Meet Dr Emmanuel Ogamdi on Medium
A medical doctor and book author with a mental health focus

In this post, we want to introduce you Dr Emmanuel Ogamdi, who contributes to our publications on Medium. Our diverse, inclusive, and supportive publications hosting stories of 24,000+ writers include:
ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curated, SYNERGY, Technology Hits, Book Chapters, Readers Hope, Gaming, Videos and Podcasts, Nutrition, the Lampshade of ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION’s Blog, and EUPHORIA. Details are provided in the onboarding pack.
Dr. Ogamdi, a prolific writer whose remarkable journey began on a Wednesday morning, January 11th, 1995, in Nigeria, where he was born into a devout family deeply entrenched in pious life. So, he grew up in the shadows of the church.
Growing up under the guidance of his parents, Dr. Ogamdi developed a fervent passion for reading, fostered by his father’s weekly tradition of bringing home newspapers, igniting a lifelong love for diverse knowledge and eventually leading him to explore the realm of writing.
He had a passion for writing in his childhood. Crafting his inaugural book at the tender age of nine — a children’s story — marked the inception of his literary expedition, albeit without publication.
Guided by the resilience and dedication of his hardworking parents, Dr. Ogamdi obtained a fundamental education, growing into a responsible elder sibling. Being the first child, his parents also taught him from an early age to care for and cater to his younger ones.
His quest for learning led him beyond Nigeria at 19, pursuing a medical degree in China while actively engaging in student politics and establishing a business bridging China and Nigeria.
Returning to Nigeria, he practiced medicine before venturing into clinical psychology and psychotherapy training, presently undergoing professional development in the field.
His debut book in 2022, “NOBODY WILL TELL YOU THIS: A guide to taking back control of your life,” draws insights from his church upbringing and experiences in a communist state, challenging conventional ideas about free will in decision-making.

His book is transformative and challenges the core perceptions shaping our world. While countless books delve into politics, religion, education, and society, few dare to explore the profound link between these pillars and our innate fears.
His book unveils the unseen ties binding modern society to the primal instinct of fear. Within these pages lies an exposé, revealing how societal norms subtly mold our choices through the lens of fear.
Offering a wide-ranging appeal, his book transcends borders, resonating with politicians, educators, religious followers, activists, philosophers, and avid readers alike. It’s a thought-provoking journey into the shared realities that unite us all.
He also writes non-fiction stories. His writing goal is to stir a conversation. For this reason, he enjoys writing on social issues that sometimes border on controversial, sparking conversations on societal concerns, including a thought-provoking piece on suicide.
Notably, Dr. Ogamdi avoids technology-themed writing, preferring to explore topics that fuel his curiosity and familiarity, eschewing those that do not stimulate his creative energies or interests.
Outside his ventures, Dr. Ogamdi enjoys reading and watching football. He is a huge fan of Chelsea FC. He reads non-fiction (economics, politics, and books that border on social issues — one of his favorite books so far is Sapiens written by Yuval Noah Harari).
With an ardent love and an unwavering dedication to writing on topics that provoke dialogue, Dr. Ogamdi embodies an intellectually curious and impassioned voice in the literary landscape.
Here is the book review of Dr Emmanuel Ogamdi by Dr Mehmet Yildiz on
We selected a few sample stories for you to explore his art of expression and self-discovery through written words, giving us valuable life lessons.
3 Surprising Lessons I’ve Learned from Falling in Love First Time
On Vices and Guilty Pleasures
The Gender Pay Gap Doesn’t Exist
Who Discovered the Niger River?
Why Is Your Religion Better Than Mine?
Why Don’t We Teach Black History and Slave History in Schools in Africa?
Are Transgender Women Real Women?
The Mystery of Pain
Will the Noise About the Climate Crisis Ever End?
Thank you for reading these beautiful and meaningful stories.
You may contact him on ILLUMINATION’s Slack workspace.
Introduction to Other Writers

We introduced several writers recently. The most recent ones are Thomas Allen Moon , Omni Essence, Sneha Nagre, Sridhar Pai Tonse — Leadgen Coach- Tech Startups, Zondra Dos Anjos, Ani Vals, Ammara Hassan, Jozsef Kovacs, and Davor Katusic
You might also check recent editorial introductions from our team.
You can learn about our other editors’ backgrounds from this collection curated by ILLUMINATION-Curators.
Dr Mehmet Yildiz also interviewed many writers. Here are the recent ones.
An Interview with Dr. Yogesh Haribhau Kulkarni, PhD — Yogesh Haribhau Kulkarni (PhD)
An Interview with Author, Raymond M.E. Aguirre Raymond M.E. Aguirre
Here’s an Interview with Hakima TANTRIKA Hakima T A N T R I K A
These top writers produce outstanding and authentic content that informs their readers.
In the attached collection, you might find more interviews with other great writers and explore their inspiring and engaging content on Medium.
You might also check our new Let’s Make Invisible Stories Visible collection compiled by our editor Elin Melaas.
If you are interested in joining our editorial team, please feel free to contact our chief editor Dr Mehmet Yildiz, on Illumination’s Slack Workspace.
You may check out the criteria for our volunteer editorial role.
We updated some of our submission guidelines, so please review them if you are a writer of these publications.
ILLUMINATION-Curated: New Submission Guidelines 2023 by ILLUMINATION-Curators
Submission Guidelines: Illumination Integrated Publications from August 1st, 2023 by Suzanne E.
Readers Hope: New Submission Guidelines 2023 by Dr Mehmet Yildiz
Technology Hits: Submission Guidelines 2023 by ILLUMINATION Amplifiers
ILLUMINATION Book Chapters: Submission Guidelines 2023 by ILLUMINATION
ILLUMINATION Gaming: Submission Guidelines 2023 Aiden (Illumination Gaming)
ILLUMINATION Videos and Podcasts: Submission Guidelines 2023 Aiden (Illumination Gaming)
Publishing and Conduct Guidelines for the Lampshade of ILLUMINATION
New Curation Service by ILLUMINATION
Here are our latest curated collections by ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION Amplifiers, and ILLUMINATION-Curators for your enjoyment.
Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5, Volume 6, Volume 7, Volume 8, Volume 9, Volume 10, Volume 11, Volume 12, Volume 13, Volume 14, and Volume 15, and Volume 16, Volume 17, Volume 18, Volume 19.
Our senior editor/curator Mike Broadly, DHSc also started featuring stories from his own reading list giving us more reading options. You may check his collections, which cover wonderful pieces.
ILLUMINATION-Curators also started topic-based curation. For example, we have a new publication called ILLUMINATION’s Nutrition, led by Surekha Chandrasekhar. Here is the first collection.
Critical Documents for Our Writers
Every writer contributing to our publications must review these guiding policies before submitting their stories. We are tolerant, but these are non-negotiable rules.
Writing Challenges and Prompts
Helpful Resources for Writers and Readers
Starter Kit for Writers of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications
Improving the Quality of Writing Using an Editorial Checklist
Five Tips to Become a Prolific Writer Despite Full-Time Work
You may check more content strategy stories on the collection of Dr Mehmet Yildiz mainly written to guide new writers of our publications.
Meet Our New Writers

New writers are welcome to create a BIO introducing themselves from their pen. As an altruistic activity, our editor Aiden, compiles these writer bios and promotes them. You can learn from this story.
You may meet more and follow many more new writers listed in these mini-onboarding packs.
We will add these lists to a new collection soon.
Here is our monthly update.
Invitation to New Writers
To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link.
We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a writer on Medium. Please mention the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request.
ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications include:
ILLUMINATION ILLUMINATION-Curated ILLUMINATION’ S MIRROR ILLUMINATION Book Chapters The Lampshade of ILLUMINATION Technology Hits SYNERGY Readers Hope Illumination on YouTube Illumination Gaming ILLUMINATION’s Blog EUPHORIA by Dr Mehmet Yildiz