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The article discusses the concept of "5D" as a modern spiritual equivalent to the Christian idea of "Heaven," exploring their similarities, differences, and the broader implications for personal and planetary ascension.


The text delves into the notion that the "5th Dimension" (5D) has become a beacon of hope for many, mirroring the Christian concept of Heaven as a utopian future. It outlines the shared belief in a utopian reward for spiritual adherence, the necessity of faith beyond logical understanding, and the experience of self-realization or awakening. Despite these parallels, the article highlights key differences, such as the Christian belief in an afterlife Heaven versus the New Age perspective of ascending to 5D while still in physical form. It also touches on the diverse descriptions of Heaven and 5D, the idea of creating one's own reality, and the perception of time as an illusion in the context of spiritual evolution. The author provides a personal perspective, emphasizing the infinite nature of spiritual dimensions and the equal value of all experiences across different frequencies. The article also addresses the cultural shift towards immediate spiritual gratification and the potential undervaluation of the 4th Dimension (4D) in the rush to reach 5D.


  • The author suggests that both Christian and New Age beliefs offer a form of utopian future as a reward for spiritual acceptance and practice.
  • There is a critique of religious leaders, both Christian and New Age, for potentially using spirituality to gain fame and wealth, which may feed the ego rather than spiritual growth.
  • The article posits that the concept of Heaven, in various forms, reflects a universal human desire for a better world and life experience.
  • The author expresses doubt about absolute descriptions of spiritual realities, questioning the simplistic portrayal of "Heaven" or "5D" as purely positive realms devoid of complexity or challenges.
  • The text implies that all dimensions have value and purpose, including the often-overlooked 4D, which is seen as a realm for developing psychic abilities and learning to create one's own reality.
  • The author advocates for embracing the present moment and the joy of diverse experiences, rather than pushing the idea of "Heaven" or "5D" into an unattainable future.
  • There is an acknowledgment of the declining popularity of Christianity in the U.S., possibly due to a cultural preference for immediate spiritual fulfillment over waiting for an afterlife reward.
  • The article suggests that the pursuit of higher dimensions is not about finding a perfect place but about embracing the continuous expansion and evolution of consciousness.

Part of the Global Ascension Series

“5D” is the New “Heaven”

[Updated November 4, 2021] The spiritual 5th Dimension has quickly become everyone’s new hope in life.

by Jacek Dziurdzikowski

Non-Medium subscribers can access this full article paywall-free here.


[1] Christian & New Age Heavens [2] Similarities — [2.1] Suffer Now for a Future Reward [3] Differences — [3.1] When Will We Reach Heaven? — [3.2] What is Heaven Like? — [3.3] Heaven (and Hell) is Here and Within Us [4] My Perspective [5] Time as an Illusion [6] What happened to 4D?

[1] Christian & New Age Heavens

CHRISTIANITY holds the idea of “Heaven” as the salvation that humans will achieve for leading a “good” life on this sin-filled planet Earth. At least that is how I have viewed the Christian Heaven.

But, in response to this article, a Christian also told that Heaven is the reward for those who recognize and accept Jesus as their savior. That is because we are all sinners, and it is not possible to be “good” in this life.

Either way, Christians have a deep belief in after-death salvation from the present suffering that they are experiencing.

In the same way, many New Age esoteric teachings today hold the spiritual 5th Dimension (5D) as the salvation of humankind. We will achieve this in return for leading a “good” life on our lower 3rd Dimensional (3D) planet Earth.

Being “good” in this sense is recognizing and accepting that we are not our temporary body and ego. Instead, our true self is our deeper Soul (or Higher Self), which is eternal. That is the most fundamental teaching of New Age spirituality, across many traditions, methods, and schools of thought.

For details on the spiritual dimensions, see:

Followers of these 5D teachings have a deep faith that the Earth is currently ascending to the 5th Dimension. This will be our reward for all the suffering that the planet has endured the last few thousand years, and especially in 2020, the year of COVID-19.

[2] Similarities

IN THE sense described above, the concepts of Heaven and 5D are almost identical:

  1. They both present a utopian future as a reward for accepting certain beliefs while in our human form that bring freedom from, or at least help reduce, present-day sufferings.
  2. They both need faith in a greater reality (the spirit realms) beyond the capabilities of our logical and scientific ways of experiencing and knowing reality and the universe.
  3. They both have a self-realization experience known as being “Born Again” for Christians (accepting Jesus) and being “Awakened” for New Age beliefs (accepting one’s deeper, eternal self).
  4. They both believe that a higher intelligence is in control, managing, or in some other way, influencing our life.**
  5. They both see the utopian future as something that brings them closer to God/Source/All-That-Is, which is that higher intelligence in #4.
  6. And they both include a wide range of spiritual practices from diverse teachers, ranging from fundamentalist doctrines to the esoteric. New Age spirituality is more esoteric or eclectic, though it really depends on the teacher.
by Shayariel Teardrop

The shared self-realization experiences (#3 above) are interesting to me.

You are not a true Christian unless you have been Born Again and accept Jesus as your savior from the sins of your body, mind, emotions, and ego. These “sins” are an inherent part of our 3D life that we can never escape.

For New Age believers, the whole process of Awakening and Enlightenment is coming to know your true self as not your body, mind, emotions, and ego. Instead, you identify with your higher, deeper, or inner self. Your body, mind, emotions, and ego are the source of all the suffering that one experiences. That sounds a lot like Christian “sins”.

(** Note: Some have suggested that items #1 through #4 on this list are shared with those who follow various “political conspiracy theories”, which may not be spiritual.)

Although written with other purposes in mind, this article provides a nice summary of some basic New Age beliefs:

[2.1] Suffer Now for a Future Reward

In both New Age and Christian beliefs, our 3D planet is a source of suffering and delusion. The way to “escape” is through higher-dimensional intelligences and spirit energies. (That’s why they call it “spirituality”.)

This “escape” is in the future, although there is also a temporary “coming to terms” with suffering that is possible while in a human body.

Critiques accuse Christian leaders (priests & ministers) of creating the idea of “Heaven” to control their followers. Followers must sacrifice now, or they will not receive the rewards in the end. Other non-Christian orthodox religions have similar beliefs.

And this is in New Age spirituality, as well. New Age spiritual leaders promote every form of spiritual practice with the promise of achieving awakening, enlightenment, and a New Earth.

For New Age, Christian, and other establishment religious leaders, their teachings have gained them many admiring followers and comfortable incomes. It can sometimes seem that their real message is that spirituality is an easy way to become famous and make lots of money. Both are powerful ways to feed the ego.

This is not necessarily bad. Everything is a lesson. And the right teacher will be there for the right students at the right time. It may be a hard lesson for the student. But once learned, one will move further along the spiritual path.

The concept of “Heaven” exists in most of the major religions in the world. The similarities described above are in varying forms in other religions, as well. Heaven says more about the common desire of humankind for a “better world” and “better life experience”, than any religious teaching.

[3] Differences

BEYOND these similarities, there are differences.

[3.1] When Will We Reach Heaven?

The main one is that Christianity (and the entire Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition) holds that a person’s soul goes to Heaven (or hell) after the death of our physical body. These are final destinations with nothing beyond them. (Purgatory is another option that some Christians, mostly Catholics, believe in.)

Many New Age beliefs hold that awakening and ascension to 5D can happen while we are still in our physical body. They say that it is the last dimension where we can keep our physical bodies. This is currently also happening for the entire planet, as we move to a “5D Heaven on Earth”.

But in New Age Spirituality, there are also more dimensions (6D, 7D, and above, see the article linked above) that we can further ascend to without our physical bodies.

[3.2] What is Heaven Like?

Descriptions of Heaven are vague in the Christian tradition (at least from what I recall from growing up in Catholic schools). It is where God and all the high angels reside, along with all the good souls that made it there. It is absent of any evil influences from “Satan”, which is a major problem on Earth. It is a place of eternal bliss.

5D is clearer, but also described in very different ways by different New Age teachers. Overall, though, 5D is a place where everyone: — experiences oneness and unconditional love, — is enlightened, — has vast psychic powers to create anything they want, and — communicates with extraterrestrials and ascended masters.

I have also heard 5D described as the free will that we experience in a lucid dream. Our daily waking state is the 3rd Dimension. We have some free will in our 3D lives. We can make choices that seem to have some impact, at least sometimes.

The dreams that we remember are in 4D. (There might be dreams in higher dimensions, but we rarely remember those.) In those 4D dreams, we are subject to random events occurring one after the other.

Our lucid dreaming state is what 5D is like. In a lucid dream, we know we are dreaming. And we realize we have free will to manipulate the dream in any way we wish. That is the 5D experience. (Maybe the Christian Heaven is the same?)

[3.3] Heaven (and Hell) is Here and Within Us

The biggest difference from Christianity might be the New Age belief that “we create our own reality”. Rather than being something out there in the sky, Heaven is here on Earth. It is something we create in our minds as part of our everyday experience.

This, of course, applies to hell and purgatory, as well. It also means that we are responsible for our creations, and it is up to us which one we are creating at any point. If we are creating Hell for ourselves instead of Heaven, well, that is our own fault. (Some see this belief as spiritual bypassing in which people use spirituality to “blame the victim”.)

This channeled message by Joshua (channeled by Gary Temple Bodley) explains how to turn your 3D experience into Heaven.

For more on the New Age spiritualist view of 5D, see:

[4] My Perspective

PERSONALLY, I have doubts about any absolute and simple descriptions of the realities of our universe and our experiences. Both the Christian Heaven and the New Age 5D often depict these utopias as places in which nothing but “goodness” exists. This is wishful thinking designed more to attract followers than to describe reality.

To me, there is no final state of existence or consciousness. Instead, there are infinite states reflecting different frequencies (or densities, or dimensions, or realities) of experience.

Furthermore, so-called “higher dimensions” are not “better” than “lower dimensions”. They are all created by the same Source (or God) and they all have equal value and purpose for existence — as does everything in creation.

Higher frequencies allow greater degrees of control (creating one’s own reality) but are less complex and diverse compared to lower frequency realms. Lower frequency realms allow greater depth and diversity of experience.

That is why they, too, are sought by so many souls. It is said that there are many higher frequency/dimension/density beings who are eager to experience our 3D Earth because it is so much more interesting than where they are.

by Tatiana T

But higher realms also have their challenges. I do not think we can fully understand their challenges from our 3D state of consciousness. Perhaps one way to think of it is, again, in terms of a lucid dream. If we can change anything in our experience instantly in 5D, then that is a huge responsibility, the likes of which is unimaginable in our normal 3D existence.

Of course, there are many of us in 3D who are anxious to get to 5D as soon as possible. That anxiousness itself is a barrier to ascension because:

The only way to get to 5D is to fill your 3D with Love.

I have written a lot on the different interpretations of the dimensions of reality. Those writings (linked above) are what I used to describe 5D in this article.

The article below is what I find the most compelling model of spiritual reality (and 5D). Based on Matias De Stefano’s model of reality, I believe we experience Heaven by celebrating with joy every experience that the universe offers.

[5] Time as an Illusion

IN TERMS of “time”, everything is always moving toward higher frequencies, in line with a universe that is constantly expanding. At least that is how it feels and how it is easiest to describe.

In fact, 3D “time” is an illusion. We are experiencing all frequencies (densities and dimensions) at the same time in the moment point of now.

The illusion of 3D time allows us to experience evolution and expansion. We are forever creating new present moment points in time (with a new past and new future). And each of those new creations is always toward a higher frequency.

Some form of “Heaven” or “5D” will always be a part of the future timelines we create. And being in the future, we will never get there.

What is more important is how that future impacts our present. The further we push Heaven and 5D out into the future, the more different we make them from who we are and what we are experiencing today. And this is pushing us into that nasty suffering that we call “the past”.

This is what the Christian tradition has done and might be why it has become less popular in recent years. In our instant gratification culture, we want our Heaven now; we don’t want to wait until we die.

So, I say yes to the goal of a 5D “Heaven on Earth”. I don’t expect it to be the utopia that many seem to hold it to be. But I think it can be interesting and fun to experience a higher vibrational world, if only because it differs from our 3D past.

[6] What happened to 4D (the 4th Dimension)?

Most modern-day spiritualists (not all) dismiss 4D as a realm of astral monsters and space aliens. We need to get past 4D as quickly as possible to experience the 5D utopia. I mentioned how some describe 4D as our normal dream state. Much of that experience is random, confusing, and sometimes scary. That seems to be the reason people want to skip 4D and go straight to 5D (the lucid dreaming dimension).

There is also a belief, though not common, that 3D, 5D, and 7D are the realms in which we manifest ourselves most easily. And so, we would try to skip 4D and 6D.

As I stated above, all dimensions have value and purpose. I see 4D as the frequency level in which we learn to use our psychic abilities and our ability to “create our own reality”. 5D is the level where we master those skills to address new challenges that we cannot conceive of in our present state of consciousness.


  • Thanks to the reader who corrected my understanding of the importance in Christianity between “accepting Jesus” as being essential to entry into Heaven.


  • In this recording, Elan (an Essessani ET, channeled by Andrew Bayuk in the 1980s) discusses “ascension” and the importance 4D. For him, 4D is like 5D, but we still have our bodies. He says that is what many humans really want. Aand once they get there, they will not want to leave. — This recording (on YouTube, 11min long) was probably made early 2000s (20 years ago) and aligns very well with my own beliefs.
  • For more on Global Ascension & A New Earth, see this collection of articles:
  • Note that the articles in this collection are behind the Medium paywall. For paywall-free access to my articles, go to www.AlanLew.com, linked below.


  • I appreciate comments, questions, and typo corrections. - See the About link in my Medium profile for contact information and related articles

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