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The website content features an interview with Ali Qutmiera, a young writer on ILLUMINATION, discussing his background, inspirations, and top stories, while also highlighting the publication's supportive community and other featured writers.


The article presents an in-depth conversation with Ali Qutmiera, a recent political science graduate and a new writer on the ILLUMINATION publication. Ali, a son of Palestinian immigrants, shares his journey and the influence of his heritage on his writing. He emphasizes the importance of authenticity and creativity in his work and credits the Medium platform for providing a collaborative environment. The interview explores Ali's values as a writer, his favorite books, hobbies, and the success factors for his writing on Medium. Ali also recommends his top five stories, providing insights into his philosophical and existential musings. The piece concludes with Ali's future plans and his appreciation for the ILLUMINATION community, which has supported his growth as a writer. Additionally, the article invites other writers to join ILLUMINATION and showcases interviews with various other engaging writers in the publication.


  • Ali Qutmiera values authenticity and creativity in his writing, viewing it as a form of self-discovery and self-expression.
  • He finds the Medium platform to be an ideal creative outlet, appreciating its collaborative and inviting environment.
  • Ali's Palestinian identity significantly shapes his perspectives and writing, particularly in his reflections on Middle Eastern affairs and foreign policy.
  • He admires and is influenced by Palestinian intellectuals like Edward Said and Mahmoud Darwish, who have helped him grapple with his identity.
  • Ali's top three books that have profoundly affected his life and development are "The Soul of a Butterfly" by Muhammad Ali, "Steal Like an Artist" by Austin Kleon, and "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.
  • Success for Ali as a writer is defined by the act of writing and sharing his work, rather than the outcome or financial gain.
  • He encourages new writers on ILLUMINATION to be themselves, find their niche, and engage with the community regularly.
  • The article highlights the importance of the ILLUMINATION community in fostering growth, interaction, and support among writers.
  • The publication's owner and chief editor, Dr. Mehmet Yildiz, emphasizes the inclusive nature of ILLUMINATION and invites writers to contribute to its growth.
  • The piece reflects on the power of storytelling and the impact of diverse voices within the ILLUMINATION publication.


Interview with Ali Qutmiera

Featuring creative writers of ILLUMINATION

Photo courtesy of Ali Qutmiera

In this story, I share an interview that I conducted with Ali Qutmiera. I am impressed by the stories of this young writer. Ali is a new writer on ILLUMINATION, and I have started reading his engaging and informing stories.

Ali looks young but thinks mature. His knowledge of political science, philosophy, and command of English are noticeable in his insightful stories. Ali writes about diverse and complicated topics which inspire our readers.

What I liked the most in his stories was simplifying complex political and philosophical topics such as existentialism or stoicism and making them understandable for readers in simple terms.

Ali has gained excellent recognition by our readers and writers in such a short time as he is meaningfully engaging with our writers and readers. He supports, extends, and amplifies the messages of our writers. Let’s explore the background of this young writer.

Tell us a bit about your background, Ali.

I’m twenty-three years old and a recent political science graduate from the University of California, San Diego. Aside from my eight-month stint in Washington D.C., this past year, I’ve been a California kid my entire life. And no, that does not mean I’m a hippie surfer — I’m just a hippie.

I was born and raised in the Bay Area and am the son of two Palestinian immigrants. The majority of my family still reside in Jerusalem and I try to visit as frequently as possible. Given the never-ending conflict, traveling to the West Bank is incredibly difficult and results in me not seeing my family for years at a time.

My Palestinian identity has influenced me in more ways than I can imagine. From an early age, I became infatuated with Middle Eastern affairs and foreign policy. This fascination has continued into my adulthood because as a child of diaspora, I’ve struggled with forming an opinion on what my background is.

From members of my community to literature, to film — I’ve always found myself relying on the words of others to help me better understand myself.

Palestinian intellectuals, such as, Edward Said, Mahmoud Darwish, Ghassan Kanafani, and Rashid Khalidi (who I met at the Politics and Prose Bookstore in D.C., this past February), have helped me grapple with what it means to be Palestinian in a country that hasn’t served my people any favors.

Besides the heavy stuff, I’m an avid sports fan. I’ve played soccer my entire life and love watching football and basketball. I’m a die-hard Lakers fan and am excited to watch us win the 2020 title this year. R.I.P Kobe.

Why do you write on Medium?

I use the Medium as a creative outlet for me to articulate my thoughts and feelings and present them to a greater community. I began publishing on here a couple of months ago and I instantly noticed the collaborative and inviting environment the Medium offers.

As a writer, you have the power to create anything and everything. This sort of liberation pushes you to be more imaginative and break down barriers you didn’t know existed.

I interact with new writers every day on this site, who all embrace their uniqueness and create accordingly. I find that to be incredibly encouraging and motivational. We push each other, and you’ll find that you may sometimes need that in order to succeed.

What are your values as a writer?

My values as a writer, first and foremost, is authenticity. I’m not worried about other people’s opinions or critiques of me. I write for myself and value the words I put out into the world.

I view writing as a form of self-discovery. The more vulnerability and creativity you pour into your work, the more rewarding the outcome will be.

What are the top three books affected your life?

Tough question! Every book I’ve ever read has affected me in one way or another, but I’m going to list the books that have been vital for my development.

The Soul of a Butterfly

Reflections on Life’s Journey by Muhammad Ali. Representation matters. I first read this book as an awkward, short, skinny, 7th grader, who was embarrassed by his own name and uncomfortable in his own skin. I can’t begin to put into words the strength, courage, and confidence Muhammad Ali instilled in me at a young age. Although his fighting days were long before my time, reading the words of a legend who had the same name and followed the same religion as I did, meant everything to me. My favorite quote from his autobiography is, “…recognize how every moment of our journey is an important part of the growth of our soul.”

Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon

I read this book earlier in the year and found it to be quite motivational. It’s encouraging and helped me realize that there’s nothing new under the sun and that’s okay. It gave me permission to copy my heroes’ work and to use it as a springboard to find my own unique style! My favorite quote, from Steal Like an Artist is, “What to copy is a little bit trickier. Don’t just steal the style, steal the thinking behind the style. You don’t want to look like your heroes, you want to see like your heroes.”

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

I first read TKM in high school and fell in love with the character Atticus Finch. Atticus was one of my original inspirations to attend law school. I viewed him as a hero who embraced a higher good, such as freedom or equality, despite personal consequences. My favorite quote from TKM is, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”

What are your hobbies?

I have a ton of hobbies!

Playing sports (soccer, basketball, and golf), reading, writing, hiking, fishing, cooking, and traveling. My hobbies help me de-clutter my mind and also inspire me creatively.

How do you connect with your readers?

I try to limit how much time I spend online each day, so I’m never consistent with my social media presence. But I do spend an hour or so a day, “clapping” at articles on the Medium, highlighting as many articles as I can, and responding to any messages! To all my readers, I love you, and thank you for supporting me on this journey.

Why did you join ILLUMINATION and how do you find it so far?

One of my followers recommended I start publishing my work on ILLUMINATION, as she is one of the top writers for the publication! I immediately hopped on the opportunity and haven’t looked back since.

I love a lot of things about ILLUMINATION, and the first would have to be the community it has offered me. Besides getting more views on my pieces, I love interacting with new writers and reading as much of their content as I can.

Who are the top ten writers you follow on ILLUMINATION?

Man, choosing only ten is tough!

In no particular order, here’s my top ten:

R Tsambounieri Talarantas, Charlotte Zobeir Ali, John Ross, Terry Mansfield, Dr John Rose, Chris Hedges, Sylvia Love Johnson, Rabia Mustafa, Taylor Carr, Anita Sud

What are your top five stories that you want to share with your audience and why?

Here are my selected top five stories:

Know Thyself

Easily my favorite piece so far. I wrote this piece a week after receiving word that my Department of State Internship was terminated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For the first time in my life, I was truly lost. I was no longer a student or an intern and was uncomfortable existing without a title. After realizing I lost my sense of self and identity, I embarked on my journey of pure introspective thought. Induced by philosophy, psychedelics, and the unknown, I wrote this blog as a template for what I want to do with my mind.

Camus’ Manuscript on Surviving a Plague

First and foremost, I aspire to be Albert Camus. I read, “The Plague”, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, and sought to apply the wisdom Camus displayed in that novel, to our current situation. This piece was incredibly fun to write and I highly recommend, “The Plague”, to anyone who hasn’t read it!

The Absurdity of Life: COVID-19

This piece was written at peak COVID hysteria. Media sensationalism, partisan politics, mass consumerism, all of it disgusted me to the point of breaking. I created a Medium account and wrote this piece, with the hope that people will calm the fuck down. It didn’t work. But it inspired me to continue to write and continue sharing my work with the world!

Black Sky

This is an existential poem of sorts that is meant to be a dialogue between a father and son. The inquisitive nature of the child reminds me of when I was younger — constantly bombarding everyone with questions. Clearly, the questions know no end and answers will never satisfy a hungry soul. I chose the imagery of refugees traveling in the dark, to provide context to the questions being asked. The child’s statement, “It’s very beautiful but meaningless”, takes on an absurdist/existentialist view of the world we live in.


I definitely used the collective “we” to help me feel less alone in this piece. I constantly find myself looking towards the future for solace, while subsequently neglecting the beauty of the present. This piece was written to help ground me in the now and to enjoy the individuality of each and every day.

What are the success factors for you as a writer on Medium?

Success, to me, is less about the outcome of my writing and more about the act of doing. Anytime I publish a piece I would consider it successful, regardless of the statistical outcome of it!

For these reasons, I would already consider myself a successful writer on the Medium. It’s allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and interact with fascinating people from all over the world. I’ve forged relationships with several writers and there is nothing more rewarding than having your work resonate with someone who has no reason to lie to you about enjoying what you’ve written.

Lastly, money is not a success factor of mine. But I have made $2.91 off of my writing so far and I can full-heartedly say that this may be the most meaningful sum of money I have ever earned in my entire life.

What do you recommend to the new writers on ILLUMINATION?

Be yourself. Find your niche. Read and write every single day even if it’s the last thing you feel like doing.

What are your future plans as a writer?

Stay hungry!

Stay foolish!

Thank you for your valuable time Ali Qutmiera.

I enjoy reading your remarkable stories on ILLUMINATION. Your writing style, your meaningful messages and your choice of content are appealing, informative, uplifting, and inspirational to our readers.

I appreciate your excellent support to our publication, writers, and readers. Our readers will discover your insightful stories. You are a source of inspiration to our readers.

You can follow Ali and discover more interesting stories from his Medium profile. You may be surprised.

If you are a writer on ILLUMINATION and would like to be interviewed, please send a request via this link with title of “Interview Request”.

Connect with other engaging writers

You may also check other interviews I conducted with inspiring writers of ILLUMINATION recently. These stories can provide a great opportunity to know more about our creative writers and connect with them.

These reputable writers are gems of ILLUMINATION!

Timothy Key

Desiree Driesenaar

Holly Jahangiri

Dr John Rose

Ming Qian

P.G. Barnett

Jill Ebstein

Bill Abbate

Terry Mansfield

Ann K Frailey

Woei T

Charles Roast

Julia E Hubbel

Aric D Mayer

Chris Hedges

Paroma Sen

Jeff Hanlon

Alison Tennent

Sherry McGuinn

Sylvia Love Johnson

Maïa Belart

Henery X (long)

Chowa Sekai

conny manero

Sumera Rizwan

Karen Madej 💛

Anita Lesko

Marianna Saver

Suntonu Bhadra

John Cousins

Annelise Lords

Tree Langdon ♾️


Aurora Eliam, CMP

Martine Weber

Sharon Hurley Hall

MaryJo Wagner, PhD

Phil Truman

Christopher D. Connors

Tim Maudlin

Mallika Vasak

Amy Sarah

Kevin Buddaeus

Agnes Louis

You can find inspiring profiles of ILLUMINATION writers from this story.

Meet our top writers!

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Invitation to writers to join ILLUMINATION

If you want to join our growing, enjoyable, and supportive publication as a writer, please leave a message via this link. We help you become a successful writer on Medium.

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You can find inspiring profiles of ILLUMINATION writers from this story.

You may check more interviews in the attached collection.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

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Thank you for subscribing to my content. I share my health and well-being stories in my publication, Euphoria. If you are new to Medium, you may join by following this link. You may also join my publications as a writer requesting access via this weblink. I write about health as it matters. I believe health is all about homeostasis. I share important life lessons from people in my professional and social circles.

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