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This text is a detailed article discussing the spiritual dimensions of reality, focusing on the concept of the 4th Dimension as the Astral or Etheric Plane, and its connection to dreams, ETs, and the astral body.


The article explores the idea that the 4th Dimension is a realm of lower-level thought forms, where individuals can experience a more flexible reality than the physical 3rd Dimension. This dimension is associated with the astral body, which is also present in the 3rd Dimension but is the primary focus in the 4th. The 4th Dimension allows for the creation and manipulation of reality, with a sense of physicality, time, and space, and a strong individualized ego. The article also discusses the connection between the 4th Dimension, dreams, and extraterrestrial races.


  • The 4th Dimension is a realm of lower-level thought forms, offering flexibility to create or manifest new realities and experiences.
  • In the 4th Dimension, individuals can experience a more flexible reality than the physical 3rd Dimension, with a sense of physicality, time, and space, and a strong individualized ego.
  • The 4th Dimension is associated with the astral body, which is also present in the 3rd Dimension but is the primary focus in the 4th.
  • The 4th Dimension allows for the creation and manipulation of reality, with a sense of physicality, time, and space, and a strong individualized ego.
  • The article suggests that the 4th Dimension is connected to dreams and extraterrestrial races.
  • The 4th Dimension is described as a steppingstone to the 5th Dimension, with the lower 4th Dimension being the source of religious images of "Hell."
  • The article also mentions that the 4th Dimension is where individuals go when they die, at least temporarily, and that it is a less common belief that death is the only thing in the 4th Dimension.

A New Age Spiritual Explainer

The One Most Complete Guide to the Spiritual Dimensions of Reality

[Updated March 26, 2023] Everything you need to know now about the spiritual dimensions of our infinite universe.

source: canva.com

Non-Medium subscribers can access this full article here.


[0] WHAT IS A SPIRITUAL DIMENSION OF REALITY? [0.1] Basic Definitions — —[0.1.1] 5 Sensory Dimensions — —[0.1.2] Dimensions of Consciousness — —[0.1.3] Lower & Higher Dimensions — —[0.1.4] Limitations of Human Concepts (Disclaimer) [0.2] Dimensions vs Densities — Confusion #1 —[0.2.1] “Transcending” vs “Transmuting” — [0.3] How Many Dimensions? — Confusion #2[0.4] All Dimensions, All the Time — Confusion #3 [0.5] The Myth of Higher Dimensions — Confusion #4

[1] THE FIRST DIMENSION (1D) [2] THE SECOND DIMENSION (2D) [3] THE THIRD DIMENSION (3D) — Welcome Humans — [3.1] Lessons of the 3rd Dimension [4] THE FOURTH DIMENSION (4D) — the Astral or Etheric Plane — [4.1] ETs, the Astral Body, & Dreams — [4.2] Is the 4th Dimensions Good or Bad? [5] THE FIFTH DIMENSION (5D) — the Causal Plane[5.1] “Heaven on Earth” in the 5th Dimension [5.2] The “Collective Dimensions” (1D-5D) & Other Groupings[5.3] Keeping Our Physical Body in the 5th & Higher Dimensions — —[5.3.1] Astral & Causal Planes in ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ [5.4] IS EARTH IN THE 3RD, 4TH, or 5TH DIMENSION? — [5.4.1] How to Support the Earth’s Ascension [6] THE SIXTH and HIGHER DIMENSIONS — the “Spirit Realms” — [6.1] The Soul, Soul Families & Oversouls [7] THE LAST DIMENSION — Source, God, and The Unified Field — [7.1] Is Radical Nonduality the Highest We Can Go in Our 3D Body?

[8] WHY SO MANY TRUTHS? [9] Various Models of the Spiritual Dimensions — [9.1] Hindu Cosmology — [9.2] Models that Compare Dimensions — [9.3] 15 Views of the Spiritual Dimensions [10] Related Resources

SPECULATION about dimensions of reality beyond our normal experience has always been a part of spirituality and religions, although they did not use the word “dimensions”. Using “dimensions” to define other realities comes from the rise of theoretical physics (mid-1800s) and quantum physics (early 1900s).

Rudolph Steiner used a geometry and mathematics approach in the book The Fourth Dimension: Sacred Geometry, Alchemy, and Mathematics, which was based on lectures given in 1905 and 1908 (YouTube reading). For him, the 4th Dimension was the “astral world” beyond a point (0D), a line (1D), a surface (2D), and a solid form (3D).

He suggests 2D objects could observe 1D objects, but not themselves. Similarly, only a 4D object can see a 3D world. This makes us (and other animals) “4D astral beings” — everything that “dreams” is an astral being. The problem is that our ego-self identifies with 3D objects and not our true essence.

For example, see: If You Lived in a Flat 2D World, Here’s What You’d Look Like (on YouTube)

At Steiner's time, most others defined the 3rd Dimension (our normal waking world experience) as being based on the dimensions of length, width, and depth. In theoretical physics, “time” was our 4th Dimension (4D).

The Kaluza–Klein Theory (1921) in theoretical physics was the earliest to describe a “5th Dimension”, which was equivelent to electromagnetism. For Steiner, 5D was the source of our sensations, feelings, and empathic connections to others. Perhaps he saw electromagnetism behind those connections.

Science fiction writers creatively expanded the quantum theories that were emerging then. HG Wells wrote about 4D time travel in The Time Machine (1895). And Mister Mxyzptlk was a 5th Dimensional alien who first appeared in the DC Superman comics in 1944. His 5D origin gave him magical powers and confusing logic that often stumped our 3D superheroes.

Prior to World War II, New Age spiritualists (who were called “psychics”) usually referred to alternate spiritual realms as “planes”. They were less tied to the language of math, geometry, and physics (as Steiner was). So planes made more sense to them. Planes could exist like layers of a cake. Lower levels are more dense and higher layers are lighter.

If you search for “spiritual planes of existence” you will see many images of the “7 Planes”, which are broadly based on the channeled teachings of Edgar Cayce (1877–1945).

But in the 1950s, “dimensions” gradually replaced the word “planes” among spiritualists. This was because the dimensions being talked about in quantum physics sounded increasingly like spiritual planes. So, people adopted that more “scientific” word.

Despite that, spiritual dimensions of reality start out like those of physics (they are things we cannot see), but they quickly veer off in a different direction. For example, the extra dimensions in physics are too small to measure. They are only a tiny fraction of the size of an atom.

For more on why physics and spirituality are not as easy to compare as many people think, see:

Most of the information below comes from messages from higher dimensional beings (including aliens/ETs/galactics) that were delivered through human “channelers”. I include additional insights from a variety of other sources, including interviews with various teachers and postings in spiritual groups on Facebook.


[0.1] Basic Definitions

[0.1.1] 5 Sensory Dimensions

OUR STANDARD physical body senses include the 5 outer senses of vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. Each of those is a dimension of reality. Each is a completely unique way that we experience the same one reality that we are present in.

We use our 5 senses simultaneously to construct our reality. But imagine if you could only use one of those senses at a time. Each one would give you a different interpretation and understanding of your world. That is one way of thinking about the spiritual dimensions of reality. They are separate ways of perceiving the space around us.

(Buddhism says our brain (or intellect) is our 6th sense organ. It senses mental objects, such as thoughts, desires, moods/emotion, pain, and dreams.)

Other creatures (animals, aliens) have other senses through which they experience the same reality we do, but in entirely different ways.

Some humans have extrasensory perception (ESP) abilities. These are often considered inner senses that allow them to sense (or see) the past and future, and to communicate telepathically, for example. Nowadays, these abilities are often associated with higher dimensions of reality (or densities of consciousness).

Humans can experience all dimensions through meditation, hypnosis, lucid dreaming, out-of-body experiences, hallucinogenic plants and drugs, prayer, and many other spiritual-related modalities. But most people believe we cannot physically be in dimensions higher than maybe 4D, 5D or 6D (depending on how those are defined).

[0.1.2] Dimensions of Consciousness

THE TWO most common spiritual dimensions of reality that people on Earth are familiar with are their waking state of consciousness and their dream state of consciousness. (Deep sleep is a state of unconsciousness, at least for most people.)

Waking experiences are mostly in the 3rd Dimensional (3D) reality. What we remember of our dreams is mostly from the 4th Dimension (4D). Note that this differs from physics, which defines the 4th Dimension as “time”. If we have a lucid dream, where we can completely control and change our dream world and experience, that is a 5th Dimension (5D) consciousness.

One analogy I heard (from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi) compares our consciousness to a “mirror” to understand the differences between waking, dreaming, deep sleep, and pure consciousness. Like our eyes, the mirror/consciousness only sees outward. It cannot look at itself. It only knows itself through its pure awareness.

Phenomenal (experiential) reality overshadows (or veils) the pure awareness of consciousness. In our waking state (3D), physical objects overshadow the mirror, and so we only know those physical objects. In our dream state (4D), our subconscious overshadows the mirror, and all we experience is our subconscious. In deep sleep (5D), darkness overshadows the mirror.

We are consciousness, which is the mirror that is always there. The mirror can never see itself — we cannot “see” the mirror. But we can “be” the mirror. We can “be” it (through awakening, self-realization, & enlightenment), but we cannot “experience” it as an object outside of ourselves. When we are “it”, the doorway to higher dimensions opens. (For more on this topic, see section [7.1] below on Radical Nonduality.)

Waking, dreaming, and deep sleep is the clearest way I have found to explain 3D, 4D, 5D, and beyond. But not everyone agrees with that, and people will describe those dimensions in many other ways. I review those differences in the sections below.

[0.1.3] Lower & Higher Dimensions

Each dimension of reality has a distinct set of laws that govern what beings can and cannot do in them.

In general, Lower Dimensions are dense, heavy, rigid, complex, hidden, and narrowly focused. They have lower frequency vibrations or energies, and a greater sense of individuality and separation. Because of their lower frequency, they do not hold as much knowledge and awareness. We humans look at them as negative or bad, though that is not true.

In general, Higher Dimensions are light, transparent, flexible, less complex, and more broadly encompassing and inclusive. They have higher frequency vibrations and hold more knowledge and awareness, including an increasing sense of universal oneness and less individuality. We humans think of them as “heaven”, which is discussed more in section 5.1.

As noted above, most spiritualists believe that “Lower” and “Higher” refers to rates of vibration or frequency. They believe that the overall frequencies of Higher dimensions are faster than Lower dimensions. It is like how a higher note on a piano keyboard vibrates at a higher frequency than a lower note.

A common assumption is that all creation seeks to “expand” from lower frequencies to higher frequencies. All spiritual teachings assume this. Traditional religions, the Seth material channeled by Jane Roberts (1960s to 1980s), and the Ra group’s Law of One (1981 to 1984) all make this assumption.

But in recent years, some teachings say beings in higher dimensions consider all dimensions of equal value. None is “better” or “worse” than any other. Those types of value judgments (good/bad, better/worse) are a characteristic of 3D beings, including us Earth humans, and lower 4D beings. (See section [0.5] below for more on this.)

Instead of seeing dimensions and higher and lowers, an alternative approach sees them as “inner” (closer to our soul, perhaps) and “outer” (closer to the physical world outside of us). But this approach is rare. We use it more when talking about our individual consciousness, rather than entire universes. (As an example, see the Hindu Pancha Koshas (or “5 Layers”) in section [9.1.2]).

[0.1.4] Limitations of Human Concepts (Disclaimer)

“WORDS” are a feature of our 3rd Dimensional reality, and possibly the lower 4th Dimension. They do not exist in other dimensions where telepathy is a more efficient way to communicate. Words reinforce 3D separation, as opposed to 4D/5D oneness and unity.

Thus, while this article talks about “dimensions”, “densities”, “time”, “timelines”, “soul”, “reincarnation” and many other spiritual terms, these are all human-invented concepts or symbols. None of these words fully grasps the true nature of these phenomena. They can only point in their direction.

“Words reduce reality to something the human mind can grasp, which isn’t very much.” — Eckhart Tolle

In this article, I review many perspectives and ideas on the spiritual dimensions of reality. These are often conflicting and confusing. It is best to think of these as “maps”, “models”, or “stories” that point to reality, but do not fully encompass it. For more on words as symbols for reality, see:

Seth II, channeled by Jane Roberts, eloquently describes the limits of our human mind to comprehend the spiritual dimensions of reality:

“…there is a reality beyond human reality, beyond human characteristics that you know. And within that reality, even I am dwarfed. And there is knowledge that can never be verbal. And there is experience that cannot be translated in human terms. Although this type of existence seems cold to you, it is a clear and crystal-like existence in which things are known that are beyond your comprehension, in which no time is needed (in your terms) for experience…

You exist, therefore, now within this reality as present and immediate as you are now… although in my terms, more than fifty centuries [5,000 years] of your time has elapsed since your seemingly present existence. Yet what you are is now. … And it exists as light as the impetus for other dimensions and consciousness.

— Seth II/Jane Roberts, The Early Session, Book 9, Session 493, July 14, 1969 (Seth II occasionally showed up as a future version of Seth, who Jane channeled from the mid-1960s to 1984)

If you want a single, concise, and integrated description of the spiritual dimensions, I recommend Matias De Stefano’s model. I summarize his model based on several sources and briefly compare it to other approaches in this article:

[0.2] Dimensions vs Densities — Confusion #1

by Alex Hudson (unsplash.com)

IN NEW Age spirituality writings, you will see “density” and “dimension” used in confusing ways.

The concept of density mostly comes from The Law of One, which was channeled in the early 1980s from a non-human collective group called “Ra”. They said that dimensions are horizontal, while densities are vertical. So, dimensions would be something like past and future lives in which our consciousness was similar to our present 3D life. Densities would be various levels of consciousness (or spiritual awakening and enlightenment).

Based on that definition, followers of The Law of One often insist that articles like this one are not about spiritual dimensions — they are about spiritual densities.

Ra also says our collective consciousness is presently in an early stage of 4th Density (consciousness) while we exist in a 3rd Dimension space (planet) where separation is dominant (as opposed to a sense of unity of oneness).

But Ra also states that the 4th Dimension is a realm of chaos that is to be avoided at all costs. That is why many spiritualists insist our goal is the 5th Dimensions (oneness) and we need to skip the 4th Dimension. (See sections [4.2] and [5.4] for more on that.) At the same time, according to Ra, a 4th Density consciousness is a desirable thing. To me, that is confusing.

Unfortunately, Ra’s perspective does not coincide well with most other definitions of spiritual dimensions of reality. I prefer to differentiate “density” and “dimension” in the following way…

Both terms refer to the frequency (speed) at which something is vibrating. Density emphasizes the specific energy frequency (or state of consciousness, awakening, or universal oneness) that individual beings or objects display at any point in time.

Dimensions are realms where most beings vibrate at frequencies that are close enough that they can share a good part of their experiences.

A Higher Density or frequency entity is closer to God / Source and able to hold more and broader information, knowledge, awareness, and intelligence in its consciousness. There is also a greater sense of oneness and a feeling of lightness. In fact, physical forms become “light bodies” living on light energy (not physical food) when they reach the highest densities.

A Lower Density or frequency entity is closer to Creation (the diversity of the universe) and therefore holds more structure, polarity, separation, diversity, and physical experiences in its consciousness. It feels heavier and is more associated with darkness. (These are a lot like the Higher and Lower Dimension characteristics listed above.)

Most agree that we are multidimensional (and multi-density) beings. It is common to say that we have a physical body, an emotional body, and a mental body (among others). Each of these can be in a different dimension or density. For example, our emotional body typically experiences our dream (4D) reality. But it is extremely rare for our physical body to leave 3D.

Some say Jesus was a 5th or 7th Density being (opinions vary) during his historical time in his 3rd Dimensional Earth body. That may be a common form of reincarnation. “Crystal Children” (born since 1980) are also said to be 7D beings coming here to help raise the consciousness of our planet. But, so far, only a few of them seem to remember their higher dimensional origin.

This is the main point of confusion between densities and dimensions. You can, theoretically, be of any density in any dimension. Although it is easier to be in the same dimension that matches your density. It is also probably easier for a higher density being to visit a lower dimension than it is for a lower density being to go to a higher dimension.

It is best to think of density as an individual characteristic, and dimension as a realm or some other shared characteristic. This article focuses more on dimensions than densities, although the two terms can be interchangeable.

For this article, I follow what most others teach: the dimension of a planet is the shared density (or consciousness) that most beings on that planet are experiencing.

Earth, therefore, is a 3rd Dimensional planet because most humans have a 3D consciousness. When most of us awaken to a 4th Density consciousness, then Earth will become a 4th Dimensional planet.

Note that many say that the Earth’s dimensional shift from 3D to 4D or 5D will happen when only a small portion of humankind raises their consciousness high enough. Some say it will happen with only 1% of the global population, which is still lots of people — 80 million.

[0.2.1] “Transcending” vs “Transmuting”

OUR consciousness (“mental body”) can be in any density or dimension that it puts its focus on. So, our consciousness and mind can be at a higher density than our physical body. Some call this “transcending”. Our consciousness transcends our 3D body to give us a different point of view or experience.

Actually, bringing our physical body into a higher density/dimension is “transmutation”. As noted above, this is extremely difficult and rare.

Thus, when people say they are in 5D or higher (which many on Facebook claim), they are talking about their mental body or consciousness. They have transcended their ego-mind or personality into a higher density form.

These people did not transmute their physical body into a higher dimension. If they did, we would not see them here in 3D.

For some, a transcendent state is a permanent state of consciousness. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi called that permanent state “Cosmic Consciousness” and saw it as the first stage of “enlightenment”. Others seem to fall in and out of this state. We might call these people “awakened”, but not yet at that first stage of enlightenment.

For more on “awakening” and “enlightenment”, see:

With proper understanding, anyone can temporarily visit other dimensions by changing the density of their mental body or energy body. “Channeling” and “lucid dreaming” are two ways that we reach the 5th and higher dimensions. There are many teachings and classes on how to do these.

Some say that our Earth is already in the 4th Dimension, and where we want to go is to the 5th Dimension. They say we left 3D on December 21, 2012, at the end of the Mayan calendar. Others say it happened on December 21, 2019, and on December 21, 2020, and more recently on December 21, 2021. I am sure they will announce more dates in the future. (See section 5.4, below, for more on this topic.)

[0.3] How Many Dimensions? — Confusion #2

THE TWO most common numbers of spiritual dimensions are 7 and 12 (see section [9] below). It seems “7” is based on the Hindu concept of the 7 Lokas (described in section [9.1.1] below). In the West, the Lokas became the “7 Planes of Existence” (a search on that phrase will result in many sources and different definitions).

Another potential source is the “7 Rays” of Light (or God, or Knowledge, or Fire, or the Sun, or Creation). When referring to “Rays of Light”, which is the most common, they are the 7 colors of the rainbow. Various forms of “7 things” have appeared in Hinduism since at least 500 BCE and in Europe since Roman times. The 7 Chakras of the body come from Hinduism, for example.

In The Law of One, the Ra group equates the 7 Rays and 7 Chakras with their model of the 7 Densities / Dimensions. But none of the historical Ray systems refers to anything like a plane or dimension of reality.

Both the Lokas and the Planes describe 7 dimensions, starting with our “Earth Plane” (physical reality) and ending with the “God/Source Plane” that is beyond words to describe. There is no “3rd Dimension” in those approaches. (“3D” came from physics, as mentioned earlier.) There is also a 14 Lokas model that adds 7 human mental planes that go deeper into ego-separation and “hell” experiences. (See section [9.1.1] below.)

As mentioned in the introduction, the “7 Planes” approach seems to have been the dominant way of visualizing spiritual realities prior to the 1960s. Edgar Cayce (1877–1945) talked of afterlife “planes” and associated them with the 7 planets in our solar system (see section [9.3] below). His channeled teachings influenced many spiritualists.

[Also see section 5.3.2, below, for Paramhansa Yogananda’s descriptions of the Astral Plane (4D) and Causal Plane (5D).]

I often cite quotes from Seth, who Jane Roberts channeled from 1963 to 1984. He used “dimensions” most of the time, but occasionally called them “planes”. He spoke a lot of our 3rd Dimension and occasionally of the 4th Dimension (referring to it as our dream and after death realm) and the 5th Dimension (which he said was the source of 3D and 4D but was difficult to describe in words).

Overall, Seth/Jane Roberts said the spiritual dimensions are “infinite in number”.

“What you call dimensions represent states in which reality is perceived. You perceive reality in three dimensions, and you have a glimpse of reality in a fourth dimension. There are many dimensions, however, in all directions. … Now, I will tell you further that these dimensions merely represent various capacities of consciousness. All these dimensions exist at once, and even within your system, but your consciousness cannot perceive them. … Nothing but the various stages of consciousness separates the dimensions, you see, but the separation is quite effective nonetheless.” — Seth/Jane Roberts, The Early Sessions, volume 6, session 258, May 11, 1966

Ra, in The Law of One, went into considerable detail on a 7 spiritual densities model. Ra was a collective group of beings/consciousness channeled from 1981 to 1984. They preferred to talk about “densities” rather than “dimensions” and said that they were from the 6th Density/Dimension. (See section [0.2], above.)

The Ra group’s model has multiple universes and infinite densities and dimensions. They liken each universe to an octave on a piano. We are in one of those octaves. Each octave has 7 notes (dimensions/densities), based on the frequency variations in the 7 white keys on a piano keyboard (do, re, mi, fa, so, la, and ti). Those are the main levels of consciousness.

The Law of One approach is sometimes called an 8 density/dimension model. The 8th is the first density/dimension in the next octave up — the next “do” note. Humans are in the 3rd and 4th Densities / Dimensions of our universe / octave.

Each note/density in an octave has 7 overtones (sub-levels) of consciousness, and each of those is further divided into 7 levels. Those divisions go on forever, both within each octave (universe) and beyond them. The result is an infinite number of dimensions. The number 7 is used to simplify the model for human understanding.

Drunvalo Melchizedek has a 144 dimension model, based on the 12 notes/dimensions (black & white keys) on a piano keyboard. Each of those notes has 12 overtones (or sub-dimensions) resulting in 144 dimensions in one octave. We can also think of “octaves” as “universes” in a multiverse model of reality, as some astrophysicists have proposed. (I describe his model more in section [9.3] below.)


12 dimension models usually start with the lowest physical forms (usually rocks) in the 1st Dimension (1D), which is also based on physics. They place humans in the 3rd Dimension because we base our reality on the dimensions of “length, width, and height”. God/Source is in the 12th or Last Dimension (12D), though not always.

I do not know who first talked about 12 dimensions or when. It may have happened about the same time that the “7 Rays” model expanded to “12 Rays”. Once source says this happened on January 26, 1991. Another says they came on 10/10/10 (2010), 11/11/11 (2011), and 12/12/12 (2012). The new Rays are associated with archangels and ascended masters.

But some 12 Ray models look a lot like different dimensions of reality. So, it is most likely that the use of 12 dimensions emerged at the same time as that the universe expanded the 7 Rays. They also expanded the colors of the rainbow from 7 to 12 at about that same time.

The many models I have seen from channeled beings and spiritual teachers have discussed 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 22, 34, and 144 dimensions. (Most of these are described in section [9] below.)

(From what little I know about Rays, there are models with 5, 7, 12, 13, 22, and more colors. For comparison, different versions of “string theory” in theoretical quantum physics require 10, 11, and 26 dimensions. Derived from 3D mathematics, those do not relate to the spiritual dimensions discussed here. See my article on physics and spirituality for more on that.)

Most teachings define spiritual dimensions as discrete realms, entirely separate and different from one another. Between them is an “empty void” or a “sharp phase transition”, such as when water changes to ice or vapor.

There are also both intentional and accidental crossovers and intersections between dimensions. Intersections between dimensions are called “portals”. Accidental crossovers sometimes enable a 3D human to see 4D and 5D spaceships and beings, though they would rather not be seen.

But even with water, if we slow the process down far enough, the sudden phase transition becomes a gradual transition. I have found that most people nowadays believe that there is a gradual transition from one to the next and that the boundaries between them are often unclear.

Based on that approach, we are dealing with a gradual transition of frequency from one dimension to the next. One way to understand this is that our universe is a massive wave of energy vibrating at different frequencies and amplitudes. (This is one version of quantum theory.)

Each dimension is a generalized set of energy frequencies. We create a story that places a boundary around certain related or connected frequencies and we call it our physical 3D reality.

We agreed to a certain set of boundaries before coming into this incarnation. We could have chosen a smaller or larger set, which would be a lower or higher dimension, respectively. Those are other “stories” from the perspective of Source / All-That-Is.

Different teachings have different stories about spiritual dimensions that do not match one another. That is because there is no real division in the one massive and continuous wave of energy frequencies that is our universe. The stories are just analogies that our ego uses to try to understand a reality that is unknowable (See section [7.1] below for more on that.)

I like to think there are 7.8 billion different versions of the 3rd Dimension on our planet Earth today.

For more on spiritual frequencies and waves, see:

A related area of confusion is whether there is a set number of dimensions, or if dimensions are unlimited/infinite. To me, our universe is infinite — so setting a number is impossible. I have even heard channeled beings claiming to be from 679th, the 1000th, and even the millionth dimension.

In addition, we sometimes describe each dimension as having a lower, middle, and upper region with slightly distinctive characteristics. For example, the upper 3rd Dimension (Earth) is only a little different from the lower 4th Dimension (most dreams).

As stated previously, we should consider these different numbers and descriptions as “maps” or “models” (or “stories”) used to simplify reality for teaching. True reality is much more nuanced and complex than any chart or writing makes it out to be.

While the different maps and descriptions of dimensions vary, there is some agreement on some characteristics of the first five dimensions, at least. Those are the ones that I focus on here.

In this recording, Elan (an Essessani ET, channeled by Andrew Bayuk in the 1980s) discusses how there are an infinite number of realities / dimensions. This recording (on YouTube, 5min long) aligns well with my own beliefs.

[0.4] All Dimensions, All the Time — Confusion #3

ALL dimensions exist at the same “time” and occupy the same “space”. They just occur at different frequencies of energy. If we change our frequency, we will experience a different perspective, view, and understanding of reality.

For example, when we take a mind affecting drug of any kind (such as alcohol, an antidepressant, or ayahuasca), we perceive and experience our world differently. Dimensions work the same way, but even more powerfully. We live entire lifetimes in a dimension.

In a comparable way, our soul (core consciousness, or deepest inner self) is always present in all dimensions. The dimension (or reality) we are consciously aware of at any moment is a matter of where we focus our attention. Those dimensions we do not focus on exist in our subconscious mind (depending on how one defines the “subconscious mind”).

Our dream reality (4D), for example, exists parallel to our waking reality (3D). We are present in each simultaneously. We can enter 4D while we are awake in 3D, either through daydreaming or déjà vu experiences. Our multidimensionality extends to all the other dimensions, as well. (I primarily based these ideas on the teachings of Seth/Jane Roberts.)


Matias De Stefano (YouTube link) says you can tell which dimension you are in based on how you can measure an object that you see. For example, if we can only perceive and measure the height and width of an object, then our consciousness is in 2D. If we can also see/measure depth, we are in the 3rd Dimension (3D).

But if we can also see an object's entire history (past and future), then we are seeing it from a 4D consciousness or perspective. According to Matias, this has nothing to do with spirituality, it is just measurements. And there are many stories of people having that experience. For example, they might see the entire life story of a tree.

This is like Rudolf Steiner’s belief (in the introduction, section [0] above), based on math and geometry. Except Steiner says beings can never perceive their own dimension; they only see dimension below theirs. Thus, for humans to see a world of 3D forms, we must be 4D beings.


Our physical bodies can normally only experience a tiny fraction of the full range of frequencies that are always present around us. We call this range of physical frequencies the 3rd Dimension (3D). As mentioned above, we can experience many more dimensions by shifting the frequency of our “energy body” (which includes our emotion, intuition, and aura).

Some say that once we establish ourselves in one dimension, then you have easy access to the dimensions below where you are, but only limited access to those above. So, a 4D being can access 3D and lower dimensions more easily, but it still must grow toward the 5th Dimension.

That said, many of the characteristics of the 1st Dimension (described below) are like those of the Last or Highest Dimension. They seem to create a loop. Some say we reincarnate through this loop. We return to the 1st Dimension after we have spiritually evolved to the Last Dimension to do it all over again.

In addition, at the highest dimensions, it is more apparent that we are all connected. We are all the one same being. Diversity, individuality, and complexity gradually disappear as we move up the dimensions. At the highest levels, we are the Universal Soul, the Universal Mind, and All-That-Is / Source.

Below the highest dimensions, each division is an aspect of our self that has a distinct perspective on reality. Those aspects become increasingly diverse the lower we go in dimensions. But through all that diversity, we are connected spiritually (at our soul level) to our other aspects.

For example, what you see as your “hand” is a 3D energy form. That same energy pattern simultaneously exists in each of the other dimensions (except the “Last Dimension”) but it manifests in separate ways. What you see as a tree in your normal waking experience expresses in a different form and intelligence in another dimension.

Crystals are examples of a 1D object (a rock) that are said to have strong 4th, 5th, and higher, dimensional intelligence and energy. Some sensitive humans can experience that.

(I heard someone say that our “unconscious self” is only present in from 5 to 100 dimensions at the most at one time. That might be true at our Soul Family level (in 5D & 6D) but is certainly not true in higher dimensions. There are no limits in this universe.)

Because we are in all dimensions all the time, our experiences in one dimension affect all our other dimensional selves. So, if I have an awakening experience in 3D, my 5D self will have a similar experience suitable for that dimension. And if I am having a challenge in 5D, my 3D self will have a similar challenge suitable for the 3rd Dimension.

(Note that I have heard others say connections like that do not exist because each aspect is completely independent in their separate incarnations.)

I see Déjà vu as the experience of more than one dimension at the same time. I had an experience like that, which I wrote about here:

With proper intentions and practice, we can learn to shift our focus to any of the other dimensions that another aspect of ourselves is in. (Some people naturally have this ability.) Doing so can allow us to see or understand objects in our 3D world from different perspectives. This is what gives some people psychic and paranormal abilities.

As mentioned previously, we often describe ourselves as having a physical body, emotional feelings, and a mind for thinking.

One version of this approach says we have a Physical Body, a Subtle Body, and a Causal Body. These are the primary tools we have to experience different dimensions. (These definitions are how Seth/Jane Roberts describes 3D, 4D, and 5D.) — Our Physical Body is also known as the “gross body” and includes all our physical waking (3D) experiences. — Our Subtle Body includes our conscious and subconscious mind and ego. It controls our physical body. It is like the astral body and may be related to our dream experiences (4D). — Our Causal Body is also known as our “mental body” and is our connection to the universe. It brings our subtle and physical bodies into existence and relates to our deep sleep state of consciousness (5D & higher).

Some say that the human physical body is infinitely intelligent (beyond our conscious intelligence) and can shift dimensions with the body fully intact. Jesus and some Hindu saints might have done this, but I believe it is extremely rare.

Using our subtle and causal bodies is a lot easier to do than shifting our physical body to another dimension. People regularly experience alternate dimensions (or realities) by leaving their physical body behind and only using their subtle body to enter 4D. We do this in dreams every night.

And people are increasingly connecting with their Higher Self and other spirit guides through channeling and other psychic modalities. When we do that, we are using our mental or causal body, which is in 5D or higher.

Through these different dimensional experiences, we are the same consciousness. It does not matter which body we use. Our consciousness (sense of “I”) remains the same.

In addition, each of our three bodies is a complete universe or dimension unto itself. We can be consumed in the physical (like when we are having sex, for example). Similarly, we can be fully in our subtle or causal bodies, such as when we fall asleep.

In the same way, each of the dimensions described below is an entire universe unto itself. They are ever-expanding and vast in their content. However, we can also potentially access any of them instantaneously with our consciousness (our sense of “I”).

I have told you that portions of your personality exist in other realities. Other portions of the self are focused within different dimensions than you own. If you can, imagine a huge building with many rooms, each room entirely different from the other. The environment, the methods of perception, the reality system within each room is unique.

The building shares some common passageways, however, as well as a common cellar and attic… Sometimes in their sleep [the residents] sleepwalk and come upon the passageways, and meet, but in the morning they do not remember.

…It is quite possible however when you know how to use one of these passageways and look at yourself and your situation from a different viewpoint, to see it in greater perspective and from outside your particular room — to see it perhaps more clearly in its entirety.

You can do this quite alone. It is easier, however, if you have the help of one of the guests in another room who is more used to the passageways, someone who has been investigating a while longer.

While each of you are egotistically focused within your own reality, the deeper layers of the self are aware of the, quote, “family relationship.”

Seth/Jane Roberts, The Early Session, Book 9, session on June 9, 1969

[0.5] The Myth of Higher Dimensions — Confusion #4

AS mentioned above, many spiritual teachings see the word “higher” to mean one dimension is “better” than another. This is a distortion of our human 3D linear thinking and communication. It is not true, in my opinion. It seems that way from our 3rd Dimension because of the limitations we have adopted that emphasize separation over oneness.

Most humans in the 3rd Dimension focus only the one dimension, with little awareness of the others. Because of our emphasis on separation, most of us see other dimensions as separate from our existence (even though they are not).

We also are self-critical and see other dimensions as “better” than ours. We view higher dimensional beings as “gods” (with a small “g”), angels, and ascended masters who we should pray to because of their knowledge and powers.

Such a view is perfectly understandable from a purely 3D perspective. That is because higher density or dimensional being have a broader perspective on reality. They are more aware of their multidimensional selves and the oneness of the universe. But they might not know much about the 3D world and experience.

The higher dimensional beings we interact with are the small percentage who take on the role of a spirit guide for lower dimensional beings. Some have had incarnations in the lower dimensions, while others have not.

But higher dimensional beings are not like that (from what I have heard). Many only focus on their own dimension, like we do in 3D. They know as much about our 3rd Dimension as we know of theirs. And they prefer to only interact in their higher dimensions, like many humans prefer to do on Earth.

Some of these types of higher dimensional beings wish to expand spiritually themselves by experiencing our 3D universe. They realize that they have no awareness of what it is like to be a 3D being. So, they seek opportunities to incarnate in the lower dimensions to do that.

Rather than thinking one is better than another, it is best to think of each dimension offering a unique perspective on the universe that we all share. As mentioned at the start of this article, each dimension follows a distinct set of “laws” of what they can and cannot do.

The fundamental differences are that higher dimensions have more flexible laws than the lower dimensions do, and they have a broader understanding of reality because they are less focused than lower dimensions. They have these characteristics because of their higher overall energy frequencies (speed).

But all dimensions have their challenges. They are simply different in each dimension. Flexibility and broader perspectives in higher dimensions bring greater responsibility. In 3D, we are more focused on our subjective experiences and challenges. But the overall challenge level remains the same for both them and us.

As an example, one of my tasks as a human is to harmonize the many parts of my mind and body so they can work together in a healthy, happy, and successful manner. If we think of our planet Earth as a higher dimensional being, one of her tasks is to harmonize all the people, animals, plants, land masses, water bodies, and air systems to create a healthy, happy, and successful planet.

My human task is a lot easier than her planetary one!

Matias De Stefano says that, compared to another person or beings, we may be in a higher dimension, vibration, or state of consciousness (they are all the same). That means we are more mature — we have learned more through more experiences.

In that situation, we teach and nurture those in lower dimensions, vibrations, and states of consciousness. This is the same as a parent’s responsibility for a child. Such teaching might be by example, rather than intentional effort. This is one way to think of your relationship with people in your life who vibrate low energies much of the time.

The universe is always moving through positive (+) and negative (-) energies toward greater alignment and ascension. It does not matter which dimension one is in.

But in 3D, we think positive (+) is good and negative (-) is bad. Higher dimensions see beyond that separation and understand that both are normal and valuable energies of creation. This is one lesson that higher dimensional guides often try to teach.

Many humans also assume that higher dimensions mean more happiness and less suffering. But “happiness” (contentment, joy, bliss, ecstasy, peace of mind) is independent of one’s dimension and density. We can live a happy and fulfilling existence that is free of suffering in any dimension if we align with the vibration of our dimension and our soul’s purpose in this incarnation.

This is “being in the flow”. When we are “in the flow,” our soul is happy, and we are happy. This can happen at any dimensional level.

As our consciousness expands/ascends, we gradually see all creation, realities, and dimensions having equal value, purpose, and spiritual potential. Their energy frequencies are the only actual difference.

Seth II on Our Multidimensionality

Seth II: “As we peer into your room, so do you peer into other realities all unknowing. You do not physically recall those journeys that you have yourselves made and are now making. You leave from any moment of your time and you are gone sometimes for centuries of physical time. You leave in the middle of a day and return the day before yesterday or a thousand years hence. Now, that is reality ….

The small portion that you perceive is but one letter on a page. You cannot comprehend its meaning for the entire word is hidden. Not because it must be. But, because you are becoming. At this stage, you are only perceiving a portion of your own becoming….

You must realize that each reality is unique and precious and a part of the whole.… And so will you awaken, and so have you awakened, and so even in the trance of physical focus are you already awake to your own greater reality.… You are, in other terms, the memory of us, yet we are also the memory of you.”

Seth II/Jane Roberts, The Early Sessions, Book 3, ESP Class Session, Jan 19, 1971

Seth was channeled by Jane Roberts from the mid-1960s to 1984. He once described himself as a “future” version of Jane. Jane occasionally channeled Seth II, who was as a “future” version of Seth.

But as the last line of the quote implies, the whole concept of “past and future” is relative from a higher dimensional perspective. This is challenging for most of us in 3D to understand. Therefore, most mentions of “time” in this article are simplified to assume it is real, though we all know it is an illusion.

Writing about a friend who had recently passed, Albert Einstein said:

For people like us who believe in physics, the separation between past, present, and future has only the importance of an admittedly tenacious illusion. — Albert Einstein, 1955, originally in German, which is why there are different English translations


THE 1st Dimension is the first level of consciousness. Everything here is one point. It is a “singularity” in which nothing is outside of the “one” existence.

1D consciousness is pure “being”. It is not aware of separation — it simply exists without individual identity. There is only “me”. It is the experience of “oneness”. That experience is one definition of “awakening” or “enlightenment”.

Some have likened 1D to the consciousness of a rock — it knows it exists, and nothing else. They have also described it as the experience of pure light and pure love (and nothing else).

We can also see it as the first realization of Source/Brahman/God that it “exists” (also known as the “I Am” realization). To realize that required that Source becomes manifest in a form. That first form is the “Universal Soul” or “Universal Mind” — the soul or mind that is shared by everything in existence.

There is also no time: past, present, and future are all present in the one-moment point. (Many of these features are like how we might describe the last dimension — the one that is beyond all the other dimensions.)

As humans, we can get a glimpse of the 1st Dimension when we silence our mind and our senses in every way possible and perceive pure awareness. We mostly do this through various forms of meditation.

1st Dimensional energies resonate with water and the mineral kingdom. The Law of One (Ra group) says 1D is what our Earth was at its initial formation. They associate it with the elements of Earth, Water, Fire, and Air, and the Red Ray (of the 7 Rays model). I have also heard that dragons, phoenixes, and similar “mythical” creatures are expressions of energy from this elemental dimension.

The 1st Dimension is also said to be associated with the Root Chakra (earth element), which is focused on the most basic human needs and security, as well as our identity with our planet as “earthlings” (offspring of the planet Earth). Others say 1D is in our human DNA genetic code.

Some say that the earliest modern humans (based on anthropological understandings, and until about the year 5000 BCE) were a 1st Dimension/Root Chakra dominant culture, focused on basic survival, safety, and community.

Some channeled beings say that the consciousness of a soul passes through many lifetimes (I heard 84,000 from one source) in the first two dimensions before it develops enough to become a physical human being.

I have also heard that many humans are mostly 1D entities incarnating in the 3rd Dimension. We see this in a personality that is dominated by Root Chakra characteristics (safety and survival, for example). Their human incarnation, however, gives them access to other chakras in the human body which they can use to “move up” the spiritual evolutionary ladder.


THE 2nd Dimension introduces a second point, which allows the first awareness of separation, duality, and polarity. The second point is a twin or mirror of the first, as in the way a cell’s mitosis splits it from one to two.

From an energy level, 1D is the universal energy of “love”. 2D is when that 1D energy splits into a positive (+) and a negative (-) force. These opposite forces pull and push each other to create waves of energy, or frequencies. Variations in these frequencies (or vibrations, or wavelengths) create the diversity of forms in the universe. That diversity is expressed as the 3rd and higher dimensions.

The 2nd Dimension, therefore, is the energy that creates the universe.

One way of modeling the 1st through 5th Dimensions of spiritual reality — by Alan Lew, author (cc-by)

From the perspective of consciousness, God or Source created the 2D separation to expand its understanding of its 1D self — to allow it to reflect on a separate version of itself.

In 2D, however, there are only two points: now and not now (the first inkling of time), this and not this (the first awareness of space), me/self and not me/not-self (the first form of individual identity). In this way, time, space, and identity come into existence in their most simple forms.

From our personal perspective, 2D is me and everything else that I experience as not me. There is me and there is the entire environment that I am in, including my physical environment, my emotional-thinking environment, and my spiritual environment.

As humans, we can get an idea of the 2nd Dimension when we look out at our physical environment and see it as one whole, single object. That is known as “spacious awareness”. We achieve it by looking at, or sensing in some other way, our environment without focusing on separate objects. As a meditation, we can also imagine that we are a container holding everything. (See section [5.2] for more on how to experience dimensions through meditation.)

Having two arms, two eyes, etc., in our human/animal body is said to come from 2D evolutionary influences.

mathematical dimensions (Facebook)

From a mathematical perspective, 2D is length and height but no depth (x and y, but no z in the diagram here). The novel Flatland (Abbott, 1884) creates such a world, and many video versions on YouTube depict what life would be like if our universe was a piece of paper.

However, I have also heard that we deliver most of our modern education system in a 2D reality. This includes books, movies, PowerPoint presentations, and paper and pencil. Nowadays, Zoom classes and webinars are also Flatland.

From the perspective of the 3rd Dimension, we usually associate the 2nd Dimension with the plant kingdom and the lower animal kingdom. These have a consciousness of species identity only and live solely with an awareness of the present moment. At least that is how some see the plant kingdom.

Similarly, in the Law of One, the Ra group says 2D is all biological life that is not mobile (it is fixed in place and cannot move on it is own). 3D is biological life and organic matter that can move on its own in response to its environment. That is how consciousness evolves from pure beingness in 1D to growing awareness and interaction with its environment in each higher dimension.

An increasing sense of separation accompanies the shift in consciousness from 1D to 3D, which gives birth to our ego (our feeling of being separate).

However, from 2D and 4D perspectives, plants can be spiritually powerful and enlightened beings. (I heard one channeled entity say that fungi are among the most intelligent species on Earth from the perspective of many higher dimensional races.)

Humans can communicate with plants by shifting their consciousness and subtle senses into 2D and 4D states.

Some say that all animals are 2D beings. They say pets are at an elevated level of 2D because they have a name (self-identity) and they have us (3D beings) to teach them how to become humans in their next incarnation.

Others disagree with these ideas, saying that animals are 3D beings. They also say humans can reincarnate as animals, depending on the lessons they wish to learn.

The human body’s 2D consciousness is said to be centered in the lower brain stem. This area of the brain directs the autonomic nervous system to maintain life support with no conscious effort — like how we envision plants and lower animal life forms.

We also associated the 2nd Dimension with the Sacral Chakra (water element) and the Orange Ray in the 7 Rays model. The sacral chakra is in the pelvis (the womb in women) and represents nurturing and growing, as well as the birth of civilizations.

(As I mentioned above, in section [0.3], The Law of One also equates Rays and Chakras with Densities/Dimensions. But I am not familiar enough with that source to know if it coincides with what I am describing here.)

Some say that the first agricultural revolution of modern humankind, which started about 6000 to 4000 BCE, was an ascension from the 1st to the 2nd Chakra in both humans and the planet.

As with the 1st Dimension, a primarily 2nd Dimensional/Density entity can incarnate as a human. They would have strong personality characteristics reflecting the Sacral Chakra, including being very nurturing, creative, resourceful. Alternatively, they may need those.

I will continue to mention the chakra-based model of the spiritual dimensions below because I like it. This model has 1D in the Root and 7D in the crown, as suggested by the Law of One. But I also heard of a model that puts 1D in the crown and 7D in the root. I know little about that version, so I will not include it here. For more details on the chakras, see:

[3] THE THIRD DIMENSION (3D) — Welcome Humans

THE 3rd Dimension introduces a third point, which allows for the measurement and comparison of objects across space and time (space-time). This measurement capacity allows us to divide and compare our “environment” (or “not me”). There are now an infinite number of “others” for us to interact with.

[Note that in physics, it is sometimes said that “space” is the 3rd Dimension and “time” is the 4th Dimension. However, I subscribe to the approach, also from physics, that space and time are inseparable aspects of the same phenomenon, which first arises in the 2D, and then expands in 3D, as described above.]

In terms of experience, in the 2nd Dimension, the “me” and the “not me” simply existed, side by side, aware of each other. The 3rd Dimension comes into existence when the “me” (Self) and the “not me” (the Self’s Environment) interact with one another.

Matias De Stefano describes the 3rd Dimension as coming into existence when the positive (+) and negative (-) energy frequencies (the “me” and the “not me”) in the 2nd Dimension create a geometric structure. 2D forms replicate themselves until an apparent 3D object forms. The replication adds 3D “depth” to 2D “length” and “width”.

The geometry of 1D to 4D (Facebook)

Geometry is how 2D forms interact and create 3D structures and objects. That is the basis of “sacred geometries”, which can offer gateways to deeper spiritual understanding.

Energy frequencies (or universal waves) are in constant motion oscillating between positive (masculine-outward-pull-light-destruction-giving) and negative (feminine-inward-push-dark-creation-receiving) polarities. That motion creates constant change and other spiritual dimensions using the structure of the sacred geometries.

Interactions among geometric forms give birth to an infinity of objects and experiences. In these interactions, we measure and compare the different forms, which teaches us how cause and effect (or karma) works in the 3rd Dimension.

The (+) and (-) polarities generated in 2D are not good-bad or right-wrong. Those value judgments come from our 3D ego and become much weaker in higher dimensions, where separation is less strong.

In 3D, our consciousness and imagination fill in the empty spaces within the sacred geometry structures with our beliefs. That is how we define what is “real” and “not real” in physical reality — we primarily based it on our beliefs.

Prior to our Earth incarnation, we select a particular set of geometries (interactions) to experience as our life's purpose or mission. That is our dharma (life purpose). Karma is the set of geometries that we did not fully experience and integrate in our last life, and which we then are carrying over into our next incarnation. (Note that this is one of many definitions of karma. See also section [7.1] for a little more about karma.)

The fact is that your plane originated because enough entities needed certain types of experience to warrant such a creation, and they set about forming it through the process of evolution. That, I believe you understand. The smallest minute first portion represented the will and vitality of all the entities that would ever dwell upon the earth that would come after.

It was far from a purposeless arrangement. It involved a foresight hardly imaginable, and I repeat that you had your part in the initial reaction, as did every entity who lived or will live upon the earth; and here we are getting into something rather difficult, but certainly no mystery.”

Seth/Jane Roberts, The Early Sessions, Book 1, session 31 on March 2, 1964 (bold added by me)

The 3rd Dimension is the beloved (and hated) human physical reality we experience in our daily waking consciousness. There is a strong awareness of our being an individual with an ego and a body that is separate from everyone and everything else.

by Louis Maniquet (unsplash.com)

There is also an incredible diversity of life for us to experience because everything is a separate thing (space) and a separate event (time). Time and space come into existence when we want to understand various aspects of a dimension or an experience in a linear or sequential format.

Past, present, and future are separate. That creates the experience (many say illusion) of “linear time”. This allows for comparisons and judgments, which lead to desires, goals, and hopes for the future, as well as worries and fears. All emotions (from joy and happiness to anxiety and suffering) come from the limitations of linear time.

Linear time and space are especially strong in the lower dimensions. They become weaker the higher one moves up the dimensional ladder. Beings come to our 3D reality specifically to experience linear time.

For more on the energy and vibration of time, see:

Seeing time in terms of past, present, and future is one of many ways we divide things into 3 in our 3D experience. Here is an abridged version of a list that I have collected. For a full list and discussion, see my article: How the “Law of 3” & the “Third Perspective” Make Our 3D World.

In 3D we like to divide things into 3. This is a partial list. For more, see: How the “Law of 3” & the “Third Perspective” Make Our 3D World.

Some channeled beings say that our Earth is one of the least flexible (lowest level) 3D worlds in the universe, resulting in polarities and emotions that are stronger than elsewhere.

Because of this, the Earth is an incredibly special place in the universe, and beings who have experienced our Earth are among the most spiritually respected in all dimensions.

For example, Seth/Jane Roberts said…

“Some of those within your reality are having their first experience with an ego as you think of it. Others are returning to it, the system, in an effort to learn more. There are guardians, so to speak, within your system, reincarnated for the last time to help keep it in some kind of order while the others mature. There are also some, not physical, who keep an eye out over the whole proceedings.


The race also realizes well the advantages and disadvantages of the physical reality it has adopted. It knows, for example, that there is a tendency to go to extremes. I mentioned earlier that the rewards, the challenges and the dangers exist precisely because so much freedom is allowed.

Those within the system know this. Regardless of what you may think of their present performance at any given “time”. It is from this system that the greatest potentials emerge. For having dealt with it, consciousness undergoes one of the severest tests in learning to handle its own energy.

The horror and the results of mismanagement and the vulnerability are the teaching methods that each consciousness has accepted before entering your system. There is no way out but to learn or to ruin the entire system. In no other field of reality are the terms so drastic. For this reason, the inner self withholds much of its knowledge. There must be no leaning upon the very basic fact that behind and within the system, there is relief. You must believe in the physical reality and accept the vulnerability.

From your system spring some of the most advanced of all identities. They go on and learn from other realities, granted. But yours is the hardest to manage. And those who accept it go off into a certain line of development where the potentials are beyond anything of which you can presently conceive.”

— Seth/Jane Roberts, The Early Sessions, Book 9, session 498, August 25, 1969

There apparently are many beings from other, higher dimensions who desire being born onto our 3D Earth because it provides so many opportunities for personal and spiritual learning and growth, as Seth/Jane Roberts describes.

Another special thing about Earth is that beings from all the lower and higher dimensions can incarnate as humans on Earth and meet and experience one another in ways that are not possible without an Earth incarnation. That is because the human chakra system can accommodate those different dimensional energies, as mentioned at the end of the 1D and 2D sections, above.

For all these reasons, many say a long line of beings (or souls) are waiting for an opportunity to have an Earth incarnation (believe it or not!). And they say most of us cannot wait to return to Earth after our physical body dies, even though we may have said the exact opposite during our incarnation.

Earth is also said to provide an opportunity to be disconnected from the complexities of the universe — to isolate ourself and live in our own little world. That is because multi-dimensional existence is less common on Earth, whereas it is integral to all the higher dimensions.

However, being in a lower and denser dimension, Earth is much more complex than the higher dimensions that those beings came from. That complexity means Earth is more diverse, which makes the physical 3D experience so awe-inspiring. (In that belief, higher dimensions are less complicated and diverse.)

One way that we see the denser complexity of Earth is in its intense polarity (such as in its political, race, and class conflicts), which some say makes our planet one of the most dangerous places in the universe.

Some believe “reptilian” races are trying to get rid of the Earth, or maybe just us humans, because they see it as too dysfunctional and a bad influence on the rest of the universe. Whether good or bad (which are 3D value judgments), we are apparently very well known throughout the universe!

(Personally, I think there is a lot of Earth-centric favoritism coming through channelers when they say things like this. I find it hard to imagine that we are any more important to the universe than any other planet, especially given the large number of other Earth-like planets that exist.)

But the high separation and linear time in the 3rd Dimension also enables us: — To experience the wonder of discovering or experiencing something for the first time, which is harder when you already know everything. — To fall in love with another separate person (or pet, place, or anything) as well as falling out of love and experiencing emotional intensities less know in other dimensions. — To learn, grow, and evolve one step at a time, which differs from other dimensions where time is much more flexible.

You are being allowed freedom within limits. The human race is a stage through which various forms of consciousness travel. The ideals keep the race pointed in beneficial directions. Thoughts and emotions form the basis. You learn by seeing these turn into physical reality. You may be killed by what you have created. If so, the lesson is doubly learned. — Seth/Jane Roberts, The Early Sessions, Book 9, session 446, November 6, 1968

There are other, parallel, versions of Earth that are more flexible and lighter in density (in 4D and 5D) than we are. Physical beings (like us) occupy those 4D and 5D versions of Earth. But they use more psychic and spiritual technologies to communicate and travel through space and time.

A few say lower-density parallel Earths also exist, although that is not a common perspective. Those people usually think our Earth is as low (bad) as it gets.

The forms of communication that we are most aware of on our 3D planet are spoken and written words and languages. By comparison, most other complex beings in the universe use telepathy to communicate. That is a 4D/5D technology that we need to learn. (I have also heard it called “telempathy”, which is the combination of telepathy and empathy.)


Earth humans have the potential to experience all dimensions and communicate telepathically through their subtle senses or energy/astral body. But the rigid beliefs and narrow self-identities that are currently taken for granted as ‘normal’ on Earth limit them to their 3D experiences.

Changing limiting belief systems to open our psychic abilities is another major gateway in ascending to the 4th/5th Dimension. Some say this means changing our energy level or frequency or wavelength to match that of the dimension we wish to experience.

We associate the 3rd Dimension with the Solar Plexus Chakra (fire element) and the Yellow Ray (in the 7 Rays model). The fire element symbolizes transformation. That was the spiritual energy that brought about the Bronze Age, Iron Age, and modern Industrial Revolution, taking us up to today.

Technology, scientific rationalism, individuality, personal pride, and political and military power are all expressions of the Solar Plexus Chakra. We have been on a 3rd Dimensional planet for several thousand years and many believe we are currently moving into a 4th or 5th Dimensional planet. (I discuss this topic more in section 5.4 below.)

[3.1] Lessons of the 3rd Dimension

As noted above, because of the laws in play in the 3rd Dimension, there is little awareness of the connection and oneness of all things, actions, and events.

To realize the oneness and nonduality of all is a major lesson to learn in the 3rd Dimension. Learning this is the gateway to higher dimensions. That spiritual path starts with the question: What Am I? Through our explorations and experiences with space and time, we eventually return to the knowing of our absolute oneness with all creation.

In the Law of One, the 3rd Dimension is for Learning Self Awareness, which comes through the experience of positive and negative polarities and psychological suffering. Those are strongest in 3D to force a spiritual awakening and freedom from the ego, which was created in 2D. They say consciousness sleeps in 1D, dreams in 2D, and awakens in 3D.

The Ra group also says we make a major choice in 3D between serving our “self” (negative polarity, or narcissism) or serving “others” (positive polarity). After we make that decision, we spend 4D, 5D, 6D, and 7D exploring our choice. (I personally find this hard to believe, since time is an illusion and aspects of us exist in all dimensions simultaneously.)

Others say “unconditional love” for oneself, and all others, is the lesson to be learned in the 3rd Dimension and is a requirement to evolve to higher dimensions. That idea seems to align more with the “service to others” path.

Two more significant 3D lessons for us to learn are: 1 — that every event is synchronicity and can be a positive learning opportunity if approached that way, 2 — that the present is the only “time” that ever truly exists, and that past and future are illusions.

Matias De Stefano says that the goal of all 3D entities (not just humans) is to align the geometries of our Spirit (vibration), Soul (energy), and Body (matter) by living as many lives and having as many experiences as possible in the 3rd Dimension. Each experience brings us closer to coherence and integration with our individual purpose and mission (defined by our geometry). This is how we discover our true self.

For more, see this list of life purposes:

[4] THE FOURTH DIMENSION (4D) — the Astral or Etheric Plane

THE 4th Dimension is also called the realm of “Lower Level Thought Forms”. Like the 3rd Dimension, 4D builds on frequency polarities and comes into existence through interactions between our Self (1D) and Other (2D) (realizing that we are both).

However, in 4D, the focus expands beyond what we know as physical reality and turns more toward our non-physical, spiritual realities. We can see this as a 4th point that lies beyond 3D in the figure below. (See the reference to Rudolph Steiner in the introduction, section 0 above, for a different perspective on this.)

One way of modeling the 1st through 5th Dimensions of spiritual reality — by Alan Lew, author (cc-by)

This is also our Astral Body, Energy Body, Light Body, Emotional Body, Etheric Body, Subtle Body, and Merkabah (body) — although these vary in different teachings.

We have an Astral/Emotional Body also when we are in 3D. The major difference is that it is our primary focus on 4D, whereas our Physical Body is our principal focus in 3D.

Our ‘non-physical other’ offers great flexibility to create or manifest new realities and experiences. In the 4th Dimension, however, these still have a sense of physicality (we still have a kind of body), of time and space, and a strong individualized ego — especially in the lower levels of this dimension.

In dreams, for example, we leave our 3D Physical Body completely behind to experience manifest existence with our higher dimensional bodies: our 4D/Astral/Emotional Body and 5D/Causal/Mental Body, mostly. Space, time, and objects exist, but are less fixed. To some extent, we can create or manipulate them at will. (As mentioned previously, we often associate 5D with lucid dreaming.)

But human fears and anxieties are also present in 4D. In fact, the lower 4th Dimension is probably the source of our religious images of “Hell”.

It is also common to see the 4th Dimension as where we first go when we die, at least temporarily. A less common belief is that death is the only thing in the 4th Dimension — that we continue our ego identity, but in a slightly more flexible reality than we had on Earth. (Note that the 7th Dimension is often pointed to as where our Oversoul conducts our “life review” after we die.)

3D and 4D together form the “Lower Creation World” where the illusion of “good” versus “evil” predominates. Time and space, good and evil, and fear, are less and less pronounced in higher parts of the 4th Dimension.

“You cannot trust your physical senses to give you a true picture of reality. They are lovely liars, with such a fantastic tale to tell that you believe it without question.” — Seth/Jane Roberts, Seth Speaks, part one, chapter 1, session 511, on January 21, 1970

Johannes Plenio (unsplash.com)

Some people use the word “Astral” to refer only to the very narrow, lowest region of the 4th Dimension (where a lot of the fear is located). This view sees that region as a steppingstone that we want to get past as quickly as possible as we ascend to the 5th Dimension.

We can think of this in terms of how we dream. Most of our common dreams are very chaotic and nonsensical (lower 4D). But then we might have a lucid dream in which we are aware and in full control over what we create and experience. That experience is an upper 4D or a 5D consciousness, depending on one’s definition of these.

One definition of the difference between 4D and 5D is just that. 4D is a dream-like state in which we have no control over what is happening to us. 5D is the same dream-like state, but one in which we have almost complete control of what happens to us.

Humans focused on the 3rd Dimension, know their 4D (and higher) selves through their subconscious mind. They interact with the 4th Dimension through dreams, intuition, imagination, meditation, psychic abilities, magic, creativity, lucid dreaming, out-of-body experiences (OBEs), past life regressions, automatic writing, journaling, channeling their higher self and other beings, and ET communications and contact.

These “modalities” either bring the 4th and higher dimension experiences into the 3rd (such as when using intuition or channeling), or they bring the practitioner’s consciousness from the 3rd into the 4th Dimension (such as in an OBE or lucid meditation).

Human experiences of Transcendental Consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness are ways we experience 4D and higher dimensions during part or all of a normal 3D waking day (and night). We sometimes refer to people who have that type of experience consistently as “enlightened”.

Matias De Stefano presents a different view of the 4th Dimension from what I described above. To him, 3D is a product of “space” (length, width/depth, and height). We learn to navigate space in the 3rd Dimension.

The 4th Dimension is a product of “time” (past, present, future). We learn to navigate or move through time in 4D in the same way that we learned to navigate space in 3D. This is a type of psychic skill.

I have heard that slower and lower vibrations are used to go into the past and faster and higher vibrations are used to access the future. Most likely, you will need to have a fully 4D state of consciousness to make that work.

By mastering time in the 4th Dimension, we learn to see and understand all our 3D lifetimes across many incarnations. When we successfully integrate as many 3D experiences as possible, we can then consciously move to the 5th Dimension (or transmute into a 5D being).

This article builds on Matias De Stefano’s teachings about the psychic skills we are here to learn in 3D and 4D:

[4.1] ETs, the Astral Body, & Dreams

THE 4th Dimension is extremely diverse because ‘thought forms’ only require thought to be created. We do not need our 3D Physical Body to do that. We can get by with just our higher bodies: our 4D Astral/Emotional/Subtle Body and our 5D Causal/Mental Body.

We experience this in dreams every night (if we remember them). But we also manifest our daily 3D waking reality in the same way, using our 4D and 5D Bodies. All three are always present. We are just less aware of the other two. (Some people say we are a “3D Body”, a “4D Soul”, and a “5D Spirit”. But that depends on how we define “soul” and “spirit”.)

In 4D, we create entire universes by simply thinking them into existence. Some say that can happen in 3D, while others say it only happens in much higher dimensions (beyond 4D). In 4D we can see and visit multiple versions of Earth, and past, parallel, and future versions of ourselves.

It is said that Extraterrestrial races (ETs, also known as “galactics”, and including spirit guides and teachers) exist, communicate, and travel using 4D properties, skills, and technologies. This is how some of us communicate with these beings.

As introduced above, for us Earth humans, our Astral Body is our 4D self. Some say our Astral body is slightly larger than the physical body, extending 2 to 6 inches from our skin. It holds expressions of our personality, including thoughts, desires, likes and dislikes, beliefs, and our inner child. And it is the body we have before we are born and after our physical body dies.

Dreams, including daydreaming, are a portal from 3D into 4D. In dreams our Astral (or Subtle) body:

  1. Integrates what we have experienced in our waking 3D reality.
  2. Works out details of what we will create in our future waking reality.
  3. Downloads higher dimensional data/information to incorporate into our 3D waking state; this may be a direct “download”, or it might involve meetings and lessons with our higher self, guides, ETs/aliens/galactics, and other 4D and higher beings.
  4. Seeks spiritual growth (or awakening/enlightenment) in the 4th Dimension, after having achieved that in the 3rd Dimension.

We rarely remember any of that because it filters through the memories and beliefs of our 3D body when we wake up. That is why our dreams seem so chaotic and why we see lower 4D as a chaotic place. From a 4D state of consciousness, however, those dreams are logical and make perfect sense.

Matias De Stefano (and also Seth/Jane Roberts) suggests that if we treat our waking reality more like a dream, then we can have access to higher dimensional downloads while we are awake. That would be a way of integrating a 4D consciousness into our 3D experience. Elsewhere, he has said our dreams are the way benevolent alien races are preparing us for contact with them in 50 to 150 years. Other ways are through movies, channeled messages, and occasional UFO sightings.

The last point on the list above, #(4), is a similar form of higher consciousness integration. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi seldom talked about dreams related to higher dimensions of consciousness. But one of his teachings (heard from a TM teacher) was that “Cosmic Consciousness” was attaining and maintaining Pure Consciousness (the “mirror” in section 0, above) in the Waking state (3D). And the higher state of “God Consciousness” meant attaining and maintaining Pure Consciousness in the Dream and Deep Sleep states.

Note that some people use “Astral” to refer to all the dimensions from 4D and up, instead of just the 4D as I use it here. (See the first two columns in the chart in section [9.2.1] below for one person’s explanation of the two major ways people define the 4th and 5th Dimensions.)

[4.1.1] Elan on the Importance of 4D

In this recording (11 minutes long on YouTube), Elan (an Essessani ET, channeled by Andrew Bayuk in the early 1990s) discusses “ascension” and the importance of 4D. For him, 4D is like 5D, but we still have our bodies. He says that is what most 3D humans really want — to keep their bodies when they ascend (it’s an ego thing). And once we get to 4D, they don’t want to leave.

[4.1.2] Seth on ETs

… Now, I am speaking of only certain cases. In these cases, you have visitors from other areas of actuality, other realities.… The original beings entering your [3D] plane cannot appear within it as themselves, their [4D] atomic structure is not the same as yours. Distortions must, therefore, occur in order to make any contact possible. And, indeed, distortions must occur in order to make these contacts possible.

So, you are greeted with a certain set of sense data. You then try to figure out what is happening from the sense data that is presented to you. But, the sense data, you see, means that the event is already to some extent distorted.

The physical vehicles that are often perceived are your interpretation of the event that is actually occurring.… you forget [that] consciousness is the reality and the only true vehicle. — Seth/Jane Roberts, Seth Speaks, appendix: ESP Class Session on January 12, 1971

[4.1.3] Lincoln Gergar on Interacting with 4D Beings

“When our consciousness travels to other dimensions — like when out of body or in deep meditation — we can bring our memories with us back into this physical dimension. We must ‘remember’ when in the physical body, then the physical brain receives and holds the memory of the out-of-body experience. If we do not bring the memory with us, then the physical brain does not receive the memory, and the experience does not affect the physical reality.

The easy way to understand this is to compare out-of-body experience with dreaming. When we wake up in the morning, we often have a very short period of time when we remember our dreams. If we take a moment to actively think about and remember our dreams, then our brain stores the memory, and we can recall the dream again in our physical life. However, if we do not take the time to actively remember the dream when we awaken from sleep, then we will quickly forget the dream.

So, when you interact with another being in another dimension, it is remembered in that dimension — but the memory does not enter into a different dimension unless it is actively remembered in the different dimension. This is because the form holds the memory of the past. Our eternal consciousness lives in the present moment and does not hold memories.

The mental body (causal), emotional body (astral) and physical body (matter) all hold memories of their experiences. When our consciousness is living through a form (mental body, emotional body, or physical body) then we have memories. It is the memories that give us an identity (who we believe we are, what we like, what we dislike, what we desire, etc.). The memory is in the form. The identity is caused by the memories.

Lincoln Gergar, posted on his Facebook page, May 7, 2022 (bold text added by me)

[4.2] Is the 4th Dimensions Good or Bad?

SOME people see the 4th Dimension as a place to be avoided because it is like the 3rd Dimension, but with everyone having supernatural powers. The lower levels of the 4th Dimension have many tales of interstellar wars and other ego power struggles between different ET races, for example.

Others see 4D as a necessary and supportive realm of transition where we further awaken spiritually to become fully realized (or enlightened) in the 5th Dimension.

There are both benevolent and malevolent beings in the 4th Dimension. From a higher dimension perspective, these are neither good nor bad. They are manifestations of the positive (+) and negative (-) polarities that underlie the diversity of all reality and drive the evolution of all beings.

Love and a lack of fear are the best ways to manage negative energies, if one finds those troublesome.

(Some see 4D wars and evil aliens as essentially an externalization of our personal and group subconscious fears and shadows. This is one way of facing and coming to terms with those aspects of ourselves when we cannot look inward sufficiently to deal with them — which is the case most of the time.)

In the Law of One, the 4th Dimension/Density is for Learning the Way of Love and Understanding, in which we learn to love ourselves and others unconditionally. Others say that this was a lesson of the 3rd Dimension. Most all agree that unconditional love is a requirement of the 5th Dimension.

According to the Ra group (Law of One) communication between densities/dimensions increases in 4D, leading to more communicating (channeling) of other dimensional beings, remembering past lives, and other psychic abilities. We also start becoming more aware of the feelings of others. That empathy grows into telepathic connections with others. And it is driven by unconditional love.

More recent Ra group channelings say Earth entered 4D in 2012 and we should see love and understanding progressively expanding, along with spiritual awakenings and a more unified and shared world consciousness.

That process will take several hundred thousand years as we transform from physical bodies to light bodies. 4D Light body beings have an average life span of 90,000 years, according to Ra. (This sounds more like higher 5D levels in other dimensional models.)

A stronger connection with others is also the emergence of our collective (or unity or shared) consciousness. In the later stages of 4D, our identity shifts from being a separate individual to a collective one, which Ra calls a “social memory complex”. The Ra group is that kind of complex, which sounds a lot like a 6D “oversoul” (see section 6.1, below). But according to Ra, that will not happen until 20 million years from now.

The description from the Law of One seems in line with associations drawn between 4D and the Heart Chakra (the 4th chakra and the air element; and the Green Ray). In the chakra model, humankind is currently shifting its focus from the 3rd to the 4th chakra. The 4th chakra is the seat of universal love, community, cooperation, connection, and compassion.

When unrestricted, the Air Element in the Heart Chakra gives us freedom to move, flow, and to be who we are, not what others say we should be. Most of humankind is still focused on the 3rd (Solar Plexus) Chakra. But the percentage of Heart Chakra centered people in the world is growing quickly in this period of spiritual transition and ascension.

[5] THE FIFTH DIMENSION (5D) — the Causal Plane

THE 5th Dimension is the realm of “Higher Level Thought Forms”. It is beyond 3D and 4D, as shown in the dot diagram below.

Types of Awareness/Consciousness in the first 5 “Collective Dimensions” — by Alan Lew, author (cc-by)

5D represents the finest and highest ideals of the 4th Dimension and contains the highest versions of 4th Dimensional beings. Some say that those beings in the 5th Dimension focus solely on spiritual advancement for themselves and the universe.

It is also said that we continue our 3D ego identity and our cycle of reincarnations into the 5th Dimension, but not beyond that. We may not even know that we had just died a 3D life when we find ourselves in a 4D or 5D consciousness. It just feels like a continuation of our 3D life. (Note that Buddhism says our 3D ego does not follow us after death, which is why it is so afraid of dying. This is a basic difference between Buddhism and Hinduism.)

5D is the “Causal Plane”, which means it is where the “formless becomes form” and where our “mental body” is situated. “Mental” in this case is the “intelligence” from which our first or deepest thought impulses arise. It is also the intelligence behind all physical reality — it runs our body’s functions without our having to think about it, for example.

Seth/Jane Roberts said 5D was the energetic force underlying all manifest reality. We can create our own reality when we learn to use that energy intentionally. (For more on that energy, see my article: ​Waves, Cycles, Energy, & Vibrations — A “Spiritual Theory of Everything” in The World.)

By contrast, conscious thoughts and actions are Physical/Gross Body (3D) manifestations. As mentioned previously, our Physical/Gross Body (3D) is our waking state; our Astral/Subtle Body (4D) is our dreaming state; and our Causal/Mental Body (5D) is our deep sleep. In this way, we are fully in our Causal Body every night.

(Note that some say the “Astral” realms start with 5D rather than the 4D, which can be confusing.)

Many believe that the 5th Dimension/Causal Plane is where the higher self, angels, beneficial ETs/galactics, and other spiritual guides for 3D humans are mostly from. Others, however, put most of these spirit guides in the 6th and higher dimensions.

Some say humans entering 5D transform (or transmute) their physical bodies into a more crystalline form in the lower 5th Dimension, and into a non-physical “Light Body” form at the high end of 5D. Our foods become “lighter” as we transition to a breatharian diet (consuming only air and sunlight).

Our Light Body reflects our emotional (Astral) and mental (Causal) bodies. Our multicolored chakras shape our emotions and personality while in our physical form. When they become fully purified and open, they glow in unison to form our white (or golden) Light Body, which contains all colors. (See my overview of the chakras for more on that.)

While most say that our “causal body” is centered in the 5th Dimension, some say it is higher than that.

The “causal body” is the highest level of a human’s individual personality. It is the individual soul’s first manifestation. We can think of it as what “causes” our human personality and experience to come into existence. It is the deepest and most powerful part of our intentions, desires, and personal knowledge.

by Simon Wilkes (unsplash.com)

Along with unconditional love, non-judgment is a key characteristic of 5D. That makes sense since non-judgment is required for unconditional love. It means fully understanding that there is no “good” or “bad” and that everything and everyone has value and purpose.

Desires and fears are far less pronounced in 5D, especially at the highest levels of this dimension. This is a good thing because thoughts, universes, and alternate selves are more instantly materialized in the 5th Dimension. Instant manifestation continues to expand as we ascend, peaking in 6D or higher.

Also, at the highest levels of 5D, personal timelines (past, present, future) and our different reincarnations are all experienced simultaneously. Because of that, our different incarnational selves can interact with each other to further their collective and individual experiences.

That also makes time travel easy.

Matias De Stefano says that in 5D we learn to use time travel skills and the ability to see timelines to integrate all our 3D (learning about space) and 4D (learning about time) incarnations into a single consciousness. By doing that, our 5D self comes to know the purpose of every incarnation and life experience that we have had.

It is from this level and perspective of knowing, unconditional love, and total non-judgment that our 5D self can be a guide for our 3D and 4D selves.

As noted previously, one definition of 5D is that it is where we are in almost complete control over our dream experiences. (By comparison, 4D is a dream experience where we have no control over what happens to us.)

We create dreams in our mental and emotional subconscious, which is why we can control them. The only thing we cannot control are dream encounters with beings or entities that are not part of our subconscious (like ETs/aliens).

The Law of One sees 5D as a place for learning the Way of Wisdom, in which the perfection of all creation becomes self-evident. Our bodies are now pure light, and our psychic abilities are powerful. The Ra group also describes the 5th Dimension as being a point from which one can look back on, and better understand, the time and space structures that are stronger in the 3rd and 4th dimensions.

According to Ra, some 5D beings may incarnate in 3D to share their knowledge. They are what some call “old souls”, and an example would be The Buddha, and maybe Ramana Maharshi and Eckhart Tolle (according to some). Also, social “memory complexes” (introduced in the 4D section) grow to encompass an entire civilization or planet.

For more on reincarnation, see section [4.3] in:

  • Timelines are another way of conceptualizing spiritual dimensions. A timeline is an entire universe with a past, present and future. Each of us has our own timeline, which overlaps with those of others. When people say they are “jumping timelines”, the descriptions I have seen (in the article above) are similar to being in more than one dimension at the same time. Timeline dimensions are infinite, as are other spiritual dimensions, even though we generalize them into only a dozen or so to simplify talking about them.

[5.1] “Heaven on Earth” in the 5th Dimension

For many New Age spiritual humans, the 5th Dimension has become the much sought-after “Heaven on Earth”. There is a tendency to see it as a purely “good” realm that encompasses all of one’s fondest and most benevolent desires.

This vision, however, might be a bit too calm and mellow for some. A few people fully recall incarnations they have had on 5D planets in their past, reporting that it is far less interesting compared to the many and diverse struggles and challenges that occur in the 3rd and 4th dimensions.

Remember that the polarity of 2D, the positive (+) and negative (-), are both required for creation, evolution and ascension to exist. In 5D we learn that there is nothing especially good or bad about any of this. So, the drive toward spiritual ascension is not as strong in 5D and above.

Some channeled beings say that 5D is a place to rest after the stress and ordeals of living in the 3rd and 4th dimensions.

From a chakra perspective, 5D is the Throat (or 5th) Chakra. This chakra is about communication and speaking our inner divine truth. These are skills that will need to be mastered to communicate with other higher dimensional beings who use telepathy instead of words and spoken language.

The 5th Chakra is also about the ability to create our reality consciously. We are creating our reality and universe in 3D all the time, but we do it unconsciously.

Only a tiny proportion of our planet has developed their telepathy and reality creation skills at the present time. But many are working on these skills!

[5.2] The “Collective Dimensions” (1D-5D) & Other Groupings

Together, the 1st through 5th dimensions are called the “Collective Dimensions” because they could easily be one dimension due to their shared emphasis on degrees of individuality and physicality.

These dimensions interact with one another more than they do with higher dimensions — even if most embodied Earth humans in 3D are not consciously aware of this (yet). But remember that while our 3D physical bodies cannot easily move into other dimensions, our energy bodies can all the time.

This article includes guided meditations that can, potentially, give you an experience of each of the first 5 “Collective Dimensions”:

Besides the Collective Dimensions, there are other groupings of dimensions that are related to one another. Groupings I have heard of are:

  1. 1D, 4D, & 7D
  2. 2D, 5D, & 8D
  3. 3D, 6D, & 9D (often associated with manifesting & Nikola Tesla)
  4. 2D, 4D, & 6D
  5. 3D, 5D, & 7D (this is why we can skip 4D, according to some)

Some say connections within these groups are stronger than they are between adjacent dimensions. — The first 3 are based on mathematics. — The last 2 are based on dimension characteristics.

[5.2.1] “Realms of Desire” and “Enlightenment” in 5D & Up

THE Astral dimensions, starting with 4D, but much more so in 5D and above, have been called the Realms of Desire because it is so easy to manifest desires instantly in them. This region is also called the “Mid-Creation Realm”. (3D and 4D are the “Lower-Creation Realm”.)

Because of this, some beings, especially in 6D and higher, forget what it is like to experience limitations. To rectify this, they will specifically choose to reincarnate in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd dimensions to re-experience and remember those feelings and energies.

If they remember their pre-birth source, then they might become a higher density being on the 3rd Dimensional Earth (like Jesus was).

Another belief is that the natural reincarnation cycle is to spiritually evolve to the highest dimension and then return to the 1st Dimension to do it all again (because reincarnation and ascension are so much fun!)

Unity Consciousness” and Nonduality are higher dimensional (or density) experiences that we can have in our 3D human body. In Unity Consciousness, the oneness of everything and unconditional love and acceptance (forgiveness and non-judgment) are constant experiences felt toward oneself and all existence. (See my article: Awakening’ vs ‘Self-Realization’ vs ‘Enlightenment for more on that.)

Many say this sense of oneness is a common experience/consciousness in 5D, but even more so in higher dimensions. This is what many spiritual people on Earth today are hoping to experience in their lifetime as they seek awakening and enlightenment.

As the oneness increases in one’s consciousness, the sense of having a separate individuality decreases and becomes almost non-existent in the highest dimensions.

Nonduality” is knowing that you do not exist as an individual and all manifest or phenomenal reality is an illusion or story. Pure awareness is the only thing that exists, experiencing the illusion that is itself. We can experience this in our 3D body to a certain degree. (See section [7.1] for more on Nonduality.)

[5.3] Keeping Our Physical Body in the 5th & Higher Dimensions

Because the Collective Dimensions (1D through 5D) share degrees of individuality and physicality not found in higher dimensions, many New Age spiritualists believe we can keep our 3D bodies and egos into the 5th Dimension. (Or at least that is what their egos are hoping to do.)

Less common are a few who say we also do this in the 6th Dimension. Even fewer are those who say we can keep our human bodies into the 12th Dimension. (If that definition of 12D is within a model of 34 dimensions, then perhaps that is correct.)

What our physical bodies can do is a topic that confuses many when talking about the dimensions.

Yes, you can access a higher density state of consciousness (awareness, knowing, knowledge) with your mental (astral, etheric, energy) mind and body, while your physical body stays in 3D. We do this through out-of-body experiences (OBEs).

This is comparatively easy to do because there are portions of us (or our individual soul) in every dimension we can imagine. So, we just need to focus our consciousness on the dimension (or density, or vibration / frequency) that we wish to experience.

Alternatively, yes, we can bring our physical body to a higher density, in the same way we shift our mind’s frequency. But that usually requires a spiritual practice lasting many lifetimes and guided by an accomplished teacher (guru). Yet it is possible.

The Hindu “Sidhis” are the best example of this, including being able to levitate your body, walk through a wall, and be in two places at once (among many other abilities). The Taoist practice of “nei gong” (also known as “neidan”) is another, mostly found in Southeast Asia. It includes the ability to start a fire with our palms and turning our hands into magnets.

And, finally, we can move our Physical Body to a higher dimensional version of Earth. We mostly do that with our Astral/Subtle Body in dreams. Doing it with the physical body is extremely rare, but possible.

The Hindu saint Babaji is the only person I have ever heard of who has probably done this (though I am sure there are others). In Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramhansa Yogananda says Babji is about 2000 years old and still teaching in the Himalayas.

[5.3.1] Astral & Causal Planes in ‘Autobiography of a Yogi ‘

A couple of weeks after Paramhansa Yogananda’s guru left our physical plane in 1936, and they buried his physical remains, he appeared to Yoganada in full physical form in a hotel room. The guru told him in detail about his new existence, where he is a teacher/guru on a planet in the astral plane.

This (YouTube link) fascinating description of the Astral and Causal planes is in Chapter 43 of Autobiography of a Yogi. It begins at 5hrs 21min into this reading of the book on YouTube and is 40min long. That chapter has many insights that expand upon what I cover in this article.


MOST channeled beings say that the planet Earth is currently transitioning or ascending from the 3rd Dimension to the 4th or 5th Dimension.

The most common dates cited for this transition are 1945 (the Atomic Bomb), the 1960s (the Love Revolution), 1987 (the Harmonic Convergence, and 2012 (the end of the Mayan Calendar). Some say the invention of the Atom Bomb in 1945 drew many new ETs and higher dimensional beings to Earth to keep us from destroying our planet.

As noted earlier, the Law of One says Earth became a 4th Density planet in 2012. But the entire 4D cycle will take 30 million years before we move to 5D.

The invention and expansion of the Internet in the 1980s and 1990s was also a crucial part of the planet’s ascension because it created a way for anyone to share knowledge and energies on a global scale. It created a kind of global brain or consciousness for Mother Earth. (I have heard that ancient pyramids around the globe did the same thing in Atlantean times (12,000 years ago), but only for the most skilled psychic individuals in a civilization.)

Most New Age spiritualists say the transition to a higher dimensional Earth really picked up steam in 2012, and even more so in 2020 because of the COVD-19 pandemic. This was the reason Mother Earth brought the pandemic to humanity.

For more on that, see this channeled message I received about the pandemic:

I have heard that we will complete the transition to a higher dimension in 2021, 2022, in the 2030s, 2040s, 2080s, and in 100 years, 400 years, and 1,000 years. It mostly depends on how one defines “completed”.

One definition sees 4D as when most humans “wake up” from their 3D sleep to know that they have a spiritual consciousness beyond their physical body. They realize they are more than their body, their emotions, and their thoughts. This is a common definition of a spiritual “awakening”.

In 4D, we learn how to use that awakening consciousness to create our reality. In 5D, we have mastered our personal creation ability and start learning how to create worlds and universes.

In 5D, we master our creator ability (as an image of God) by coming to know in every way that there is no difference between us and the universe we experience. We have always been creating our reality from our larger consciousness. We just did not know that in 3D.

by Tom Strecker (unspalsh.com)

Based on this approach, some say our Earth is already in 4D or 5D because there are so many more people every day who are awakening (as described above) and experiencing higher states of consciousness in their lives.

They are sharing their experiences on the Internet (social media). And their higher vibration is infectious and is changing the entire world around us. (Others, of course, think this overblown. They believe we have a good 500 to 1000 more years before we enter the next dimension.)

Many also say that we have no choice but to ascend because we, our planet, and our universe, are always ascending. We have free will to choose our path to ascension (such as straight or crooked, long or short, and easy or challenging). However, we will all eventually re-connect with intelligent beings who are our star families on other planets in our galaxy.

For a more detailed look at predictions for a 4th/5th dimensional Earth, see my article:

[5.4.1] How to Support the Earth’s Ascension

Beings who generate more positive energies, based in love, are especially needed at all levels of reality (not just Earth) to support the universe’s ascension. Most New Age spiritualists agree with this!

Besides love, the adoption of 4D technologies and skills on Earth is the primary way that the transformation out of our 3D planet will take place. Two ways we can do this are by:

  1. Bringing higher dimensional vibrations into our 3D experience, such as using intuition or channeling one’s higher self to solve a problem; and
  2. Leaving 3D with our energy/subtle body to experience 4D and higher dimensions directly, such as in a lucid dream.

The more we accept and use 4D modalities (that is, the more ‘normal’ they become), the more our planet reflects a higher dimensional (or lighter density) vibration.

Many believe that over the coming ten years (by the early 2030s) 4D and 5D thinking and technologies will rapidly develop and become common. This includes:

  • new healing modalities
  • new sources of almost free electricity
  • awareness of our oneness and respect for human diversity and our natural environments
  • international cooperation to end wars, conflicts, and poverty
  • communication with 4D and 5D beings (ETs/galactics, spirit guides, etc.)
  • wider use and acceptance of psychic and paranormal skills
  • more locally focused economies that are not globally dominated

These changes will not happen overnight, which is probably a good thing. And there will probably be considerable resistance against them in the short term.

By being open and focusing on developing our 4th Dimension consciousness, and with support from 4D allies (often seen as ETs) and higher dimensional guides, this vision can become a living reality.

But it will probably take a while longer to get to the 5th Dimensional “Heaven on Earth” that many desire. (See section 5.1.)

[6] THE SIXTH and HIGHER DIMENSIONS — the Spirit Realms

AS NOTED above, the 1st through 5th dimensions share degrees of physicality and are therefore sometimes called the “collective dimensions”.

In comparison, the 6th Dimension and those above are the spirit realms, or simply as “Spirit”. They are closer to ‘All-That-Is’ (or ‘Source’) and are less connected to physical Earth embodiments. Knowing and operating from the “oneness” of all creation is a foundation in all these higher dimensions.

Although rare, some use “spirit” to only mean “God/Source”, which is a higher level than the Universal Soul (see below). I have also heard “spirit” described as the quantum energy wave that underlies and connects every form/object in existence.

That approach usually sees “us” as a hierarchy of: Spirit coming into a > Soul/Non-Physical Form coming into a > Mind/Body/Physical Form. Also, some say that “physicality” extends into 6D, though that is a rare view.

For this article, I do not restrict “spirit” to only “Source”. Instead, it refers to all non-physical realms, which is the more common definition. I also keep physical bodies and objects in the 1st through 5th dimensions only. So “spirit” is 6D and up. That is a rather simple approach, though it conflicts with some other definitions.

Many beings in these higher dimensions have never had physical bodies in any of their incarnations. Angels are an example of that. A few may appear on Earth where they advise and teach 1D through 5D beings, but they do not identify with those they guide to the degree that the first five collective dimensions do with each other.

The higher one moves up in dimensions, the simpler and less restrictive they become. Laws that govern what is real and not real are extremely flexible. This is the opposite of the 3rd Dimension, where rigid laws are used to maintain physicality.

The number of these higher dimensions and what each is like and what they contain is not consistent — it varies widely from one teaching (or individual) to the next. For simplicity, 6D and above are all discussed as one general category here.

These higher dimensions are the realms of Archangels and the Ascended Masters (such as Jesus, Kuan-Yin, Ganesha, Isis, St. Germain, and many others), and many more beings. Some have had Earth incarnations, but most have had no relationship of any kind with our planet.

Bashar, an ET channeled by Darryl Anka, puts our Higher Self in 5D, our individual soul in 6D, and our oversoul in 7D (see section [9.3]). Another source I saw had Guardian Angels in 6D, Archangels 7D and 8D, and Ascended Masters in 8D and above. Others put Archangels above Ascended Masters. Matias De Stefano has Seraphim in a dimension above Archangels.

The added higher dimensions of some teachings are mostly used to separate out various categories of beings.

While these extremely high dimensional beings seem flawless when they appear to humans on Earth, they too have their challenges and goals to achieve. According to Matias De Stefano and Seth/Jane Roberts (see quote in section [6.1] below) they are learning to become Gods who create and structure universes and realities. That learning started for all of us in 1D and continues until we reach the Last Dimension.

Some channeled beings say that most of our dreams as 3D beings (humans and animals) take place in the 6th and 7th dimensions. But these are difficult to interpret by our 3D minds. Instead, what we consciously remember is what we filter in 4D, which is just before we wake up. It is, therefore, highly distorted.

The Law of One says 6D is the density/dimension of Unity and Balance between love and wisdom. This is also the end of the negative polarity/narcissism path of evolution. And it is the consciousness of our Higher Self (or “future self”) guiding all its past incarnations. We also associated 6D with the Third Eye Chakra and the Indigo Ray.

source: canva.com

[6.1] The Soul, Soul Families & Oversouls

IDEAS and definitions of the soul provide another way to understand the Spirit dimensions of 6D and up.

The Universal Soul is a manifested mirror image of the unmanifested Source or God. It is the first creation of the creator who replicated itself in manifest form. We also call it the Universal Mind and Akashic Records when referring to how it contains all the intelligence (mind) and knowledge (records) in manifest reality.

The Universal Soul is like 1D, except 1D is pure awareness (white light) only, whereas the Universal Soul/Mind is the pure awareness and knowledge of itself as everything in existence. So, it contains or holds both absolute oneness and absolute diversity. When we focus on knowledge and information, it is the Akashic Records.

Different teachings vary in their definitions of the Akashic Records. Some see it as a storehouse of information on everything and every event in all realities, all levels of reality, and all time (past, present, and future). That is the Universal Mind idea, but also the Universal Matrix. It is like our body’s fascia because it permeates all manifest reality. It surrounds us right now.

Others see the “Akash” (as it is also called) as a kind of memory bank of key moments from each of our incarnations. They say we deposit those memories when we are dreaming each night.

Some say those Akashic moments are the karma we carry over into our next incarnation. Others disagree with that, such as Carol Collin’s Yeshua group in this channeled teaching (on YouTube). They say the records are brief notes on lessons and decision points we learned in the past that align with our life purpose.

Those notes are what we review when our 3D incarnation ends (in an after death “life review”). We can also tap our past Akashic Records subconsciously when needed in future lifetimes. Each life incarnation is a separate Akashic Record.

The Universal Soul exists both as a singular manifestation of Source (a single, universal soul), and in the diversity of everything in existence. Each thing in existence has a personal soul that is an aspect (or fractal) of the Universal Soul. (Note that not everyone believes each thing has a soul. Some say only humans have souls. Also, some refer to the singular, universal soul as “Spirit”.)

In this paradoxical way, the Soul ties the universe together. Through the Soul, Source is present in every particle and entity, and at every dimensional level of reality, from 1D up.

Your individual soul is the spiritual, non-physical, and eternal (never dying) essence of who you are. It is distinct from your physical body, emotions, and thoughts that comprise your incarnated “ego-self” in 3D (and maybe 4D & 5D).

A soul family is a group of individual souls that are connected as a single soul at a higher dimensional level. Some say that when we first ‘individuate’ (become separate) from the Universal Soul, we become part of a soul family of 30 to 50 individual, but connected, souls who collaborate and cooperate through incarnations with each other.

This family of souls might be in 5D, 6D or 7D (or higher, depending on how many dimensions you are using). At a lower level (3D or 4D), each of those 30 to 50 souls may further divide (individuate) into 100 to 1000 (descriptions vary) more individualized souls. Most likely, you are one of those souls in your current incarnation.

Souls handle greater and vaster regions of the universe as one moves higher into the lighter density dimensions (beyond the collective dimensions). In some models, this happens in 6D and 7D (or higher, of course) as we learn to be the God(s) who we really are. A soul being or entity in these higher dimensions might be responsible for the well-being of an entire planet (like Mother Earth is), a solar system (as Father Sun is), or a star cluster, for example.

Many use the word oversoul to refer to any level of the soul that is in a higher dimension than that of a human, but below the absolute Universal Soul/Mind. An Oversoul (sometimes seen as the same as the “Higher Self”) also experiences, learns from, and grows through the incarnations of its individuated souls.

In The Law of One, the Ra group also says that 7D beings are on the border between manifest creation and unmanifest Source (kind of like a Bodhisattva). They serve as teachers/guides to 6D Higher Self beings.

Seth II: “We are the watchers and the protectors… and you have never been alone. We tend you carefully as a gardener tends his beloved plants. We are concerned over your growth and your nourishment.

There are developments within your own identities with which you are not presently aware. And yet we have always given you paths to understanding and have ascertained that within you some answers could be found. You are in a period of development. And we do care in a way that you cannot now understand.

The answers to questions you have asked can be found if you will look inward, and they will appear in terms that you can understand. You are indeed learning to be creators… and you are already, in your terms, creators. And by the products of your creations shall you learn to see yourselves and know what you are….

And yet, as a gardener sometimes at night walks through his garden and observes his plants — and gives added fertilizer to some — and waters others — and arranges others so that they get more sun — so your own entity walks through your soul and whispers instructions. And it would do you all well to listen!”

Seth II, speaking through Seth (Jan Roberts), in The Early Class Sessions, vol. 2, ESP Class Session, January 13, 1970 [Just as Seth was a “future version” of Jane Roberts, Seth II was a future (higher dimensional) version of Seth.]

For more on the Soul, see:

[7] THE LAST DIMENSION — Source, God, & The Unified Field

I CALL this the “Last Dimension”, though others usually give it a number, which varies a lot. It is not a dimension as the others are because it is unmanifested and beyond all forms of both singularity (1D) and duality (all other dimensions).

Humans have many names for it, including “Source”, “Brahman”, “The Absolute”, “The Void”, and ‘God’. All ‘forms’ (objects) emanate from this dimension, but it has ‘no form’.

Some say that there is a God in this last dimension that has a form. Many of the names we use for “God” imply that, including: ‘The Creator’, ‘All-That-Is’, ‘The I Am (Presence)’, ‘The One’, ‘The Supreme’, ‘God the Father’, “The Divine”, and ‘The Quantum Field’. Because these terms imply a ‘form’, I think they are better used to mean the Universal Soul or Universal Mind, which is Source’s first creation (as discussed in section [6], above).

by Davide Cantelli (unsplash.com)

The challenge that Source created is to know itself as a form experiencing manifest reality. That is why it created dimensions starting with 1D and the Universal Soul.

The last dimension is also everywhere. For example, in terms of space, it is the emptiness and silence that surrounds every atom, molecule, person, and planet. In terms of time, it is the present moment point that is between the remembered past and the desired future. To fully “be here now” in its purest form is to be present in Source.

You can find here more examples like this here:

There is some disagreement on whether our consciousness can fully experience the Last Dimension because our soul or consciousness is a form, and the Last Dimension is formless, existing before and beyond any forms. Most say we can be it, but we cannot experience it.

How humans can “know” (“experience” is not the right word here, but other words are also limited) the Last Dimension is by transcending consciousness. We can do this in meditation, and in what Hinduism calls “Brahman consciousness”.

In both transcendence and Brahman consciousness, we detach our consciousness from all the other spiritual dimensions. Those who have known this often say it is impossible to describe, other than maybe “pure emptiness” — but that too is not quite right.

Some say it is “pure light”, which describes how our physical bodies transmute into “light bodies”. But that, too, is a form, which is also applied to the upper 5th Dimension. But in this Last Dimension perspective, the transmutation from form to formless occurs after we have “awakened” in all the other dimensions of reality.

After experiencing and mastering the infinite dimensions of dualism, this is, ultimately, what all beings in the universe seek — to return to “The One” or “Source”.

Seth/Jane Roberts says that consciousness is the basis of all dimensions. From it the first creation was the Void, or “container” of manifest reality. That container encompasses the potential for everything, past and future, in the universe.

He also suggests there are “countless” other Voids (or universes / realities) than the one we know. And we influence them as much as they influence us.

“Consciousness had first to create the void or the dimension in which the system could exist and also to endow that void with all the probabilities for development that have come about in your time and are to come about.

The void (in other terms) can, therefore, be compared to a mind. And who can predict what images or thoughts will be given birth there? There are (as I have told you) many, indeed countless, such systems. And yet within them all there is identity. And there is direction.

This vast void, this infinite mind, came out of another that was greater than itself. …

… I am telling you that your own dreams and thoughts and mental actions appear to the inhabitants of other systems like the stars and planets within your own. And those inhabitants do not perceive what lies within and behind the stars in their own heavens.

… As your own universe was formed by entities that you do not presently understand, so the discards of your own consciousness form realities for entities that are scarcely aware of your existence.”

Seth/Jane Roberts, The Early Sessions, Book 9, session 453 on December 4, 1968

Like Seth, there are other teachings that define levels within this last dimension, which is hard to visualize. In Hinduism, Para Brahman is the source of Brahman and is entirely beyond description (so I won’t try).

The Law of One calls this last dimension the Gateway density/dimension. We leave everything behind as it and we all merge back into Source (which we never really left). But this only applies to our current universe (or octave).

In the “piano octaves” model of a multiverse reality, each octave is a universe among an infinite number of universes. When we reach to top of one octave, we transition to the bottom of the next. There are always higher universes (octaves) to ascend to —it is never ending…

Our reality is eternal. There is no end and no beginning. That means, when we return to Source, we also return to the 1st Dimension (1D) to start the entire process all over again — either in this universe or another.

For a comprehensive list of all the terms I have been able to find associated with various levels of consciousness, dimensions, and densities, see:

[7.1] Is Radical Nonduality the Highest We Can Go in Our 3D Body?

I have recently authored several articles about Radical Nonduality. Radical Nonduality is the perspective that we (our apparent 3D existence) only ever experience the oneness/nonduality of nothing (or “no thing”, or Source) being everything.

  • The oneness is “no thing” because it is beyond all forms/things (and even beyond the formless).
  • The diversity we experience in manifest reality is an illusion because nothing can divide oneness/nonduality (it would no longer be one or nondual).
  • We do not exist as separate individuals because, again, oneness or nonduality cannot be divided.
  • Time (the duality of past & future) and space (the duality of here & there) are also part of the illusion because there is only the oneness of nothing/no thing being everything in the infinite moment point of right now.
  • What the no thing is, why it and the illusion exist, and how it and the illusion work are unknowable by anything that is in the illusion (manifest reality). We (as ego-selves and even higher selves) can never answer those questions. All the answers for what, why, and how are fantasies created by the illusion — which is perfectly OK (see below).

Based on that understanding, all those dimensions, with their ETs, angels, ascended masters, and higher selves, are in the duality of manifest reality. From one perspective, they are all fake fantasies, deceptive illusions, fictional stories, and limiting concepts created to convince our apparently separate ego-self it is real.

But a negative interpretation like that is a misunderstanding of duality. Such an interpretation requires belief in a “real” reality that is not fake, deceptive, fictional, and limiting. That is just another ego created duality that continues and strengthens our ego’s sense of separation.

From an ego-less nonduality perspective, anything and everything is possible in manifest reality. There are no limits to what can manifest. That alone is amazing. It has been called the “unconditional wow!”.

So, there is nothing wrong with the duality of manifest reality. It is all part of no thing (Source) being everything, and everything being no thing. And because of that, everything, every event, every experience, every dimension, and every being is exactly as they are supposed to be. In that way, all manifest reality is as perfect as it is. And it is nice to know it.

One story says, once we have learned everything there is to learn in 3D reality, we reach the doorway to nonduality. When we pass through that doorway, we (our ego-selves) no longer exist. (Buddhism also emphasizes the idea of ultimate emptiness and no-self.)

When that happens, what we once called our body/mind continues to be a body/mind with the same feelings, thoughts, goals, and experiences. Our body/mind system still holds the karma and conditioned responses created through our lifetime(s). For more on that, see:

But simultaneously, there is a knowing that it is not us and it is not real, and it has never existed as anything other than a story. Knowing that can temper some of the undesirable extremes of 3D existence. And our story continues and evolves through multiple dimensions, as we watch in amazement.

To me, that is the closest we, as apparent 3D manifestations (or stories), can come to the Last Dimension. For more on Radical Nonduality, see:


ONLY some spiritual teachers (including gurus, channeled beings, and individuals on Facebook) clearly and explicitly state that they are presenting their own view that is based solely on their own experience. Those who say this will often advise listeners to find their own personal truth through direct experience.

Unfortunately, many other teachings speak as though their approach or model is the absolute truth for everyone and for eternity. Some explicitly deride other teachings, while others imply that their approach is better than all others.

And followers of these teachings can be even more adamant about how superior their “truth” is compared to others.

For more on this, see my article on mixed messages from higher dimensional beings:

As a retired social scientist, I am used to multiple truths (or models) that attempt to explain why people behave the way they do. They are all stories that have some truth. But humankind is too complex for any one story to explain everything.

Spirituality is even more challenging because:

  1. It is entirely probable that what we are attempting to describe when we talk about spiritual dimensions is indescribable in any human language. That is because our 3D language is inherently dualist — every word has an opposite word. So, it is impossible to talk about the unity and oneness of reality using words. That is why higher dimensional beings use telepathy rather than language to communicate.
  2. Reality is different for each being, soul, and entity in existence. Each of us creates our own phenomenal (experiential) universe from our unique point of view. Like our dreams (and any good fiction), our spiritual worldviews are experiential, subjective, and open to creative interpretations. And they are different for each person or soul.

To me, that is what things are like in the 4th and higher dimensions. When you can create your own reality (or stories), the only limit is your own imagination. Seth says that our imaginations are the most powerful tool we have to create our reality. We just need to allow each person the freedom to create.

[9] Various Models of the Spiritual Dimensions

[9.1] Hindu Cosmology

[9.1.1] The “7 Lokas” & the “14 Lokas”

The Lokas are like the contemporary New Age spiritual dimensions. As introduced above, the 7 Lokas are start with our physical reality (Bhurloka, or Bhu in the table below ⬇) and end with God/Source (Satyaloka, or Satya) that is completely beyond all realities and is incomprehensible by them.

Click table to enlarge; source

⬇ The table below shows how one person tried to compare the 7 Lokas with other 7 dimensional frameworks. The Lokas are in the column that starts with the word “Satyaloka”.

Click table to enlarge; source

The 14 Lokas model adds 7 more realms that some say are in the human ego mind. They are below the physical Bhurloka, and progressively go to more negative dimensions. They end with Hell and the cruelest demons at the very bottom. (See this source for detailed descriptions.)

Humans can experience all 14 levels. The top five are the “good” Lokas, including God Consciousness and the realm of the Vedic gods (similar to 4D and above). Most Earth humans are in the middle four realms (variations of 3D). Some are in the two better Lokas in that section (more awareness and contentment), and others in the two worse Lokas (less spiritual; more ego-centered). The bottom five Lokas are all considered “bad”, with Hell at the bottom.

[9.1.2] Hinduism’s “Pancha Koshas “

Pancha Kosha means 5 sheaths, or layers, or bodies. They are like layers of clothing that cover and hide our soul (or Atman). Our soul is our infinite True Self. The 5 sheaths hide (or veil) our True Self (our infinite nature) in the 3rd Dimension. As noted in other models, our True Self exists in all 5 bodies all the time. It is always there, but we usually only focus on the first 3 koshas.

In the descriptions below, the first 3 koshas are in Duality Consciousness. They support our sense of being separate from everything else, which is the distinct experience of the 3rd Dimension. The last 2 koshas are in Unity Consciousness (oneness, non-separation, nonduality).

The 5 Koshas align closely with the Spiritual Dimensions of reality. — We areThe first 3 koshas are w:

(1) Annamaya Kosha the Physical/Gross/Outer Senses Body or Layer — This is strongest in 2D & 3D.

(2) Pranamaya Kosha the Vital Energy/Action/Prana/Qi/Etheric/Inner Senses/Emotional Body or Layer — This is the energy that animates all physical and non-physical forms in 2D, creating 3D: plants, animals, & humans, and thoughts, emotions, & desires; some put “ghosts” in this layer of perception, though they could also be in the Manomaya Kosha.

(3) Manomaya Kosha — the Thinking & Deciding/Mental/Dualistic/Ego Body or Layer — This is the duality (separation) we experience in 3D & lower 4D; it is how we separate and compare, contrast, and judge things in our experience (including ourselves); it is the wonder of diversity, but also the pain of ego preferences (good/bad, right/wrong); it includes our conscious and subconscious minds, our physical waking reality (which is a kind of dream), the dreams we remember, Jungian archetypes, and our encounters with lower/negative energy dimensional beings. — Some suggest that this is the main veil that hides our true nature as an infinite being. So quieting our Manomaya Kosha will reveal our True Self.

(4) Vijnanamaya Kosha the Causal/Wisdom/Truth/Witnessing/Effortless Being Body or Layer — This is upper 4D, 5D, & higher dimensions; it is Unity Consciousness (oneness, unconditional love, effortless being, & alignment with our infinite nature), but with degrees of duality; it is non-physical and infinite in its potential forms, including all thoughts, emotions, all dreams (even those we do not remember), after death experiences, angels, aliens/ETs, our higher self, and higher /positive energy dimensional beings; it is how a psychic and enlightened person interacts with reality.

(5) Anandamaya Kosha the Bliss/Joy/Purpose/Soul/Atman Body or Layer — This is being fully in a state of Unity Consciousness, infinite and “divine intelligence” (universal mind or Akashic Records), and “effortless being” (universal soul or God Consciousness); this is the highest dimensions of spiritual reality, just short of the last dimension; this layer is the highest level of human enlightenment, but it is not a state that can be permanently maintained while in a human body or ego. — Some traditions say this is layer is Atman (the soul); others say it is the gateway to Atman (see the 2 additional Koshas, below).

(0) The Last Dimension — is beyond the 5 Koshas; it is what wears the 5 Koshas as layers or bodies through which it experiences its dream of reality; it has no attributes or definitions because those are limitations and it has infinite potential to be everything and anything; it is the infinite being that we (and everything else) are at our deepest essence; it is the nothingness (or no thing) that is everything; it is always present, but we can never know it fully because it is beyond our comprehension and knowing; the Bliss Body is the closest we can get to knowing it. (Also see this article on the many ways God/Source/The Infinite is always present.)

There are two higher and more collective Koshas that some Hindu traditions follow, while others do not.

6. Chittamaya Kosha, which I see as the Universal Soul and perhaps similar to 6D or above (depending on one’s definitions); and 7. Atmamaya Kosha, or Pure Consciousness/Awareness/Atman beyond form, which may be like the Last Dimension or close to it (although Atman is more like the Soul, whereas Brahman is more like Source/The Absolute).

The Pancha Koshas use an “inner-to-outer” dimensions model, instead of the more common “lower-to-higher” approach. The Physical dimension is usually at the center, and the Bliss dimension at the outermost layer. Occasionally it is reversed, with Bliss at the center and the Physical as the outer dimension.

Some teachings associate this model with the location and colors of our “aura”.

Note: Some definitions of the Pancha Koshas above come from this interview with David Bingham (on YouTube). A deeper understanding of the Koshas is presented by Swami Tadatmanada in this YouTube video:

[9.2] Models that Compare Dimensions

[9.2.1] HeartKi Chart

⬇ The chart below compares several of the more traditional views of the different dimensions/densities (source: HeartKi.com). It is primarily based on the 7D/8D model found in the “Law of One” teachings (the first column). Note the difference between the 7D and 12D/13D models. This offers one explanation for why some think we are moving into 4D and others think we are moving into 5D.

Click on figure to expand — Source: https://www.heartki.com/densities-chart/

[9.2.2] The Multidimensional Human Experience (by Alan Lew)

⬇ Below is a model I created which combines several spiritualist approaches to the multidimensionality of the human experience. It is somewhat similar to the Hindu Pancha Koshas, mentioned above. Although not directly based on Dimensions/Densities, there is a correlation in the upper left quarter of the circle.

Click on figure to expand — by Alan Lew, author, cc-by-nd, please cite this article as the source

In my model above, God/Source is associated with Nonduality/Oneness at the center. The further out one moves from the center, the more we are in a dualistic world of separation (which many consider the cause of all suffering).

More recently, I created this Duality-Nonduality Spectrum model ⬇. It was not specifically focused on the spiritual dimensions, but it does show how different spiritual teachings or beliefs envision our personal relationship with the physical and non-physical realms. Those at the Duality end of the spectrum are more 3D-based, while those at the Nonduality end are based in the higher dimensions.

For more on this table see:

[9.3] 15 Views of the Spiritual Dimensions

  1. Ra, in The Law of One, went into considerable detail on an 8 spiritual densities model. He/they were channeled from 1981 to 1984. I am not an expert at all on those teachings. I added much more Law of One material in March 2022 when I came across this overview by Aaron Abke (on YouTube).
  2. Matias De Stefano’s 9 Dimensions of Reality — based on season 1 (2020) of his Initiation series on Gaia TV. I found his approach interestingly different, and so I summarized it in an article. Also in that article are links to a talk given by a younger Matias discussing 18 and 22 dimensions. The latter has 11 dense dimensions and 11 light dimensions.
  3. Ram Dass said there are 3 Planes/Dimensions of existence: Physical, Astral, and Causal. And there is Source, which is beyond existence.
  4. Christian Sundberg describes his pre-birth dimensional experiences in this interesting interview on Buddha at the Gas Pump (YouTube).
  5. I heard someone on a Gaia TV promo say there are 10 dimensions, and the first 5 reflect different brainwaves (or neural oscillations): 1D = Beta Brainwaves (12.5–30 Hz — normal waking state) 2D = Alpha (7–12 Hz — wakeful relaxation) 3D = Theta (4–7 Hz — learning, memory, navigation, & REM dreams) 4D = Delta (.05–4 Hz — the slowest — deep sleep) 5D = Gamma (25/30–140 Hz — the fastest — full brain activity) Each of these has 10 levels. That, however, is all I know of this model, which also does not seem very logical to me.
  6. Bashar’s 8 “Densities” (in The Biggest Picture: Consciousness) — about halfway down this webpage is a chart summarizing Bashar’s 8 Densities that are specifically related to physical reality (there are more that are higher and unrelated). Bashar/Darryl Anka is a popular channeled extra-terrestrial (Essassani) being.
  7. Ryo (Tyler Ellison, on YouTube) is an Essassani, like Bashar. He notes that the number of dimensions is limitless. But generalized, he presents an 11-dimensional model that is like Bashar’s but starts with a “0” (zero) Dimension and ends with a 10th. Matias De Stefano also has a “0th Dimension”.
  8. Traditional Metaphysical Chart — showing how metaphysical religious traditions view the different dimensions or levels of consciousness and reality.
  9. The Great Awakening Map — tangentially related to this article is this single chart that attempts to pull all we know and speculate about the multidimensional universe we experience (free to download in multiple languages).
  10. Spiritual Dimensions — based on An Ascension Handbook, by Tony Stubbs. This is a 12-Dimensional model that differs from the chart above.
  11. The Matrix Mind, 12 Domain Universe — yet another 12-dimension model that differs from the charts above.
  12. The 144 Dimensions of Drunvalo Melchizedek —this is like the Law of One described in section [0.3]. based on the different wavelength of musical notes. One musical octave has 12 notes (the white + black keys on a piano). The 12 notes are the main 12 dimensions. There are 12 overtones between each note. These are smaller dimensions within the major dimensions, resulting in 144 spiritual dimensions in our current universe (or octave). There are other 144-dimension universes (octaves, frequencies) above and below our current set (like on a piano keyboard). But the barrier between each 144-dimensional set is very difficult to cross.
  13. Universal Time Matrix — showing a 15-Dimensional chart with Chakras in the lower dimensions that are like how I describe them based on various sources.
  14. I saw this list on Facebook (posted by Aaron Griego) and thought it was interesting and like Matias De Stefano’s model. It does not fit with the other models I summarize in the article above, so I am including it here. - 1D length of space - 2D width of space (or depth?) - 3D height of space - 4D duration of time - 5D all outcomes in a timeline - 6D all timelines - 7D all of space and time in your universe - 8D another universe in parallel to yours - 9D multiverse - 10D outside of the multiverse
  15. Edgar Cayce’s created a well-developed 7 Planes/Planets model based on our human body glands. Those planes influence our afterlife experience, which happens in the highest dimension of Consciousness. He also channeled a 9 Dimensions/Planets model, but it was not fully articulated. This list combines those 2 models. The planets are listed from the Highest to Lowest Level of Consciousness (source): - PLUTO, the dimension of Consciousness, Highest Level - JUPITER, the plane of Strength, Pituitary gland, 7D - MERCURY, the plane of Mind, Pineal gland, 2D - URANUS, the plane of Psyche, Thyroid gland, 8D - VENUS, the plane of Love, Thymus gland, 4D - EARTH, the dimensions of the Flesh, 3D - MARS, the plane of Anger/Madness, Adrenal glands - NEPTUNE, the plane of Mysticism, Lyden gland - SATURN, the plane of Woes, Sex glands, 1D, Lowest Level

[10] Related Resources

  • For more on the Spiritual Dimensions of Reality, see this collection of articles:
  • For more Spiritual Explainer Articles, see this collection:
  • Note that the articles in the 2 collections above are behind the Medium paywall. For paywall-free access to my articles go to www.AlanLew.com, linked below.

A Chinese reader in Canada has started a series of YouTube videos in Mandarin based on this article and her own perspectives. But people in mainland China cannot access YouTube and Medium.com. So, she is also posting the videos on Little Read Book (Xiao Hung Shu), a popular social media site in China. Thank you, MichMich.


  • Comments, questions, and typo corrections are appreciated. - See the About link in my Medium profile for contact information and related articles
  • MY INFLUENCES: I have been a follower of the teachings of Seth/Jane Roberts for a good portion of my life. More recently, I have been listening to many other channeled beings introduced by Kevin Moore in his “They Call Us Channelers” YouTube docuseries. I distilled what I presented above from my many notes taken to figure out the different dimensions from these and other sources. I also channel my own Higher Self/Energy Group and have practiced Transcendental Meditation (“TM”) for decades, both of which have influenced parts of this article.

My Medium writings are available “paywall free” at www.AlanLew.com:

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