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The provided content discusses the concept of spiritual ascension from the 3rd to the 5th Dimension, emphasizing the development of psychic abilities as a key aspect of this transition and its implications for personal and global transformation.


The article "Are You Psychic? — Welcome to the 5th Dimensional Planet Earth" explores the spiritual journey from a 3D to a 5D existence, highlighting the significance of psychic abilities as indicators of dimensional awareness. It suggests that experiences such as déjà vu, intuition, and synchronicity are signs of residing in the 4th Dimension, while the full development of positive psychic skills is necessary to enter the 5th Dimension, characterized by universal oneness and unconditional love. The text distinguishes between materialist and spiritualist perspectives on reality, noting that Earth is currently undergoing a shift towards higher consciousness, potentially leading to a new paradigm in science, medicine, education, and interpersonal relationships. The author posits that the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this process of individual and collective awakening, urging readers to cultivate their psychic abilities and inner selves to contribute to the ascension of humanity.


  • The author believes that simply being aware of psychic abilities signifies entry into the 4th Dimension, with further development required to ascend to the 5th Dimension.
  • There is an opinion that Earth has been predominantly a 3D experience since the Industrial Revolution but is now transitioning to a 4D/5D state of consciousness.
  • The text suggests that the development of psychic abilities is separate from enlightenment or happiness, yet acknowledges that such skills can support broader spiritual development and life satisfaction.
  • The author asserts that the ascension process will result in profound changes in society, including new approaches to science, medicine, and education, as well as enhanced cooperation and communication with extraterrestrial beings.
  • The article implies that the COVID-19 pandemic has provided an opportunity for introspection and spiritual growth, which may challenge existing mental health support systems.
  • It is proposed that enough individuals developing their psychic skills could lead to a fully realized 5D experience on Earth, which the author refers to as "Heaven on Earth."
  • The author is not financially affiliated with any products or individuals mentioned and invites comments, questions, and feedback on the content presented.

Part of the Global Ascension Series

Are You Psychic? — Welcome to the 5th Dimensional Planet Earth

[Updated June 5, 2022] A straightforward way to understand the personal & global ascension from a 3D to a 5D Earth.

by engin akyurt (unsplash)

Non-Medium subscribers can access this full article here.

Have you ever…

  • Had a déjà vu experience?
  • Known what someone else was going to say before they said it?
  • Become awake while still inside a dream (aka lucid dreaming)?
  • Heard a voice that answered a question that you had?
  • Thought about someone or something and then had it appear almost immediate after?
  • Seen or heard a phrase or set of numbers recurring many times randomly for no logical reason?
  • Arrived just in time to get the last product you were looking for (including a parking space)?
  • Accidentally met the best person to help you resolve a problem you are having (synchronicity)?
  • Seen a UFO or interacted with a possible alien being?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these (or anything similar), then I welcome you to the 4th Dimension!

3D, 4D, & 5D

Briefly, the spiritual 3rd Dimension (3D) is the physical world of duality in which we feel separate from everything we experience. The spiritual 4th Dimension (4D) is the realm of extra-sensory perceptions, dreams, and paranormal perceptions.

The spiritual 5th Dimension (5D) is the realm of higher intelligent life forms, including most Extraterrestrials (ETs), and is often described as ‘Heaven on Earth’. For more on that, see:

This table ⬇ introduces a few other perspectives on the spiritual dimensions 3D, 4D, and 5D.

There are many more and definitions of 4D and 5D, so be careful when using those terms. For a more on the spiritual dimensions of reality, see:

Developing Our Psychic Skills

I heard a channeled being (I don’t recall who) say that if you are simply aware you have psychic abilities, then you have entered 4D — whether you ever use or develop those abilities. In this definition, you expand through 4D as you develop your psychic abilities, inner senses, and spiritual self (they are all the same thing in this context).

We enter the 5th Dimension (5D) when we fully develop our positive psychic abilities to experience and express universal oneness and unconditional love in our day-to-day lives.

But if you convince yourself you have no psychic abilities, and you doubt anyone who says they have them, then you are simply fully immersing yourself in a 3D world. Which is perfectly OK — it is what your soul wants to experience.

Developing negative 4D skills will keep you in the lower realms of the 4th Dimension and completely out of the 5th Dimension. And that may also be something your soul wants to experience in your current incarnation.

by Matthew T Rader (unsplash)

A Mixed-Up Planet

I like the use of “psychic abilities” to define the differences between 3D, 4D, and 5D because it is simple, and it is an approach that many people can identify with. It also allows different people to be in 3D, 4D, and 5D states of consciousness, and for one person to shift through all three levels at various times.

Earth has long been a mix of 3D, 4D, and 5D at the same time.

There are those who totally reject suggestions that anything exists beyond what physical instruments can see and measure. These 3D materialists enabled the ‘scientific method’ and the Industrial Revolution, for both the good and bad that these brought us.

There have also always been those on the planet who have expressed and used psychic abilities to varying degrees. Such 4D/5D spiritualists have developed impressive psychic abilities. And they used them to counsel others and occasionally start spiritual and religious traditions.

While some hold both materialist and spiritualist beliefs (like Albert Einstein, perhaps), in their pure forms, these are opposites of one another.

Global Ascension

Earth has been a mostly 3D experience since at least the Industrial Revolution (late 1700s), and maybe for several thousand years before that. What that means is most people on Earth have had 3D states of consciousness.

Many believe we have been transitioning (or ascending) from 3D to 4D/5D (the ‘Age of Aquarius’) since maybe the 1960s. And many saw 2020 as an especially important year in that process.

At some point, enough people will shift to reflect a 4D/5D state of consciousness in our social and institutional structures. This will occur as an increasing proportion of the planet’s population is aware of, and is developing and using, their psychic and spiritual abilities.

Some say Earth has already shifted to 4D/5D. But others say it will take another 1000 years.

For more on Earth’s global ascension, see:

Individual Awakening

COVID-19 has helped this process by giving people time to be at home, isolated, and introspective. These are perfect conditions to examine oneself and the meaning of life, and to explore our inner realities. (That has also caused mental health challenges for many because we have not developed our institutions and social structures enough to assist people with their inward spiritual turns.)

Having psychic abilities does not mean that one is more enlightened or happier with their life. We develop those skills separate from psychic abilities. Being psychic simply means that you perceive more of our non-physical reality.

But knowing that non-physical realities exist can help with the broader goals of spiritual development. And with proper support, that can lead to a happier life.

For more on the forms of awakening, see:

For more on the global consciousness impacts of COVID-19, see:

The Ascension is Happening Now!

So, Earth is transitioning to a new state of consciousness now. But its ascension will not become a fully realized experience until the proportion of 5D people reaches a point where psychic skills are normal, accessible, and commonplace. When that happens, we can expect:

  • A new paradigm for science, medicine, and education, including unlimited free electricity and access to medical care; new healing modalities that are more individually and spiritually based; alternative forms of transportation that use frequency shifts over physical movement; and new learning systems that incorporate 4D/5D technologies and skills, starting from the youngest ages.
  • A new way of relating to each other and to the rest of our world and universe, including awareness of the underlying oneness of human diversity and our natural environments; cooperation instead of competition to end wars, conflicts, and poverty; and regular communication and cooperation with 4th and 5th Dimensional beings from other planets and higher dimensions.

So, if you want to help humankind ascend to a 5D ‘Heaven on Earth’, then the best thing you can do is to develop your psychic skills and your inner self now.

This will not only help to grow the planet but will help you to transition through the current challenges that our Earth has created for us.

…And Welcome to the 4th and 5th Dimensions!

by Mohamed Nohassi (unsplash)

Related Resources

  • For more on Global Ascension & A New Earth, see this ⬇️ collection of articles. Note that the articles in this collection are behind the Medium paywall. For paywall-free access to my articles go to www.AlanLew.com, linked below.


  • I am not financially affiliated with any of the people or products discussed in this article.
  • I appreciate comments, questions, and typo corrections. - See the About link in my Medium profile for contact information and related articles.
  • Written in collaboration with my Energy Group/Higher Self. This is our perspective of the truth and not the whole truth of reality.

My Medium writings are available “paywall free” at www.AlanLew.com:

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