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Remarkable ILLUMINATION Writers

Interview with Agnes Laurens

Featuring creative writers of ILLUMINATION

Photo by tabitha turner on Unsplash

Purpose of the Story

I love cross-pollinating writers and readers to create synergy and fusion. The purpose of this story is to share with you an interview that I conducted with Agnes Laurens.

Agnes Laurens is an accomplished writer on ILLUMINATION and several other publications on Medium.

Not only contributing our publication with her inspiring and insightful stories, Agnes also supports our writers, engages with them meaningfully, and collaborates in our Slack channel.

As a prolific writer, poet, content developer, and content marketer, Agnes also owns and leads several publications that you can find their details from this resource. You can consider contributing to her specialized publications.

As a technologist, my favorite publication of Agnes is All Technology which I plan to contribute to in the near future.

Let’s explore the background of this successful writer, poet,and more…

Tell us a bit about your background, Agnes.

This is the first interview I am doing. Normally I am the interviewer for the local radio and local newspaper. It is the other way around now. Iewww... No, I am not nervous.

I have three daughters, and I am married. I live in a village near Utrecht, in The Netherlands. In the middle of the centre. It is very green here and quiet too. I can make long walks from here.

Well, since a year I am seriously in love with writing. I have done writing as a child but not frequently. And since I am writing here on Medium almost every day, since a year, I am looking more and more to who I am, what I want to tell my readers and which lessons I want to give my readers — and which lessons I can take from what I read.

I love telling stories about situations that I have been through. I want to warn people about what might happen and what they could experience. But not only the negative situation, I also want to tell positive stories — like going to a concert of Maxim Vengerov in the Royal Albert Hall in London when I was about sixteen years old.

I also love just to tell stories to make people very happy. Because, writing makes me happy. And I want to spread that happiness. You get that back too.

At the age of 6 years old, I played the cello for one year. One year after, I exchanged the cello for the violin. Since then, I have played the violin. I just counted that I have played in seven orchestras and a few project orchestras. I have played in so many different concert halls. I may call myself blessed; I was able to do that.

Why do you write on Medium?

O, well, I came across Medium when I was looking something on Google. I searched for the website if it was a reliable website to trust the information I was looking for. I had seen it earlier once. I never thought about it, until in 2016 to join Medium. And since 2019, I started writing here on Medium seriously and almost every day. I joined the Medium Partner Program a few months later.

What are your values as a writer?

As said, I like to give my readers the lessons I have learned in situations, tell stories I have been through, or let them know what I love to do and what makes me happy. As a writer, I also want to learn from my fellow writers. They have been through the situation, but also they learned lessons or they just write what they love.

I think it is also important that I write from my heart, the things I love to write about. This just makes me who I am and also who I want to be in my future. That is why I don’t really have a niche, then the things I have been through, the lessons I learned and what I love to do in my life.

What are the top three books affected your life?

Pfff… Well, I am a slow reader first of all. Second of all, I don’t read that much than only articles. Most of the time — when I read — I read romance books from Harlequin or anything like that.

I also have a book about the place of woman in society. It is a very thick book. And I can’t get through it. However, this is a significant topic to read about. Slowly I get through it. That is a book that affects me in my life. This book is called “Le Livre Noir de la Condition des Femmes”, by a diverse group of woman.

I also have other books on my night desk, but I have to push myself to read books. I feel a little bit overwhelmed too with all the books available, as well as all the writers and all genres out there. I’m somehow indecisive.

What are your hobbies?

I play the violin. I love playing the violin since I was seven years old. I have had several teachers. I also played in seven orchestras during my life. Classical music is very important to me because I find peace in what I listen to and in what I play.

Since a few years, I started painting too. I wanted to try if that is anything for me. And yes, I like it, even if I am not good, but I am learning. On the other hand, like playing the violin, it is something that plays a big part in healing from the past, as well as writing too.

I love gardening too. I have a small piece of garden in our village we use for growing vegetables and all that sort of things. In my garden at home, I have a tree with fruit, and I try to use the pits from fruits I buy in the grocery store to turn it into real fruit plant or tree again. So, hopefully, it turns out the way I hoped for. Without trying, you never know what happens, and if it really works.

How do you connect with your readers?

Connecting to my readers is very important to me because my name will be out there: in your stories, in the comments you receive and write, and clapping on stories. The more you connect, the more followers and comments you get, the more you will be inspired as well.

I comment on other stories which I think it is valuable for me as a writer to comment on. Highlighting stories is also one of the things I do regularly because what is said has any value to me, or I want to remember myself what has been said. Another way with highlighting stories is getting inspired to write your own stories. It is important to remember anyhow. That sentence or that paragraph has any value to my life.

Also, I tag the person when I read a piece, and I want to mention that piece in my writing. I think it is fair to name him or her too. The author worked the butt off for that particular story.

When I like other authors, I try to connect with them on other social media channels, such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or somewhere else.

Why did you join ILLUMINATION, and how do you find it so far?

I already followed the illumination. And because I followed this publication, there was a story — I think it was this one — from @desireedriesenaar in my feed. So, I clicked that story and read it through the end. I realized that she loves sustainability as I do as well. Thus one thing we both have in common. That topic triggers me anyhow.

When I wrote my first story on ILLUMINATION, I didn’t expect it to be accepted and published. I was really surprised. From that moment, and reading a lot more stories, I was sold immediately, and it felt like home.

Who are the top ten writers you follow on ILLUMINATION?

Pfff… This so tough, because I have more than ten top writers on ILLUMINATION. How can even choose between all the incredible and talented writers? If I really have to choose, then I’ll name these ten. Forgive me, other writers… I love you too!

Tree Langdon the story that stayed with me: Beware of the Green Eyed Snake: She Bites

Desiree Driesenaar the story that stayed with me: Music for a Better Future

Anna Klawitter the story that stayed with me: 5 Websites That Will Pay You to Write

Roz Warren the story that stayed with me: How Do You Beat Writer’s Block?

Caroline de Braganza the story that stayed with me: Did I Catch You at a Bad Time?

Charlotte Zobeir Ali the story that stayed with me: The Three Possible Reasons Why Melania Trump Announced Plans to Refresh the White House Rose Garden

Aurora Eliam, CMP the story that stayed with me: What I’ve Learned From Chronic Illness

René Junge the story that stayed with me: My First Series of Erotic Short Stories Is Finished. It Took Me Seventeen Days.

Kathryn A. LeRoy, Ph.D. the story that stayed with me: Do You Know How to Connect the Dots?

Ann Venkataraman the story that stayed with me: Unique Yet Homogenous

What are your top five stories that you want to share with your audience and why?

Another question is very difficult to answer because there are so many excellent written, and which has a really good point. I hate to exclude others.

Well, if I have to, then these five would be the top list:

  1. What No One Tells Black Women About Breastfeeding, by Nina Bahadur— I love this story as breastfeeding, in general, is taboo, but with Black people, it seems that it is not normal to give your child breastmilk. To me it is normal, I breastfed my three daughters, and I loved it. When reading this story that Black woman are not good informed about breastfeeding, it broke my heart. We — White People — need to do something about it. Black People deserve the same as we get.
  2. When Content Dies, All We’ll Have is Our Personal Narratives by Jonathan Greene — This story is about when (digital) content dies. We write about the same every time and then there is no uniqueness anymore. Our personal thoughts about topics are what we have.
  3. 5 Problems with the Self-Help Industry by George J. Ziogas — Back in your head, you know that you have to look for the information that helps you get on the path you want. But also the Self-Help Industry is a business itself. You know it, but when said by someone, it is still an eye-opener. I didn’t really know the problems. It helped me.
  4. She’s the First Black Person to Lead a Major Publisher, and She’s Going to Get Authors Paid by Nicole Denise Jackson — It is a huge step forward that a Black woman is leading a major publisher. Hopefully, this also changes how books written by Black people will be promoted in the future.
  5. 12 Attributes Of Above Average People — According To Philosophy by Spencer Sekulin. — This story is about that wealth is not just money, but everything within us, in our mindset. You know it, but do we always act like that? A lot of people want more and more stuff around them.

What are the success factors for you as a writer on Medium?

Oof… I don’t like to think about success. Success is different for anyone else. I preferably think in how I try to let readers think about a different opinion, or I want to learn others with the mistakes I make, or I just what to tell a lovely story, and most of the time I also learn through the way as a writer. My readers may see that. What is my style, don’t have to be your style or the topics you love to read, but sometimes I just want to share my thoughts, lessons I have learned.

What do you recommend to the new writers on ILLUMINATION?

I recommend new writers to be themselves when writing, writing about topics they love to write about, and that you really don’t need to have a niche to write about. Don’t let negative comments into the way of writing your stories. You love to write about what you are writing, so believe in that. Your writing voice is worth it!

What are your plans as a writer?

Well, I love to stay writing here on Medium, but I am active on Vocal and HubPages. Also, I write my first book through Wattpad: The Haunted House. As a writer, I want to let people think about issues going in the world or provide them with the right information, but above all, I want to share my thoughts too as well as providing them with the lessons I have learned. As I had a dream a few days ago about a topic happening on a stage as a play, I decided to take action and write that onto paper.

Thank you for your valuable time Agnes Laurens. I enjoy reading your remarkable stories on ILLUMINATION frequently. Your writing and poetic capabilities are appealing and inspirational to me and many of our readers. I appreciate your wonderful support to our publication, writers, and readers. It is a pleasure to chat with you on our Slack channel which is like a warm virtual room. You are gem on Medium to be discovered by many more readers soon. ILLUMINATION appreciates your contribution.

You can connect with Agnes on her Medium profile.

You can read creative writer bio of Agnes from this link.

And this testimonial story about ILLUMINATION meant a lot to me.

If you are a writer on ILLUMINATION and want to be interviewed, please send a request via this link with title of “Interview Request”.

Connect with other engaging writers

You may also check other interviews I conducted with inspiring writers of ILLUMINATION recently. These stories can provide a great opportunity to know more about our creative writers and connect with them.

These reputable writers are gems of ILLUMINATION!

Timothy Key

Desiree Driesenaar

Holly Jahangiri

Dr John Rose

Ming Qian

P.G. Barnett

Jill Ebstein

Bill Abbate

Terry Mansfield

Ann K Frailey

Woei T

Charles Roast

Julia E Hubbel

Aric D Mayer

Chris Hedges

Paroma Sen

Jeff Hanlon

Alison Tennent

Sherry McGuinn

Sylvia Love Johnson

Maïa Belart

Henery X (long)

Chowa Sekai

conny manero

Sumera Rizwan

Karen Madej 💛

Anita Lesko

Marianna Saver

Suntonu Bhadra

John Cousins

Annelise Lords

Tree Langdon ♾️


Aurora Eliam, CMP

Martine Weber

Sharon Hurley Hall

MaryJo Wagner, PhD

Phil Truman

Christopher D. Connors

Tim Maudlin

Mallika Vasak

Amy Sarah

Kevin Buddaeus

Agnes Louis

Ali Qutmiera

Toni Koraza

Michael Patanella

Libby Mitchell

Gurpreet Dhariwal

CR Mandler MAT

Earnest Painter

You can find inspiring profiles of ILLUMINATION writers from this story.

Meet our top writers!

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You might check more interviews in the attached collection.

You can find inspiring profiles of ILLUMINATION writers from this story.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

About the Author

Thank you for subscribing to my content. I share my health and well-being stories in my publication, Euphoria. If you are new to Medium, you may join by following this link. A small part of your membership fee will not only support my writing, but your reading times can support many great writers on this platform.

I see opportunities endless for readers and writers on Medium. You can join my publications as a writer requesting access via this weblink.

In addition to self-improvement, leadership, technology, and health, I also enjoy writing about essential molecules such as lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, digestive enzymes, magnesium, creatine, choline, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, CoQ10, NADH, TMG, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, and other nutrients for health and fitness.

Self Improvement
Mental Health
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