avatarAiden (Illumination Gaming)


A writer reflects on their experience with Vocal Media, sharing valuable life lessons learned from a financial loss but enriched by the wisdom gained.


The author invested significant time and money into Vocal Media, only to earn a minimal financial return. Despite this, they emphasize the importance of learning from failures and the value of resilience. The narrative details the writer's dedication to Vocal Media, their efforts to promote the platform, and the recognition they received from other writers. The author also discusses their decision to redirect efforts toward more rewarding platforms like Medium, where they have found greater success and community engagement. The piece serves as a cautionary tale for aspiring writers, urging them to invest their time and creativity wisely.


  • The author harbors no regrets or ill feelings towards Vocal Media, despite the financial loss, and respects the platform.
  • They believe in the intrinsic value of their work, even if it's not financially rewarding, and find worth in the impact on even a single reader.
  • The writer is skeptical about reinvesting in Vocal Media after a 1.10 return on a 99 investment over 18 months.
  • They advocate for platforms that acknowledge and reward the contributions of their members, such as Medium's Friendship program.
  • The author values transparency and shares their journey, including detailed statistics of their readership and earnings, to inform and inspire others.
  • They express a commitment to continue creating content and supporting fellow writers through various initiatives, including a Discord server, YouTube channel, and Medium publications.
  • The piece concludes with the writer's optimism for future endeavors and a willingness to adapt and grow from past experiences.

Valuable Life Lessons

Here’s How I Miserably Failed Vocal Media But Have No Regrets

Every failure or setback serves as a stepping stone toward success, offering invaluable lessons that pave the way for future victories.

Photo by Prashant Purbey from Pexels

Embarking on a journey fueled by a $99 investment and around 286 hundred hours of dedication, I found myself facing an unexpected outcome: a mere $1 and 10 cents income over the span of 18 months.

In sharing this story, I aim to bring forth transparency and humility, recounting my journey with its disappointments yet harboring no regrets or ill feelings as I respect the platform and wish them my best.

My exciting venture began in April 2022, marked by my entry into Vocal Media as a paying member, introduced by mentors with much anticipation.

Given my background in media, I had hoped that Vocal Media would amplify my writing voice.

I eagerly penned an introductory piece, linking it to 773 stories on Medium — a heartfelt endorsement for a platform into which I poured my all, but one seemingly overlooked by its management.

I dedicated multiple posts on Medium, aiming to acquaint my audience with Vocal challenges, and inspiring fellow writers to engage in these contests.

Some writers, through my guidance, achieved success and graciously acknowledged my assistance. While I partook in several challenges myself without clinching victory, the joy lay in the encouragement, not the accolades.

Despite being an ardent advocate and amplifier for Vocal+, promoting it tirelessly, the platform’s management remained unaware of my contributions for an entire year.

As a writer, my profile boasts 216 stories — a testament to my dedication. However, the impact, or lack thereof, speaks volumes — spoiler alert: it’s been minimal, if at all.

Join me as I unpack this narrative, a tale woven with determination, support, and a sprinkle of humor, aiming to inform, inspire, and perhaps raise an eyebrow or two along the way.

This isn’t a tale of personal failure or a lament; it’s a life lesson I’m eager to share with aspiring writers, a guidebook of sorts to prevent them from making the same missteps I did.

I’d like to briefly shed light on my 18-month journey with Vocal.

Over the course of 18 months as a paying member, investing $99, I committed myself to daily article writing.

To maintain transparency, I opted to share my entire dashboard, revealing the readership my stories garnered, the undisclosed number of subscribers, and the earnings I accrued.

Allow me to begin by showcasing my profile, indicating my joining date and the number of stories I’ve published. As of April 2022, my profile proudly displays a total of 216 published stories, as evidenced in the screen capture.

Now, let’s delve into the readership my 216 stories have garnered. Over the last 18 months, these stories have accumulated a total of 184 reads, averaging to fewer than 1 read per story.

Here is the math, to be precise.

84 total reads / 216 stories = approximately 0.85 reads per story

As you can see, these 216 stories got only 14 reads in the last 30 days.

Again, here is the math, to be precise.

4 total reads / 216 stories = approximately 0.06 reads per story.

Let’s take a look at the earnings.

286 stories earned $1.10. Let me calculate how much each story earned.

$1.10 total earnings / 286 stories = approximately $0.00384 per story.

Looks like my brilliant investment of one hour per story ended up earning me a jaw-dropping $0.00384! That’s the value of a few crumbs in the writing world!

The good news?

My humble account scored a grand total of 11 subscribers!

But unlike Medium’s friendly setup, there’s no way to peek behind the curtain and know who these kind souls are. So here I am, shrouded in mystery, unable to even give a high-five to my subscribers!

In a classic “gotcha” move, they auto-deducted another year of subscription as I paid yearly. Ironically, it seems I’m stuck in this subscription loop without a way to cancel, and according to their T&Cs, refunds aren’t in the cards.

Money is down the drain, but hey, Aiden, chin up!

I am not totally giving up Vocal as I plan to re-purpose some stories, toss them out into the vast expanse of the internet, and hope they land in the right hands. It’s all about finding that silver lining, right?

While money isn’t everything, finding value in my stories — even if it’s just one person — counts as a win in my book. Yet, as a prudent investor of my time and creativity, I’m redirecting my efforts toward platforms that have a broader reach.

Here’s the kicker:

Vocal’s now waving the $500 carrot, promising a year’s free subscription. But after this rollercoaster ride, I’m feeling more cautious than a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Can you blame me?

Do you reckon I should dive in with $500 of my hard-earned cash, especially after a whopping $1.10 return in a year?

It’s like asking if I should bring an umbrella to a desert!

My Wise Investment Plan After Failure

On a serious note, I plan to invest my hard-earned dollars in the Medium Friendship program as my mentor, Dr Mehmet Yildiz, advised us in a recent inspiring story.

I strongly believe it’s worthwhile to put in the effort, as genuine programs like this have the potential to empower writers who pour their hearts and souls into delighting their readers.

The good news is my lovely publication ILLUMINATION-Gaming was chosen as a boost-nominating publication on Medium. I am very grateful for this opportunity as I can make a difference in the growth of this platform giving voice to creators. Here is my story about it.

I also created a Discord server to enable collaboration among writers so you can contact me via Discord and the good old Slack workspace of ILLUMINATION publications.

Sure thing, I’m not just a scribbler — I’m a YouTuber too! I love giving writers the red carpet treatment on ILLUMINATION’s YouTube channel. Fancy getting your mug on there? I’ll whip up a video just for you, mate! Here are a few sneak peeks at what I’ve done before.

Conclusion and Takeaways

This journey has been a pivotal life lesson for me — one where I have discovered that sometimes, the true gains lie in the lessons learned rather than the rewards reaped.

Vocal Media might have missed out on a golden opportunity, but in their oversight, a new chapter begins. I am now redirecting my energy toward platforms that value and recognize those who champion them.

As writers, our time is a precious asset. It is a resource we invest in activities that yield tangible or intangible returns.

In my venture, the returns were sparse, offering neither tangible benefits nor intangible gains apart from the invaluable lessons gleaned from a year-long effort.

So, here’s the takeaway:

Invest your time wisely. Choose platforms and endeavors that appreciate your dedication and contribution. Value isn’t solely measured in monetary returns but in the knowledge gained and the direction it guides you.

Embrace the lessons, pivot when necessary, and invest your creative energies where they truly matter.

Continue to smile and create on platforms that truly honor your endeavors.

Thank you for reading my sad yet empowering story.

If you’re interested in reading my refreshing cocktail tale when I joined Vocal+, here’s the link for you.

If you’re keen on checking out how I promoted Vocal Challenges on lovely Medium, here are a few samples for your enjoyment.

Witness the fervor and dedication I poured into a platform that rewarded me with a grand total of $1.10 over 18 months.

About Me

I write articles in my field covering gaming, film-making, social media, and design. I am also a YouTuber. Thank you for subscribing to my account to get notifications when I post on Medium. I also created a new website to share my content for free and promote stories of writers contributing to my publications on Medium.

I also have a Substack newsletter. Let’s connect on Twitter and LinkedIn. I also enjoy email marketing using Cliqly which is my affiliate link

I own two publications on Medium. One for video gamers and another for YouTubers and Podcasters. I also support Illumination Integrated Publications as a volunteer editor and participate in collaborative activities in the Slack Workspace. Writer applications for my publications can be sent via this weblink. Please add your Medium ID.

Here’s my latest curated collection from ILLUMINATION publications.

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