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Knowledge Sharing

Lessons Learned from Boosted Stories — Episode #1

An analysis of boosted stories by Dr Mehmet Yildiz to guide writers to write impactful stories for increasing the chance of further distribution on Medium

Image designed by Aiden (Illumination Gaming)

Esteemed writers, in my roles as a publication owner, editor, and boost nominator, I’ve ventured into the realm of boosted stories on Medium. Through this journey, I’ve gained valuable insights that I believe could greatly benefit you.

In this series, I’ll spotlight successful writers, showcase their top stories, and toss in a few tricks I’ve picked up. This dive into boosted stories has been enlightening on multiple fronts. It’s not just about refining my writing skills; it’s also about becoming a better boost nominator and boosting the buzz for the publications I back.

So, consider subscribing to this series; it could be quite a game-changer for you. Boosted stories? They’re like the A-listers of Medium, bringing in tenfold engagement. Definitely worth exploring, right?

In this inaugural episode, I’ve chosen to spotlight Dr. Mehmet Yildiz, drawing from his array of boosted stories. Given my extensive engagement with Dr. Yildiz’s work and the editorial access I have, I’ve handpicked these examples to illustrate the potential of boosted content on Medium.

Samples Boosted Stories for this Episode

Here are selected boosted stories from the writing of Dr Mehmet Yildiz.

My Unusual Celebration of New Years

Understanding the Nuances of 4 Types of Obesity

Soulful Connections: Finding Meaning in Mammadou’s Childhood Letters

Here’s How I Train My Brain Daily for Mental Clarity and Intellectual Productivity.

Meditation Can Boost the Cortical Thickness in the Brain and Prevent the Thinning of It

Here’s How You Can Enjoy Your Life More in Better Zones.

Six Tips for a Youthful and Healthy Life as We Age.

Here’s How to Make the Nervous System More Flexible and Functional

3 Steps to Regulate HPA Axis and Defeat Chronic Stress

A New Clinical Trial Found a Low-Carb Diet Better Than the Dash.

The Brain Needs 4 Types of Workouts.

The Brain Needs 3 Types of Rest.

How Writers Can Attract More Readers by Using Design Thinking Principles

How to Slow Down Subjective and Objective Cognitive Decline

Here’s Why I Focus on Nutritional Biochemistry Rather Than Diets

Queer Organisms: Nature’s Lesson for Diversity, Inclusion, and Equality

4 Reasons We Procrastinate and 10 Steps to Overcome Them.

What did I learn from these stories?

All of these stories meet the boosting criteria. Now, you might wonder, are all of Dr. Yildiz’s stories boosted? I was curious myself, so I checked. Surprise! Only 1% of his stories are boosted, even though he’s crafted the other 99% to meet the boost guidelines.

This reality hits hard for new boost nominators.

Interestingly, a few outstanding stories from established writers that captured my heart were not selected.

Initially, I was taken aback, but my mentor, Dr. Yildiz, shed light on the situation. He explained that the bar is exceptionally high, and curators work with additional rules that boost nominators might not be privy to.

Some might call it subjective taste, but curators, being more in tune with the audience, catch blind spots that new nominators like me might miss. I’ve adjusted my expectations, realizing the realism of the process, and I’m no longer disheartened when a story I nominate doesn’t make the cut.

Nevertheless, I persist in my quest. I meticulously review approximately 100 stories, seeking that one exceptional gem worthy of boosting. Consequently, as a newcomer in the realm of boost nominators, my acceptance rate stands impressively high. I am grateful.

When I asked Dr Yildiz what criteria he uses when writing and editing his stories, he shared these questions with me:

1 — Is my story impactful and constructive?

2 — Is my story original?

3 — Do I write from relevant experience?

4 — Is my story well-crafted?

5 — Does my story feel memorable?

He explained these points in a recent interview.

In addition, as a giveback activity, he wrote an educative story guiding writers to enhance the boost chance on Medium.

I read this story three times when I was selected as a boost nominator. This one-hour investment was essential for my role.

Now, back to the patterns I identified in the boosted stories of Dr Yildiz.

Patterns I Detected in His Boosted Stories

Compelling Introduction: Hooks readers from the opening paragraph.

Well-Structured: Each story follows a clear structure.

Relevant Topics: Covers significant and relatable subject matter.

Personal Expertise: Grounded in personal experiences and expertise.

Backed by Credible Sources: Supported by science or reliable sources.

Reader-Centric: Written from the reader’s perspective, empathizing and engaging.

Unique Perspective: Offers a fresh and distinct viewpoint on topics.

Logical Segmentation: Easily digestible sections for seamless reading.

Balanced Emotion: Emotive elements without overwhelming the narrative.

Sensory Description: Utilizes vivid sensory descriptions for immersion.

Logical and Empathetic Argumentation: Makes points logically with empathy.

Emotional Impact: Evokes emotions that linger with the reader.

Subtle Nuances: Contains nuanced and intricate details.

Layered Approach: Incorporates depth and complexity in storytelling.

Subtext and Inference: Utilizes subtext and inferred meaning effectively.

Character Depth: Develops characters with multifaceted qualities.

Symbolism and Metaphors: Uses symbolism and metaphors thoughtfully.

Tone Variance: Demonstrates variance in tone for diverse storytelling.

Quotable Phrases: Contains phrases that resonate and stick with readers.

Unforgettable Scenes: Creates scenes that remain vivid in memory.

Engaging Narratives: Weaves narratives that captivate and enthrall.

Surprising Twists: Incorporates unexpected turns to engage interest.

Resonant Endings: Provides endings that linger in the mind long after reading.

Conclusive Remarks: Provides valuable conclusions and takeaways.

Impressive to Presentation: Stands out and influences curators for boosting.

Final Thoughts

For a deeper understanding of these patterns, I encourage reviewing some of his boosted stories for an educational experience.

You may use this analysis to refine and craft similar narratives that resonate. If you’re a writer keen on creating such impactful stories, feel free to reach out to me. I can guide you through our Slack workspace or Discord server for further assistance.

I also plan to turn this series into educative YouTube videos, so stay tuned.

By the way, I’ve officially joined the ranks as a Friend of Medium (FoM).

From now on, stories I read from other writers will earn them four times the previous ones. Details are in the attached story.

I congratulate the early birds for Medium Friendship, as mentioned in the story of Dr Yildiz. I believe the more FoM members there are, the better it will be for writers. Let’s all inspire our readers with great stories. I am here to support and amplify your stories.

Why was I delayed, you might ask. After hearing about it for the past couple of weeks and skimming through a few stories, nothing has quite struck a chord until today. I did not see the value.

But recently, I stumbled upon a story that just clicked, and before I knew it, I was eagerly hitting that upgrade button, dropping $150 for an annual FoM subscription. It’s clear that certain writers have a knack for swaying our decisions, and Dr Mehmet Yildiz happens to be one of those influencers. For the full scoop, dive into his inspiring piece over on ILLUMINATION.

New writers, when you need help, please don’t hesitate to contact me on Slack workspace or Discord server. I introduce these services below.

Here is some information about my boost nominating publication.

Submission Guidelines

You may check all our submission guidelines.

ILLUMINATION-Curated: New Submission Guidelines 2023

Submission Guidelines: Illumination Integrated Publications

SYNERGY: Submission Guidelines 2023

Technology Hits: Submission Guidelines 2023

ILLUMINATION Book Chapters: Submission Guidelines 2023

Readers Hope: New Submission Guidelines 2023

ILLUMINATION Gaming: Submission Guidelines 2023

ILLUMINATION Videos and Podcasts: Submission Guidelines 2023

Publishing and Conduct Guidelines for the Lampshade of ILLUMINATION

Sample Curated Collections that I Created Recently

You may wonder why I stopped writing for Vocal Media.

I enjoy introducing writers on YouTube. So, if you are interested, you may contact me on Slack or Discord.

I also enjoy collecting writer bios, so if you write one, please send me a link on Slack.

Some info about Slack and Discords

About Me

I write articles in my field covering gaming, film-making, social media, and design. I am also a YouTuber. Thank you for subscribing to my account to get notifications when I post on Medium. I created a new website to share my content for free and promote stories of writers contributing to my publications on Medium. I also have a Substack newsletter. Let’s connect on Twitter and LinkedIn.

I own two publications on Medium. One for video gamers and another for YouTubers and Podcasters. I also support Illumination Integrated Publications as a volunteer editor and participate in collaborative activities in the Slack Workspace.

Writer applications for my publications can be sent via this weblink. Please add your Medium ID. I also enjoy email marketing using Cliqly, which is my affiliate link.

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