avatarAgnes Laurens


Agnes Laurens is a multifaceted writer and editor who shares her passion for writing, parenting, music, and life through her work on various platforms, including Medium, Vocal, and Hubpages, while also managing several publications.


Agnes Laurens introduces herself as a prolific writer on Medium, where she has been actively writing for almost a year. She expresses a deep appreciation for the ILLUMINATION publication, likening it to a warm, welcoming family. Her writing encompasses a wide range of topics, from personal experiences and poetry to technology and art, and she has curated several publications to showcase these interests. Agnes also enjoys exploring different writing styles, such as 50-word stories and nonsense poetry, believing that such exercises enhance her craft. Beyond writing, she is a dedicated parent, sharing insights on raising children in the digital age, and an avid musician, with a particular love for playing the violin and classical music. Additionally, Agnes has begun writing a book and is open to submissions for her publications.


  • Agnes values the sense of community and support she finds within the ILLUMINATION publication on Medium.
  • She is a strong advocate for the benefits of writing, emphasizing the rewards of reader engagement and the joy of creative expression.
  • Agnes believes in the importance of writing about personal experiences and the impact they have on one's life.
  • She holds the view that writing in various forms, including poetry and short stories, can improve one's writing skills.
  • Agnes is passionate about parenting and addresses the challenges and responsibilities of guiding children through the complexities of social media and modern life.
  • Music, especially classical music and playing the violin, is a significant part of Agnes's life, and she credits it with bringing her happiness and emotional fulfillment.
  • She is open to exploring new writing platforms and opportunities, such as Vocal and Hubpages, to expand her reach and connect with different audiences.
  • Agnes is ambitious about her writing career, with aspirations to publish a book and continue growing as a writer and editor.


Introducing: Agnes Laurens

Just another woman on earth.

Photo by Allie on Unsplash

Hello, folks on ILLUMINATION! How are you doing? I am doing great, with my mug of coffee next to me; writing to introduce myself. But where do I even start? Not that I am a sort of God, but what can I tell about myself? Sometimes, I don’t like to write about the person itself, only about my experiences in my life.


For almost a year, I write on Medium almost every day. I love this platform, and when you invest in this platform, time, and energy than it is all worth it.

That is how I found ILLUMINATION. And it just feels like a big warm family to me.

So, that became one of the publications I love to write for. Thanks, Dr Mehmet Yildiz for doing all that hard work for ILLUMINATION. I think a lot feel with me that I can feel it through all the work I see and read here on ILLUMINATION.

Since I write form Medium, I am much more in love with writing than I was before — when I liked it very much — even more and more, every day. There is such big love for writing, and the rewards you get, not only your earnings, which is still low, but getting better every month but also the comments and engagement with your readers is amazing.

I have so many ideas, that I still have those ideas in my first notebook for Medium, and I also have a second notebook for Medium with all my ideas. How can a person have so many ideas?

I also recently discovered the form of 50-word stories, thanks to Justin Deming from “The Friday Fix”.

It is also going out of my comfort zone a lot and writing poems now and then.

There is such a thing as a stupid poem, and that makes no sense at all, but I love that too.

I believe you have to write nonsense now and then.

My publications:

If you want to you can write to one of my publications. I didn’t write submissions for all the publications but just ask me, I’ll add you.

Since quarantine, I tried to extend my writing skills and the platforms I wrote on. I found Vocal too. Another platform yo write and you can earn money with. It has a lovely layout and also I am in love with this platform. So, I have to find time between those two platforms.

No, actually, there is another platform: Hubpages. A platform you can also earn money with.

And then, there is a desire to wrote a book in the near future. Although, I have written the beginning through the platform Wattpad. I love their idea of writing your book through a website and all it is yours, but you also working on different books at the same time.

This is the start of “The Haunted Holiday House”.


Since I have children, I am parenting too. I love to be a parent but there a challenges too. Now my children are getting older, they also have their things on their mind, seeing posts on social media. What do they think, what do I think as a parent?! Such kinds of things I am thinking of and I write about.

My children are my everything.

Music is my life

If you’re already following me, music is my everyday life, to go since I am a child. I started playing the cello and exchanged the cello for the violin. My sister plays the violin, and that is what I also wanted to do.

Music is everything in my life, next to my family, and writing. I love playing the violin as much as I do anything else in my life.

In my experience, musicians in general, are emotional people, they use the music to feel the emotions they have. At least, that is my experience.

O, I can’t talk enough about playing the violin. It is everything to me. I almost practice the violin every day and I have so many memories from my youth. I have played with The YouthOrchestra of The Netherlands when I was a teenager.

I remember going on tour with them to Germany. We have played in a few big concert halls there and in The Netherlands as ending of the tour in The Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. I loved it very much.

I have played in so many orchestras in my youth and now I am playing a great amateur orchestra. Music is such a fulfilling business to me.

I am also a huge fan of Bon Jovi. I remember going to a concert in Hyde Park. In the first place with my sister, who lived in the United Kingdom, but because of circumstances, she asked a friend to go with me.

Ok, it turned out that I am sharing a lot of stories of mine and that I am talking a lot about what I love to do in my life. I am not a narcissist, but I feel like one when I am talking about myself. I don’t want to be one. Does it make sense?

I hope you like the story and you got to know me a little bit better.

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