avatarAlan Lew


The article discusses the possibility of Earth moving into the 4th or 5th dimension in the year of COVID-19, focusing on the growing interest in spirituality as evidence of this transition.


The article begins by mentioning the New Age spiritualists and channeled beings who have talked about Earth transitioning from the 3rd Dimension to the 4th or 5th Dimension. It discusses the concept of dimensions, describing them as infinite and defined solely by the creativity of the teacher or teaching. The author explains that most people believe higher dimensions are associated with less stress, suffering, and separation, and more harmony, cooperation, and love. The article then explores different descriptions of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensions, including chakras, awakening, the subconscious, space and time, and various spiritual teachings. The author suggests that Earth's ascension may have started at the end of World War II, with higher dimensional beings taking an interest in our planet to prevent self-destruction. The COVID-19 pandemic is presented as a significant event that has helped humankind discern what they want and what they do not want in their lives. The article concludes by stating that more people today are aware of their inner, spiritual selves than ever before in human history.

Bullet points

  • New Age spiritualists and channeled beings have talked about Earth transitioning from the 3rd Dimension to the 4th or 5th Dimension.
  • Spiritual dimensions are infinite and defined by the creativity of the teacher or teaching.
  • Higher dimensions are associated with less stress, suffering, and separation, and more harmony, cooperation, and love.
  • The article explores different descriptions of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensions, including chakras, awakening, the subconscious, space and time, and various spiritual teachings.
  • Earth's ascension may have started at the end of World War II, with higher dimensional beings taking an interest in our planet.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has helped humankind discern what they want and what they do not want in their lives.
  • More people today are aware of their inner, spiritual selves than ever before in human history.

Part of the NEC Global Ascension Series

Has Earth Moved Into the 4th/5th Dimension?

[Updated April 12, 2022] 2020 was supposed to be the year— but maybe it won’t be until 2034?

by I am R. (Flikr.com, cc-by)

Non-Medium subscribers can access this full article here.


  1. What Kind of Shift?
  2. What are Spiritual Dimensions? — [2.1] Different Descriptions of 3D, 4D, & 5D — [2.1.1] Chakras; [2.1.2] Awakening; [2.1.3] The Subconscious;[2.1.4] Space & Time; [2.1.5] 4D Is Now (Steiner, Law of One, Seth, & Advaita Vedanta)
  3. What is “Ascension”? [3.1] Why Now? The Internet & Other Drivers
  4. COVID-19 & The Ascension — [4.1] Discernment; [4.2] Planet Calming; [4.3] Inner Self Retreat; [4.4] Psychic Communication
  5. How Will We Know We Ascended? — [5.1] Assisting or Resisting Ascension; [5.2] Alien Models for a 4D/5D Earth; [5.3] My Experiences of 2020, 2021, & 2022 (so far)
  6. Are We There Yet? — [6.1] Expanding 4D Technologies; [6.2] Keep Calm & Enjoy the Ride
  7. Related Resources

FOR the past decade, at least, New Age spiritualists and channeled beings have talked about how Earth is transitioning or “ascending” from the 3rd Dimension to the 4th or 5th Dimension. Some said we are already there, but for most it was as if each year was “the year” that this ascension would happen.

But the “New Earth” that people envisioned never quite materialized as predicted — or at least it is hard for most of us to see.

The dramatic worldwide impact of the COVID-19 pandemic increased convictions for many that such a transition was taking place in 2020. A growing interests in spirituality shows they may be right.

“There are intersections, changes, of spiritual direction, say, of course, occurring constantly in your world. There are also certain times when these are taken advantage of, where change is in the air, for example, for those with courage and good intent. … Deplorable as world conditions seem, for example, as man’s desperate need for self-understanding is made known to himself, so in that world also there is a time of sensed change: new values that “will take this time.”… These periods involve accelerations, sensed while they may still be invisible, and it is this kind of period that you have just now entered into.” — Seth/Jane Roberts, The Personal Sessions, Book 7, session on October 9, 1982

[1] What Kind of Shift?

Throughout 2020, some held the belief that the Earth will shift completely from being a 3rd Dimensional (3D) planet to being a 4th or 5th Dimensional one (4D/5D). This was the same belief that disappointed so many on December 21, 2012, which marked the end of the Mayan Calendar.

A few predicted the Earth would physically split, with some going to the 4D/5D version, and other staying on the 3D version. Some said alien spaceships would facilitate this split.

But most spiritually oriented teachers and commentators had learned from the 2012 event and were more cautious in their predictions of a sudden and complete change. Instead, in a more nuanced way, they emphasize how we 3D Earth humans are learning, using, and applying more 4D and 5D practices, abilities, beliefs, and perceptions in our lives. Some of these include:

— using our more feminine intuition and creativity — practicing forms of meditation and yoga — having lucid dreaming and out-of-body experiences (OBEs) — channeling and other ways of communicating with higher dimensional beings and aliens/ETs — working with past life regression, hypnosis, and psychic abilities

These modalities enable the practitioner to experience the 4D and higher dimensions. They also bring those dimensions into our 3rd Dimension. Most of the time, those cross-dimensional experiences are temporary.

Eventually, we will reach a tipping point, after which we will consider 4D/5D things “normal”. To me, that is how we will know the New Earth has arrived:

  • It will be a 4D New Earth if we still focus us on learning and mastering psychic and spiritual practices, abilities, beliefs, and perceptions. This is how we expand to higher levels of 4D.
  • It will be a 5D New Earth when most everyone regularly uses psychic and spiritual skills as part of their daily life. Those abilities expand into a growing sense of oneness and unconditional love for all existence. Some say upper 5D is when we leave our physical bodies behind and become light bodies.

We often associate “awakening” with 4D psychic abilities. By contrast, “enlightenment” is knowing yourself as the pure consciousness or beingness that is witnessing reality, and is more associated with 5D. (There are other definitions of 4D and 5D, which I summarize below.)

Both enlightenment practices and psychic abilities support the ascension of humankind and our planet from 3D to higher dimensions. The development of one usually brings the development of the other. Eventually, they come together in 5D.

I have compared these two approaches to awakening here:

So, did the planet ascend to a higher dimension in 2020?

Before answering that question, I want to clarify what we mean by dimensions and ascension. If you do not need those clarifications, you can skip the next two sections.

[2] What are Spiritual Dimensions?

YOU CAN think of your experience in “waking reality” and your experience in “dreaming reality” as examples of two different dimensions. There are many models and descriptions of other dimensions, which can get confusing. The most common number of dimensions that people use are 7 and 12.

by United Nations COVID-19 Response

In reality, spiritual dimensions are infinite, and their number depends solely on the creativity of the teacher or teaching. The main thing is that each dimension has a distinct set of rules about what you can and cannot do. Also, you can most easily access each dimension by changing your consciousness.

Compared to our 3D Earth, people say higher dimensions (or ‘lighter densities’) have less stress and suffering, more harmony and cooperation, less egocentric behavior and exploitation, more wisdom and understanding, less separation and “othering”, and more oneness and love.

(Yes, most people think we Earthlings are at the bottom of the barrel!)

[2.1] Different Descriptions of 3D, 4D, & 5D

Detailed definitions of the different spiritual dimensions vary considerably, but are similar in some ways.

[2.1.1] CHAKRAS. One approach associates the dimensions with the 7 chakras in the physical body. Our 3D Earth is one where the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus) is dominant in the present consciousness of most humans. This makes sense, as the 3rd Chakra emphasizes how we express personal power, individualism, and control over our physical world.

In this approach, a 4D Earth would find most humans having a 4th Chakra (Heart) consciousness, which is based on love, harmony, cooperation, community, and relationships.

A 5D Earth would be one where most humans have a 5th Chakra (Throat) consciousness, which includes mastery in consciously manifesting and creating one’s reality for a life and planet that we truly love.

[2.1.2] AWAKENING. The 3rd Dimension is when most humans identified solely with our physical body, thoughts, emotions, and ego. We are “asleep” to our eternal spiritual being (our soul).

4D is when most wake up (awaken) to identify with our spiritual consciousness/soul. We understand that our physical body, emotions, thoughts, and ego as an illusion or temporary character in the play or dream we call life.

As in a lucid dream, 5D is when we are not only awake, but have full control over creating the dream of life. We become the producer and director of the play. (This is like the Throat Chakra, above). Alternatively, we have reached a state of enlightenment in which we know complete oneness and see perfection in everything.

[2.1.3] THE SUBCONSCIOUS. In this version, our 3D as our conscious waking reality — our physical world.

4D is our subconscious dream reality, with our deepest beliefs and shadows. For many, those dreams we remember are chaotic and sometimes scary. So people want to avoid them. In this approach, 4D is the realm of “lower vibration astral beings” (also called “lower vibration thought forms”). It is a dimension with alien and other monsters and we should skip over it, if possible.

5D is the realm of “higher vibration thought forms” which includes angels, spirit guides, and other benevolent being. Unconditional love is every present. And, again like in a “lucid dream”, we have great control over our experiences.

This model or approach is quite popular and is the reason many, but not all, New Age spiritual teachings emphasize the 5D much more than 4D.

[2.1.4] SPACE & TIME. A fourth approach says that 3D is where we learn to master space (moving around our planet).

4D is where we learn to master time, by traveling backward and forward in the timelines associated with each of our 3D incarnations.

And 5D is where we put space and time together to understand and integrate all the 3D incarnations we have had. In 5D, we learn how a soul creates life incarnations or timelines. When we master that, we can move up to 6D. This model comes from the teachings of Matias De Stefano, which I explain in more detail here:

[2.1.5] 4D IS NOW. Some teachings, and some spiritualists, believe we left 3D in the recent past and are already in 4D now. Here are 3 examples of that.

Rudolph Steiner (1861 to 1925) suggested that we have to be 4D beings to know we are in a 3D universe.

This is based on the logic of geometry, math, and physics. He says we cannot perceive the dimension we are in. 3D beings can only perceive a 2D “flatland” universe, and 2D beings can only perceive a 1D universe. Time is the 4th dimension in this approach, which is what many others also believe.

For example, see: If You Lived in a Flat 2D World, Here’s What You’d Look Like (on YouTube)

— The Law of One, a book channeled from 1981 to 1984 described 1D as rocks, 2D as fixed organic matter (like plants), 3D as movable organic matter (like animals), 4D as Love, and 5D as Wisdom.

In that book, the Ra group predicted Earth would become a 4D planet in 2012. That would bring ever expanding unconditional love, planetary understanding and unity, and awakening/enlightenment. But it will take several hundred thousand years before we achieve light bodies required to be a 5D planet.

— Seth, as channeled by Jane Roberts from the mid-1960s to 1984. Seth famously coined the phrase “You created your own reality”. He also said we have a presence in all dimensions all the time. We are simply choosing to focus on the 3rd Dimension in our present incarnation.

But we can change that shift to know the other dimensional experiences of our parallel selves. We do this in our dreams, which do not stop when we awaken back to 3D in the morning. What we usually remember of our dreams is from 4D only because it is closest to our 3D experience.

For Seth, we create our reality by using the universal energy that underlies all creation in 5D.

Advaita Vedanta Hinduism focuses on nonduality and is very popular in the West. Like Seth’s model it describes 4 states of consciousness or reality. The first 3 are: Waking/3D Physical Plane, Dreaming/4D Astral Plane, Deep Sleep/5D Causal Plane. The 4th state is Turiya, which we can see as Source/6D Spirit Plane. Again, we are in all these states all the time.

(click table to enlarge)

IN THE EXAMPLES above, 4D is always a more flexible dimension than 3D. We are less fixed by time and space in 4D. But we are still not in full control of what happens to us and the environment we are in.

As noted above, some say we should bypass the 4D entirely and move directly to 5D by developing our heart-based love energy. But others say that is impossible. And that 4D is an amazing dimension where we will meet and work closely with benevolent beings from other planets in our galaxy and beyond.

In the end, 5D gives us the control that we feel we lack in 3D. Many see it as “Heaven on Earth”. But to get to that level, we need to go through the schools of 3D and 4D first. And we should know that 5D itself is a school for 6D and beyond.

Many individuals are already experiencing 4D and 5D (and above) states of consciousness, no matter how we define those. But it will not be until most 3D humans on Earth vibrate at a 4th Dimensional frequency that we can say Earth has ascended to become a 4D planet. (Some say we only need a small percentage of the world to do that, like maybe 1% or less. But that is still a lot of people.)

For more on the spiritual dimensions, see:

[3] What is “Ascension”?

THE ‘transition’ or ‘ascension’ (people use both terms widely) to the 4th/5th Dimension may have started at the end of World War II, with the invention and use of the atomic bomb. Higher dimensional beings (including extra-terrestrials, spiritual guides, angels, and others) took more interest in our planet and have been working to prevent us from destroying ourselves ever since.

Others point to the counter-culture music and protest movements of the 1960s (the “Love Revolution”) as the start of the planet’s transition to a higher dimension. Astrologically, it is the transition from Age of Pisces, which started about 2000 years ago, to the Age of Aquarius. Astrologers dispute whether the change took place recently or will take place in a couple hundred years from now.

The song, Aquarius, from the 1967 musical, Hair, was made famous by The 5th Dimension musical group in 1969 when their version was at the top of the pop music charts. The last Age of Aquarius was from about 23,760 BCE to 21,620 BCE. Some say that this was when modern humans came into existence on Earth.

Some Hindu gurus see the current times as the end of the Kali Yuga, the worst period, and the start of the Satya Yuga, the best period of the Hindu spiritual calendar. The main issue is that the accepted dates for that transition do not align with our current time. But they say that is because people in the past misinterpreted the dates.

As mentioned above, the end of the Mayan Calendar, on December 21, 2012, is also pointed to as a milestone of the planet’s ascension out of the denser 3rd Dimension. Matias De Stefano described it as a celestial Spring Equinox (on YouTube), when our planet emerged from 12,000 years of Fall and Winter darkness. That emergence, he says, will take about 200 years before we see its effects.

2020 was a big year of planetary change because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some say it was the year of Earth ascension, starting with the second Harmonic Convergence in July 2020, or maybe the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2020.

I have also heard a few say December 21, 2021, was the big transition. And I bet the coming December 21, 2022, will be another milestone.

by JanBaby

[3.1] Why Now? The Internet & Other Drivers

Despite the confusion over definitions and dates, we have see evidence of a spiritual (not religious) transformation in recent decades. Yoga, meditation, wellness and alternative healing arts, alternative spiritual teachers, and channeling and communicating with spirit guides and ETs (also known as “galactics”) have all exploded across the planet.

Even science is slowly expanding beyond physicalism and into non-physical and spiritual realities. This is especially so in physics and psychology (as discussed in this Batgap interview with Ed Kelly, on YouTube).

The globalization of the internet has enhanced much of the growth in these areas. Matias De Stefano, who remembers his past life at the end of Atlantean times (12,000 years ago), says that Atlantis had highly advanced spiritual abilities, to build pyramids, for example. But they rode in horse-drawn carriages because they lacked the technology that we have today.

Some say the people on Earth have mostly had a 3D consciousness for the past 5 to 10 thousand years (since the Bronze Age). Throughout that time, however, there have always been some people who had 4D, 5D, and higher dimensional states of consciousness. These include saints, seers, mystics, and spiritual teachers in many belief systems.

That dark period was necessary to bring us the to global brain technology that the world has today. More people today can find and share spiritual philosophies and experiences than ever before on this planet.

For example, I based much of the information in this article on messages from different higher dimensional channeled beings, communicating through human channelers, and shared on YouTube. The practice of channeling alone has become “almost normal” to a degree that would have been unthinkable a decade or two ago.

The rise in the number of people on the planet today who are developing their 4D/5D consciousness is driving the global ascension. The internet has played a major role in enabling that.

If you have psychic abilities, whether you intentionally ever use them, then I welcome you to the 4th Dimension.

Some channeled beings say Mother Earth (or ‘Gaia) is driving our present shift. She is ascending to 4D/5D after experimenting with the 3D for a while. From this perspective, we humans (along with plants and animals) are being pulled into the 4D/5D by the planet herself.

Some also say the Sun is also helping with this by heating up at the present time. (Which is true.) This is sending ever so slightly more energy to the Earth, which is enough to affect everything on the planet. The color of this higher solar energy is “indigo”, which has been a dominant vibration on our planet since about 1980. (That may not be true.)

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (sometimes called the “giggling guru”) used to say that it was the nature of everything in existence to seek greater happiness. It is not survival that drives evolution, but the desire for greater happiness, both physical and spiritual. Buddha said in just the opposite way: it is the drive to relieve suffering. Ascension, therefore, results from the natural search for greater happiness and overcoming suffering.

Related to that, and based partially in physics, is a belief is that the universe and everything in it are always ascending and expanding. This is simply part of our infinite universe. Infinite means constantly expanding and becoming new. Ascension, in this sense, is simply another form of expansion.

[4] COVID-19 & The Ascension

From a Higher Self (5th/6th Dimension) spiritual perspective, the COVID-19 pandemic occurred because: — (1) enough people wanted Mother Earth to help with the transition to a higher dimension, or — (2) Mother Earth herself decided that now was the time to make a dramatic move in that direction.

(There are, of course, many other explanations from 3D and 4D perspective that blame certain human and non-human beings for the pandemic. Those lower dimensional perspectives are valid for those who believe in them. But I do not cover them in this article.)

by cocoparisienne

According to Matias De Stefano (link below), viruses and bacteria are how nature (Mother Earth) changes our human physiology. We can change our physiology through spiritual practices. But if we do not do that, then viruses are one of the most powerful other ways to change us. They are so powerful that many perish in the process of change.

In this argument, COVID-19 is preparing our bodies for a higher state of consciousness. He suggests that we originally called it the Corona Virus because we intuitively knew that its focus will be on activating or opening our Crown Chakra. While unnecessary for most spiritually inclined people, many others need this extra push from the virus to bring about a planet-wide ascension.

Besides physical changes, the pandemic is changing us and our planet in many other ways. From a social change perspective, it is a “Crisis of Opportunity”. That is because it is bringing new information, new perspectives, and new ideas forward on a global scale that we have never seen. From a spiritual perspective, the opportunity for evolution and ascension have never been as high as they are now. These are some of the planet-wide spiritual effects of the pandemic:

  1. DISCERNMENT: It has helped humankind to better discern what they want and what they do not want in their life, especially in terms of what is important and what is not important. And because of that awareness, we are innovating and creating new ways to make our desires a reality.
  2. PLANET CALMING: It has forced a planet-wide calming, allowing the planet to heal environmentally in many areas, with a resulting re-examination of personal and social values.
  3. INNER SELF RETREAT: It has forced individuals into a kind of inward retreat experience in which they are becoming more familiar with their inner selves, including their shadows.
  4. PSYCHIC COMMUNICATION: It is teaching us to communicate psychically and in other ways, instead of relying on voice, words, and related forms of linear communication (see the next section for more on this).

(Some parts of the discussion above come from Matias De Stefano in this Q&A recording on YouTube. Note that he says he is presenting his perspective only and we do not need to believe anything he says.)

[4.1] Discernment

Most of us are not liking excessive rules, restrictions, fear, and separation from loved ones that COVID-19 caused in various ways. In this, we are learning that what we truly value in our lives are freedom, fresh air, nature, companionship, community, relations, and love. These are Heart Chakra values that are associated with a 5D planet.

We are also not crazy about how the pandemic is exposing new information and faults in our societies/institutions and our relationship to our planet. But that new information also bringing forth new ideas and innovations to fix those faults, as daunting as they might seem.

Some channeled entities say that COVID-19 is bringing every person on the planet into a new relationship with their self — away from a 3D physical body dominance to a more 4D/5D spiritual heart and soul dominance.

This varies a lot, of course, among individuals. Each person is on their own unique path of spiritual evolution. We can never know what the path of another entails. We can only know what it means for ourselves, though even that can often be difficult to see or understand.

Because of the pandemic, more people today are more aware of their personal preferences for a good life than ever before in human history. And we are looking for and making that are reality.

This channeled message from my Energy Group/Guides emphasizes how the pandemic is strengthening our connection to our soul:

[4.2] Planet Calming

One question of discernment that has arisen for many is whether we really need everything we think we need? Most of the world’s population is in an endless cycle of accumulation that is the primary cause of Earth’s environmental decline.

Our planet received a brief respite from the massive environmental onslaught of human activity. There was much talk of the return of wildlife to some location and improved air quality, at least at the start of the pandemic. But over time, the impact has become more mixed.

In brief, the positive effects have been reduced GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions, improved water quality, reduced noise pollution, improved air quality and in some cases, wildlife restoration. Negative effects have been increased medical waste, haphazard disposal of PPE [masks], increased municipal waste and reduced recycling efforts. — BDO Global consulting firm

It is too early to know the full effects of the pandemic on the environment. Part of the reason is that the pandemic is not yet over. Another reason is environmental change is a long process. Short-term fluctuations are poor indicators of of long-term changes.

A major question is how the pandemic may have changed people's attitudes and behavior toward our environment. The pandemic was the first truly global event, affecting every corner of our planet. It was the first time that all of humanity shared a same wavelength of mental concern about an environmental issue.

Because of the pandemic, more people today are more aware of our entire planet Earth than ever before in human history. And they are coming to realize that changing the world means changing ourselves, starting with our home.

Spiritually, we create our own reality. And the world we know and experience is a direct reflection of our innermost beliefs and expectations (the Law of Mirroring).

To be an agent of change, we need to start with ourselves. We cannot force another to change. We can only show them the way and allow them to make their own decision.

Of course, people reacted to that knowledge in different ways. But that shared global experience is another indicator of the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, pushing us to think globally about our environment. That shift is something that may become more noticeable in the coming years. Global warming and the likelihood of new pandemics are certain to keep our environment at the top of our human minds.

[4.3] Inner Self Retreat

Many people found the forced isolation caused by the pandemic very challenging. People feel disconnected from loved ones and their social support systems. Domestic violence and some types of crime have increased during the lockdowns. And depression and mental illness rates in the US have almost tripled, especially among young adults and those with lower incomes.

On the other hand, there are many spiritual people who had no problem with the lockdowns. They saw them as an opportunity to go within and expand their spiritual practice. It gave them an excuse to have an extended spiritual retreat in their homes.

And, of course, most people who are somewhere in between those two extreme responses. It is those people who were maybe just barely awakening spiritually who Mother Earth was after in bringing about the pandemic.

As mentioned previously, many have turned to spirituality to relieve their suffering. Spirituality has always been a kind of self-help option for those experiencing depression, anxiety, and other mental issues. These issues have increased with the loss of outer world pleasures and entertainment. The pandemic made people realize the limits of seeking happiness solely in the outer world. It forced them to look inward, perhaps for the first time.

I joined several awakening spiritual groups on Facebook early in the pandemic to use them to share my writings on Medium. I was amazed at how fast they grew from mid-2020 through mid-2021. I also found a lot of interesting material and diverse perspectives in those groups to write about. I don’t always agree with what people post, but at least I am aware of their perspectives.

For me and all those new spiritual followers on FB, the lock down has been a tremendous opportunity for personal growth. My guess is that it has also served that purpose for many others who are not on FB. But it is hard to gauge that.

I am especially curious about what is happening spiritually in China, which seems so closed to everything these days, including Medium, Facebook, and YouTube. (A Chinese lady in Canada has started a recent video blog on a mainland China social media platform to share some of my writings. That will be interesting to watch.)

In sum, because of the pandemic, more people today are more aware of their inner, spiritual self than ever before in human history.

But, if you are having a hard time, this might help…

[4.4] Psychic Communication

Many spiritual commentators have pointed to an explosion in awakenings and psychic abilities since the start of the pandemic.

In my opinion, that has happened because of the pandemic enforced masks and forced isolation, along with the internet/social media, as mentioned above.

Many channelers railed against the wearing of masks during the pandemic because they felt it limited our freedom and ability to communicate. Those are two characteristics that need to be strong in an individual for successful channeling.

However, I saw the wearing of masks as something that is helping us to communicate in more subtle ways. Humans are one of the few “intelligent races” in the galaxy who still rely mostly on words to communicate consciously. Everyone uses telepathy. Whether spoken, written, or in sign language, we string out our words in linear space and time.

We humans also use telepathy and subtle voice and body language when we communicate, but we are a long way from doing that consciously. So, masks are a kind of baby-step in broadening our awareness of how we communicate.

People have told me that this idea is crazy, but how else are we going to learn to use telepathy for when we reconnect with our ET cousins (known as the alien disclosure)? Given our resistance and slow learning abilities, I can imagine man more mask requiring events in the future before we see some improvements in our telepathic abilities.

One advantage of telepathy is that we will no longer hide our intentions and feelings about things. We will no longer deceive another person by saying one thing and thinking something else. We will always tell the truth that is in our mind and hearts, and everyone we encounter will know our truth.

Are you ready for that?

Masks and telepathy are just one part of the psychic abilities that people have developed since the start of 2020, and even before that. Channeling, energy healing (such as Reiki), past life regressions, and even ET/alien contact experiences have become almost mainstream these days.

And that will only continue. I believe that these are all part of how Mother Nature is preparing us (her children) for alien disclosure so we can re-join our galactic family.

Although this might be hard to prove, because of the pandemic, more people today are developing psychic skills and having paranormal experiences than ever before in human history.

For other things you can do to prepare to connect with our galactic cousins, see:

by geralt

[5] How Will We Know We Ascended?

Some say, thanks to the pandemic, we met the basic requirements for the Earth’s transition to 4D/5D at the end of 2020. Others, however, saw 2020 as a significant step, but they said 2021 as even more important. And others see 2022 as the key year. That is because: — 2020 was when everything turned upside down — 2021 was the year of integrating we happened — 2022 will be the year of bringing our new higher consciousness to heal our planet (more on that below).

These are all actions that point toward a 4D planet. But they may not be enough to meet people’s expectations of what 4D/5D will be like.

Many say we will not see a noticeable shift in the planet until 2029, the early to mid-2030s, the mid-2040s, the decade of 2080, in 100 years, in 200 years, in about 430 years (according to some Hindu Vedic astrologers), and in 1,000 years.

The differences mostly depend on how we define 4D/5D. Some see 5D as a dimension in which we have evolved from physical bodies into light bodies. That will take much longer to reach, of course.

A few see humanity splitting, with some staying on a 3D version of Earth, while others physically move to a new 5D version of the planet. They say that the New Earth is hidden from our current view on the opposite side of the Sun. (To me, this is the least convincing perspective. It seems to be far less common in 2021 than it was in 2020.)

Most say that we will re-connect with intelligent beings (ETs/aliens) on the other planets in our solar system and galaxy who mostly communicate using telepathy and travel using 4D and higher technologies. We used to be connected with them in the distant past (in Atlantean times, for example, 12,000 years ago). But we lost that connection when Mother Earth tried her 3D experiment.

When “alien disclosure” will occur is very hard to predict. Almost every year, someone is saying this is the year it will happen. But we are still waiting.

As noted above (in section [2.1.5]), some say we are already in the 4D/5D because there are so many more people today who are experiencing and mastering higher states of awareness, consciousness, and psychic abilities in their lives.

And we have always been a multi-dimensional planet because we, and everything in the universe, are always in all the dimensions all the time. We do not know we are already in 4D/5D because we have chosen to not know that. We adopted a veil to hide our higher dimensional consciousness so we could experience 3D to the fullest extent possible.

But now we are choosing to lift that veil. We are peeling back the covers that hide our 4D/5D reality and slowly exposing our true self. Some are doing this more than others. They are vibrating at higher frequencies of consciousness.

The higher vibrations that all the newly awakening people on the planet are generating are infectious and are changing our world.

Related to this, some say we only need 144,000 people on the planet to awaken to shift the entire Earth to a higher dimension (which is a New Age spiritualist interpretation of that number from the Bible). Others say it will take 1%, 2%, or 3% of the Earth’s human population (2% would be 156 million people).

I had suggested, at the start of this article, that we might need 51% of the population in a 4D/5D state of mind to say that the planet has ascended. But again, that mostly depends on how you define what a 4D/5D state of mind is — both at the individual level and at the planetary ascension level.

[5.1] Assisting or Resisting Ascension

The tensions, confusion, and fear felt by many on Earth in 2020 and 2021 are a form of “culture shock” caused by the expansion of lighter dimensional or density energies on the planet that are pushing people into new mental territories. That can be very disorienting for many.

Different sources say that these energies are coming from Mother Earth, the Sun, and higher dimensional ET and Astral beings. Most of the “New Earth” changes that are emerging from these energies are subtle and do not make the nightly news cycle.

Those who resist these changes and try their hardest to stay in lower 3rd Dimensional vibrations are much more likely to make the nightly broadcast headlines. This further stokes confusion and conspiracy theories on the planet. Many spiritual teachers recommend turning the news off during this period of transition.

As the Earth is expanding to a higher dimension, so is the entire universe and all dimensions transitioning to a lighter density. That is because our infinite universe is always expanding (as mentioned previously). So what we are experiencing on Earth is being felt in similar ways by beings in all dimensions. We are not alone.

Also, all entities on the planet Earth are ascending, including animals, plants, and inanimate objects, like computers and cars — at least this is what some suggest is happening.

People and beings who generate high vibrational Heart Chakra energies, based in love and trust, will manage the ascension much better than those who resist and generate low vibrations of fear, anger, and division. We need high vibrational people and beings at all dimensional levels of reality (not just Earth) to make the ascension for the universe as smooth as possible.

The more successful we can make this transition on Earth, the more we will help the entire universe, just as they are trying to help us. It is a cooperative and co-creative effort. (At least that is what my guides tell me.)

[5.2] Alien Models for a 4D/5D Earth

Some channeled beings say that the model for a New Earth are the planets around the star Sirius (the brightest star in our night sky). Sirian human-like races have 3D physical bodies, but travel and communicate across the galaxy using 4D and 5D technologies. Others say that it is the Arcturians (from Arcturus) who are the model for a 5D Earth.

I have also heard that Pleiadeans (from the Pleiades) are the main alien race helping with Earth’s ascension now. Pleiadeans are said to be from the 5th Dimension, Sirians are from the 6th Dimension, and Arcturians are from the 7th Dimension. That hierarchy comes from a 15-dimension cosmological model, which is not common (7 and 12 are more common; see the link above about Spiritual Dimensions).

Some say that beings in dimensions or densities closer to that of Earth assist our planet better than those in more distant dimensions. But not everyone agrees with that.

Besides direct alien help, there are many humans who have starseed ties to these beneficial alien races. That usually means they have had incarnations in those star systems that give them knowledge to share with Earth. (For example, my guides say that I am mostly Sirian in my starseed background.)

by Xpics

[5.3] My Experiences of 2020, 2021, & 2022 (so far)

[5.3.1] December 21, 2020, was the official start of the Aquarian age and the ascension of the planet to a New Earth, according to many New Age spiritualists.

I received a message in a lucid meditation at that time from a being named Adelle. She said the planet reached its highest vibrational level on that December 21 date. It then held at that level for 10 days until January 1, 2021.

During that time, I was told to maintain the highest vibrational level possible to support this transition. I did this by meditating 4 to 5 hours a day, especially around the New Year.

After the New Year, I was told that things would settle down and that 2021 would be a much smoother ride than 2020 was, as the planet integrates all the lessons and new ways of thinking that were introduced in the previous year.

For me at least, this has all proven true.

For a fuller account of my meeting Adelle, see:

and related to that:

[5.3.2] December 2021, a year later, my guides describes the upcoming 2022 in the following way:

It will be a year of opening, of new messages, new pathways to communication, between us, your Higher Self, and your Lower Self, we could say. Although both are of equal value.

And this is not only true for you, this will be true for the entire planet. Yes, every individual. It will not be obvious for every individual because not every individual is self-reflective enough to notice what is going on. But it will happen.

Those who are self-reflective enough will see a rapid expansion in 2022.

You [meaning “everyone”] are the consciousness of this planet. You are the eyes, the ears, the touch, the taste, the emotions, the thoughts of planet earth, just as you are the eyes, the ears, the touch, the thoughts of Source experiencing the universe through you, and through each individual.

That passage comes from:

Based on the last part of that statement, I see coming 2022 as the year of healing our planet. That especially includes healing our relations with our environment and with our each other. And I believe that healing will entail full use of both 3D and 4D skills, which means an integration of those realities.

[5.3.3] 22 February 2022 (or 22022022) was supposed to be another milestone in planetary ascension. Many saw it as the culmination of events that started with the global pandemic in March 2019, and the symbol of healing that my guides spoke about.

Unfortunately, 2 days later, on February 24th, Russia invaded Ukraine and turned the entire world upside down. I have heard the following spiritualist responses to that event:

  1. The invasion is among the last remnants of the darkness that was mostly vanquished on December 21, 2020. It is part of the natural cleansing process that follows awakenings.
  2. The invasion is the first of many shadows that will arise as humanity moves into the light of 4D/5D. It is an integration process that brings spirituality into reality and reality into spirituality. We can also see it as the integration and balancing of positive (+) and negative (+) energies of the universe.
  3. The invasion is the start of the final apocalypse that will bring the end of the 3rd Dimension political and economic system to allow a 4D/5D planet to emerge.

“Creativity often parades under the guise of disruption.” — Seth/Jane Roberts

For all three, a common, but not universal, teaching is that the war in Ukraine is a mirror or externalization of the inner mind of humanity. The war is teaching humanity (which includes all of us) to choose a new way of thinking in which the love, cooperation, and compassion of our true self dominates over the fear, competition, and separation of our outer ego.

The mostly universal condemnation of the invasion is evidence of the growing unity of humankind to speak with a single voice against darkness and evil. That alone is a major sign of the shift in human consciousness taking place today.

The suggestion is for New Age spiritualists to hold their higher vibration and to continue to focus on inner development, unconditional love, and planetary oneness. Starting with the silence of Source within, we then move outward to change the planet.

For me, personally, 2022 has become my year of radical nonduality. That can seem like “spiritual bypassing” for events like the Ukraine invasion. I try to address that perception in the article linked above.

[6] Are We There Yet?

A NEW AGE spiritual group on Facebook discussed humanity’s spiritual ascension progress in April 2022. Most people agreed that global awakening has started and is growing. Some felt it has arrived, though most felt we are not quite there yet.

The main problem is there are still many who are not yet awakened to our 4D spiritual reality — they are still stuck and unaware in 3D. Those on an awakening path are eager for the masses to catch up.

Some also felt we should not expect the entire world to awaken, because some of us are here specifically as a catalyst (or trigger) to awaken those who are on the spiritual path. This is one explanation for the apparent chaos these days.

Many also suggested awakening is happening all around us, if we open ourselves to seeing it. Our planet is at a higher vibration today than it was a decade ago. They emphasize it is a process, not a destination. Shadows and chaos (like the Ukraine invasion) are surfacing to be dealt with. But everything is unfolding exactly as it is supposed to.

(For more on how these folks on FB might be defining their personal awakening, see my article: “Awakening” vs “Self-Realization” vs “Enlightenment”.)

[6.1] Expanding 4D Technologies

THE expansion of 4D technologies and skills on Earth is the main way that the transformation of our 3rd Dimension is taking place today.

There are two basic ways we do that:

  1. Bringing the 4th Dimension into the 3rd, such as when we use intuition or channeling our Higher Self to solve a problem; and
  2. Leaving the 3rd Dimension to experience the 4th, such as in a lucid dream or other out-of-body experience (OBE), using our energy/astral body.

The more we accept and normalize the use of 4th Dimensional modalities, especially those with a focus on the Heart Chakra, the more the planet will reflect a higher and lighter dimensional vibration.

by Ashley Batz

The COVID-19 pandemic has sped up Earth’s movement from a 3D consciousness and to a 4D/5D one. This movement is mostly integrating 4D/5D knowledge and perspectives into our 3D experience. We can also see it as an opening up of our 3D experience to embrace the 4D/5D reality that already surrounds us.

In the short to medium term (the next 20 years), this is what I see:

(1) 4th and 5th Dimensional technologies will rapidly develop and become commonplace, including energy healing, alternative sources of almost free electricity, and new forms of interplanetary and dream travel; dreams will be more lucid and remembered by everyone, and group dreaming will be more common; time travel is probably further away; science and medicine will develop new dominant paradigms that merge objective and subjective realities; both will become quantum-based and medicine, in particular, will become individualized, with treatments tailored to the unique conditions of each person.

(2) 4th and 5th Dimensional thinking will expand and eventually become common, including awareness of universal oneness and respect for human diversity and our natural environments, along with greater international cooperation to end wars, conflicts, and poverty; because of these shifts, locally oriented economic systems will expand as global economies become less pronounced; and alternative forms of government will emerge to reflect these new values, perhaps similar to more idealistic and compassionate forms of libertarian thought.

(3) Communication with 4th and 5th Dimensional beings (ETs/galactics, spirit guides, etc.) will become more common as intuitive communication skills (including telepathy) and inner spirituality develop; religions, and we will completely redefine moral behavior because of this shift, with both becoming more tolerant and even encouraging a wider and more colorful range of “normal” human behavior and beliefs.

(4) Along with enhanced and alternate ways of communicating, individual humans will increasingly exhibit a wider range of psychic skills, including knowledge from their Higher Self, which will be normal (this is already happening); we will teach psychic skills from elementary schools through universities, and education will change in major ways because of this, toward more cooperative learning rather than top-down teaching.

This is how I understand the planet’s ascension taking place, based on the diverse and sometimes conflicting messages I have heard from channeled higher dimensional beings.

[6.2] Keep Calm & Enjoy the Ride

THE 3RD Dimensional physical Earth is not going anywhere. It will not flip suddenly into a different dimension. Instead, it is integrating with 4th and 5th dimensional densities. That is what the ascension or transformation is all about. I think having a more heart-centered planet can only be a good thing.

We still have a way to go, however, with many shadows that need to be worked out across the globe. We will see resistance to this change, especially in the short term (the next five years). And even once we reach a planet-wide, mostly 4D consciousness, it will probably take a lot longer to get to a 5D “Heaven on Earth”.

by Alan Lew — author

By being open to alternative realities and focusing on developing our 4D consciousness, and with support from our 4D ET allies and the planet itself, this vision will become a living realization.

Some channelers say that we Earth humans are among the most powerful beings in the universe — much more so than any ET or Archangel existing in densities too light to affect our dense and complicated world.

We truly create our own reality in every moment. We just need to awaken to this knowledge. And that is the direction we are all moving towards.

So love your life and enjoy the ride.

[7] Related Resources

[7.1] ⬇ In this recording (37min on YouTube), Matias De Stefano describes in a different way how 1D created 3D reality and how we need to integrate the extremes of 3D to move to 4D and 5D. The other 9 dimensions are covered in less detail.

[7.2] ⬇ In this recording (11min on YouTube), Elan (an Essessani ET, channeled by Andrew Bayuk in the early 1990) discusses “ascension” and the importance 4D. For him, 4D is like 5D, but we still have our bodies.

He says that is what many humans really want, and once there, they will not want to leave. This message aligns very well with my own beliefs.

[7.3] ⬇ And in this recording (4min on YouTube), Elan talks about what his Essessani planet is currently like and how it people are ascending from physical 4D forms to nonphysical 5D forms.

[7.4] ⬇ This is a channeled message that I received from my Energy Group/Higher Self in mid-2020 about the 3D to 5D ascension. I included information from this video in the article above. (22min on YouTube)


[7.5] ⬆ I have seen various versions of this table posted on Facebook in 2020. It is, of course, one definition of 3D/4D/5D, but it comes fairly close to my view at this time.

My main issue with this chart is the “Heaven on Earth” image of 5D — which is a very common view. All dimensions have their challenges. “Happiness” is not a characteristic that is specific to any one dimension. You can be happy or unhappy in any dimension.

A common belief seems to be that the challenge of 5D is to ascend from a physical body to a non-physical “light body”. There are probably other challenges as well that we will not understand until we get to “Heaven” (5D). But, I have seen people on Facebook claim we will still have physical bodies in 6D and beyond.

In addition, this chart seems to only focus on humans. If our entire planet and universe are ascending, then would these same concepts apply to plants, animals, planets, and stars?

[7.6] For more on Global Ascension & A New Earth, see this collection of articles:

  • For more on the Spiritual Dimensions of Reality, see this collection of articles.
  • Note that the articles in the 2 collections above are behind the Medium paywall. For paywall-free access to my articles, go to www.AlanLew.com, linked below.


  • I appreciate comments, questions, and typo corrections. - See the About link in my Medium profile for contact information and related articles.

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