avatarFrancisco Iglesias


Article Written by More Than a Thousand of the Best Writers Here on Medium.

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NOTE: This are mentions but written in text. And contains a message For all of You ;)

This article has been written by each Of Amazing writers Mentioned here, and each letter represents a special mention--something unusual that has never done before.

It is a great privilege for me to share this piece with each and one of you, and as such, I have dubbed It the “Article Written by More Than a Thousand of the Best Writers Here on Medium”.

The creation of this article has been nothing short of magical, and it fills me with inmense gratitude to know that each of the mentioned amazing writers has contributed to It, as If each of you were writing every chapter of my life.

Adittionally, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the support I have received for my top 5 must-reads of the day, which involves offering my honest opinion on the great writers and people of Medium.

If you receive a notification that you have been mentioned, do not hesitate to say Hello, as I will be Delighted to include you in my top 5 must-reads of the day.

As I edit this article, creativity and happiNESS flood Over me, and I cannot help but marvel at the Incredible Talent and generosity of spirit of the writers and readers of Medium.

Being a part of this Community is an honor, and I Hope To continue Sharing My Thoughts and Opinions on the Incredible Work Being produced HERE.

Lastly, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for the support and contribution to this article.

Remember that each and every one of us has the power to create MAGIC In the World through Our Words and Actions.

So Let us continue to Write Our Stories with INFINITE PASSION and Purpose, and spread Love and Positivity Wherever We Go! Together, We Can MAKE the World A Brighter and More 💜 Beautiful Place.

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If so, I’d be forever grateful if you consider supporting me with a coffee.

  • Your kindness will help me keep up the good work and bring you more valuable insights and inspirations.

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I want to showcase All Editions and the fantastic writers who have been featured here

All Editions

Welcome to the world of Top 5 Must Reads of the Day!

It’s been an incredible journey so far, with 22 editions that have provided readers with engaging, thought-provoking, and inspiring content.

From heartwarming personal stories to informative articles on a range of topics, each edition has been a true reflection of the diversity of voices and perspectives on Medium.

  • But that’s not all — I have also made a special edition that included 50 personal reviews and plus, 5 bonus reviews!

This edition allowed us to go beyond the regular format.

We have learned so much about their passions, struggles, and successes, and it was truly inspiring to see how much talent and creativity exists within our community.

At the heart of it all, Top 5 Must Reads of the Day is about connecting writers and readers, fostering a sense of community, and showcasing the very best of what Medium has to offer.

I believe that everyone has a story to tell, and I am committed to providing a publication that allows those fantastic stories to be heard.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this amazing journey so far — writers, readers, and everyone in between.

  • I can’t wait to see what the future holds for Top 5 Must Reads of the Day and the incredible community that has made it possible.

Edition #0

Top 1. Glenn Stok“Why I Never Put Evergreen Content on Medium and Prefer HubPages.”

Top 2. Tom KueglerHuge Problem Medium Has According To It’s Newest Readers

Top 3. Official Djangonaire“My Affiliate Marketing Income Report: Unexpected Earnings”

Top 4. Veronica Llorca-Smith“How I Make Money With The Knowledge Gap”

Top 5. Christina“How I Gained 515 Email Subscribers with Just One Hour of Work”

Edition #1

· Top 1 Jenn Leach-How Much YouTube Paid Me for a 68,000,000 Viewed Video.

· Top 2 Amalia-$105.33 with a single Medium story Practical and beginner-friendly guide to live in Dubai thanks to Medium.

· Top 3 Christine Schoenwald-“You Don’t Need to Have Studied Improvisation to Use These Improve Rules to Elevate Your Writing”

· Top 4 Ali Dodangi-What’s The Best Time To Publish On Medium?

· Top 5 Kendra Sparkles-“I Made $150 My First Full Month on Medium and became a top writer in 3 categories.”

Edition #2

· Top 1 Michael L Fox About Me — Michael L. Fox, I’m a happy oddball. I’m recommending it.

· Top 2 Stella Johns Writers! Do this to drive traffic on medium

· Top 3 James Gordon 3 ways I earn good money from YouTube without being monetized

· Top 4 Delilah Brass 5 Easy Ways Writers Can Earn $350+ Fast

· Top 5 Jim Moynihan Oh, No, Medium Just Rejected My Partner Program Application. I am taking it personally, Tony

Edition #3

Top 1 The Sturg“How Can I Give Writing Advice When I Don’t Like Telling People What To Do?”

Top 2 Ravyne HawkeDo We Need To Practice Etiquette On Medium?My personal thoughts on the subject

Top 3 Oscar Soto ⚡How to Stop Procrastinating and Start Achieving with the 2-Day Rule.Would You Like to Master Your Habits?

Top 4 🧃Friends call me Ör!ChatGPT vs. Real Bloggers: The Battle for the Future of Writing

Top 5 Solomon RichardsHow I Got 500 Followers In 3 Months

Edition #4

Top 1 Jane TuckerLearning to Fly

Top 2 E Savaria“Jack the Flipper / True fun facts about Sherlock Holmes”

Top 3 Destiny Twist“What are the first steps to better communication and meaningful relationships?”

Top 4 EP McKnight, MEd Good News for the World’s Soul. A story about the good news of an accomplished and brilliant Black student.

Top 5 T. V. Knight“What Women Want: The Three Important W’s”

Edition #5

Top 1 Katy RammI Accidentally Became a Top Writer & Famous on YouTube.How did it happen and what does it mean?

Top 2 Alesia Louise“3 Truths That Don’t Require Belief: Lessons from Astrology for Skeptics.”

Top 3 Worrickjk“I found love when I stopped looking for it”

Top 4 Lamcer31210Sharing my opinion counts! How to use your opinion to pay for your Medium membership

Top 5 Tina D’AngeloFrom the Future

Edition #6

Top 1 Written by IRIZU“Increase Your Productivity in Less Than One Hour”

Top 2 Onur KocyigitHow does fitness training boost my confidence?

Top 3 Arindam BiswasAnxiety leads to progress. Bad things can be good too

Top 4 Scott LambHow we’re approaching AI-generated writing on Medium. Transparency, disclosure, and publication-level guidelines

Top 5 Kam Fatz“How I Got 1,000+ Followers on Medium and How You Can Too! AKA From Zero To Hero”

You Can find these Articles Here


Top 1 Patrick Stewart“What Happens When We Die”

Top 2 Nicole Dake Daily Positive Affirmations March 9, 2023

Top 3 Angel VaughanChanneling

Top 4 Joseph Godwin“3 Important Productivity Hacks You Should Maintain in 2023”

Top 5 Sangita BaruahGet Un-Single and Into a Magical Relationship in 3 Steps

Special Edition#1

∘ Top 1 Margery Bayne (she/her)Punctuation for Creative Writers, Part 1. May I interject? On dots, dashes, and parenthesis

Top 2 Kathy WidenhouseWhy Write Short. Short-form content should be part of your content writing strategy. Here’s why.

Top 3 Kristina God“Introducing Medium’s Top 10 Publications in 2023 To Write For”

Top 4 IsabellaMedium Partner Program Not Available. Buy Me A Coffee… PLEASE

Top 5 Eve ArnoldThe 10 Traits That Predict You’ll Be in the Top 1% of Writers. These are the things to know if you want to be at the top

Top 6 Mona S Gable“When You Hear Ghost Music, It’s Time to Create”

Top 7 Ofentse ManchidiAI and Travel: Personalizing the Travel Experience with Artificial Intelligence.

Top 8 Smillew Rahcuef “My Plan to Make $100,000 Online within the Next 365 Days. Copy it and make as much money as I will!”

Top 9 Becky RoehrsMedium Writers: How To Recover Your Accidentally “Wiped Out” Drafts. I kept losing everything I’d written!

Top 10 Linda Cowgill“The Symbol of Peace,”

Top 11 Jason Provencio“Live Each Day Like You Are Dying Because You Are, You Just Don’t Know How Quickly”

Top 12 Sean KernanWhat Two Men Who Survived Jumping Off The Golden Gate Bridge Learned. It’s never too late — until it is.

Top 13 Deepak ChopraWhy Time Isn’t Causing You to Age. By Deepak Chopra, MD, FACP, FRCP

Top 14 Adam AlbrechtWhy I have learned from writing 850 blog posts.

Top 15 Veronica Llorca-Smith19 Lessons To Reinvent Yoursel. What it takes to reinvent yourself

Top 16 Séverin MakengoWhy are humans the only species that pay for their existence? The stupidity of being human 😂 is paying even for things that belong to no one

Top 17 Fred: Almost FamousFREE For Non-Medium Members: Get 3 Free Stories/Month: Here’s How. Fred shows you what (and what not) to do; plus much more.

Top 18 Yvonne LaframboiseEarning my First Pennies on Medium!How much did I make in my first month on Medium?

Top 19 M. ArslanHow to Turn $1 into $100: Tips and Tricks

Top 20 Lizzie JayFreelance Writers: Is Your Writing Too Sesquipedalian? Not sure what it is? Read on to see how to improve your writing.

Top 21 Jason GutierrezThe Powerful Effect of Using “Words That Work” Subtle changes, BIG meaning

Top 22 Patrick StewartWrite a Medium Story in 10 Minutes or Less. Medium Speed Run — Any Percent

Top 23 Aamir Kamal 🚀5 Medium Earning Secrets That You Might Not Know About. I have earned $2.6/Minute read time.

Top 24 Quinn’s Kaleidoscope💜One Month on Medium & Here’s What I’ve Learned. I learned quite a bit in my first month on Medium

Top 25 Kendra Sparkles“I Did the Minimalist Challenge and Now I Want My Stuff Back,”

Top 26 Andrew PretzelHow I Nailed Medium: A Step-by-Step Guide. A Beginner’s Guide from a Human (Not a Robot)

Top 27 David B. ClearWhy You Should Work on a Million Drafts at Once. Adopt a promiscuous writing approach

Top 28 Jwngsat Narzary9k Views? 2.9k Reads? In 1 Week?🙄

Top 29 Ayodeji Awosika“How to Become One of the Rare Writers Who Actually Makes Money”

Top 30 The writer’s path“Even Your Least Viewed Content Has Value”

Top 31 May Pang“How to Instantly Improve Your Memory by Arousing Your Brain”

Top 32 Amalia$105.33 with a single Medium story. Practical and beginner-friendly guide to live in Dubai thanks to Medium.

Top 33 Berenike Schriewer, Ph.D.Better Humans Writers: Hit Me With Your Best Shot! We’re upping the ante, will you join us?

Top 34 Terrie Schweitzer“Smart How-to’s for Reaching Your 2023 Goals,”

Top 35 Simon Kupfer“3 Steps to Getting Your Content Seen on Medium”

Top 36 Veronica Llorca-Smith“10 Life Lessons From My Burnout”

Top 37 Jazmyn“I Wrote Nothing in December and This Is What I Made”

Top 38 Tyler BouffordI Cannot Stand Quitters. Why Quitting is the Ultimate Betrayal to Yourself

Top 39 Jason FellerDeep Thinkers Put Depth Behind Their Headlines. How to improve your headlines (Extract the big ideas)

Top 40 Ali Dodangi“Where to Make More Money — Medium or Substack?”

Top 41 Martin Morrison“You Killed the Poet in Me But I’d Rather Be Sane”

Top 42 Raza Javed“The Knowing-Doing Gap — A Medium Perspective

Top 43 Passive Income JourneyCelebrating 50 Followers Mark With A Free Give Away! A Special Free Gift Is Waiting For You Inside

Top 44 Cosmin NedelcuFrom Struggle to Triumph: My Inspirational Success Story. From High School Student to Graphic Designer

Top 45 That Medium Hack 🌟“How to Come Up with Story Ideas — 36 Non-Shitty Ideas.”

Top 46 Dr.Titus Varghese“Love is what you do, not what you say or anything.”

Top 47 Michael Koopmann“How to be a successful writer on Medium”

Top 48 Celtic Chameleon“Look Up: Worlds Within Worlds,”

Top 49 Lisa S. Gerard“Fate Healed Her Broken Heart — Love Hides Right in Front of Your Eyes,”

Top 50 Michael M-CToday’s Rant №36: Brandon Lee Edition

BONUS TOP 5Bonus Top 1 Victoria KurichenkoI Make 4-Figures Online Without Being a Social Media Influencer. Here is how I do it so that you can try it too.

Bonus Top 2 Peter Burns“Why Medium Needs A New Fiction Section”

Bonus Top 3 Corrie Who Writes“The Exact Steps I Took to Rank #1 on Google in Less than 15 Hours”

Bonus Top 4 David Loewen“Write Smarter, Not Harder: 6 Steps for Streamlining Your Writing Processes”

Bonus Top 5 Agu Sergius Alex“The Seven (7) Habits of Highly Effective Medium Writers”.

Edition #8

Top1 Anna R.A.“Feel Like Quitting Medium? Read This Immediately”

Top 2 Beverly Bowman“Don’t Hate On Your Enemies!”

Top 3 Jon ReinersI Have 100 Followers. Can I buy a yacht now?

Top 4 Diana Tulbure“My Journey On Medium — What I Will/Won’t Do”

Top 5 Dr Mehmet Yildiz“How to Write Content Guaranteed to Get Views and Reads,”

Edition #9

Top 1 Ayoub Bouamri100 Followers In 24 Hours (Step By Step)

Top 2 Theodore McDowell“The Last Goodbye: Death in a nursing home”

Top 3 Anne Lafferty“Sex After Seventy — Really?”

Top 4 Jenny AlexanderAbout Me — Jenny Alexander. The woman behind the writing

Top 5 Jim Clyde MongeDecember 2022 — Stats And Earnings Report

Edition #10

Top 1 Love, LisaWhat does your profile picture say about you? I’ll tell you about mine

Top 2 Jennifer Burke GrehanSometimes the longest way around is the shortest way home… And, sometimes not.

Top 3 Karen Marie Shelton“Saving Lives in a Cowboy Hat and a Red Pickup Truck.”

Top 4 Stephanie Worrell“How to Make an Action Plan to Achieve Your Goals”.

Top 5 Antonio Radu 🔹“Why You Should Comment,”

Edition #11

Top 1 David PerlmutterThe Hunter And The Game. The biggest threats come in the smallest packages…

Top 2 Zatanna Dark“Joe Wanders Endlessly On A Quest For Lost Love,”

Top 3 ~Dr.Têi•B~“From Struggles to Success: The Inspirational Journey of Sheila Johnson, the First Black Female Billionaire”

Top 4 Maria Iliffe-Wood“All I Am is Now”.

Top 5 Floor OckersPure happiness in unexpected moments

Edition #12

Top 1 Karen Marie SheltonMake Your Dreams Come True. You hold all the power to create the life you desire — never give up.

Top 2 BloggingMyWay“Tip — How a Cup of Coffee Helped Me Boost Traffic on My Medium Blog”

Top 3 Sheri Jacobs“What Gratitude Looks Like…On the cusp of 50”

Top 4 BostibtBest writing is about personal experience

Top 5 Anna Soldenhoff“Blink Once for Love, Twice for Treats: A Feline

Edition #13

Top 1 Chris O.“Your Accent is Not a Barrier, it is a Plus”

Top 2 Brandon EllrichAbout Me — Brandon Ellrich. Who else were you expecting…Dolly Parton?

Top 3 Michael Rhodes“Does Time Speed Up As We Get Older?”

Top 4 Yue“I’ve Attended Nine Blind Dates,”

Top 5 Written by IRIZUThis Article is Created by AI. Here is my thought

Edition #14

Top 1 — Kelly Corinne Elliott Obscure Laws In Washington State That Will Leave You Wondering

Top 2 — Diane Gillespie I Love the Term “Intertwined”. It helps explain the deep satisfaction we get from meaningful dialogues

Top 3 — Justiss Goode Damn: Are Stats Really LOW this Month or is it Just Me?Here’s what I do when my stories start earning less money!

Top 4 — Nanie Hurley ✍🏻 Pride and Prejudice: 10 Things You Need to Know Before Reading the Book

Top 5 — Dawn Ulmer Is PERSONAL SPIRITUAL REVIVAL Possible?

Edition #15

Top 1

Karen Marie SheltonI’ve Been A Professional Writer My Entire Life, But My Medium Articles. Is pushing all my imposter syndrome buttons

Top 2 Francis LeeHow I Became a Success on Medium with Only 3 Stories. What happened today, made my writing here all worth it.

Top 3 B.R. ShenoyMeet B.R. Shenoy. Anatomy of Her Anonymous Acronym

Top 4 Every Day Life ImprovementThe Importance of a Healthy and Sustainable Approach to Weight Loss

Top 5 — Julia A. KeirnsDo I Believe in Beginner’s Luck? March Madness Writing Challenge Day 6

Edition #16

Top 1 Eunike VeI Got Rejected from the Medium Partner Program. I feel powerless

Top 2 James GordonMy Medium earnings dropped a face-melting 40% (why I’m not worried)

Top 3 Dianne M. Daniels8 Tips to Supercharge Your Self-Love. Our world can be challenging — use these tips to turn that frown upside down and supercharge your love for yourself.

Top 4 Md IslamHumans vs. AI: The Face-off

Top 5 Taras J Seaks10 Tips to Get Your Shit Done

Edition #17

Top 1 Kit CampoyQuick Tips to Get Your Article Read.

Top 2 Annelise LordsCan Humans Go Into Safe Mode?

Top 3 Shelli RealsAbout Me — Shelli Reals. My speed dating “About Me” story goes something like this. . .

Top 4 Alec ZaffiroFEBRUARY 2023 RECAP — Travel, Cats, Stats, and Books

Top 5 Mark GoblowskyReal Love is Not Easy. We Need to Apply Some Elbow Grease at Times

Edition #18

Top 1 Felix AburWhat Did You Say About Me? How to Monitor What People Are Saying About Your Brand Online

Top 2 T. from Data RocksTurning Data Into Wisdom by Kevin Hanegan or why throwing money at BI tools doesn’t work

Top 3 Taryn ArielHow to Deal with the Circus of Circumstances That Is Life

Top 4 Maddie WalkerThat Time I Earned $1,586.00 From One Viral Medium Article

Top 5 Abbey LouRadium Girls

Edition #19

Top 1 Rui AlvesThe Secret Star Wars Filming Location You Need to Visit

Top 2 Thriving it Up with AngieWho Cares

Top 3 Sharon Meyers, Ed.D.Hello Medium, I’m Sharon. A new writer’s introduction

Top 4 Dr. Alex SteinbergUse This Powerful Everyday Life Habit to Be An Adaptable, Inclusive and Innovative Leader. Master This Habit And Get More Success In No Time.

Top 5 Mason BushellPositivity Shining. Hope and Gratitude

Edition #20

Top 1 Diana Meresc5 Habits That Will Help You Enjoy Life More. These habits will help you enjoy life more.

Top 2 Faya QureshiAn innocent broken wing Butterfly. (Story). Out of the blue, she brought colors into my life.

Top 3 Maureen Murphy“Franz Kafka Has Joined LinkedIn”

Top 4 Christopher M BellHow I Increased My Read Count by 500% — And You Can, Too. The Hack: Tagging Your New Followers to Your Articles

Top 5 Tesie MillsUnlocking Happiness. Finding Joy in Life’s Simplest Elements

Edition #21

Top 1 Anna Svetlik De La RosaHow to Overcome Common Barriers to Meditating and Take your Power Back

Top 2 Sameh NeseimLove is Always Near. Poem

Top 3 Heather N KingSo, I Recently Realized That I’m a Writer. A Stream of Consciousness Introduction

Top 4 Melia MorganA New Twist On Gratitude Journaling. Add some variety to your usual gratitude list

Top 5 AnnoulsWhat Are You Waiting For?

Edition #22

Top 1 Darshak RanaAn Insult Is Just a Perception. Here’s how not to get offended.

Top 2 EstaDandelion in the wind.

Top 3 Patricia HamlettIntroducing Me! The life of Patricia Hamlett

Top 4 Alperen KeleşWhere did all the writers go?

Top 5 Kelly Eden | Essayist | Writing CoachAbout Me — Kelly Eden. 11 Things I’d Tell You if We Met in Real Life

Edition #24

Top 1 Michael RhodesDo You Believe In Fate, Destiny, And Karma? Circumstances that seem to happen with divine intervention

Top 2 Daniela DragasBefore the Dawn A prose poem

Top 3 George ParkerAI and Existentialism. Are we in an existential crisis?

Top 4 Robin Wilding 💎The Reason You’re Not Getting Boosted. Do you suffer from Boost Envy? Why are others getting boosted, and not you?

Top 5 Ashllyn T.How to train your brain to think positively · Final Thoughts

Edition #25

Top 1 Arindam BiswasHow to see the leader in you? What do business leaders and budding entrepreneurs have in common?

Top 2 Pavan HareshAchieving Sustainable and Ethical Corporate Practices for a Better Future

Top 3 Tim Fairweather CAWalking With A Butterfly. How surprising encounters can level us up

Top 4 Elisa GreenI Am Playing Words In Truth. Playing Words with my choice,

Top 5 Mark LaflammeStress relief in difficult times

Edition #26

Top 1 AmaliaLiars. Liars everywhere. Fake data and fake life

Top 2 Can DurmusA Better Medium Partner Dashboard: Fractions

Top 3 Ashua JoeIf you’re looking for ways to tap into your creative potential, the following five steps are sure…

Top 4 Joseph OkekeDiscovering your Purpose (A new path) This is not your regular discover your purpose article.

Top 5 Kristina GodAbout Me — The ABC’s of Kristina God Who the heck is this girl? Is this even her real name?

Edition #27

Top 1 Gwinna Feather Listen To The Rain or: life happens between the lines

Top 2 Aparna MuktibodhHow to Avoid Regret by Writing a Letter to Your Future Self

Top 3 Jesse R. LeeStruggling with a Journaling Practice? Try this…


Top 5 Lotus EmpressI Forgive Myself For not giving my spouse and me a baby

Edition #28

Top 1 Sally Prag My Happiest Days Were When I Owned Almost Nothing The magic was contained in the simplicity of life

Top 2 Chiarra SueThe Great Reset

Top 3 Lucinda Munro CookI Just Can’t Stomach It

Top 4 Colleen McManus HeinMy Own True Crime — Part One

Top 5 Chaotically LottieMr. Wongs Wonderous World Of Words Alternatively titled: Why I write

Edition #29

Top 1 Robin Fritz — Change in ThoughtStill putting up with time and energy vamps?

Top 2 Lydia YangHappiness is the most important thing Happiness is the beginning of a happy life.

Top 3 Bryan YeI Wrote a Viral Article and It Motivated Me But not in the way you might think

Top 4 Donna J. AllenUse This Simple Poetry Trick To Improve Your Peace How to understand people a bit better

Top 5 Celena | Art of Nomading3 Essential Acts of Support When Your Friend Is Betrayed by Their Partner

Edition #30

Top 1 Seyda NoirTime — Prose The more aware you are of time, the faster it slips away.

Top 2 Jwngsat NarzaryI Got a Tip for the First Time: Buy Me a Coffee🙌 Did that photo match this article?🙄

Top 3 Karen Michaels — the multi-hyphenate lifeHere’s my content schedule and ideas for social media marketing in 2023 🦋

Top 4 Fellipe CandottiThe Psychology of Investing. (Boring but not so boring)

Top 5 AtiyyaWant More Followers? Steal My 3 Best Strategies for How I Earned 100 Followers In January

Edition #31

Top 1 Subhasinghe SPSThird Time is the Charm for Medium Partner Programme And What to Do When a Disclaimer Statement Blocks Your Story’s Publication

Top 2 Nikhil Vemu11 Badass iPhone Tricks You’ve Never Thought Existed Massive tricks ahead →

Top 3 Kaitlyn CaldwellIt’s Dead Out There When the entertainment industry comes to a halt

Top 4 Rachel JamisonAccept You’re Already Dead: Interview Three with an American Legionnaire in Ukraine

Top 5 Barry GanderBlogger Blown Up in Moscow: “Spiders Are Eating Each Other In A Jar”

Edition #32

Top 1 Bella of ThoughtsnlifeblogMedium Partnership Program — My First Months Earnings Report

Top 2 Melissa MCalling all Poets — Enter Our Monthly Video Contest for a Chance to Win $500 and Showcase Your… Deadline April 24th 2023

Top 3 Nevena PascalevaWhat Does Your Dream Place Actually Look Like? A reality in pictures

Top 4 Somsubhra BanerjeeAll About Clouds. And, Perhaps, More?

Top 5 Lauren ComoHere’s How I’m Increasing My Income On (and Off)

Edition #33

Top 1 Kitty WhitemoreFinding a Job as a Transwoman: It’s Complicated But I am not a shrinking violet

Top 2 Ono MergenDo We Have A Crisis Of Imagination? The world has changed, but our stories have not

Top 3 The Autistic BurnoutMy Life: High Expectations, Hyperlexia, and Demon Possession Not to Brag, But I am a HUGE Disappointment

Top 4 Dr. Patricia FarrellKids in School Shootings Carry the Scars for Life School shootings are no longer unheard of. They are becoming part of the American landscape in towns all across the…

Top 5 Sivan HermonThe B Word: Overcoming Gender Biases in the Workplace As international Women’s History Month draws to a close, I share my experience with gender biases at work and a less…

Edition #34

Top 1 Theodore McDowellLegacies My son and grandson gifted me with a smile

Top 2 Paul WalkerWatch Out! That Person Next to You in the Church Pew Might Be An Atheist! Examining the curious phenomenon of churchgoing unbelievers

Top 3 Allie FunkAir Canada is Hostile to Disabled People Asserting your rights is not allowed on this airline.

Top 4 Naleen MitchellRaising a Reader When Battling Dragons and Evil Librarians Challenging Expectations and Letting Kids be Kids

Top 5 Shanna PeeplesKeeping Those Sparkly Dresses Off the Boys in Texas How canceling a student drag show highlights fundamental questions of human rights

Edition #35

Top 1 BreeAnn7 Snacks to Enhance the Effects of Cannabis Edibles Edibles not packing a punch? Try eating these foods to maximize your THC and CBD absorption.

Top 2 Paul MarshWhy I Still Believe in the Afterlife as a Non-Religious Individual There’s more to life than meets the eye

Top 3 Susie Kearley18-Month Review on Medium Earnings, stories, what next?

Top 4 Veronica Llorca-SmithDo You Have An Abundance Mindset? Abundance mindset versus scarcity mindset

Top 5 Sahiba RaoHello to the writing world Hello readers. Hope you all are doing well.

Edition #36

Top 1 Hogan TorahThe Smartest Person in the Room How to spot true genius among the imposters

Top 2 Grant PiperThe Inherent Problems With EVs That No One Wants To Talk About Without long term solutions, EVs could end up being a fad

Top 3 RainiColors connoisseurs Colors are a way of creating order in our lives. Think about red lights versus green lights when crossing the street…

Top 4 Matthew ManiaciSometimes, Depression Sneaks Up on You It’s a mercurial bugger.

Top 5 Satyam TiwariUX Color Psychology Introduction

Edition #37

Top 1 Johnzelle AndersonIf You Don’t Use it, You Lose It A therapist helps his grandma overcome her fear of highways

Top 2 George DillardWhat Will Replace America’s Fading Values? We’ve discarded outdated ideas, but we need to replace them with something

Top 3 Karine SchomerHow a New Word Can Show You Realities You Never Imagined I’m fascinated with words. . . and totally promiscuous about it.

Top 4 Wes O’DonnellThe Chances of Accidental Nuclear War Just Skyrocketed The United States and Russia have nearly stumbled into an accidental nuclear war at least ten times (that we know of).

Top 5 Shelly FaganThe Jehovah Witnesses are Desperate The cult is spamming their message whether you want it or not. That’s harassment.

Edition #38

Top 1 Nadin BrzezinskiSome Noise Within Russia

Top 2 The AutlawI May Never Stop Grieving What I’ve Lost (and Gained)

Top 3 Manj BahraThe Science Of Going No-Contact and Why It Works

Top 4 Adam MurauskasHow Your Habits and Beliefs Fulfill Your Needs for Connection and Protection

Top 5 ✨ Bridget WebberHow to Increase Creativity: Hint, You Need High Self-Belief

Edition #39

Top 1 Sharon Meyers, Ed.D.3 Things New Writers Need to Consider When Building an Audience on Medium

Top 2 Casey LawrenceReviewing Medium’s “Boost” Feeling like “the chosen one” for a day or two

Top 3 Anthony SignorelliWe Can End Climate Change, But Probably Not the Way You Think

Top 4 Alin StanHow I Plan To Make My First $50 On Medium What alternatives do I have for making money with my Medium blog

Top 5 Rafe Brena, PhDWhy I Signed the “Pause Giant AI Experiments” Petition The “spirit” is right; the body has many flaws

For all The support and Love I have Received. THANKS

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