
Writing and Reading on Medium

Monthly Updates from ILLUMINATION Editorial Team: September 2023

Helpful information summarizing achievements and plans for writers and readers

Non-members can read this newsletter on our Substack site. Our publications are diverse and inclusive. New applications to join our publications are via the writer registration portal. Please add your Medium ID or a link to one of your stories. Details are on our master onboarding pack.

Image courtesy of Dr Mehmet Yildiz — owner and chief editor of Illumination Integrated Publications

Two Updates after posting the newsletter

Update of a new interview with Dr Mehmet Yildiz on how we boost stories.

Here is an update from Mike Broadly on what happened last week on Medium about writers losing significant incomce.

Dear Writers and Readers,

September was an interesting month, bringing joy and a bit of frustration to our team due to some glitches and writers who (allegedly) lost substantial income. We cover this issue below, as we wrote about it earlier.

The uplifting news is our network further grew with the addition of 700 new writers. Now, 23,774 writers contribute to Illumination Integrated Publications.

These writers, ranging from beginners to experts, all mingle together, having lots of fun with collaboration. We’re thankful for the captivating stories these creative writers share, making our cherished readers very happy. Every writer and reader is vital to us.

Last month’s notable event was the significant changes that Medium introduced, which initially positively impacted writers and readers.

These changes have prompted us to update our publishing guidelines to help our writers achieve their goals of increasing their readership and building their audience. Ensuring our publishing approach aligns with Medium’s new strategy, our editors updated our submission guidelines.

If you are a new writer and haven’t seen them, please review the relevant publications that you contribute before submitting your stories. We don’t publish everything and anything as some people think. We only publish meaningful, valuable, and well-crafted content on almost all topics.

Recently Updated Submission Guidelines

ILLUMINATION-Curated: New Submission Guidelines 2023

SYNERGY: Submission Guidelines 2023

Technology Hits: Submission Guidelines 2023

ILLUMINATION Book Chapters: Submission Guidelines 2023

Readers Hope: New Submission Guidelines 2023

Submission Guidelines: Illumination Integrated Publications

ILLUMINATION Gaming: Submission Guidelines 2023

Publishing and Conduct Guidelines for the Lampshade of ILLUMINATION

To ensure your content is published promptly, we kindly ask for your patience and request that you submit high-quality content and copyright-free images. We cannot stress enough how crucial quality is.

Quality is the top priority for Medium when it comes to distributing and promoting stories. Without it, your stories may receive very few views — some, even none at all.

This is a reality writers should be aware of and take necessary measures to avoid disappointment. Our guidelines outline these steps and offer valuable resources. Please submit only one high-quality story in a day. We return excessive stories.

On a positive note, we’re thrilled that Medium has boosted many stories from our publications, bringing numerous readers to our writers. In addition, a well-crafted story from our experienced writer Clayton Moulynox, appeared in Medium Staff Picks.

Another good news is:

As of the first of October, our special publication, ILLUMINATION-Curated, was selected as a boost nominating pub. Our chief editor will post a separate bulletin soon with additional guidance for our experienced writers. We will be able to nominate five qualifying stories per week.

You may check a comprehensive checklist to increase the chance of boosting provided by our chief editor Dr Mehmet Yildiz. This checklist will be invaluable for new writers to enhance the quality of their stories.

Dr. Yildiz has also published an article addressing the most commonly asked question about increasing income from writing on Medium and other platforms.

Update on ILLUMINATION Stats

All stats improved this month except the alleged earnings of writers.

Here are our 90-day stats covering reading times, visitors, and views.

Reading times

Reading time performance for 90 days is over 5.1 million minutes.


In the last three months, our stories received over 4.5 million views. This month, views increased by an extra 300K+. We are grateful for this.

The average of unique daily visitors

The average of unique visitors is 38,908 daily. After mid-September, we got over 40K unique visitors daily thanks to boosted stories. The number of daily visitors increased by around 500 per day.


We are pleased to see 992 new followers joined since last month. This is the best stats from last month.

Slack Members

We gained an extra 1000+ members to our Slack workspace.

Writer Registration

Since last month, around 700 new writers have registered in our portal.

Volunteer Editors

Now, we have 140 publishing and consulting editors.

As we grow, quality and meaningful engagement are the most important factors for making our stories visible. Here are some key points to remember:

We prioritize well-written articles free of language errors or image issues. Stories with errors may take longer to be published.

If your story doesn’t fit the Illumination theme, we might ask you to move it to a more suitable publication to ensure our readers receive the best content.

Writers who don’t follow our publication rules may experience delays in publishing while issues are resolved via private messages. Due to timezone differences, this process may take several days. To expedite publishing, please consider using our complimentary Slack workspace.

Joining our Slack workspace is optional but highly encouraged. It’s an excellent way to become part of the Illumination community. You’ll find channels for sharing stories, receiving feedback, and collaborating with fellow writers.

To give every writer a fair chance, we accept only one story per writer within 24 hours. However, you can submit additional stories to our smaller publications tailored to different audiences.

If you have questions or need assistance, you can contact our chief editor, Dr Mehmet Yildiz, in private on Slack, and he will direct your inquiries to the relevant editors. It’s important to note that Dr. Yildiz volunteers their time like all our editors. None of our publications or resources generate any revenue from writers.

Now Let’s Talk About Money, Which Seems to Bother Some Writers

In late September, we received numerous reports from our writers expressing concern about a notable decrease in earnings despite consistent stats. While some speculate it might be a system glitch or a depletion of Medium’s funds, the exact cause remains uncertain.

A few writers linked this drop to the perceived underperformance of our publications, prompting us to investigate. However, a thorough check revealed that our publication stats remained steady throughout September 2023. As highlighted in this bulletin, all our stats showed noticeable improvement. Therefore, it’s not an issue with our publications.

We recognize the importance of income for writers, and we understand that Medium is currently undergoing a transition phase. It’s possible that earnings for some writers, including our editors, might experience a decline during this period.

We acknowledge the concerns raised by many writers regarding this drop. However, we want to emphasize that while monetary aspects are significant, Medium offers writers a range of benefits beyond just income.

In response to the situation, our editorial team has crafted a story guiding writers through these changes. We encourage you to read this story, where we transparently share our position as editors.

Medium Isn’t a Money-Making Machine, It Offers Better Benefits for Writers

Our objective is to serve and inspire you to become better writers, fostering both professional growth and sustainable income increases along the way.

Here are three humorous and insightful stories from our editors.

We need more volunteer editors.

Our editorial team sometimes gets exhausted. Therefore, we need more volunteer editors as our publications keep growing. Some editors go on vacation, some need a break, or sometimes they get unwell.

If you have time and are interested in supporting our smaller publications as an editor, you may contact our chief editor Dr Mehmet Yildiz, on our Slack workspace. The eligibility criteria to serve as an editor for our publications are outlined in this article.

Our Slack group is open to all our contributors. We have 17,889 members on Slack. If you don’t have access to Slack or haven’t received the previous invitation, you can request it via this online web form.

Editors play a vital role in our writers’ success and our readers’ satisfaction. They review your content, publish it on time, and promote published stories to our readers using various methods.

These volunteer editors are also writers. Therefore, they understand the needs of writers. Currently, 140 volunteer editors support our 23K+ writers using the Slack workspace. This is a massive workload for them.

We thought that meeting our editors could be valuable for writers. Therefore, we started an initiative to introduce our editors’ backgrounds and writing styles. We add new editor profiles as our time allows. They usually use the same account on Slack so that you can contact them directly.

Writer Bios in a Collection — Introduce Yourself

If you are a new writer, introducing yourself to the community can bring many benefits to you, as we explained before. Dr Yildiz has shared six compelling reasons why every writer should create a bio on Medium in 2020.

From the beginning, we’ve encouraged our writers to share personal bios in their stories. These bios have been curated and shared with our subscribers, allowing readers to get to know the writers better. However, as the number of bios grew, it became challenging to manage them all.

To address this, Aiden (Illumination Gaming) has reorganized these bios into a shorter and more manageable format. We understand that our readers are keen to learn about the writers they follow, so you can explore these updated bios in our new collection.

If you are interested in earning some cash and increasing your email marketing skills, you may check an opportunity introduced by Aiden in step by step in a recent article. He also created a video about it with clear instructions.

Practical Guidance for Absolute Beginners

1 — How to submit your stories to publications

Now that you joined Medium and wrote your first story. Please follow these simple instructions. Once you do it a few times, it will be second nature. Not knowing this feature caused many new writers to wait for days.

When you draft your story, please click on the … (3 dots) on the top right side of your screen. Click on the add to publication, choose Illumination or other relevant pubs, and submit your story. When the story arrives in the publication queue, editors will review and publish it if your story qualifies. If not, they will leave a private message and return your story to fix, resubmit, or transfer to one of our other publications if it does not suit ILLUMINATION.

We no longer publish certain types of stories on ILLUMINATION and ILLUMINATION-Curated, so please review the new submission guidelines.

2 — Use Copyright-Free Images and Remember to Caption Them

A crucial issue is some new writers forget to add captions to photos and use copyrighted images. Violating copyright rules can lead to substantial penalties imposed by legal institutions.

Several writers got hefty fines; our editors don’t want this to happen to you. Therefore, our editors are diligently working to safeguard our writers. We kindly ask that you honor their requests, as they have your best interests at heart. You cannot use every image on stories behind the paywall.

If you are a new writer on Medium, please review the Photo Handling Policy before starting, as it is the most time-consuming issue for our editors and causes delays in publishing. Writers failing to meet our photo handling policy will be removed from publications.

3 — We don’t accept AI-generated content per Medium’s new strategy except for one dedicated publication [the Lampshade of ILLUMINATION]

Our publications do not accept content written by artificial intelligence tools, but we have a viable solution to make writers and readers happy.

Those writers who use generative AI tools like Jasper or ChatGPT can send their stories to our new publication, the Lampshade of ILLUMINATION. Details are attached.

Inquiries from Writers Living in India

Some writers from India also sent many inquiries regarding the MPP and payments, but unfortunately, our editorial team has no insights or updates on this. So we kindly suggest you directly contact Medium to learn about the progress.

Good News on More Visibility of Stories After Changes

We are pleased that some new writers have made significant strides in boosting their income and expanding their readership.

Two of our editors have documented their journeys in story format, and we’ve provided links to them here for your inspiration and guidance. These are from last month, and they will provide new updates soon. In the meantime, these stories might inspire our new writers.

This great story is from Mike Broadly — Healthier Lifestyle, and this inspiring one is from Aiden (Illumination Gaming).

Editor Biographies in a Collection

We introduce our new editors and collect those stories in a collection curated by ILLUMINATION-Curators.

We recently introduced a few new editors.

Editorial Profile of Aiden (Illumination Gaming)

Editorial Bio of Philip Writes

Editorial Bio of Elin Melaas

Editorial Profile of Kurt Dillon

Editorial Profile of Joanie Adams

Editorial Profile of Nurma Komala-Hadi

Editorial Profile of The Sturg

Editorial Profile of Surekha Chandrasekhar

Editorial Profile of Fahaz Hameed

Editorial Profile of Mr. Jacob Morales

Editorial Profile of Abraham Bamidele

Adding and Announcing New Writers

Adding writers, informing them, and responding to their inquiries takes time for our editors. To reduce the administrative workload, we created a short editorial bulletin in curated lists by our editorial accounts like ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curators, and ILLUMINATION Amplifiers to introduce new writers joining our publications.

As a practice, we now tag new writers to ensure they are informed about their acceptance through these collections when they join our community. We retain these tags for a few weeks to ensure that new members are aware of their acceptance. This tagging process also benefits new writers by helping them gain more followers.

If you are not informed by our curated collections for more than 48 hours after your application and cannot see the pubs in your list, that means that we couldn’t add you to publications, possibly due to missing Medium ID or system glitches, so you need to apply again using our writer registration portal. However, if you provide your email, you will most likely receive an auto invitation to Slack. We respond to writer inquiries on the Slack workspace. When you join, you can ask our chief editor Dr Mehmet Yildiz, to give you access to our pubs.

We accept every ethical writer willing to adhere to Medium’s rules. We don’t reject writer applications unless they are removed due to plagiarism or writing harmful content against Medium’s policies.

New writers need to review the master copy of the onboarding pack before submitting their stories. The most critical point is the photo handling policy attached to the information pack.

We remove publication-related articles and transfer them to the ILLUMINATION Blog pub. So you may check this blog pub when you need information related to our publications.

We created several featured pages for readers. Featured pages show stories to readers interested in specific topics. We continue improving our front page and featured pages to create more visibility for stories to readers. But we also use other tools for visibility.

Writer Introductions, Featuring, and Interviews

We introduce writers by creating profiles or interviewing them to create visibility for their profiles and content. Recently, Dr. Yildiz interviewed several writers. You can read these exciting interviews from the attached links.

Interview with Dr. Melissa Kalt, MD

An Interview with Yogesh Haribhau Kulkarni (PhD)

An Interview with Author Raymond M.E. Aguirre

An Interview with Hakima TANTRIKA Hakima T A N T R I K A

Interview with Dr. ADAM TABRIZ

An Interview with Ayodeji Awosika

We also started a new initiative titled “Make invisible stories visible “to increase our contributors’ views and read times. Here are some samples:

Meet Mark Sanford, Ph.D. Mark Sanford, Ph.D.

Meet Psychologist Cedric Johnson, Ph.D. on ILLUMINATION Cedric Johnson, PhD

Chosen Stories from Melinda Blau’s Unique Collection Melinda Blau

Chosen Stories from Sufyan Maan’s Collection Sufyan Maan, M.Eng

This month, we introduce a thought leader, Mr Thomas Allen Moon

Dr Mehmet Yildiz also reviewed his insightful book.

We feature our writers’ profiles via the Illumination YouTube channel and blog the transcripts. For example, our volunteer YouTube coordinator Aiden (Illumination Gaming), features writers on our channel. Contact him on our Slack workspace if you want to be featured.

You might find some sample YouTube videos featuring our top writers in this collection titled Meet Top Writers of Medium on YouTube.

Curating and Amplifying Stories for Visibility

Due to the hectic workload, our editors couldn’t create a new curated collection, but last month they did several. We link them here. We have changed our curation strategy and will share it in an upcoming bulletin.

We curated and distributed thousands of well-written pieces to our readers via blogs and social media. Our repository reached around a million published stories on Illumination and sister publications.

Hand-Picked Articles — 2023 #47: Chosen by the content curators of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium for avid readers

ILLUMINATION-Curators also started a new initiative called Reading Club. Here is the latest version.: ILLUMINATION Reading Club #7

ILLUMINATION Amplifiers started to feature book chapters submitted by our published author. Here is the latest version. Hand-Picked Book Chapters #02

Curated Video and Podcast Stories on Medium #3

Curated Stories from Illumination Gaming Publication #2

Last year, we posted 280 collections from the ILLUMINATION Amplifier account. The Illumination team published 138 collections, and ILLUMINATION-Curator posted around 10 collections featuring outstanding stories from experienced writers.

The latest collection from ILLUMINATION: Curated Collection #188

Writing Challenges and Prompts

Several writers completed writing challenges. The 100-Day Writing Challenge is popular. A few writers attempted to 1000 short forms in 100 days, too. You can submit one short form to each publication. You can use our 12 publications to spread your short-form stories.

Participating in these writing challenges for new MPP contributors might be helpful for progress. You may consider sharing your story links, concerns, and aspirations in this unique challenge. And many readers enjoyed the Challenge called “The Proust Questionnaire.”

These challenges might bring new readers to your stories. We look forward to reading your stories about these challenges. We also feature those who complete challenges in our curated collections, such as hand-picked article series and curated collection posts.

Guidance on Writing Viral Stories

The best way to gain more readers and earn more income on Medium is to create viral stories. It has a significant luck factor, but you might increase the chance with a concerted effort by writing engaging and interesting stories.

Dr Mehmet Yildiz compiled a post with critical items for creating viral stories based on my experience, observations, and reviews of over 100 viral stories in 2021. He is currently analyzing around 100 viral stories in our publications.

We hope some of your stories go viral in 2023. Please keep posting high-quality, informative, and engaging stories on interesting topics. You might ask your friends or family members to review and provide your feedback before submitting your stories. Also, try to find mentors from top writers who can give you guidance and feedback.

We are pleased that Medium superstars like Tim Denning, David Gerken, Ayodeji Awosika, Dr. Deborah M. Vereen, Sinem Günel, Anastasia Frugaard, and many more are contributing to our publications.

Essential Resources for New Writers

We compiled essential guides for new writers in a post titled Starter Kit for Writers of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications. This collection might be a one-stop shop for new writers to learn more about writing on this platform.

Please also review these guiding policies before submitting their stories. We are tolerant, but the following are non-negotiable rules and Medium’s content hosting and distribution policy.

Zero tolerance to plagiarism on ILLUMINATION

No Defamation, Discrimination, and Hate Speech Published

Why Image Copyrights Matter for Writers and Editors

Publishing and Conduct Guidelines for the Lampshade of ILLUMINATION

Helpful Resources for Beginners

You may find more helpful stories from the content management collection of Dr Mehmet Yildiz typically written to help new writers joining Medium.

Summary of Our Publications for New Writers and Readers


ILLUMINATION is followed by 71,000+ readers and visited by around 40,000 unique members daily. As a generic publication, we accept every ethical topic meeting Medium’s guidelines. Link to publication


This pub is for prolific writers who need to submit multiple stories in a day. If you submit a story to ILLUMINATION, you can submit up to one story to ILLUMINATION’S MIRROR within 24 hours. Link to publication


This publication is for experienced and accomplished writers. Senior editors select the contributors for this publication using stringent criteria. If you are an experienced writer, we allow you to write for this publication upon your request directly. Link to publication

4 — Technology Hits

We designed this publication for writers and readers interested in technical topics and tech-related stories. You can also submit science fiction in this pub. More info about Technology Hits Value Propositions of Technology Hits. Introduction to Technology Hits. Inviting Storytellers From All Aspects of Technology. Here is a collection including some sample stories from this publication. Link to publication


This publication serves only freelance writers who want to share writing, blogging, and editing content. It connects writers, editors, and bloggers through their stories. We invite freelance writers from other platforms, such as Vocal Media. Here is the purpose of Synergy. Besides, you may find a sample collection to get an idea of the type of stories we publish on Synergy. Link to publication

6 — ILLUMINATION Book Chapters

This publication is for published and indie authors. We help new writers to get published and become authors. Details about this publication are in this story: ILLUMINATION Book Chapters. More info: How Can Published Authors Create Visibility? Here’s a sample editorial bulletin to promote ILLUMINATION Book Chapters to readers. And here is the Index of Published Book Chapters. You can find some sample book chapters in this collection. Link to publication.

7 — Reader’s Hope

This publication serves absolute beginners. You may submit raw content to this new pub. We don’t edit content submitted to Readers Hope. But, our editors provide valuable and helpful guidance via private notes or in our Slack workspace to members. Here is a story introducing the purpose of Readers Hope. Here is the Vision and Mission of “Readers Hope”. Link to publication


This new publication aims to bring gamers to one place, inspire them, and create collaboration among gamers. Invitation: Join ILLUMINATION Gaming Publication as a Writer: Your gaming stories have a new home on Medium now. Link to publication

9 — ILLUMINATION Videos and Podcasts

Our new publication is introduced in this article. We changed the name as previously it was only for YouTubers, but we now allow podcasts. You can submit your YouTube videos or podcasts in long or short-form stories. Link to publication

10 — Lampshade of Illumination

If you are looking to diversify your writing portfolio and explore the exciting world of AI-generated content and using AI tools to improve your writing, we have a solution.

Our editorial team has noticed a growing interest among writers in using AI tools to improve their writing and explore its endless possibilities.

However, readers of Illumination Integrated Publications only wanted to read human-generated content. We value and respect their preference for human-generated stories. We analyzed the situation and created a viable solution called the Lampshade of ILLUMINATION.

Please check our AI Policy and submission guidelines for the Lampshade.

AI-Generated Content Policy for ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium

Publishing and Conduct Guidelines for the Lampshade of ILLUMINATION

ILLUMINATION Blog and Euphoria

We keep all publications-related stories in separate publications called ILLUMINATION’s Blog. This publication can be helpful for new writers to find guiding articles. This publication is not for writers. It is for editorial purposes. Link to publication

Dr Mehmet Yildiz hosts his personal stories in his publication called Euphoria. If you enjoy health and fitness stories, you may check his publication. Link to publication.

Upon request from our readers, we created a new publication which will be announced in an editorial bulletin soon.

Publications Created by Our Writers

Dr. Yildiz helped several writers to create their publications and gain visibility. Publication owners made significant progress in getting loyal readers. Here is a guiding story: Compelling Benefits of Personal Publications on Medium.

ILLUMINATION collected the publications of our contributors in a post titled: Why Writers Need Personal Publications: Invitation to introduce your own publication to the audience of Illumination Integrated Publications.

Diversify Content on Vocal Media, Simily, or NewsBreak

Diversifying content might bring more readers and income to freelance writers. We introduce three options in this post. We keep our writers updated with new writing challenges introduced by Vocal Media. If you are not a writer with Vocal+ yet, you can join at the link in this article.

In addition, repurposing your Medium articles on Vocal may bring additional income to freelance writers. Aiden introduced Vocal recently in a story titled I Finally Joined Vocal+ and Reaped Immediate Benefits.

We also introduced another writing platform, Simily. What Is Simily and How Can Writers Benefit from This New Writing Platform?

Some of our new writers also contribute to NewsBreak. Our editors informed us that this platform has strict rules and doesn’t allow self-publishing like Medium. If you want to join NewsBreak, you can access the application form via this referral link.

All writers can create referral links on NewsBreak and Vocal, similar to Medium as affiliate links. You can add them to the end of your stories to bring new readers to these platforms with your referral links.

Topic Collections of Stories

We create collections selecting exciting stories from many writers who write on popular topics. Here are some examples compiled by our chief editor.

The Power of Freelancing for Writers

Business Collection: A Mini MBA Bundle

Heath & Fitness Collection

Mental Health Collection

How to Love and Relate

Do You Want to Become an Entrepreneur?

The World Needs Passionate & Compassionate Leaders

Education and Learning From Many Aspects

Featured Stories About “Writing” From The Top Writers of SYNERGY

NFT Story Collection on ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

How Storytellers Articulate Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

Top Stories About Artificial Intelligence

Top AI Stories on Technology Hits

Collection of Featured Stories

Stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated — All Volumes

Technology, Business, Leadership, & Self-Improvement Stories

Reading List #3 — Technology Hits

Top 100 Trending Stories: at ILLUMINATION-Curated

Testimonials for ILLUMINATION

Sample Book Chapters: Discover 70+ published authors on ILLUMINATION Book Chapters

Invitation to Potential Writers and Members

To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link. We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a writer on Medium. Please mention the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request.

If you are new to Medium, you can join via this link. Readers can read thousands of stories, and writers can monetize self-published content.

You can subscribe to our editorial team to receive newsletters and curated lists. Here is the link https://medium.com/subscribe/@illumination

Thank you for your support and contributions. We look forward to reading, publishing, and promoting your stories.

Writers can directly contact Dr. Yildiz and other editors on the ILLUMINATION Slack workspace when they need help or if their stories get delayed for more than 48 hours.

Let’s Welcome New Writers Joining Us Recently

Thank you for joining our publications. Let’s explore the profiles and stories of these writers who joined our publications recently.

Denise P King, Martin O’Toole, Manisha Jayawardane, Shei, Emily Sheen, Tolga Çapacı, Kelly Serra, Oksana Kukurudza’s Sunflowers Rarely Break, Dara Laine Murray, Ninda, Jonathan Essary, StoryWeaver, Michael Neve, Lynda Coker, Komal, The Ink Fountain, Tim Shewcraft, Chris Jones, Louis Park, Shireen Low, Sam Richardson, Hannah Lawrence, Saurabh Srivastava, PhD, Bushra Khan, Philipp Stelzel — Digital Creator, Joeryrietveld, Sneha Nagre, Kevin Byrne, Valans, Manna, Fariha, Giovanni Foglia, MyThoo //, Ultra Trail Life, Quaisha A. Thornton, Ritesh Sharma, Buddy, Gary Kokaisel (Pixel Floyd), Nadine Hoffman, Zephyr Zambrano, Ace Loves Tech, Zen Conqueror, Stephanie Dorsay Rondeau, The Samagazine, Dfaults, Darlene López, Bjoern Strohdiek, Aisling, Ujwal Patel, Shashank, Lumen Gaia, Irmantas Baltrušaitis, Amanda Melheim, ThirtyOneShades, Divyanshu Lakwad, D. Glenn Miller, HeartfeltJourney, Eric Fung, GrowthLodge.Com, Rammohan Susarla, Sophia Tell- Stories 🤓📢🤓, Krupali Patel, Kevin Byrne, Lovely Poems, Parenteeny — teenagers can do more, Kingsley Asuamah, Andrii Makarenko, 🌈Robert Panico🏳️‍⚧️, Nuri Best, SAJNANI, Spooky™ Bee Jones, Valerie Minor (Valerie the Wallflower), Charlie Whooph, Mehak The Mystery Writer, Tymen Koetsier, Mehak The Mystery Writer, Lindsay Pena, Lennon Gray, Jackson Messineo, Amir Bibi, Anjali Goti, Shahzaib Malik, Britta Cee, Neva Naci, Jenn White, Jyotishree, Adil Alam, Miserable KANT, Ramkumar K, Philip Tsang, Ekechi Deborah, LoversBud, Marcela Cardoso, Kristen Caven, Ali Alzahrani, Max Marioni, Adil Alam, Layla Almansour, Zunaira Fatima, Eram Siddiqui, Alma Thurber, Seaward, Jessica Clarke, April Green, ilias B., Gail McNulty, Don Dewsnap, Jason G, Bob Phillips, Atif Sharif, Jake Simmons, Mujtaba Mehboob, Victoria Kjos, Marie Biancuzzo, Andrea Feccomandi, Livia Ionescu, Khouloud El Alami, Anton McCarthy, Basma Taha, Amanda Currier, Jenn White, TilenSvajger, Igor Jovanovic M.Sc., Saad Bosal, Stievenard Olivier, John Nguyen, Roberta Patellaro, Stephen Rains, Swathi S, Chris Keller, Tara Lea, Mihir Annaldasula, Adriana, Steve Prompt, Vipin Labroo, Nen Nomad, Brian Rock, Mariana Busarova, Haroon Shauket, Bella’s Journey, Woman at 40 🦋, Sean Michael Lewis, Strategic Overload, Brenz Candelario, Imogen Hoare, Sreevidya A, Allan Ishac, Don Dewsnap, Salma AB, Nidhi Patnaik, Cecilia Williams, Mariah, Abubakar Malik, Risad Malik, Risad Malik, Breanna Lane, Tanzinahossain, Ankita Shetty, The Creative Quill, Eduardolih, Mr Momoh, Salman yousafzai, M Saud Nawaz, RaviTeja G, Miyabi’s Movie Diary, Alisha Ghanchi, Rasool Shah, FYFL NATION, Doc Dreamer, Diana Cabcabin, Afolarin Egbewande PhD, Emmet Seán Ó Muirí, Good To Know 33, Teambera Ware, Evolve with Mark, Tom Kane, Muralikrishnan Rajendran, Stephen Cooke, Kishor K, Jahangir Mustafa, Danie Aslam, Sunsand, Teisha LeShea, J, Tara Zoë Roshe, Fiona McDerment, Cristina, Prashant Yadav, Jamie Shaw, Kayhan Momeni, Immersive Reading, Lakshmi Nanduri, Eva MacInnes, Sebastian Close, Kristin Playter, Aditya Narayan, Dave Gottlieb, Edwin Garcés, Artiscend, Joseph Mavericks, Meheboob Alam, Dr. Zia ur Rahman, Lita, Alexandru R

Access to archived onboarding packs for new writers

New writers want to connect with previous writers. We provide links to only recent onboarding packs to easily find registered writers, follow them, and explore their content to achieve this goal.

You may check the following announcement bulletins to meet other recently joined writers, including links to their profiles.

New Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #1

Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #2

Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #3

Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #4

Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #5

If you need to access old bulletins, you may search for ILLUMINATION, and ILLUMINATION Amplifier accounts for older versions of onboarding packs. Here are a few samples:

Introduction to New Writers, Welcome: New Writers Introduction, Onboarding Pack for New Writers, Welcome New Writers, Welcome New Writers, Onboarding New Writers, Welcome New Writers, Onboarding New Writers, Welcome New Writers, Onboarding New Writers.

Members can follow up to 150 accounts on Medium within 24 hours. New writer accounts are kept for a week in the master copy of the onboarding pack. So, you may check and follow news writers weekly through the onboarding pack.

Invitation to New Writers

Our doors are open to all ethical writers. You can join or leave anytime with no obligation. Our goal is to give you a platform to showcase your stories.

To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link.

We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a writer on Medium. Please mention the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request. If you are new to Medium, you can join via this link. Readers can read thousands of stories, and writers can monetize self-published content.

ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications include:

ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curated, ILLUMINATION’ S MIRROR, ILLUMINATION Book Chapters, Technology Hits, SYNERGY, Readers Hope, Illumination on YouTube, Illumination Gaming, the Lampshade of Illumination, ILLUMINATION’s Blog, and the personal publication of our chief editor EUPHORIA.

Remember, supporting your peers as writers is important for mutual growth. Collaboration and meaningful engagement are key success factors on writing platforms. Here’s some guidance to beginners.

Our chief editor, Dr Yildiz, wrote many stories guiding new writers. You may find some valuable stories from his writing collection.

Thank you for sharing this newsletter with other writers interested in joining our publications and Slack workspace for collaboration. Our publications are diverse and inclusive.

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