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This context is an interview with Tim Maudlin, a prolific writer and contributor to the ILLUMINATION publication, discussing his background, values, and success factors as a writer.


The context is an interview with Tim Maudlin, a writer who contributes to the ILLUMINATION publication. The interview covers various aspects of Tim's life, including his background, values, and success factors as a writer. Tim shares that he never saw himself as a writer but found a passion for telling stories through pictures and words. He writes to build a legacy for his sons and hopes to resonate with others. Tim values building up rather than tearing down and uses his writing to contemporize principles that have guided his life. He shares his favorite books, hobbies, and methods for connecting with his readers. Tim also discusses his future plans as a writer, including repurposing content and creating books, courses, and more.

Bullet points

  • Tim Maudlin is a writer who contributes to the ILLUMINATION publication.
  • Tim never saw himself as a writer but found a passion for telling stories through pictures and words.
  • Tim writes to build a legacy for his sons and hopes to resonate with others.
  • Tim values building up rather than tearing down and uses


Interview with Tim Maudlin

Featuring creative writers of ILLUMINATION

There’s a small town about 70 miles from where I live called Story, Indiana. Photo by my son. Photos provided by Tim Maudlin

Purpose of the Story

In this story, I share an interview with Tim Maudlin. I met Tim before ILLUMINATION and have followed his engaging content since I joined Medium. Tim is a prolific writer with excellent content development and graphics skills.

Tim accepted my invitation to join ILLUMINATION and contributed to our publication, actively engaging with our writers and readers from the beginning. I am addicted to Tim’s inspiring stories with fantastic illustrations. I always learn something new and gain new perspectives from Tim’s stories.

Tim’s attractive content templates are used by several of our writers. I am also grateful that Tim accepted my offer to participate in this interview and provided excellent photos to enrich this story.

Let’s meet the exciting life of Tim Maudlin.

Selfie of my dog Remi and Me. Photo by Tim Maudlin

Tell us a bit about your background, Tim.

Before I dive in, thank you Dr Mehmet Yildiz for giving me the opportunity to be in ILLUMINATION and share my stories with this amazing community.

Here’s how I describe myself in my profile: Storyteller, Adoptive Parent & Template Architect | Telling Stories is My Therapy

I never saw myself as a writer. At an early age, I was good at art. By exploring different ways to tell stories artistically, I found a passion for architectural illustration and I did that professionally for almost 30 years.

One of my architectural illustrations. Photo by Tim Maudlin

Now I tell stories with pictures and the written word. Who knew? I’m also a husband to my wife of 28 years, Mary Beth, and a Dad to my two sons, Jonathan and Andrew.

Why do you write on Medium?

I write because of my sons. I want to build a collection of the principles I’ve taught them over the years. So that one day when I’m gone and they ask themselves, what would Dad do, they will have something to refer to. I look at my writing as a legacy to leave to them.

It’s also my hope that something I write will resonate with others. That would be the icing on the cake.

My young hunter/gatherers. Photos by Tim Maudlin
My boys are growing up way to fast but they still love to climb rocks. Photo by Tim Maudlin

What are your values as a writer?

My values as a writer are to build up rather than tear down. Words are powerful. They can be used as a power for good and conversely as a power for evil. I like to contemporize the principles that have guided me in life.

What are the top three books that have affected your life?

The Bible is my number one go-to book. And since it has 66 books I’ve gone way over my limit 😃 In its pages, I’ve found the answers to life’s questions and how best to live my life.

I could list several other books that have affected my life. But two of my favorites just happen to be by my favorite author, Andy Andrews.

The Little Things It’s important to pay attention to detail and really sweat the small stuff.

The Bottom of The Pool There’s a profound statement in this book. Something might be true but it might not be the truth.

What are your hobbies?

I love to go hiking and I love to make my own hiking sticks. Below are some of the sticks in my collection. I also enjoy playing cards (euchre) and watching sports, especially basketball.

Photos by Tim Maudlin

How do you connect with your readers?

I like to vary how I tell my stories. Here is a sampling.

Sometimes I’ll tell a personal story.

Sometimes I’ll tell a story with memes.

My favorite way to tell a story is with an ACRONYM.

I also like to tag other writers in my stories as a way to engage with them. Below are a couple of screenshots from my stories.

By mentioning writers who have inspired me.

Screenshot from one of my stories.

And by mentioning my CAPITAL Acquaintances

Screenshot from one of my stories.

Why did you join ILLUMINATION and how do you find it so far?

I connected with Dr Mehmet Yildiz in another publication on Medium. He extended an invitation to become a part of a new publication he was creating. Little did I know how incredible ILLUMINATION would become. I tell all of my writing friends and students to submit their stories to it.

Who are the top ten writers you follow on ILLUMINATION?

Henery X (long), Rasheed Hooda, Dipti Pande, Amy Marley, Michele Thill, JeffHerring.com, Candy L Hill, Aurora Eliam, CMP, Joan Kent, PhD, Phil Truman, and Dr Mehmet Yildiz

What are your top five stories that you want to share with your audience and why?

Hi Neighbor is a story I use to introduce myself. Truth be told, I do not like to talk about myself. However, I realize if I really want to make an impact with my writing, I have to put myself out there.

I’m probably not the only person who is reluctant to talk about themselves. So I wrote Know, Like & Trust as a template story for other writers to imitate. Judging from the comments, folks like this approach.

ILLUMINATION is a story of appreciation for the publication and the people who make up this community. I used one of my favorite storytelling tools, the ACRONYM Template to write this story.

FIFTY Days of Publishing Stories in ILLUMINATION is about my personal challenge to write for 30 days in a row. With the momentum I had, I kept going to 50. I learned some valuable lessons that are outlined in this story.

Unlocking The CAGES of Our Minds is a story I wrote as much for myself as others. During my 50 days of writing, I began to notice a pattern that I was writing a lot about mindset and people were liking it. More to come.

What are the success factors for you as a writer on Medium?

I actually wrote a story about this using the acronym CAPITAL. I would love to make the equivalent of a car payment or more each month from my writing on Medium. But there’s another way to look at capital that makes writing on Medium and ILLUMINATION priceless.

What do you recommend to the new writers on ILLUMINATION?

Even if you only have ONE story written, submit that and get in ILLUMINATION. Then I tell them to begin following other writers. Read, clap, highlight, comment, and share their stories. And as you write more stories, look for writers who complement what you write about. Share their stories within your story. There’s a synergy this begins to build.

What are your future plans as a writer?

I’m excited about what my stories can become. I believe in repurposing content. I can see books, courses, and more coming from my writing.

I always show my appreciation to my readers by adding this note:

To show my appreciation for reading my story, here’s a LINK to receive a complimentary copy of my ACRONYM Template. No opt-in required.

Graphic by Tim Maudlin
Graphic by Tim Maudlin

Thank you for your valuable time, Tim Maudlin. I learn a lot from your informative and stylish content. I look forward to reading more stories from your creative pen. I also appreciate your active engagement with our writers by providing useful tips for their development. You are an inspiration to our writers and readers.

You may also check a great video that Tim submitted to our YouTube channel.

If you are a writer on ILLUMINATION and would like to be interviewed, please send a request via this link with title of “Interview Request”.

Other Interviews

You may also check other interviews I conducted with inspiring writers of ILLUMINATION recently. These stories can provide a great opportunity to know more about our creative writers and connect with them.

Timothy Key

Desiree Driesenaar

Holly Jahangiri

Dr John Rose

Ming Qian

P.G. Barnett

Jill Ebstein

Bill Abbate

Terry Mansfield

Ann K Frailey

Woei T

Charles Roast

Julia E Hubbel

Aric D Mayer

Chris Hedges

Paroma Sen

Jeff Hanlon

Besom & Bletherskite

Sherry McGuinn

Sylvia Love Johnson

Maïa Belart

Henery X (long)

Chowa Sekai

conny manero

Sumera Rizwan

Karen Madej 💛

Anita Lesko

Marianna Saver

Suntonu Bhadra

John Cousins

Annelise Lords

Tree Langdon ♾️


Aurora Eliam, CMP

Martine Weber

Sharon Hurley Hall

MaryJo Wagner, PhD

Phil Truman

Christopher D. Connors

Kevin Buddaeus


Invitation to writers to join ILLUMINATION

If you want to join our growing, enjoyable, and supportive publication as a writer, please leave a message via this link. We help you become a successful writer on Medium.

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You might check more interviews in the attached collection.

You can find inspiring profiles of ILLUMINATION writers from this story.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

About the Author

Thank you for subscribing to my content. I share my health and well-being stories in my publication, Euphoria. If you are new to Medium, you may join by following this link. A small part of your membership fee will not only support my writing, but your reading times can support many great writers on this platform.

I see opportunities endless for readers and writers on Medium. You can join my publications as a writer requesting access via this weblink.

In addition to self-improvement, leadership, technology, and health, I also enjoy writing about essential molecules such as lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, digestive enzymes, magnesium, creatine, choline, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, CoQ10, NADH, TMG, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, and other nutrients for health and fitness.

Self Improvement
Mental Health
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