

Curated Collection

Collection of Boosted Stories from ILLUMINATION Publications— V2

Presenting some well-crafted and impactful stories for avid readers and inspiring new writers with samples

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Dear readers and writers, in this post, we introduce recently boosted stories through our nominations led by our chief editor Dr Mehmet Yildiz, and our supportive editor and boost nominator, Aiden (Illumination Gaming), from ILLUMINATION publications. Our aim is to present readers with well-crafted stories and also inspire our writers by providing them with some sample-boosted stories.

Most of these stories are hosted on ILLUMINATION-Curated, a distinctive publication hosting and spotlighting high-quality, memorable, relatable, and insightful stories from talented writers covering 100+ topics since 2020. This publication is designed to showcase the stories of experienced and accomplished writers.

As of October 2023, ILLUMINATION-Curated has started nominating stories for boosting. You can learn details from an interview with Dr Mehmet Yildiz conducted by ILLUMINATION editors.

Many new writers want to join this publication and wish to understand the criteria. Unlike our other publications, this one only serves experienced writers as its loyal readers desire. For those interested, we have detailed submission guidelines.

After reviewing it, if you believe our offering resonates with you, please contact Dr. Yildiz on ILLUMINATION’s Slack workspace. He will give you writer access. He also mentors many writers to increase their chances of boosting on Medium.

Approximately 80% of our applicants belong to the middle category, making them valuable contributors to ILLUMINATION. We then distribute the workload evenly between Readers Hope and ILLUMINATION-Curated, managing both ends of the spectrum.

We start absolute beginners with Readers Hope, then allow them to tap into a broader audience via ILLUMINATION and our special publications like Synergy, Mirror, Book Chapters, Technology Hits, Gaming, Videos/Podcasts, and Nutrition. Then, we select writers who consistently submit high-quality stories to be added to ILLUMINATION-Curated.

Congratulations, ILLUMINATION Gaming as New Boost Nominating Publication on Medium. Our hardworking editor and also the owner of the gaming publication Aiden (Illumination Gaming) announced that his publication was selected to participate in the boost program. You can learn more about from his recent story.

Aiden began featuring writers by analyzing their stories and educating our writers about common patterns that boosted those stories. Here is the first version of his series.

We look forward to your stories in all our publications, and we will choose well-crafted, memorable, and impactful stories through our nominators. In addition, Medium curators also organically boosted hundreds of stories from ILLUMINATION, which we plan to share in another collection.

We also introduce writers recently joining us at the end of this post.

For new writers, any story submitted to ILLUMINATION-Curated must align with Medium’s distribution and boosting guidelines like any other publications in our management. Furthermore, we emphasize that the content should resonate with the discerning readership of this publication.

We value diversity and variety, which means there are no topic restrictions as long as the stories adhere to Medium’s policies and our values.

Currently, we cover over 100 topics, emphasizing substance and meaningful content for our readers. We expect to cater to more topics as our writers and readers propose.

We do not censor content as long as stories comply with Medium’s guidelines.

Since Medium now requires paid membership for the Partner Program, we will also include stories of members for this publication to maintain our high standards and commitment to our loyal readers. However, our other publications still support non-members.

Except for the Lampshade of ILLUMINATION, our publications don’t accept AI-generated content. You may learn about our AI writing policy.

In addition to Medium’s distribution guidelines, ILLUMINATION-Curated has established a specific set of criteria to enhance the quality of publications.

We aim for high quality but don’t insist on perfection. We are practical and believe every writer can improve with feedback from readers, editors, and peers. Our goal is to provide our subscribers with a pleasant and satisfying reading experience.

Today, we share recently boosted stories through our nominations to give readers valuable stories to read and writers examples to emulate to increase their chances of boosting on Medium.

List of Boosted Stories This Month

We will add more for the rest of the month so stay tuned.

Soulful Connections: Finding Meaning in Mammadou’s Childhood Letters Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Can Companion Robots Solve the Loneliness Epidemic Among Elders? Mark Sanford, Ph.D.

2004 Boxing Day Tsunami: Our Dad’s Heart Attack May Have Saved His Youngest Daughter Gill McCulloch

Cats and Copyediting: Using Illustration to Market a Book Mark Armstrong

Thinking Back on an Unsustainable Diet in a 12-Step Program and a Dramatic Weight Loss The Sturg

Which Type of Intermittent Fasting is Best for Weight Loss and Health? Matt Williams-Spooner, Ph.D.

New Years and the Value of Anti-Resolutions Sean Kernan

If You Want to Lose Weight, You Must Lose the Heavy Thinking First Elaine Hilides

My Daughter’s Transgender Identity Didn’t Make Sense Tony Leo

A Glimpse of My First International Travel Somil Gupta

When Blind Faith Became a Necessity Rebecca Romanelli

6 Poor Coping Mechanisms Which Made My Trauma Worse Leon Macfayden

The Real Reason Medicine and Science Cannot Give You Exact Guidelines David Mokotoff, MD

What’s So Wrong About Secretly Working Two Full-Time Jobs at Once Remotely? Luay Rahil

Our Family Trip to Beautiful Kalam Valley in Pakistan: A Tale of Beauty and Adventure Ammara Hassan

Do Eating and Breathing Noises Drive You Crazy? There May Be a Reason Elaine Hilides

Some Adopted Kids Still Feel Worthless Stacey Patterson, J.D.

How I Mastered 4 Essential Requirements to Become a Better Leader and Served My Clients Jozsef Kovacs

Describing the Human Predicament: The Sun, the Clouds and Us David Gerken

Dancing Inside Pernoste & Dahl

Here’s How Money Really Can Buy You Happiness Luay Rahil

The Artistic Meaning of Images Within Images Lorwen Harris Nagle, PhD

Gigantic Genomes and Supersized Salamander Cells Surprise Scientists and Put a Wrinkle in Evolutionary Theory Rich Sobel

What Happened to Ebonics Matthew Bamberg

Beyond Blind Spots: A Multi-Perspective Journey Toward Greater Understanding George M Pantazis

Who Is in Charge Here?–How Our Minds Control the Body Dr Emmanuel Ogamdi

Can We Lose Fat and Gain Muscle At the Same Time? Matt Williams-Spooner, Ph.D.

Seeing a Cop In Line At Starbucks Gave Me The Jitters G Correia

Boosted Stories in November 2023

Dying Is the Most Intimate Space We Ever Share Beth Riungu

Mr. Speaker, There’s No Such Thing as a “Bible-Believing” Christian Guy Nave

Recent Discoveries and Potential Breakthroughs in Microbiome Health Matt Williams-Spooner, Ph.D.

If You Eat a Healthy Diet, Save Your Money Because You Don’t Need Probiotics and Prebiotics David Mokotoff, MD

Future Doctors and Nurses Don’t Want to See Patients Dr. Julian Barkan

5 Surprising Links Between Fitness and Photography Zacc Rowlands

An Alternative Lens on Prayer Davor Katusic

Synaesthesia I: A Life of Colors, The Early Years Donn K. Harris

The Gap in Male/Female Life Expectancy Keeps Growing Dr. Julian Barkan

When The Great Himalayas Went Grey on Us, Literally Somil Gupta

Examining the Impact of Rice Consumption on Type 2 Diabetes Prevalence Antonio Segovia, MD.

Shutting Down the Inner Critic to Liberate Your True Self Mark Sanford, Ph.D.

Remembering to Live Pernoste & Dahl

Why Business Organizations Must Implement the Zero Trust Security Strategy and Execute It… David Pui | Digital Transformation Architect

New Discoveries that Redefine our View of Diet, Weight Gain, Exercise, and Health Matt Williams-Spooner, Ph.D.

How to Be Safe in the World of Cybercrime Jussi Luukkonen — your curiosity guide

Why Ban “Divisive” Teachings While Protecting Divisive Confederate Monuments? Guy Nave

Overcoming Post-COVID-19 Long-Lasting Olfactory Issues Antonio Segovia, MD.

How My Grandmother’s Legacy Goes Beyond the Wrinkles Gabriela Trofin-Tatár

Stories Boosted in October 2023

Better and Better and Better Humans Moshe Sipper, Ph.D.

Should Doctors Be Less or More Empathetic? Dr. Julian Barkan

How Cholesterol Levels Impact Your Heart Health Dr. K P Vasudeva Rao

How discovering microbes transformed our understanding of life and health Matt Williams-Spooner, Ph.D.

Four Ways to Balance Your Content Creation Obsession by Clayton Moulynox

Neuroscience Behind Why I Read 1000 Books With My Son Before He Turned 5 Prashansa Gadgil

Can I Connect with My Transgender Daughter as I Connected with My Son? Tony Leo

How Ōura Got the Fitness Geeks and Insomniacs Around Its Little Finger Jussi Luukkonen — your curiosity guide

How Survivorship Bias Colors Our World: Impact and How to Overcome It Sridhar Pai Tonse — Leadgen Coach- Tech Startups

The Unsung Heroes of Hollywood Seda Anbarcı

Hidden Costs of Self-Publishing Alison McBain

More Meaningful Than Any Degree Gail McNulty

Lessons from the Grave Sara Fellers on ChannSpirations and Coincidences

Grandma and God Brought Me Home AJ on ChannSpirations and Coincidences

Facing the Judge and Jury of Your Inner Critic jules — Miz Mindful

The Island Odyssey: A Weeklong Adventure in Rhodes Jozsef Kovacs

Insanity Along the Seine River — Part 1 Shardul Deshpande

Organically Boosted Stories of Dr Yildiz

As mentioned below, Medium curators also directly boost stories without nomination. Dr. Yildiz shared some of his stories, so we added them here as samples to guide our writers.

Here’s How I Train My Brain Daily for Mental Clarity and Intellectual Productivity.

Meditation Can Boost the Cortical Thickness in the Brain and Prevent the Thinning of It

Here’s How You Can Enjoy Your Life More in Better Zones.

4 Reasons We Procrastinate and 10 Steps to Overcome Them.

Six Tips for a Youthful and Healthy Life as We Age.

Here’s How to Make the Nervous System More Flexible and Functional

3 Steps to Regulate HPA Axis and Defeat Chronic Stress

A New Clinical Trial Found a Low-Carb Diet Better Than the Dash.

The Brain Needs 4 Types of Workouts.

The Brain Needs 3 Types of Rest.

How Writers Can Attract More Readers by Using Design Thinking Principles

How to Slow Down Subjective and Objective Cognitive Decline

Here’s Why I Focus on Nutritional Biochemistry Rather Than Diets

Queer Organisms: Nature’s Lesson for Diversity, Inclusion, and Equality

Thank you for reading these wonderful stories.

How to access updated submission guidelines

New writers need to review these guidelines before submitting their stories to relevant publications. ILLUMINATION publications do not accept all types of stories anymore. We want all writers to change this perception.

ILLUMINATION-Curated: New Submission Guidelines 2023

SYNERGY: Submission Guidelines 2023

Technology Hits: Submission Guidelines 2023

ILLUMINATION Book Chapters: Submission Guidelines 2023

Readers Hope: New Submission Guidelines 2023

Submission Guidelines: Illumination Integrated Publications

ILLUMINATION Gaming: Submission Guidelines 2023

ILLUMINATION Videos and Podcasts: Submission Guidelines 2023

Publishing and Conduct Guidelines for the Lampshade of ILLUMINATION

New Curation Service by ILLUMINATION

Why We Have a New Curation Service

Boosted stories are doing well, but 99% of great stories hardly gain visibility. Understandably, Medium can’t boost all great stories. However, writers pour their hearts and souls, and stories don’t have any views, even from the followers of writers or publications. We don’t know the reasons.

To address the visibility of stories, out of 145 volunteer editors, our team of around 50 volunteer curators developed a new service idea. Each nominates a few stories from their reading list daily, and our lead ILLUMINATION-Curators compile them into collections like this one for our readers.

Additionally, our lead curator includes them in a LIST, a fantastic Medium feature. Feel free to save, share on social media, link to your stories, comment, and like the list for increased visibility. These lists will be created monthly, and here’s our first list for your engagement.

The entire curation process takes up much of our volunteers’ time, so we will appreciate your support as your time allows.

We noticed that engagement rates have been low. But Medium now rewards writers based on engagement. Therefore, we encourage our readers and writers to engage meaningfully with the stories we curate.

We understand everyone has different tastes, and you can’t read every story. However, if each reader selects a few stories, shares them, and engages with them, we can significantly increase views and reading times for these stories that usually get minimal visibility and delight our writers.

Collaboration among writers and readers is crucial on Medium, making it a great place for both. All our editors and administrators are volunteers, dedicating their time to give a voice to every writer. They review and publish stories daily without any payment. Let’s recognize their contributions and use this service graciously.

Our curators, editors, and administrators are committed to this duty. However, if they don’t see acceptance, they might stop. We highly encourage you to support this new curation service by choosing great stories, meaningfully engaging with them, and supporting your favorite writers.

Leaving comments, giving claps, sharing on social media, and following profiles will delight these writers. In an upcoming bulletin, we’ll share more information on how we use our Slack workspace to expand this service to all writers to be part of the curation process.

For example, we created a channel for writers to nominate their own stories and another channel to nominate stories of their favorite writers.

We hope you enjoy this service and look forward to your support for these beautifully written stories. Please leave a comment about these nominated and chosen stories you enjoy, the writers you follow, and any recommendations to improve our services.

You can access our internally curated stories from the following links.

Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5, Volume 6, Volume 7, Volume 8, Volume 9, Volume 10, Volume 11, Volume 12, Volume 13, Volume 14, and Volume 15, and Volume 16, Volume 17, Volume 18, Volume 19, Volume 20

Many thanks Aiden (Illumination Gaming) to creating shareable lists for these collections daily.

In addition, our senior editor, Mike Broadly, DHSc, has started his curation progress by sharing stories he reads daily. Here are the links to Mike’s collections.

Mike’s Favorite Stories on ILLUMINATION Publications — #1

Mike’s Favorite Stories on ILLUMINATION Publications — #2

Mike’s Favorite Stories on ILLUMINATION Publications — #3

Mike’s Favorite Stories on ILLUMINATION Publications — #4

Mike’s Favorite Stories on ILLUMINATION Publications — #5

Introduction to Writers

Let’s welcome our new contributors and explore their stories. We look forward their well-crafted stories hoping they can post some boost-worthy stories.

John Britton, Josie Defaye, Bria Esnard, Tanya Maguwu, Phoenix, Michael Hayden, David Graham, Julie Marr, Sulette Ferreira, Tabindah Waheed, Danny Darden, Kantsyber Oksana, Ayantika Mukherjee, The Wife, Kate Orione, Aswath Subramanian, Semrakurtt, Michael M. Brownstein, Lucian Ioan Chirilă, Bunny thakur, Ethan Benson, Zara Miller, Vivian Robert, Gazal Gupta, Emilija Angelovska, Philip M — I, Midnight Young, Sourin Rao, Celeste Salire, Mimosa Days, Daniel Ng, Egor Korneev, Dmytro Sazonov, — Zion, Oliver Vanice, Nancy Yang, Tracey Edwards, gilly, Secure Nutsell, Julia Kalman, Jeffrey Chiu, Joy Taiwo, Asia Williams, Sam Pitzer, Daev Emruby, Jason Abranches, JaffaBranding, T.R. Garcia, Prajula Ravichandran, Blues & Blues Rock, Dennis, Ray Payette, Mangesh Kashid, The Sour Scribe, Miraç Yazıcı, s4ndor, Rafaela Sadeth, Light and Paper, Alex Szabo, Erick Fernandez, Zelma Garza, Real Talk Tina💓✈️🏠, MURRRAAAAY, J.R Esnard, Clarissa Ai Ling Lee, PhD, Kourtney Torres, James Christopher, Seema Ahmed, Nancy, Zaid Omar, Antonio AdS Francisco,

We introduced several writers recently. The most recent ones are Thomas Allen Moon , Omni Essence, Sneha Nagre, Sridhar Pai Tonse — Leadgen Coach- Tech Startups, Zondra Dos Anjos, Ani Vals, Ammara Hassan, Jozsef Kovacs, Davor Katusic, Dr Emmanuel Ogamdi, Seda Anbarcı

Meet Thomas Allen Moon

Chosen Stories from Collection of Jamal Springer on Medium

Meet Sneha Bhimrao Nagre

Meet Mr Sridhar Pai Tonse

Meet Zondra Dos Anjos

Meet Ani Vals

Meet Ammara Hassan

Meet Jozsef Kovacs

Meet Davor Katušić

Meet Dr Emmanuel Ogamdi

Meet Seda Anbarci

You might also check recent editorial introductions from our team.

Editorial Bio of Ali Alzahrani, Editor

Editorial Bio of Philip Writes

Editorial Profile of Kurt Dillon

Editorial Profile of Aiden (Illumination Gaming)

Editorial Profile of Joanie Adams

Editorial Profile of Nurma Komala-Hadi

Editorial Profile of The Sturg

Editorial Profile of Surekha Chandrasekhar

Editorial Profile of Fahaz Hameed

Editorial Profile of Mr. Jacob Morales

Editorial Profile of Abraham Bamidele

Chosen Stories from Collection of Brooklyn Muse (editor)

Chosen Stories from Joe Collection of Joe Luca

Chosen Stories from Collection of Lawson Wallace

You can learn about our other editors’ backgrounds from this collection curated by ILLUMINATION-Curators.

Dr Mehmet Yildiz also interviewed many writers. Here are the recent ones.

Interview with Dr. Melissa Kalt, MD Melissa Kalt,

Interview with Dr. Adam Tabriz — MD Dr. ADAM TABRIZ

Interview with Dr. Preeti Singh Dr. Preeti Singh

Meet Mark Sanford, Ph.D. Mark Sanford, Ph.D

An Interview with Dr. Yogesh Haribhau Kulkarni, PhDYogesh Haribhau Kulkarni (PhD)

Interview With Keri Mangis Keri Mangis

An Interview with Ayodeji Awosika Ayodeji Awosika

An Interview with Author, Raymond M.E. Aguirre Raymond M.E. Aguirre

Here’s an Interview with Hakima TANTRIKA Hakima T A N T R I K A

These top writers produce outstanding and authentic content that informs their readers.

In the attached collection, you might find more interviews with other great writers and explore their inspiring and engaging content on Medium.

Interviews with Writers of Medium

Curated Writer Bios

You might also check our new Let’s Make Invisible Stories Visible collection compiled by our editor Elin Melaas.

If you are interested in joining our editorial team, please feel free to contact our chief editor Dr Mehmet Yildiz, on Illumination’s Slack Workspace.

You may check out the criteria for our volunteer editorial role.

Meet Our New Writers

Let’s welcome writers joining us recently.

New writers are welcome to create a BIO introducing themselves from their pen. As an altruistic activity, our editor Aiden, compiles these writer bios and promotes them. You can learn from this story.

You may meet more and follow many more new writers listed in these mini-onboarding packs.

New Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #1

Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #2

Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #3

Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #4

Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #5

Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #6

Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #7

Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #8

Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #9

Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #10

We will add these lists to a new collection soon.

Invitation to New Writers

ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications are inclusive and diverse, supporting 25,000+ contributors. Different levels of writers, from absolute beginners to the most accomplished ones, delight our readers with their educative and engaging content.

To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link. We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a writer on Medium. Please mention the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request.

ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications include:

ILLUMINATION ILLUMINATION-Curated ILLUMINATION’ S MIRROR ILLUMINATION Book Chapters Technology Hits SYNERGY Readers Hope Illumination on YouTube Illumination Gaming Lampshade of Illumination ILLUMINATION’s Blog EUPHORIA by Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Please review our onboarding pack before sending any story to ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications. We only accept stories meeting Medium policies and our guidelines.

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