own stories in my own style, which is plain and straight. I prefer simple language to convey my messages.

This platform looks ideal for my needs. So, starting from my retirement, I plan to return to my working years and share some memories from my profession. However, the online world makes me nervous. I need to get used to it by writing and engaging consistently. It will take a while.

Fortunately, I found a new community that supports me. My gratitude to Dr Mehmet Yildiz, who encouraged me to join Medium and offered to be part of his publications.

I like the Illumination community and want to be part of the writing and reading activities. Today, I found many stories from the Reading Club initiative posted by ILLUMINATION-Curators.

I hope you enjoy my first short story.

1 — Freedom and Flexibility

Retirement allows me to structure my days as I please, without the constraints of work schedules or deadlines.

It offers the flexibility to engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment to me. This newfound freedom also allows my retiree friends to pursue their passions, hobbies, and interests that may have been neglected during their working years.

Retirement can lead to a greater sense of purpose and overall life satisfaction. As a retiree, I can focus on personal growth, self-care, and pursuing activities that align with my values and interests. This positively impacts mental health and well-being, bringing me to the next point.

2 — Better Focus on Health and Well-being

Retirement allows me to prioritize my physical and mental health. It provides more time for exercise, healthy eating, stress management, and self-care practices.

By focusing on health and well-being, I can experience improved physical fitness, mental health, and overall vitality.

A healthier lifestyle can lead to increased longevity, reduced risk of chronic illnesses, and better quality of life. My retiree friends enjoy their retirement years with vitality and well-being.

3 — Reduced Stress and Work-Related Pressure

Retirement eliminates the stressors and pressures associated with work, like demanding deadlines, performance expectations, and workplace conflicts.

By removing work-related stress, I experience a significant reduction in overall stress levels. This contributes to my improved physical and mental health outcomes.

Reduced stress levels allow me to enjoy a more relaxed and balanced lifestyle. It positively impacts my sleep patterns, health, and overall quality of life.

4 — More Time for Relationships and Social Connections

Retirement gives me more time and flexibility to nurture relationships with family, friends, and community.

It allows for more social interactions and meaningful connections. Investing time in relationships and social connections can promote belonging, support, and emotional well-being.

It can combat isolation and loneliness. Strong social connections are associated with better mental function, lower risk of mental health issues, and increased longevity.

As a retiree, I enjoy more profound relationships and create lasting memories with my loved ones.

5 — Personal Interests and Lifelong Learning

Retirement offers an opportunity for my personal growth, exploration, and the pursuit of new interests and hobbies.

It allows me to engage in lifelong learning without the constraints of work. Continued intellectual stimulation and learning contribute to my vitality and might delay age-related mental decline.

Pursuing personal interests provides me fulfillment and purpose in life. As a retiree, explore new passions, develop new skills, and engage in activities that promote better health.


I initially had concerns when I embarked on my retirement journey, fearing that I might encounter boredom and stress. However, much to my surprise, the opposite proved to be true.

The transition to retirement has been incredibly fulfilling and liberating for me. It has allowed me to explore new passions and spend quality time with my loved ones. I prioritize my well-being in ways that were not possible during my working years.

As I reflect on this transformative phase of life, I realize the immense value it holds. That’s why I wanted to take this opportunity to share my experiences with all of you.

Retirement is not just a time to unwind and relax. It’s a chance to discover new interests, deepen relationships, and embrace the joys of life.

Now, I would love to hear from all of you. What are your thoughts, concerns, or experiences with retirement? Has it lived up to your expectations? Are there any challenges you’ve faced or strategies you’ve employed to make the most of this chapter?

Please join me in this conversation. Let’s exchange stories and insights. Your perspective matters. I believe we can uncover retirement’s potential benefits and excitement together.

Thank you for reading my story.

I also volunteered to be an editor for the Readers Hope publication, supporting new writers recently joining Medium like me. If you want to write for that pub, you may send your Medium ID via this weblink.

You may connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Quora where I share stories I read. I plan to share stories I read and edit on the Quora Space of the Illumination-Curated publication.

If you are a new writer and plan to join the Medium Partner Program (MPP), please check my story, which might inspire you.

If you enjoy reading, you may join Medium using my referral link to gain unlimited access to stories written by me and other writers.

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