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Interview with Libby Mitchell

Featuring creative writers of ILLUMINATION

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Image courtesy of Libby Mitchell.

The purpose of this story is to share with you an interview that I conducted with Libby Mitchell.

Libby is a marine biologist and an accomplished writer. She paints with words. Her stories reflected from nature come from the creaking of the trees and the whisper of the waves.

Beautiful stories that Libby submits to ILLUMINATION appeal to me from both content and style perspectives. She has a unique writing style. I can tell that her words come from heart and soul, shaped by her logical mind.

Libby is relatively new in our publication; however, in such a short time, she gained visibility and acceptance from our readers. Libby meaningfully engages with our writers and collaborates with them on our Slack channel.

Let’s explore the interesting background of this accomplished writer, scientist, and storyteller.

Tell us a bit about your background, Libby.

Wow, it would seem like such a little thing to talk about your background, but it seems like my life has been in chapters.

Growing up, I was an undiagnosed Aspie — still am undiagnosed but have seen enough therapists to know I probably am.

Until the age of twelve, my anxieties had me in their grip. At that time, we would graduate from elementary school and go to “middle school” which was actually in the high school and kids from three other districts would come there. I didn’t want to see an oddball so I learned how to mask…as much as I could.

I would hike in the woods and eventually went to various colleges in marine biology, range management, and forestry, eventually graduating in general studies after thirty years. It took forever, but I had been doing so many things that my schooling took a back seat.

I had children, got married, owned businesses, and worked in the film industry. I wrote scripts, plays, and short stories, mostly for myself.

Along the way, I met a generous and wonderful woman named Nicki, who changed my life. She made me realize how important I was, and for the first time ever, I felt it. I worked for her for many years, and she became one of my closest friends…still is, though we don’t see each other as often as we would like.

I lost both my parents in about a ten-year time frame. My father from pancreatic cancer, and then my mom, who I took care of as per my father’s request. I continued to write, and my writing became more well-liked, but I still didn’t publish.

A few years ago, I decided it was time for a change and took a public service job. For me, it was unusual only working one job but it was necessary to have a day job so I could begin the next chapter of my life as a writer.

I had so many experiences, traveled to every state but Alaska and Hawaii, and felt that now it was time for me to be a writer. The only other country I have traveled to is Canada.

Why do you write on Medium?

Once I decided I wanted to be a writer, I took baby steps — plays for the local theater, short films for local filmmakers, and short stories on my own pages or journals.

I have been on Medium for a bit, but didn’t do much posting until the last year. Because now, I wanted to share my experiences and my stories and maybe they will be helpful for other people in various points of their lives.

What are your values as a writer?

I was born with wanting to help others. I lucked out that I happen to love to read and write. I’ve been through so very much heartbreaking and exciting experiences. If one person can find one of my stories and it resonates with them, then it will be worth it.

What are the top three books affected your life?

Several stories by Celeste de Blasis, who died young, but had written books like The Proud Breed and Wild Swan. Steping into them was like going back into history and I was always disoriented when I finished them.

Diana Galbadon because who doesn’t like Outlander, and it showed me that someone with a science background can write some really kick butt stories.

I also read Ohio by Stephen Markley recently. Reading his book was a thrill for my senses. The way he wrote about even the leaves falling made me feel like you were stepping on them and could smell it.

What are your hobbies?

I enjoy being outdoors when I can — hiking, fishing, camping. My arthritis has slown me down quite a bit, but I’ve started back up again recently. I also love cooking and want to learn how to knit soon. Just started painting and I like that as well.

How do you connect with your readers?

I use social media heavily. Currently, I connect through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Oh, and Medium.

Why did you join ILLUMINATION and how do you find it so far?

I joined Illumination because I liked the mission of helping others and getting writers to expand their horizons.

I’ve read so many wonderful stories with Medium that I get behind and there are only so many stories you can read in a day. It’s invigorating to read it every day.

Who are the top ten writers you follow on ILLUMINATION?

Oh wow! How could I limit it to 10; this is brutal! There are so many great writers whom I follow on ILLUMINATION.

Let me mention a few then: Sylvia Love Johnson, Timothy Key, Terry Mansfield, Lucy Milanova, conny manero, Paul Myers MBA, Tree Langdon ♾️, Riku Arikiri, Typewriter, and Sparkle.

What are your top five stories that you want to share with your audience and why?

My top five stories would be The Last Piece, that I recently wrote.

I wanted to combine grief with one of the senses, so I used tasting the last piece of cherry pie by someone you love. I enjoyed writing Let’s All Be Patriots because to me, it was more of a set of values and not a political statement or a sound bit. It also wanted to commemorate my father who was a great influence in my life.

Success After Being Screwed Over was written after I had found out that the person I had entrusted with my business, who later took everything I had and started her own business.

I wanted people to know they can come back from a set back, even if it seems hopeless at the time. Little Boy Lost was about a dementia patient and focused on the word “chaos” and what it would mean to someone who carried the loss with them and how people will still stay no matter what.

Lastly, The Princess’ Revenge was how you can make an entire story in a hundred words.

What are the success factors for you as a writer on Medium?

The success factors for me are to have my stories read and for people to talk with me about them.

Being able to make someone happy, to have them feel something, or to solve a problem.

Success to me is helping others.

What do you recommend to the new writers on ILLUMINATION?

Don’t be scared to put yourself out there. Start small.

There are so many people who don’t take the first step.

It’s okay…put a toe in, the water’s warm.

What are your future plans as a writer?

My goals in the next year is to get my own publication with my works on Medium, to create a chapbook for my short stories, and finally to begin on my novels.

Thank you for your valuable time Libby Mitchell.

I enjoy reading your engaging stories on ILLUMINATION Your writing style, your informative messages, and your choice of content are appealing, uplifting, and inspirational to our readers.

Your meaningful engagement with other writers and your readers are inspiring. I appreciate your support to our publication, writers, and readers. Our new readers will discover your insightful stories. You are a source of inspiration to our writers and readers.

One my favorite stories of Libby was The Art of Screwing. I won’t spoil it for you. You be amazed by her style.

You can learn more about Libby from her writer bio submitted to ILLUMINATION.

You can connect with this inspiring writer by clicking on her Medium profile.

If you are a writer on ILLUMINATION and would like to be interviewed, please send a request via this link with title of “Interview Request”.

Here is the latest interview I conducted.

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