

Instructions to Use ILLUMINATION Slack Workgroup

Dr Mehmet Yildiz compiled a resource for new members of the ILLUMINATION Slack workspace.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

This is a short story to introduce ILLUMINATION Slack Workspace.

Collaboration is essential for writers and readers.

“Some writers and readers say that ILLUMINATION is growing at the speed of light. This statement is not an exaggeration. Within 18 months, 18,000+ writers joined this publication.

With the addition of new services, such as a special collection ILLUMINATION-Curated and technology collection called Technology Hits, the growth turned into an exponential state. Our unique collection of ILLUMINATION-Curated is also rapidly growing.

To adapt to this fast growth, we need to improve our services and make them more efficient to serve thousands of writers contributing to these publications serving thousands of readers.

We upgraded our Slack infrastructure, capability, and processes. I invited all applicants who are interested in contributing to our publications. 14,000+ Medium writers have already joined and are collaborating joyfully.

In this post, my goal is to introduce Slack workspace briefly and how writers can benefit from it and use it efficiently to achieve their writing and reading goals.

I will also introduce other resources to help you learn Slack quickly and easily. For beginners, let me introduce what Slack is.”

What is Slack and How Can Writers Use It?

We hope this resource will help you learn this productivity and collaboration tool with ease.

Introduction to the “reading club” on Slack Workspace

If you are a writer of Illumination Integrated Publications and a member of our Slack group, Dr. Yildiz created a channel called “#reading-club-for-members” aiming to increase the reading times of our writers and give more options to our subscribed readers.

Dr. Yildiz also wants to bring more readers to our publications as we serve thousands of writers.

Just Illumination publication published over 400,000 stories bringing millions of views to our writers. As you may know, our publications, owner, and editors do not earn a cent. It is a free giveback service to the writing and reading community.

You can nominate your stories by providing a link and your Medium ID, starting with the @ sign. For example, my Medium ID is @Illumination-Curator. You can copy and paste your account ID from your Medium profile.

I will check them regularly and select well-written stories meeting our criteria to be featured in these posts. You may also share links to the chapters and indexes of your books at ILLUMINATION Slack Workspace in the channel called #post-your-own-writing-here.

This club is open to Medium members. All members are welcome to join. You may send your request to join via this weblink. Current writers are automatically added to the club. However, if you are not on our Slack workspace, please request access via the weblink so that you can share your stories on our channels.

I look forward to your feedback.

About Illumination-Curator Team

We are the lead editors of Illumination-Curated and content curator for Illumination Integrated Publications. We do these tasks voluntarily as we have full-time jobs in different industries.

Our role for the reading club is to select engaging, interesting, and informative stories submitted to Illumination Integrated Publications, including eight significant (generic and specialized) publications.

In addition, we compile, format, and post them on Medium, Substack, and several other platforms owned by ILLUMINATION and Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Here is the link to our publications ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curated, ILLUMINATION’S MIRROR, ILLUMINATION on YouTube, Technology Hits, SYNERGY, ILLUMINATION Book Chapters, and Readers Hope.

You can learn about our publications in the new writer onboarding pack.

Essential Resources for Writers

Onboarding Pack for New Writers

Publication Resources

Essential publication-related stories can be accessed via this collection.

Meet Writers from Their Pen

Meet Editors of Our Publications

Join Illumination Fiction Club

Publications of Our Writers on Medium

Invitation to Potential Writers

To join our vibrant and supportive publications on Medium, please send a request via this link. We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a writer on Medium. Please point out the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request. If you are new to Medium, you can join via this link. Readers can read thousands of stories, and writers can monetize self-published content.

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