avatarAlan Lew


The website content presents a spiritual perspective on the COVID-19 pandemic, suggesting that it is a manifestation of a collective vibration and a reflection of our inner selves, akin to a divine experience intended for soul growth and multidimensional learning.


The article frames COVID-19 as a vibrational phenomenon that exists within everyone, reflecting the collective consciousness and serving as a mirror for individual and global introspection. It posits that the pandemic, like all experiences, is an expression of God or Source, and therefore, inherently divine. The text encourages viewers to embrace the pandemic as an opportunity for spiritual growth and to connect with their souls through heart-centered meditation. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of all beings across multiple dimensions and suggests that this shared experience is part of a larger, universe-wide spiritual evolution. The message, conveyed as channeled wisdom from the author's Energy Group/Higher Self, reassures readers that despite current challenges, the experience is ultimately perfect and serves a higher purpose in the journey of the soul.


  • COVID-19 is seen as a vibrational energy that humanity has collectively agreed to manifest, reflecting the diversity of individual vibrations and the multidimensional nature of the pandemic.
  • The pandemic is equated with God or Source, suggesting that it is not inherently negative but rather a part of the divine tapestry of existence.
  • The article suggests that the pandemic's impact is a reflection of our inner state, aligning with the Law of Mirroring, which is an extension of the Law of Attraction.
  • It is implied that the pandemic serves as a catalyst for rapid spiritual growth and is a shared experience across the author's Energy Group, which spans various dimensions and star systems.
  • The text encourages a heart-centered approach to meditation as a means to connect with the soul and navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic.
  • The perspective offered is that of a contemporary spiritualist, emphasizing the perfection of all life experiences and the potential for personal and collective transformation through challenging times.
  • The author invites readers to view the pandemic as an "amazing experience" that will eventually be recognized as beneficial, despite the immediate hardships.

A Channeled Message from My Energy Group/Higher Self

COVID-19 Is God

[Updated Feb. 23, 2021] We are God and we are vibrating COVID-19 into existence.

by Morning Brew (Unsplash)

A Channeled Message from My Energy Group/Higher Self:

OF COURSE, the big issue for you today, in your current timeline, in the current universe that you are experiencing, is the COVID-19 global pandemic.

[This message came through on Aug 6, 2020, however, it is still very relevant today, Feb 23, 2021, which is the date that I added new comments are in italics and brackets.]

COVID-19 is Vibrating in Everyone

As we have said before, everything is a part of you. This includes not just physical forms, but also mental forms, all kinds of actions and activities that you see, and anytime you see the news — all of that is a part of you.

In all of these instances, you are putting out a vibration and it is mirroring back to you.

COVID-19 is the same thing. It is within you — it is a vibration within you. It is a vibration within you, as well as within everyone else who is experiencing this COVID-19 issue in some way on your planet. They all have that vibration within them, although it does vary in form from one person to the next.

Some people are more impacted by the pandemic than others and different people are impacted in different ways. These differences show how they vary in their COVID-19 vibration. It also points to the multi-dimensional nature of the pandemic.

If you can see those differences, then those differences also exist within you. Everything that you can perceive, any perspective you can perceive, all exists within you. That is how complex you are.

Of course, your personal ego often prefers one perspective over another, but that does not deny that both exist in your complex personality.

For more on the ego, see:

COVID-19 is, therefore, being manifested because people are sending that vibration out into their current universe of experience. Everyone experiencing the pandemic has agreed, maybe not in the 3rd dimension, but in some level of their existence, to bring this forward into their experience at this time and in this way.

COVID-19 Is God

[Everything you know and experience is God, and so, COVID-19 is God.]

The COVID-19 experience is God. It is “All That Is”, it is “Source” — just as every single other experience is Source, All That Is, God. COVID-19 is no different.

by David Monje (Unsplash)

Look at it that way. See it as God. See it as Source.

See it as something that you have brought forth into your universe of experience. And not only you, but everyone that you experience and perceive in any way has brought this forward at this time and in this way.

[In its recorded history, humankind has never had a universally shared experience on the scale that the COVID-19 pandemic has been. It has had such a powerful, deep and global impact, that even if one does not believe that “everything is God”, what else could have had brought such an event into being?]

The Soul Lessons of COVID-19

IF you see COVID-19 as God, then is it so bad?

There is a reason why it is here, why it is being experienced in this way. Can you accept that reason? Can you accept how it is impacting the world, and how it is impacting you, in particular?

Remember that how it impacts the world is actually a reflection of how it is impacting you, because you are the world — the world is a mirror of the vibrations within you.

[This is known as the Law of Mirroring, which is a more expanded version of the Law of Attraction.]

The world is not only a reflection of how COVID-19 is impacting you; it is a reflection of how you want it to impact you and the world. Maybe not at a surface ego level, but at your soul level, this is what is desired.

So, listen to your soul. Your soul will guide you through this.

[Because we all share the same universe and planet, we all brought the pandemic into existence from our Soul level. Our Soul is the part of us that is closest to God / Source. It is the most powerful part of our being, and it always gets its way in the end. — For more on the Soul, see:]

How do you listen to your soul? We suggest some type of meditation. Most any type of meditation will help, although we suggest a meditation that focuses on the heart — a meditation that quiets the universe and just focuses on the love of the heart. That love is your soul. Your soul’s love is in your heart chakra — in the spiritual heart in the center of your chest.

If you can focus on that love, bring that into your existence, bring that into your life and into your conscious mind, that is where you can find the answer. It is more through feelings of what is right and what is wrong, and less through logical thought. So quiet yourself and focus on your heart.

A Shared Multidimensional Experience

WE LOVE YOU. We love the experience you are having.

We are having similar transitional experiences in almost every part of our Energy Group. You are, of course, one part of our group, and we have many other members. Some of them are on earth right now, some are on other planets, on other star systems, and in multiple dimensions. We are a very vastly created group.

by frank mckenna (Unsplash)

Many of us are experiencing a speeding up of our spiritual growth at this time — it is a universe-wide experience. You have a lot of us that are here to support you in this transition. Do not be afraid to tap into the energy they are generating.

You have also been a great resource for others. Not everyone is aware of you, of course, just like you are not aware of them. But the strength that you feel within your heart, the strength that you feel within your deep personality, much of that comes from other members of our group that you are attached to and working with at a higher dimensional level.

Similarly, the stronger you are able to work your own way through this time period on your 3rd dimensional Earth, the more you are also supporting others within our group.

Remember that in the end, it is all perfect. We are all having an amazing experience, whether we realize it or not. Eventually, you and everyone else will realize what an amazing experience this has been, even though in the current moment point you may not be aware of that.

Take care. We love you and we look forward to speaking with you again.


“Every situation is God sent. With this supreme wisdom of life any situation can be used to our advantage and regarded as a blessing of Mother Nature.” — Maharishi Mahesh Yogi




  • This article was originally titled: “Vibrating COVID-19 into Existence” when published in August 2020.


  • I am not financially affiliated with any of the people or products discussed in this article.
  • I appreciate comments, questions, and typo corrections. - See the About link in my Medium profile for contact information and related articles.
  • Written in collaboration with my Energy Group/Higher Self. This is our perspective of the truth and not the whole truth of reality.

My Medium writings are available “paywall free” at www.AlanLew.com:

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