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The website content discusses the concept of the "Year of the 4th Dimension" in 2021, emphasizing the expansion of human consciousness into a realm that includes channeling, intuition, and clairvoyance.


The article "2021 is the Year of the 4th Dimension" presents a channeled message from the author's Energy Group, outlining the unique characteristics of 2021 as a time of significant spiritual evolution. It posits that the universe is in a constant state of expansion and creativity, with the 4th Dimension becoming increasingly integrated into the collective consciousness of Earth. This dimension is associated with psychic abilities and a shift away from the strictly material and objective focus of the 3rd Dimension. The text suggests that while these 4th Dimensional abilities have always been present, they are now emerging more prominently, challenging the limitations of language and scientific materialism. The article encourages embracing these changes through faith, trust, and intuition, and it predicts that 2021 will see a greater acceptance of the 4th Dimension, marking a transition towards a more spiritually attuned society.


  • The author's Energy Group suggests that every moment is unprecedented, and 2021 is unique in its expansion into the 4th Dimension.
  • There is a belief that the 4th Dimension involves abilities such as channeling, intuition, and clairvoyance, which have played a significant role throughout human history, including in ancient civilizations and modern scientific discoveries.
  • The article indicates that the 4th Dimension has been an integral part of Earth's history, contrary to the notion that the planet was solely 3rd Dimensional.
  • It is acknowledged that there is considerable disagreement between spiritual teachings regarding the definitions and differences of the 4th and 5th dimensions.

Part of the Global Ascension Series

2021 is the Year of the 4th Dimension

A channeled message from my Energy Group.

by new 1llumiati

Non-Medium subscribers can access this full article here.

ME: I am seeking a message that is in my highest and best interest at this moment point in time. Blessings to all who hear this message.


Welcome to 2021. Welcome to the 4th Dimension.

A lot of people are looking around this very first week of 2021 and feeling that they live in unprecedented times, although the times are not necessarily unprecedented, anymore than any other time is unprecedented.

That is because every moment in time is unprecedented, every moment in time is unique. And this moment in time is unique, as will be tomorrow’s moment in time — in your terms of “time”.

So, what is it that makes this moment in time unique to this moment in time?

Our Expanding Universe

As you know, the universe is expanding. That is a term that your scientists like to use, saying the universe is expanding. That is the way it appears in your physical time-space reality — it is expansion.

And in fact, it is expansion even in our time-space reality, where time and space are less stringent. We also live in a universe that is expanding.

That is because the universe is infinite. That is we have taught. This, as we have discussed before, “infinity” means there is no end. And having no end means that there is a constant state of expansion.

source: NASA Hubble

There is a constant state of expansion and a constant innovation, a constant creativity, that is happening. That creativity is fundamental to the universe.

The universe is a creative process. You might say creation cannot stop — it is always happening in the moment point. The moment point is a creation point.

It is a point for creating new. It is a point that is beyond time and space through which Source, the Soul, expresses itself continuously. It expresses itself continuously in a creative manner.

So, creation is always taking place, and nothing is ever exactly the same as it was before, because everything is always newly created. That is what expansion is. It is the constant creation of uniqueness, of difference.

That is what your, and our, physical universe, manifest universe, is all about. It is difference, which is actually the opposite of the Oneness of Source.

Unveiling the 4th Dimension

So, the question, then, becomes what is the difference of 2021? What is it that is going to be special about 2021?

We can tell you that it is an expansion into the 4th Dimension.

The 4th Dimension is basically the description that you have written about and that other people have talked about. It is the belief that there is this dimension that the planet can and will occupy at some point in time (however you want to define “time”) in which people are using their 4th Dimensional abilities to a larger extent.

Those abilities include things like channeling, they include things like intuition, they include things like having various different types of clairvoyant skills (the “eight clair senses”, as it is sometimes called), the ability to see beyond physical reality, the ability to know something that is beyond what is physical.

That is the 4th Dimension. And that is a dimension that has had a very prominent play on your Planet Earth.

[Editors note: There is considerable disagreement between spiritual teachings on the definitions and differences of the 4th and 5th dimensions.]

It is not accurate to say that Earth was a 3rd Dimensional planet because throughout Earth’s human history the 4th Dimension has had a large role to play in, for example, the building of the pyramids in Egypt and in Central America.

The building of the pyramids in Egypt and in Central America, the ancient civilizations of the world, all had very strong 4th Dimensional skills. And even in your modern civilization, 4th Dimensional skills have had a huge role to play in scientific discoveries, in explorations of the world, in discovering the new.

Everything new in your world, basically, has been driven by 4th Dimensional skills, although they have not always been acknowledged in that way.

So really, when we talk about the planet becoming more of a 4th Dimensional planet, that is, in a sense, more of a “disclosure”, you could say. It is more of an “unveiling” of the knowledge that you have of your planet, that has been denied to a large extent because of your period of modernity and science.

The scientific method relies so heavily on 3rd Dimensional objectivity, of being able to physically see and measure something. That emphasis has denied the importance of the non-measurable, of that which is beyond the physical plane. And so that is what is changing.

by naquib fadzil

It is not necessarily true that more people are psychic today than in the past. It is more that people have higher states of consciousness of psychic abilities. It is more that they are able to admit to that. It is more that other people are more accepting of those skills, so those skills can come out of the closet.

Those abilities, those states of consciousness, that have been hidden in the closet of so many, can now be expressed out in the open. This is something that you have been doing, and as a part of that, you have recognized this transition and so you’ve taken advantage of that.

So that is where the planet is going.

Now, it’s not going to be easy for this 4th Dimensional disclosure to be unfolded in this year. It will be unfolded, increasingly. It took a huge jump in the year 2020, and that has given it momentum here in 2021.

So, you need to just keep doing what you are doing, because that is helping.

What you are doing, as well as what many other people are also doing in this area, is helping to encourage this greater acceptance of the 4th Dimension, which, as we said, has always been here, just as the 5th Dimension has always been here — “Heaven on Earth”, as some people like to call it.

All the dimensions are always here. It is just a matter of acceptance, of allowance, by the mass identity of the planet — by incorporating those other dimensions into the identity of the larger collective shared universe of your planet.

So, that is what we see 2021 as being. It is the Year of the 4th Dimension, of acceptance, of allowance, of “disclosure” perhaps, although that word has so many other meanings.

It is the year when the 4th Dimension will become widely accepted, more so than ever before.

The Challenge of “Words”

We can’t say that it will be a dominant paradigm, because there will be some challenges. And the biggest challenge is that the logic of the 4th Dimension does not fit very well with the logic of the 3rd Dimension of science of physical materiality.

And so, “words” are difficult. Words in 3rd Dimensional physical science materiality have to be very precise — their definitions are very clearly, precisely identified, and then they can be used to discuss and advance that type of knowledge.

by Cezary Borysiuk

Words cannot capture the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is so much more than words. It has so much to do with the senses, the inner senses, not the physical senses that are part of that 3rd Dimension.

The inner senses of knowing, of telepathy, of clairvoyance, these kinds of things are beyond words. People bring them back and put them into words, but they are almost always distorted and misunderstood and interpreted in different ways. They are put into words in different ways by different people.

And so that is the biggest challenge. It is coming to a state of understanding that is able to incorporate this non-physical, beyond words, dimension into people’s reality.

It is a challenge that is mostly just going to be based on faith, on trust, and on intuition. Those are the areas where people have to fine tune their abilities.

So, anything that you can do to write about this, to contribute to this, would be beneficial. That is what we would recommend, and that is what we will help you with in your writings.

So, that is our message for today. It is a very positive step. It is potentially a very confusing step. Just keep in mind that this is because it is moving into a dimension that is beyond words.

We love you. We love your reality. And we look forward to cooperating with you as your planet expands, along with everything [else in the universe].



  • This ⬇ is the original audio recording for the edited text above.
  • I wrote this ⬇ article about 2021 based on responses to a meme on Facebook:
  • For more Channeled Messages from my Energy Group/Higher Self, see this collection of articles.
  • Note that the articles in this collection are behind the Medium paywall. For paywall-free access to my articles, go to www.AlanLew.com, linked below.


  • I am not financially affiliated with any of the people or products discussed in this article.
  • I appreciate comments, questions, and typo corrections. - See the About link in my Medium profile for contact information and related articles.
  • Written in collaboration with my Energy Group/Higher Self. This is our perspective of the truth and not the whole truth of reality.

My Medium writings are available “paywall free” at www.AlanLew.com:

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