An Interesting Pizza Related Stunt Teases Some News Regarding Crash Bandicoot
Gaming News

Recently, a pizza box was sent to various social media influencers such as Canadian Guy Eh, who is a YouTuber who frequently posted videos relating to Crash Bandicoot, among other things.
Apparently, these pizza boxes indicate an October release date for the latest Crash Bandicoot game, Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time, on Steam.
The name of the store on the pizza box is “Aku Aku’s Steam-In Pizza Shack,” which is an obvious reference to one of the characters in the Crash Bandicoot games named Aku Aku, who guides Crash throughout the game. “Steam-In” is also an obvious pun indicating a Steam release.
The PC version of Crash Bandicoot 4 was previously a exclusive, much like other Activision Blizzard games such as Call of Duty.
Although all this isn't the good part. The most interesting aspect is the message printed on the side of the box, which states the following:
“Hungry for more? Try our new Wumpa pizza for $12.08!”
The price of the Wumpa pizza coincides with the date of the upcoming Game Awards on December 8 (12/8). This could indicate some type of reveal to occur at the Game Awards regarding Crash Bandicoot, possibly a new game.
Just keep in mind that nothing has been revealed, and nothing is set in stone. We could be getting a new game reveal or possibly a rumored multiplayer spinoff. Although it can also be nothing of that sort and leave us Crash fans let down. Either way, we won’t know for sure until the 8th of December.
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With that being said, have a good one, and thank you for reading.
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