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Four Ways to Balance Your Content Creation Obsession

Navigating the perils and payoffs of the influencer economy

Image: AI-generated using MidJourney | Owned by the author as per MidJourney ToS

Now, tell me — does this sound familiar? As midnight rolls around, you’re firmly planted in front of your laptop, eyes fixated on the glowing screen. You’re feverishly writing like you’re possessed by some Shakespearean spirit. Morning looms, and you’ll be showing up to your day job with bags under your eyes, clutching your triple-shot latte like a lifeline — yet again.

You’ve been writing for hours— years, truth be told — pouring your heart into each carefully chosen word. But your earnings on that content creator platform? They’re stuck like a buffering YouTube video on bad wifi.

Exhaustion’s creeping in, but you’re determined to craft that perfect article, the one that’ll catapult you into viral fame and the fat stacks of cash. Little do you realise your relentless pursuit of views might just cost you your financial well-being and overall happiness.

It’s a tricky trap that countless aspiring creators know all too well: the ‘influencer age’ dilemma of chasing views or making money.

Here’s the kicker: Intent on growing and captivating an audience, many creators overlook more straightforward and reliable ways of earning money. They invest countless hours into what might amount to an obsession with more financial uncertainty than a Sam Bankman-Fried startup. But what’s the reason behind this seemingly irrational behavior? Why the need to chase recognition over remuneration?

The psychology of chasing views

As the line between creator and consumer gets blurrier, more folks are lured into the realm of content creation. In fact, HubSpot’s 2022 State of Consumer Trends report found 40% of adults aged between 25 and 34 considered themselves content creators.

Many of these creators — an Adobe report estimates as many as 58% — have paying full-time gigs. Maybe the glitz and glamour entices them — the promise of fame, influence, and a VIP pass to that exclusive online community. It’s a world where they can fantasize about making a big splash and, let’s not kid ourselves, scoring some serious sums of cash. In a universe where someone calling themselves “Mr. Beast” can earn $54 million on YouTube, well, who wouldn’t want a slice of that sweet, sweet pie?

One thing that’s got folks hooked on content creation is social validation. Let’s be real — in the every day 9-to-5 grind, pats on the back and shiny trophies aren’t exactly raining down like confetti.

Particularly in large corporations, recognition is a slow burn that’s usually up to the discretion of the bigwigs. But flip the script to content creation and bam! — you’ve got yourself a social validation buffet.

Hearts, thumbs-ups, comments, retweets — people just can’t get enough of those digital high-fives. They’re like a spotlight on your worth and creativity that your day job just can’t match.

“For some, frequent reassurance seeking is addictive, almost like a drug. The likes and comments are a temporary fix,” believes Psychology Today regular contributor and Psychologist Bonnie Zucker.

Then there’s the siren song of fame, or as we like to call it these days, being an ‘influencer.’ “Hundreds of millions of people are on social media trying to become famous,” says Professor Nigel MacLennan, author of ‘Opportunity Spotting.’ “There seems to be something deep and enduring in the core of human nature that needs recognition, significance, appreciation, and validation.”

That deep-rooted craving for recognition is something we humans can’t shake. The thought of basking in the adoration and respect of the masses is addictive. We’re constantly hearing about rags-to-riches stories, like a musician’s tune going viral overnight or a YouTuber’s views blowing up faster than you can say “subscribe.”

That tantalizing sense of possibility is hard to resist, and who wouldn’t secretly think, “I could be next — this one’s gonna go viral, I just know it”?

Then, there’s the irresistible pull of creative expression. For many, there’s nothing more satisfying than getting elbow-deep in writing, filming, or creating any kind of masterpiece. The passion for self-expression is a reward in itself; cash be darned.

In the end, it’s like a high-stakes game of Twister between the thirst for validation, the chase for fame, the love of creativity, and the quest for financial security. For content creation amateurs, of which some 93% of content creators identify, the first three often steal the show, leaving dollar signs in the dust.

Image: AI-generated using MidJourney | Owned by the author as per MidJourney ToS

The downside

Chasing views might give you a buzz that rivals your morning coffee, but the downsides can leave you in the dark shadows.

One negative is the impact on mental health due to the constant pressure to rake in views. A 2020 study found that social media influencers experience higher levels of stress, anxiety, and depression than the general population.

Creators can feel like hamsters on a never-ending wheel, always sprinting after the next viral sensation but never truly feeling like they’ve hit the jackpot.

It can catch us in a double whammy — feeling like we’re failing at the thing we’re daydreaming about while simultaneously being unfulfilled and bored in our day job.

This not-so-fun combo creates a vicious cycle, where dissatisfaction in both parts of our lives fuels the view-chasing fire, driving us further from the balance we need to maintain a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

This relentless pursuit can lead to burnout, anxiety, and even depression as we obsess over the dream-state level of success we desire.

Then there’s the situation we discussed in the opening: People who are caught in the trap of working their tails off for what can literally be pennies in return.

Creators who pour countless hours into their side hustle, perfecting each morsel of content like it’s a Michelin-star dish, all to win over the hearts of an audience that, frankly, may not even exist.

The cruel twist? These creators often sacrifice their professional and personal lives in the name of content creation, all for a few extra bucks (if that). Realistically, they’d have a better shot at banking extra cash if they switched gears.

Instead of drowning in content, they could dive into career development in their day jobs, chasing promotions or hunting down higher-paying gigs — heck, even snagging some overtime would likely be a more profitable use of their time.

For those who run their own businesses, it’s even more critical to recognize the opportunity cost of chasing views. Those hours invested sweating over the perfect blog post or video could be better spent growing their empire, improving their services, making those oh-so-important real-life connections, or even just billing more hours.

Picture this: a business consultant cooking up, fine-tuning, and dishing out a content piece over five or six hours, only to pocket a few measly bucks.

Now imagine they spend just half that time hitting up existing clients for billable consulting gigs, charging just an hour or two of their time for some decent moolah. It could be hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars if they billed out as much time as they dumped into their content!

Pursuing content views over more practical ways to get paid can lead to significant opportunity costs and dampen your overall health and happiness.

Recognizing these pitfalls is step one to finding a better balance between the two. So, how do we strike that balance and embark on a creative journey that’s both sustainable and fulfilling?

Finding balance

Here are four tricks I’ve cooked up over the years to help juggle chasing those creative dreams while keeping my wallet happy and my brain sane.

1. Passion projects

One way to keep the creative fire burning and get that feel-good satisfaction is by staying loyal to our passion projects. Be real with ourselves — make sure we’re chasing these projects for the love of the game, not just to get a taste of viral fame.

When we’re truly vibing with our creative work, we’ll dig into the process, learn a bunch, and stay pumped. Any views? That’s just the cherry on top.

As an example, I’ve been writing on Medium for ten years — but it was just this week I reached one thousand followers. Yep, for the mathematicians amongst you, that’s a lowly average of one hundred followers a year — while I’ve watched others come onto the platform and amass tens of thousands of followers in just one or two years.

Why? I write to decompress, to learn, and to have fun (and because I’m a journalism university dropout!). Sometimes I write an article a week.

Other times, I’ve gone a year without publishing. I’ve never been too concerned with views and followers because writing is a passion project, and if just one person read a piece, that was enough for me.

2. Flex our strengths

Ditch the temptation to chase the latest social media craze in hopes of becoming an overnight star. Instead, craft content that showcases your skills, strengths, services, and what makes you stand out from the crowd.

This way, your ROI goes beyond mere views and platform-specific monetization. Even if your content only snags a handful of views, those could still turn into leads or work opportunities. Plus, repurposing that content for your job or business will amplify its worth in the long run.

3. Set realistic goals and priorities

To max out your content creation game, set goals that are actually doable and focus on tasks that bring the best emotional and financial payoffs. This means understanding the true cost of your choices and putting your time and energy where it counts.

In plain English, be straight-up and honest when sizing up the results of your actions, and aim for a meaningful return on investment that keeps your mind happy and healthy.

For instance, as a business owner, find that sweet spot between creativity and financial stability by carving out a set number of hours each week for content creation while keeping the growth and development of your main gig front and centre.

By setting boundaries and prioritizing your time, you’ll strike a balance that keeps both your creative cravings and bank account satisfied.

4. Focus on building a loyal audience (even if it’s small)

Instead of getting hung up on view counts, try shifting focus towards building a loyal and engaged fan base.

By whipping up content that clicks with our target audience and sparks genuine connections, we’ll likely feel a deeper satisfaction in our creative endeavours.

I mean, I’d prefer twenty loyal followers who engage with my niche content than a dumb cat video that gets a thousand views from strangers with no real interest in my true passions. Quality over quantity any day!

Reaching success and fulfilment

Content creation is a vast and exciting universe, brimming with prospects of personal growth and self-expression. But as creators, we should hit the brakes, reflect on what’s driving us, and consider the long-term effects of our decisions. By recognizing what’s at our core, we can make smarter choices about where to pour time and energy.

Ultimately, the potential for success is real, but it requires introspection, strategic thinking, and a commitment to finding the right balance.

When we can harness the excitement and allure of content views without losing sight of real-life financial and personal realities, we’ll be well-positioned to thrive in the dynamic world of content creation.

So, here’s a toast to all you creators: may you find that sweet spot, letting you blossom in both your imaginative and monetary pursuits!

Digital Life
Social Media
Content Creation
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