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Matias De Stefano's 9 Dimensions of Spiritual Reality presents a unique perspective on the spiritual dimensions of existence, emphasizing their interconnectedness and the evolution of consciousness through each dimension.


Matias De Stefano's model of spiritual reality consists of 9 dimensions, each with a distinct purpose and perspective, building upon the previous. Starting from the 1st Dimension as pure consciousness, the model progresses through dimensions of increasing complexity, culminating in the 9th Dimension, which represents the void beyond dimensions. De Stefano's approach is distinctive in its focus on the purpose of each dimension, the role of geometry and energy frequencies in shaping reality, and the importance of integrating experiences across all dimensions to achieve spiritual evolution and enlightenment. The dimensions are not separate realms but rather different ways of perceiving and experiencing the same underlying reality, with each dimension contributing to the overall purpose of creation.


  • De Stefano believes that each dimension is a perspective rather than a place, and our consciousness can experience multiple dimensions simultaneously.
  • He suggests that our 3D physical reality is an illusion created by the replication of 2D shapes and frequencies, and that mastering the lessons of each dimension is crucial for spiritual evolution.
  • The concept of time is central to the 4th Dimension, where beings can experience and manipulate the past and future.
  • In the 5th Dimension, one transcends the limitations of space and time, achieving a state of non-judgment and unconditional love for all experiences.
  • The 6th Dimension is where beings learn to create universes and realities, acting as architects of existence.
  • The 7th Dimension is associated with enlightenment and the mastery of creation, with beings such as Archangels and Seraphim residing there.
  • The 8th Dimension, akin to the Akashic Records, holds all knowledge and potential realities, serving as a matrix for navigation towards awakening.
  • The 9th Dimension is seen as the void and source of all creation, representing God or Source energy, while the 0th Dimension is the initial question that leads to the manifestation of all dimensions.
  • De Stefano posits that our spiritual evolution involves integrating the lessons and experiences of our incarnations, leading to the transmute of our consciousness to higher dimensions.
  • He also emphasizes the importance of unconditional love and non-judgment in achieving higher states of consciousness and the creation of realities.

Spiritual Explainer

Matias De Stefano’s 9 Dimensions of Spiritual Reality

[Updated Nov 22, 2022] A Sirius star system view of the spiritual dimensions of reality.

by Gideon Wright (Flikr.com, cc-by)

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[1] Spiritual Dimensions [2] Matias De Stefano’s Dimensions [3] Some Basic Principles [4] The Dimensions — [4.1] 1D — Pure Light & Consciousness — [4.2] 2D — Polarities & Vibrations — [4.3] 3D — The Diversity of Space — [4.4] 4D — Mastering “Time” — [4.5] 5D — Full Integration of 3D & 4D — [4.6] 6D — Creating Universes & Realities — [4.7] 7D — Enlightenment & Heaven — [4.8] 8D — The Akashic Records — [4.9] 9D — The Void Beyond Dimensions — [4.0] 0D — The “I Am” [5] The 9 Dimensions as Stages of Awakening & Enlightenment [6] Different From Others? [7] Notes, Sources, & Related Items

[1] Spiritual Dimensions

The different dimensions of reality are something that most New Age spiritualists widely agree exist. However, in describing them, the differences are just as wide.

This is clear in my Explainer article in which I describe the many ways that I have heard the spiritual dimensions described. I constantly update that article as I come across new and interesting perspectives.

Friends told me of Matias De Stefano’s Initiation series on Gaia TV, which covered his 9 spiritual dimensions of reality in its first season (in 2020). Because his approach was distinct from the others, I decided to summarize them in this separate review article.

Subsequently, I learned of his 365-Day Alignment series on YouTube. On days #211 to #219 (links below), he also covered his 9 dimensions from deeper and often different perspectives than the Gaia TV series. I have updated this article based on those teachings, as well.

[2] Matias De Stefano’s Dimensions

Matias was born in 1987 in Argentina. Starting at age 3, he could remember and recount many of his past lives, going as far back as 16 million years ago on a planet in the Sirius star system. (See the links below where he talks about his life.)

Most of his perspective on the spiritual dimensions of reality comes from his Sirius star system incarnations. (My guides have told me we also have strong connections to Sirius, so maybe that is why I resonate with what Matias presents.)

What makes his perspective different from most others is perhaps his emphasis on the interconnectedness of the dimensions. This is because dimensions are different ways of perceiving the same object and same reality. But because of those differences, each dimension has a distinct purpose that contributes to the overall purpose of creation.

Matias’s 9 Dimensions are (the titles are mine):

  • 1D — Pure Light & Consciousness — purpose: to be the single pure consciousness of creation; “I Am”
  • 2D — Polarities & Vibrations — purpose: to create time and space through a diversity of frequencies
  • 3D — Manifesting Diversity in “Space” — purpose: to experience and master our personal diversity of spaces — purpose: to manifest separate forms in a fixed time and space
  • 4D — Mastering “Time” — purpose: to experience and master our personal diversity of timelines — purpose: to learn to manipulate time and space
  • 5D — Full Integration of 3D & 4D — purpose: to understand the all our 3rd & 4th dimension experiences as one (oneness)
  • 6D — Creating Universes & Realities — purpose: to learn to create entire universes
  • 7D — Enlightenment & Heaven — purpose: to guide and create all universes and realities
  • 8D — The Akashic Records — purpose: to be the pure and complete knowledge of creation
  • 9D — The Void Beyond Dimensions — purpose: to inspire all creation; “I Am All”
  • 0D — The Question with No Answer — no purpose or meaning

[3] Some Basic Principles

Before describing the 9 Dimensions, here are some basic principles that underlay Matias De Stefano’s model of reality are:

(1) Dimensions are “perspectives”, they are not places where we can go or come from. We can know which dimensional perspective we are in right now by how we can measure an object. For example, if we can only perceive an object’s length, width, and height, we are in the 3rd Dimension (3D).

If we can only perceive and measure the height and width of the same object, then our consciousness is in 2D. But if we can also see its entire history (past and future), on top of its height, width, and depth, then we are seeing it from a 4D consciousness or perspective.

According to Matias, this has nothing to do with spirituality, it is just measurements.

There is only one reality. But each entity/being will sense, known, experience, understand, and manipulate that one reality differently from its dimensional perspective.

(2) We have a presence in all the dimensions simultaneously. There is a part of us (usually part of our subconscious) in each dimension at this moment.

Our universe is multidimensional, and so are we at our deeper levels of consciousness. But most of the time, we only perceive from one dimension of reality. For the majority of us on Earth, that is the 3rd Dimemsion and occasionally (rarely) the 4th.

This means that here, where my hands are, all the dimensions are happening at the same time. But my conscience only allows me to see the 3rd Dimension. — Matias De Stefano, Total Recall (translated from Spanish)

Elsewhere (#218 of the 365-Day Alignment series on YouTube), Matias explains how: — There are billions of beings and entities, and each has a presence in all the dimensions. Therefore, each “thing” in 3D has a portion of itself in the other dimensions. This is because we are all projections of the same Source energy. — A being or entity may have a large presence in one dimension and a very minor presence in another. For example, it could be a high-level Master in 5D or 7D, but only a tree or a small bird in its 3D physical form, because that is what the overall entity wants to experience. — So you are a Human now in 3D, and an aspect of you might be a Spirit Guide in 5D, and an Archangel in 6D — all at the same time. Each is a complex being having a specific purpose and individual dimensional experience. But all aspects of you also connect and communicate with each other. This communication can be conscious, or not, depending on your entity’s purpose for each of them. — He compares to our human body, with different dimensions being different parts of our body. All are connected as one thing, but each is having a different experience.

(3) Each dimension builds on the previous and grows into the next. Thus, the 2nd Dimension (2D) builds on 1D and gives rise to 3D. And the 5th Dimension (5D) buildings on the 4D and gives rise to the 6D. They depend on each other and, except for the 9th Dimension, none would exist without the others.

Matias emphasized that this all happens simultaneously. It is not a sequence of one happening after the other. For example, we can say that our individual experiences in 3D are emerging from the polarity and vibrations of 2D. And as we integrate those individual 3D experiences, our 4D self is integrating the entire life of our present incarnation.

Integration means that we take in what we have learned and make it a part of our normal existence or being. The lessons and knowledge are no longer something outside of us, or something new. They are who we are.

This process applies to the 2nd through 8th dimensions. The 1st and 9th dimensions contain everything (though from different perspectives), so they are not building on another dimension.

Elsewhere (not on Gaia TV) Matias emphasizes that dimensions are not a place or a level that one can “go to”. It is not even about spirituality. Instead, each dimension offers a different way of seeing and knowing the “dream” of the 1st Dimension.

As an example, in 3D we can see, experience, and understand the “space” of objects: their height, width, and depth. In 4D, we have the added ability to see the “time” of objects: their past (where they came from), present, and future (what they will become).

(4) Because of the principles above, what happens in one part happens in some way for all the different parts of the entity. For example, ascension for one is ascension for all, and trouble for one can also create challenges for others. This happens across all the dimensions (except 9D).

As an analogy, he compares the different dimensional parts to the organs in your body. Each has a specific role to play and none would exist if all the others did not exist. Your focus in the 3rd Dimension is one of those organs.

(5) The different parts of you can temporarily visit each other across dimensions. Because of your multidimensional connections, the part of you that is your 5D Guide can (and does) communicate with and guide your 3D Self. And as a 3D consciousness, you can temporarily visit the Akashic Records in 8D.

You do this by “transcending” beyond one dimension into another. This means that your physical 3D body stays in 3D, while your astral or mental body experiences 4D or 5D.

by D.C.Atty (Flikr.com, cc-by)

(6) The overall goal of all entities and beings is to experience and integrate the lessons that their dimension offers. This includes all perspectives within each dimension (except for 9D).

Integration does not mean remembering everything consciously, but remembering the lessons learned subconsciously and making that part of our personality. Being attacked by 4th Dimensional demons symbolically means we are denying and pushing away a part of us. When the attacks stop, then integration has taken place. I see this as growing one’s “wisdom” (although that is not a term that Matias uses.)

Someone who we consider “wise” in 3D, for example, has integrated the equivalent of many lifetimes of 3D lessons.

By experiencing and integrating all possible perspectives in one dimension, we can then consciously transmute to the next dimension. This is also the process of evolution or ascension.

Transmutation means that the next dimension becomes the primary focus of our consciousness. Our previous consciousness still exists in the prior dimension, it is just no longer primary.

Thus, our goal as 3D beings is to integrate every possible 3D experience and perspective, and then to transmute consciously from 3D to become a 4D being. Rather than temporarily or partially visiting 4D (transcending), the primary focus of our consciousness becomes 4D (transmutation).

Similarly, after experiencing and integrating the lessons of 4D in the same way, our primary consciousness will transmute to become a 5D being, and so on.

According to Matias, the only real purpose of existence is to evolve in this way and to learn that we are gods creating universes and realities (which we achieve in the 7th Dimension).

AS A PREVIEW of the discussion below, this chart summarizes Matias De Stefano’s first 5 spiritual dimensions (based on his Gaia TV series). The graphic is the same one I used in my larger review of the Spiritual Dimensions of Reality.

For Matias, each dimension provides a different “perspective” of the same universe or reality. This differs from what some other models of the spiritual dimensions present.

[4] The Dimensions

[4.1] 1D — Pure Light & Consciousness

THE 1st Dimension of Matias De Stefano is like most other definitions. 1D is a single point of pure consciousness. It is the “I Am” that only knows itself.

He differs a little in stating that this single point is the origin of all other realities and dimensions, and it contains the potential to be all other realities and dimensions. It is like the so-called “God Particle”.

Elsewhere, he says 1D “is the only reality that exists”.

It can be in the shape of a point, line, or sphere, but it is always one object or thing. That one thing, however, has a positive (+) and negative (-) polarity pole. It is the single point from which everything emerges (alpha/origin) and at which everything returns (omega/end).

Creation happens through the “spinning” of the one point, which is how it perceived or merges its (+) and (-) polarities. No matter how complicated objects become in the universe, they are all manifestations (or illusions, he says) of the spinning 1D point.

The infinite and eternal energy that drives the spinning is what we humans call “love”. Everything we know that is a whole object with (+) and (-) polarities, such as atoms and our planet earth, are direct manifestations of the 1st Dimension.

This is like the concept of the quantum energy wave that I describe as underlying all manifest reality in this article:

All manifestations (beings and object) are projections or the dream of the one point. In our deepest essence, from the perspective on the 1st Dimension, we are all just that one thing (one point or dot) of “I Am”.

If we attain and hold that 1D (I Am) consciousness, we become the point, the creator, and the dreamer, willing to live its dream. We will know the pure white light, the oneness of all reality, and the “Unconditional Love” of the 1st Dimension.

As the singular knowing of “I Am” or “I Exist,” it is like 9D. The exception is that 9D also has full knowledge of everything in the universe.

1D is, therefore, the source of consciousness and energy for all the other dimensions, and contains within it the potential for all the other dimensions.

[4.2] 2D — Polarities & Vibrations

FOR Matias de Stefano, 2D refers to the initial split of 1D unity into two or more versions of itself. Instead of one dot having both positive (+) and negative (-), there are now two points, one with a positive (+) energy and one with a negative (-) energy.

In the March 2021 video (sections [7.2] and [7.3] below), Matias talks about 2D being composed of lines that connect the two points of (+) and (-). The line replicates itself, but maintains its (+) and (-) end points. Those end points attract one another to create 2D forms or surfaces, like a drawing or a map with height and width, but no depth.

We can only imagine depth through 2D images. But those drawing are the blueprints for 3rd and 4th Dimension structures and forms. A square will become a cube, for example. Matias likens it to an image or plan of what 3D reality will be like when we add Depth.

He has also mentioned how the 2nd Dimension has a huge role to play in our 3D existence. Most of our formal and informal education, and most of our entertainments and non-verbal communication are from a 2D point of view. This includes what we learn in books and watch on TV and movie screens. Those are all two-dimensional platforms with height and width, but no depth.

Again, this is not different from what other models define. However, his explanation of the importance of this goes further than most.

by Rolf Dietrich Brecher (Flikr.com, cc-by)

We use our imagination to visualize 3D images from 2D drawings. Without imagination, we stay in 2D. With imagination, we become 3D beings with a 3D perspective. That is why imagination and creativity are so important in early childhood.

Imagination is the key to 3D. It is how we make sense or create a framework (or network) of the seeming randomness of reality. This is how we create meaning and purpose in life. “We are connecting the dots” of 2D to create our 3D stories.

There are, for example, 3 key lines that we need to align in 2D and 3D. These are our physical, emotional, and mental lines. In 2D they form a triangle. In 3D they become the main ways we experience reality.

For example, as children, we learn to connect the dots of physical matter. Once we have done that, our imagination of physical reality becomes more fixed and closes. In our teenage years, we use our imagination to connect the dots of interpersonal relationships and the intense emotions that accompany them.

In our late 20s (he says age 28) our emotional imagination comes to a degree of closure and we use our imagination to connect the dots (or find meaning) in our career, life goals, and philosophy of life. At 52, Matias says we start over again and turn our focus/imagination to our physical world, paying attention to our health, for example. Then we turn to relationships again. And in the last part of our lives, we again focus on life's goals and philosophy.

He says each of these (physical, emotional, mental) is a line in the 2nd Dimension. 2D teaches us we need to connect and integrate these 3 lines to create a solid triangle that is our life. Keeping our imagination open is a key to integrating.

So we create our 3D stories (or meanings) by connecting the seemingly random dots of 2D. This reminds me of teachings that say “nothing has purpose or meaning until we (our ego) give it purpose and meaning”. For one version of that, see my article on Radical Nonduality:

Elsewhere, Matias says that the first 2D duality was space (+) and time (-). Space becomes the focus of 3D and time of 4D. “Space” is created first, which is (+) positive, and it then creates “time”, which is (-) negative. Two objects require a space between them so they can be two and not one. Time is the experience of moving from one point to the other across.

I have not heard Matias explain why space is (+) and time is (-). But I believe it is because space is an outward, active, and creating force, and time is an inward (personal), receptive experience. We could say that space is the divine masculine and time is the divine feminine.

From these polarities, the entire universe and all realities and dimensions are created. The opposite forces of (+) and (-) pull and push each other to create waves of energy or frequencies of vibration. Variations in frequency underlie the incredible diversity of all realities and everything we can experience.

Variations in these energy frequencies create all other dimensions. And every “thing” is a particle vibrating at a unique frequency.

Frequencies are also in constant motion and change. They oscillating between:

  • Positive energies, which include: masculine, outward, action, pull, light, destruction, giving, expansion, happiness, the Sun; and
  • Negative energies, which include: feminine, inward, rest, push, dark, creation, receiving, contraction, integration, sadness, the Moon.

For more on frequency variations, see:

Note that he specifically does not relate these polarities to “good/bad” value judgments or “male/female” genders. Those concepts are unique to our human Earth experience. Instead, these are just distinct vibrations of the 1D energy source, which is the infinite energy of “Unconditional Love”.

In summary, the 2nd Dimension is the creative source of the universe.

[4.3] 3D — The Diversity of Space

MATIAS De Stefano describes the 3rd Dimension as coming into existence when a structure organizes the otherwise random oscillations of energy frequencies in the 2nd Dimension. This comes about as 2D shapes split and replicate themselves. This is the same process that saw 1D objects split to create 2D objects. It is like cell mitosis.

When a 2D object (like a square) replicates itself a near infinite number of times, it creates the illusion of 3D cube. This is similar to a 2D perspective drawing, in which a 2D drawing of a building, for example, gives the impression of having depth. But that depth is only an illusion of 3D.

Matias says that 1D is the only dimension that is “real”. The 1D point or line has no height, width, or depth. It just is everything. 2D is created when the 1D point/line replicates itself to create a shape or surface (like a triangle or square). This creates height and width. But the surface/shape is not real. It is an illusion created by 1D mitosis/replication.

Similarly, all 3D “objects” we experience are illusions created by how 2D shapes/surfaces replicate themselves. That replication creates a sense of depth as the flat shapes become geometric object. A square become a cube, for example, although they get much more complex than that.

by Ben Stephenson (Flikr.com, cc-by)

Depth also creates a sense of “space”. And because we can perceive and measure depth and space, we have a 3D consciousness.

He emphasizes in both the March 2021 talks (link at bottom of this article) that space and all physical matter are an illusion created from replicated (or “fractalized”) 2D shapes. He also calls it a hologram, a dream, and the play of the mind (imagination).

It is this (illusion of) geometry that defines what is “real” and what is “not real” in our 3D physical world. We spend almost our entire lives in 3D trying to make sense of these geometries, which are physical, mental, and emotional. For Matias, sacred geometry is like the set of Lego building blocks that form all manifest reality.

Because of the level of complexity that sacred geometry offers, 3D is where consciousness comes to get a deeper and fuller understanding of itself. (As a side note, Matias says geometry is central to Islamic beliefs, which is seen in the way they use calligraphy and logic to characterize God/Allah.)

The “depth” perspective of the 3D illusion continues into all higher dimensions. So we never leave 3D by going into higher dimensions. As long as there is a physical, mental, or emotional “depth” to something, that is its 3D aspect. Similarly, when we think of a higher dimensional being (like an archangel or ascended master) as someone with a name and certain attributes, that is their 3D aspects that we are talking about.

In the Gaia Initiation series, Matia says that all 3D entities (not just humans) select a set of chakra-based 3D geometries that define our purpose and mission (our dharma).

Our overall goal is to understand, experience, and align the geometries of our Spirit (vibration or essence), Soul (energy or emotions), and Body (physical matter) through our chakras.

Karma is the set of geometries that we did not fully experience and align in our last life and are carrying over into our next incarnation.

As mentioned above, another characteristic of 3D geometric shapes and physical forms is that they occupy space (length, width, & height). We move through space (which takes time) to vary our experiences and to learn what we can in physical reality.

Elsewhere, he says that a major characteristic of space is how it varies in density due to different frequencies of 2D energies. Some parts of our physical universe are very heavy and dense, and others are very light and subtle. Spiritually awakened individuals will move toward the more subtle densities of space.

So, besides aligning our chakra geometries, we are also learning the geometries of how to: - occupy, move and interact through a physical body, - create a home and community (at various scales), - move across the geographic space of the planet, as well as into outer space beyond the planet.

We also see the use of space in the common 3D assumption that one wayt to solve a problem is to either: — move ourselves to a new place where the problem does not exist, or — make the present place into a new place (change it) where the problem does not exist. Both these options are spatial ways of thinking that are less common in other dimensions.

We each have a 3D personality, purpose, and path, which is defined by our chakra geometries. We apply and master these by living as many lives and integrating the lessons of as many diverse experiences as possible in the 3rd Dimension.

Remember that integration means that the lessons and knowledge are no longer something outside of us, or something new. They become who we are.

Each life and experience bring us closer to coherence or harmony with our purpose or true self (our original geometry). Matias defines 3D “enlightenment” as having accomplished this and feeling absolute love for the 3rd Dimension. We learn to love and fully enjoy our 3D physical senses, our 3D emotions, and our 3D mind. We come to see 3D not as a punishment, but as an experience and opportunity for deeper integration.

The more we integrate what we do, feel, and think in 3D, the more we will perceive other dimensional perspectives. If we are not fully integrated and aware, we need to die to move to the 4th Dimension. If we are fully integrated and aware (awakened / enlightened / self realized) then we can consciously move from 3D to 4D without physically dying.

For more on the traditional way contemporary New Age spiritualists see 4D/5D, see:

Matias says the 3rd Dimension is the “fruit of all the dimensions and creations” — it is the peak creation and experiences of the diversity of Source. All the other dimensions essentially support and build upon the “depth” of the 3D experience to a greater degree than they rely upon each other.

He says the 3rd Dimension is the only dimension where all other aspects in all other dimensions can experience their own creations. Aspects of ourselves in other dimensions bend time and space so they can experience 3D through our present incarnation. That is who you are.

Thus, in the 3rd Dimension, energy and frequency become structured, resulting in physical and mental forms. We learn to understand and align ourselves with these structures through many incarnations to experience and know our purpose and mission.

He mentions a couple of side topics related to 3D:

In on talk (on YouTube), Matias says that the “Chemical Elements” are the fundamental building blocks specific to the 3rd Dimension. Everything in the 3D reality/dimension is made of chemical elements. This includes what we sense and our feelings and emotions. Changing chemistry is how we change 3D forms. He calls this “Elemental Consciousness”. The chemical elements create the 5 spiritual elements of earth, water, fire, air, and ether.

Elsewhere, he mentions that besides Earth humans, there are many 3D beings on other planets in our universe. But the limitations of 3D space mean we will not come into direct contact with them using 3D technologies. Contact with extraterrestrials can only occur when we tap into 4th Dimension and higher technologies and states of consciousness. (We can still be in our 3D body when we do that.)

[4.4] 4D — Mastering “Time”

AS 3D beings, the 2nd Dimension and 4th Dimension are the two other dimensions that we know the best. As stated above, most of our learning and entertainments is 2D based (such as books, TV, movies, and the internet).

4D, on the other hand, is where we tend to put everything that we cannot understand using 3D concepts (like math and physics). We assign dreams, gods, magic, aliens, demons, angels, and spirituality in general to the 4th Dimension (and higher). We see our spiritual evolution moving us into 4D.

Like some theories in physics, Matias says the 4th Dimension is time. “Space” structures 3D and “time” structures 4D. We are currently in 3D with our physical body, mind, and emotions. But all the past and future versions (incarnations) of our 3D selves are in the 4th Dimension from our current perspective.

Remember that the infinite replication of flat 2D shapes, patterns, and frequencies creates the illusion objects/things and “space” in 3D. Similarly, the replication of 3D objects creates 4D “time”. We experience those replications as processes (the illusion of a past, present, & future) that those objects/things are going through, and thus “time”.

4D replications occur in 2 ways: inward and outward. Outward replications are duplications (like cell mitosis). That is how the past/present projects a future. And it is how growth/expansion takes place. Again, this is a processes, through which we experience as time.

For example, the cells in our physical body are constantly replicating/duplicating themselves and the information they carry as we grow/change. We have a new body every 6 to 12 months. The new cells carry similar information through the replication / duplication process.

But the information transferred is not perfect. For various reason is changes, which is why we change with time. When we detect those changes, we are looking at the 4th Dimension (time). We just cannot manipulate those changes from 3D.

When we are dreaming, we are in 4D. Our dreams are chaotic from a 3D perspective. But when we reach a 4D consciousness, they make total sense. In fact, 4D logic is like 3D logic and there is still linear time and space, and cause and effect. But they are more flexible.

Another way to think of this is that we 3D beings use “space” to vary our experiences (like going on vacation somewhere), whereas 4D beings use “time” to vary their experiences. That is how we learn to master space in 3D, and we learn to master time in 4D.

As a 3D being, we can sense and manipulate physical objects in space, and we can move through space. We can see time passing in how a clock ticks away the seconds and how things age through the years. But we cannot manipulate those times and we cannot intentionally see the past and future of objects and events.

In 4D there is no “time” as we know it in 3D. There are beings that are only in 4D. They can easily know points in the past and future of any object, and can move to specific points in that past and future. But they cannot easily sense or manipulate physical 3D objects as we can in 3D.

For example, a 4D being can see every experience, option, and choice that I have had, past and future, in my current life. But they cannot physically touch me. Only a 3D being can touch me. But as a 3D being, I can just barely see/touch my past and future.

In 4D, traveling through time is as flexible as traveling through space was in 3D. Space is not an issue in 4D as we learn to access any point in “spacetime” instantly. We can travel anywhere in the galaxy this way. We do not fully master this until 5D, where spacetime collapse and we are everywhere all the time.

by Hartwig HKD (Flikr.com, cc-by)

4D and Physical Body Death

4D is the Astral Plane (meaning “star plane”). In the past, Matias says, the stars were where all non-physical phenomena resided, and it was where we went after our body dies. But he says that is a purely Earth human point of view and not a universal truth. In his model, we never “go” anywhere. We only change our point of view from one dimension to the next.

As noted above, 4D replications occur in 2 ways: inward and outward. Outward replications are duplications. Inward replications are dimensional transformation.

Our body (or any other object) is the outer focus of our experience in 3D. From there, 4D replications go inward, first to the soul (or energy body), then to our spirit (or essence — the deepest part of us). When our physical body dies, the body/soul/spirit flips (like turning a sock inside out), and what was inside expands outside.

Our spirit and deepest core beliefs expand to become our outer experience in 4D. Whatever our deepest beliefs are (in a god, heaven/hell, or anything else) becomes our new 4D reality. Our physical body retreats to become almost invisible.

When we are reborn into a 3D body (reincarnation), the model flips once more. Our 3D body is becomes our outer self/experience, and our spirit/essence is the innermost part of our being. Our soul is the interface between our body and spirit.

That is how the “process” of time is also one of transformation. Body, soul, and spirit are always present and always connected — there are no hard divisions between them. But they are always in a process of personal transformation, with spirit coming to the fore in 4D and body being the fundamental experience in 3D.

NOTE: Matias says we are Spirit (essence or consciousness) who came into a Soul (or “energy body”) so it can have a physical body experience. For him, “spirit” is before the “soul”. Soul seems to include what others call the oversoul and Universal Soul. His spirit is more like the pure consciousness of God/Source/The Absolute. (See the first video in section [7.6] below for more on this.)

In comparison, others say that our “higher self” is the interface between our “soul” and our physical body/ego. For more on the different levels of our being, see:

Lower, Middle, and Upper Astral

The different levels of the Astral Plane are based on the level of spiritual vibration that a person held when their body died. More negative belief systems created a 4D that we call Lower Astral. For example, according to Matias, ghosts are former 3D beings (humans) who were so attached to their physical life that they kept a strong 3D perspective even though they flipped to having their spirit as their outer experience.

Those with very positive and heart filled belief systems will create a Higher/Upper Astral (4D) perspective when they flip to their spirit/essence after the body dies.

There are also 4D being that we see as demons, and others we see as angels. If our spirit, soul, and body levels are not replicated in a balanced way, those 4D beings can draw energy from us. That is why many humans are afraid of the 4th Dimension. (Note: This comment is from the 4D video in the March 2021 talks, linked below. I do not understand why they want our energy.)

4D demons are not “bad”. They are simply doing what they were created to do, which is to expand diversity and separation (the opposite of unity and oneness). For example, if there were no negative (-) polarity to balance the positive (+) polarity (both created in 2D), our planet would not spin or move, and there would be no life of any kind on Earth. He says we should thank them for what they do.

Thus, what we see as “demons” are vital to creating the amazing diversity of our universe. They only become “bad” for us when we resist them and try to keep them from doing their job. We do this because of our poor understanding and improper judgments (both good and bad) of the polarities of existence.

Matias puts regular Angels in the “Higher Astral/4D” vibrational realm. Archangels are in 6D, and Seraph Angels are in 7D. (Seraphim are the highest order of angels.)

Elsewhere, he mentions that many 4D and higher beings (good or bad) are aspects of us in other dimensions. They become demons when we deny them and push them away. They become angels when we desire their energy. Either way, they are 4D aspects of us that we need to accept and integrate into ourselves.

4D beings can contract their energy to be “born” as 3D beings to experience that perspective. And 3D beings can expand their energy to experience 4D perspectives. No one is going anywhere. They are just transforming their energies and perspectives.

He also says that nature spirits, or “Elemental Beings”, are in the 4th Dimension. They are archetypal beings formed in 4D by our knowledge of the “5 elements” (see above) in 3D. An “elf”, for example, is an archetype of the “air” element. From a 3D perspective, such archetypes are not “real”, but they do “exist” as mental constructs. We create many 4D archetypes/beings like this that are part of our 3D subconscious identity.

4D is Where We Manifest Things in 3D

We can go into 4D, see a future that we want, and pull it back into our 3D reality. This requires well-balanced chakras, and a coherent and integrated spirit-soul-body.

Our chakras correspond to nodes that connect the different levels of our inward replications. These are coherent and integrated when there are no conflicts or contradictions in what we think (spirit/mind), feel (soul/emotions), and do (body/actions). That means we are fully expressing our soul’s purpose for our life.

We each have our own purpose for our life/incarnation. And so we each have our own way of balancing our chakras (our dharma) and integrating our spirit-soul-body. To know ourself and our dharma, we need to be centered in ourself — to be here now. And above all, Matias says, we must have no fear of the 4th Dimension.

4D Lessons & 5D Transmutation

Elsewhere, Matias says that the 3rd Dimension is a triangle made of two “holy trinities” (triangles). These are height-width-depth (space) and past-present-future (time). The triangle can also be mother-father-child, and many other archetypes. For examples, see:

4D adds a point of view outside of the triangle (it creates a square), from which we can see all space and all time. For time, we now have past-present-future-eternity, and for space, we now have height-width-depth-ether.

Because we are learning to work beyond the limits of space and time, 4D is where we master our psychic abilities. Using these skills (or “technologies”) we can contact extra-terrestrial (ET or alien) beings in 4D and higher dimensions. (In one interview, Matias said full alien contact on Earth will take 2000 more years because we humans have so much more to learn first.)

In 4D, we learn to understand our sequence of 3D lifetimes as we travel through our many 3D incarnations. This includes our incarnations in plant, animal, dinosaur, and molecular forms (such as water). By traveling through time in 4D, we understand each of our 3D timelines in its totality, from birth to death.

For more on timelines, see:

Doing that integrates the lessons of our many 3D lifetimes into our 4D consciousness as they become a core part of our identity and being. In 3D, we were integrating individual experiences. In 4D we are integrating lifetimes. Integration means each experience is now a crucial part of our whole being. That includes the most negative and the most positive.

Being fully integrated, we are living our soul’s purpose and have total unconditional love for every experience that we have ever had.

We do this with as many of our 3D lifetimes (incarnations) as possible. For each, we go through what Matias calls the 4 Pillars (stages) of evolution (these also apply to other dimensions): (1) Express a 4D perspective of a 3D incarnation; (2) Experiment or experience the 4D perspective of that 3D incarnation; (3) Integrate that entire 3D incarnation into our 4D consciousness; and then (4) Transcend into another 4D perspective of another 3D incarnation to repeat this process.

We continue doing this in 4D until we have successfully seen and integrate all (or as many as possible) of our 3D life incarnations. Having done that, we can then transmute our being to a 5D consciousness (or way of knowing). According to Matias, we cannot skip 4D. We must fully integrate 4D before we can move to a 5D perspective.

The 4th Dimension is, therefore, where we use “time” to understand and integrate fully the lessons of each of the lifetimes that we had in the 3rd Dimension to give us more of our higher soul’s perspective on the purpose and mission of those incarnations.

Note: There is a good 4D meditation in the last 20 minutes of Matias’s YouTube session #214 on the 4th Dimension.

[4.5] 5D — Full Integration of 3D & 4D

THE 5th Dimension adds a 5th point, or perspective, above the 4 Pillars of evolution that we went through in our 3D and 4D incarnations. This is the geometric shape of a 3-sided pyramid. 5D is the peak/top of the pyramid looking down at our entire, integrated 3D and 4D selves/lifetimes/timelines.

In 3D and 4D, we lived specific timelines (or life incarnations). We only see the present moment portion of a single timeline in 3D. In 4D we can see any one part of any one timeline. In 5D, we can see and understand the entire sequence of our many incarnations/timelines all at once. We see this from the full unity of space and time.

The new point of perspective in 5D is like a parallel self, watching the incarnations we are experiencing. This parallel self is our “consciousness” — our pure awareness. Thus, he calls 5D the “Dimension of Consciousness”. (#215 on YouTube)

One way he describes this is: — 1D creates Time and 2D creates Space from the movement of time; they are the only constants across all universes (everything exists in time and space; they are always present in all dimensions of reality; things/objects vary according to lower/higher vibrations, creating past/future time and down/up space) — 3D things/objects are points of energy where time and space compress through (+) and (-) polarities — 4D is the strength of the (+)(-) polarity, which results in more or less bending/compressing of time and space (like Einstein’s model of gravity) — 5D is the witness/observer that is holding the entire process of 1D to 4D — 6D is the perfect mirror opposite (or replica) of the 1D to 5D creation (there are infinite replicas or parallel universes)

Another analogy he uses to explain this is a mirror. In 3D, we have a physical body. In 4D, our body is aging with time. In the mirror, there is a reflection looking back at our 3D/4D body. That reflection is the 5D perspective. It is like an external witness, seemingly, but not really detached from our 3D/4D selves.

From that seemingly detached perspective (either their pyramid peak or the external mirror), our 5D self is learning to integrate all the lessons from all of our incarnations in 3D (experiences across physical space) and 4D (experiences across time) into a single consciousness.

Remember that integration means those lessons and knowledge are no longer something outside of us that we are seeking or experiencing as new. We now simply take them for granted as being us.

He also says the key question to answer in 3D is “Why” (existence), and the key question to answer in 4D is “What for” (existence). Our 5D self can answer both questions.

Our 5D self, therefore, comes to know the purpose of every incarnation and experience that we have had. This is also the first time since 1D that we can see all of who we are without limitations. We do so from the perspective of complete unity of time and space (spacetime).

To do that requires complete, unconditional non-judgment of everything and every event that we have had. Everything is of equal value and purpose, and we judge nothing to be “good” or “bad”. We see everything as perfect and exactly as it is supposed to be. And we feel total bliss because of that.

Thus, war and peace are the same from a 5D consciousness perspective. They are just different sides to the same vibration. Similarly, sickness and health are the same from the 5D perspective. Thinking otherwise is a 3D or 4D state of consciousness and pushes one out of 5D.

The broader perspective of knowing and the state of neutrality that our 5D self has enables it to act as a guide for our 3D and 4D selves.

Thus, 5D is the realm of ascended masters, guides, and our higher self. Guides are those who give 3D help to us on where we should go in life. Masters are those who give 4D help to us about why we are living the life/incarnation we are experiencing.

They are all versions of our “future” selves (or selves in higher dimensions) communicating back to us. Matias likens this to when we do inner child work, communicating with ourselves when we were children. He says that from 3D we reach into 4D to do that kind of communication. Our guides, angels, and higher selves are doing a similar thing when communicating with us.

5D Guides and Masters are the most common beings that interact with our 3D personalities because they are the closest to us. They are not more intelligent than us. They simply have a broader perspective because their dimension allows them to see beyond the limits of space and time that we have. This can be helpful.

In return, our 3D self helps our 5D self-understand the emotional experiences of our incarnations because, as noted above, 5D is beyond judgments and experiences of “good” vs “bad”.

By unifying space and time, 5D enables one to manifest anything that they want. They can choose any timeline, and they can apply it to physical things (including their bodies) as they desire. They can be in any place and any time, much more so than in 4D, because they are in all places at all times. There is also great clarity of consciousness, and none of the confusion and conflict found in 3D and 4D.

Therefore, 5D is a utopian “heaven on Earth” for many New Age spiritualists today. They want to leave 3D now and immediately jump straight to 5D, which is impossible, according to Matias.

The only way for us to be a 5D consciousness is to integrate (to love and embrace) our 3D incarnation. Matias says we need to shine light from every cell of our body in 3D before we can enter 5D. (This may be what others are talking about when they say we will soon transmute from physical to light bodies.)

In addition, to enter 5D, we need to understand and integrate every incarnation (timeline) we have through our 4D experience.

Related to this, see:

Matias has said that 5D is a great experience. But when we know everything is “perfect”, it can get boring. That is why we have so many 3D incarnations. The diversity and polarity of 3D (and 4D) make life more interesting than the oneness of 5D.

By seeing all of our personal lives and experiences, our 5D self is learning how to create realities and universes. This is the key lesson of the integration work by 5D beings, and the key sign one has become a wise 5D being.

Thus, the 5th Dimension is where all our 3D and 4D incarnations, experiences, and timelines come together as a single unity. The lessons learned in successfully doing that allow us to transmute our 5D self (or consciousness) into a 6th Dimension perspective, where we will create entire realities and universes.

by Alice Popkorn (Flikr.com, cc-by)

Elsewhere, Matias says all the darkness and emptiness in the universe is the container of the 5th Dimension. That is because 5D is the spacetime continuum of the gravitation field in which all 3D physical things/matter exist (according to theoretical physics). The concentration of time and space (spacetime/5D), and is held by spacetime/5D.

Elsewhere, Matias says that 5D is based on the “Atomic Elements”. By this, he is referring to quantum objects, which are both particles (separate & individual) and waves (oneness), depending on the observer’s perspective.

That allows us to see (and be) individuality/diversity and oneness/unity simultaneously, through which we then understand how everything in existence is perfect in every way.

Matias says 7D is related to the Sacral Chakra.

[4.6] 6D — Creating Universes & Realities

IN 5D we see and understand the overall purpose and perfection of our 3D and 4D incarnations. This is the first step in learning how to create realities using our personal experiences.

In 6D, we learn to master creating universes and realities. We are an aspect of the creator, God/Source (9D), and we are learning and evolving that capability within our individual selves. We learn to use bits and pieces of our 3D and 4D experiences to build new universes.

In some ways, 6D is the opposite of 3D, 4D, and 5D. Those are all focused on space (3D), time (4D), and both space and time (5D). But 6D is completely beyond the limits of space and time (beyond 3D, 4D, & 5D).

One way he describes this (on YouTube) is the following: — 2D replicates the 1D point/line to create surface shapes — 3D replicates 1D/2D surfaces to create objects — 4D replicates 1D/2D/3D changing objects to create the sense of time — 5D replicates 1D/2D/3D/4D to create an integrated spacetime universe — 6D replicates 1D/2D/3D/4D/5D to create an alternative universe/reality — 7D connects/integrates the infinite alternative/parallel realities of 6D

For example, in 3D we see a tree at its present moment. In 4D we see the whole history of the tree at once. In 5D we see all the energy patterns that bring the tree into existence. In 6D, we see the tree in all shapes and patterns (all options), kind of like looking at it through a kaleidoscope.

Another way he describes 6D is it is the perfect mirror opposite (or replica) of the 1D to 5D creation. (See the 5D section for more details on this.) Like our two hands, they are the mirrors of each other (more or less), and they will never be exactly the same.

Matias says it is very difficult to understand 6D from a 3D perspective. “Evolution” is 6D. It is how biological life on our Earth has transformed over thousands and millions of years. From 6D we could see that process instantly.

6D beings are essentially free to use (or bend) space and time to create and transform everything and anything imaginable. They can take one small object/particle/thought/form from 3D and evolve it into an entire universe.

The primary way they (or rather that aspect of ourselves) do this is through the use of “light” and “dark” processes. We can think of light as the path or goal, while darkness is the challenge (or structure, or play, or veil) that hides the goal.

Just as positive (+) cannot exist without negative (-), Angels cannot exist without Devils and happiness cannot exist without sadness. We require both to learn who we are and what we are capable of. This is where the “demons” of 4D (discussed above) are created.

Neither (+) nor (-) is good or better because one cannot exist without the other. God/Source, for example, is both light and dark at the same time. And because we are God/Source in our essence, we are also light and dark. “Fighting” against darkness is fighting ourselves. We can never win.

I have not heard Matias talk about how we address “darkness and evil” in our 3D world without “fighting”. In the December 2021 interview, linked below, he talks about loving the darkness (-) and respecting and allow it to fulfill its role in creating our reality. He says we should thank the darkness. (This is like my suggestion of creating a world without evil.)

In his 365-Day Alignment series on 7D (#216 on YouTube), Matias focuses on how beings in 6D replicate objects and entire structures from 3D, 4D, and 5D. They do this by creating exact mirror opposites of them. So a positive(+) structure or for would become a negative(-) one. Similarly, feminine becomes masculine, alpha (origin) becomes omega (end), and other polarities are flipped when creating a new universe.

We replicate things many times, with each new version becoming more complex than the previous one. In this way, a single 3D particle grows into an entire universe under the guidance of a 6D consciousness.

Thus, 6D beings are the architects of universes and realities, and 6D is the Dimension of Evolution. Matias puts Archangels in 6D and Seraphim 7D. He says they are not really beings (though we can see them), but are different aspects of Source/God.

However, because each replication is a mirror and polarity of the original, the two creations can never fully align with one another — they will always be opposites. (I liken this to the difference between “ordinary matter” and “anti-matter”, which are always paired with each other, but can never be together.)

Thus, there are infinite alternate parallel realities to our own in 6D. As perfect mirrors, they are compliment with each other. And because of that, there is a drive to meet/match each other. But they never will.

He says that is the path of the Twin Soul/Twin Flame. There is a way that they can connect, but it takes place outside of 6D and takes many replications of each twin to do that.

He also says everything in the universe is a mirror of ourselves has this pull-push relationship to us. So the only solution it to love everything in the universe, including ourselves.

by Taymaz Valley (Flikr.com, cc-by)

In the December 2021 interview linked below, Matias presents an analogy of the universe as a house. 6D Archangels are the owner, architect, and designer of the house, planning how everything fits together. 5D Masters and Guides are the housekeepers and repairers, knowing all the actions needed to maintain the house in proper order and aware of any adjustments that need to be made. 4D Demons are the children and pets in the house. They do their best, but if unattended they will leave the house in a mess.

For us in 3D to hold a 6D consciousness, we need to realize that our 6D-self creates infinite options for our 3D-self to experience. Knowing this, our 3D-self needs to learn to hold unconditional love for every option that our 6D-self is creating for ourselves.

In the 6th Dimension, we learn how to use the opposite forces of “light’ and “dark” to create universes and realities by loving both equally and unconditionally. This is what we master to transmute into the 7th Dimension.

Matias says that autistic children and adults have a 6D consciousness, which is what they are on Earth to teach us.

Elsewhere, Matias says that 6D is the source of the “Universal Elements” of reality. These underlie and govern everything in all dimensions of reality. They are the tools for creating multiple universes and include:

1— The 7 Laws of the Universe (I describe these at the end of the section on 7D, below)

2— The 3 Essences of the Universe, which is Vibration, Energy, and Matter. Every object, thought, emotion, etc., has these three characteristics (thoughts, for example, are electrons moving at a certain frequency)

For more example of the ‘Essence of the Universe’, see:

[4.7] 7D — Enlightenment & Heaven

FOR Matias De Stefano, the 7th Dimension is the Dimension of Enlightenment. He says that for Sirians (in the Sirius star system) it is equivalent to “heaven”. For 3D humans (us), 7D is how we envision “enlightenment”, though we do not associate it with that dimension. It is, in some ways, an advanced level of the 6th Dimension.

He says the ecstasy of 7D consciousness attracts us the same way a flower attracts a bee. We want to both experience it and share or spread it through the universe. This attraction is like how the color and light of a flower attract bees.

One way he describes this is:

  • In 3D, objects will give off light and heat energy when they become highly concentrated, such as when rocks melt in a volcanic eruption. This is caused by the forces and friction of 3 dimensions and 6 directions / attributes (vibration, energy, matter, love, wisdom, & will; the dimensions of length, width, and depth each has two directions on its axis = 6 directions).
  • In 6D, universes give off illumination (or enlightenment energy) when they become highly concentrated. That is caused by the forces and friction of 6 dimensions and 12 directions/attributes/paths/rays. — The ray or path attributes are: I Lead (Aires); I Value (Taurus); I Think (Gemini); I Feel (Cancer); I Create (Leo); I Serve (Virgo); I Balance (Libra); I Transform (Scorpio); I Believe (Sagittarius); I Achieve (Capricorn); I Invent (Aquarius); and I Unite (Pisces). I discuss the rays more below.
  • In 7D, we fully integrate the 12 directions/attributes/rays of the self. (We partially integrate them in 6D as we were learning the ropes.) That integration is difficult, but it is possible to do from our 3D body. When we are successful, we call it “enlightenment”.

Thus, 7D is the path of enlightenment. When you reach enlightenment, then all the forces of the universe (all timelines and spaces) reach a 0 point of equilibrium. It is the seed of creation, and in the state of enlightenment, we become creators.

Remember that 6D replicates the entire reality of 1D to 5D. The 7th Dimension connects/integrates the infinite alternative/parallel realities created in 6D.

7D holds the potential for all creation, and 7D beings can create entire universes with their slight thought. This is because they mastered the lessons on creating realities in 6D. He likens our Sun to a 7D being that used polarity to explode the light (+) of itself to create the dark planets (-), with their diversity of land and life forms.

7D beings can also easily move from one dimension to another. Christ consciousness, the Cosmic Mothers and Fathers, Seraphim (or Seraph Angels), and Pleiadian extraterrestrial are all 7D beings who come to Earth as guides from time to time. [Note that he has also said that Archangels are in 7D. But elsewhere he put Archangels in 6D and the higher Seraphim in 7D.]

“Chrystal children” (born on Earth since about 1980) are from a 7D soul group and are working to bring more 7D consciousness to our planet.

In earlier versions of his dimensions model, Matias said that beings in 7D are the highest that ever interact directly with our 3D Earth. He said that there are higher dimensional beings beyond that, but that they are more removed from 3D and focus on a different scale of evolution. He, therefore, does not include them in his model.

In his Gaia TV series, Matias emphasized that to be in 7D is to be in perfect alignment and clarity with your 7 Chakras. This alignment, however, differs from traditional chakra teachings (which I have summarized in my chakras Explainer).

That alignment means we fully realize and know the following 7 Laws of the Universe:

  1. Law of Mentalism, Crown chakra — Everything in the universe is a creation of the mind; we create our own reality
  2. Law of Correspondence, Third Eye chakra — Everything in the universe that is outside of us is a perfect reflection of what is inside of us, and vice versa
  3. Law of Vibration, Throat chakra — Everything in the universe is vibration or frequency (pitch); this is how we work with mentalism and correspondence
  4. Law of Rhythm, Heart chakra — All vibrations in the universe have a rhythm (wavelength / cycle) moving from high to low, or inside to outside; this is how we work with vibration
  5. Law of Cause & Effect, Solar Plexus chakra — The high or low vibrations we put out into the universe will return to us at the same level of high or low; this is because of the ‘conservation of energy’
  6. Law of Polarity, Sacral chakra — All vibrations in the universe have a positive (+) and negative (-) polarity (amplitude/strength); this is how the universe evolves and ascends
  7. Law of Generation, Root chakra — Nothing in the universe is ever destroyed; it is just transformed into something new and better; this is because of the “conservation of energy” and the “infinite expansion” of the universe

The 7 Laws of the Universe (or chakra principles) apply to every being and entity in every dimension and reality. They form the basis of our 3D chakra system, but are distributed in fewer chakras in higher dimensions. They reach their peak alignment in a 7D consciousness or being where they are one, single “law” (or chakra).

In his 365-Day Alignment series on 7D (#217 on YouTube) Matias discussed how the “12 Rays of Light” originate in the 7th Dimension. In 3D we have 3 paths: length, width, and height. Each of those paths has 2 directions, resulting in 6 directions (or vectors). In 7D there are 6 paths, each with 2 directions, resulting in 12 vectors, or the “12 Rays of Light”.

These are also the 12 colors of the rainbow, and colored ray is associated with a specific Archangel energy. Other teachings associate the rays with Ascended Masters. Either way, Matias says that these are not really “beings”, but are attributes of the “Light of God” (or Source).

So when we communicate with an Archangel, we are actually talking to an aspect of ourselves that is projected from the 7th Dimension into the 3rd Dimension consciousness.

The 12 Rays influence our 3D reality in many ways, including 12 zodiac signs, 12 months, and 12 hours in a day. (There are also many models that use 12 spiritual dimensions of reality.) He also describes how our “3D selves” are extensions of those rays. Each being is a different ray.

The rays start in 9D & 1D as the single pure white light of God/Source (our Sun is an example) > that shines into 7D and splits into 12 rays to create Seraphim & Archangels > the 12 rays shine into 6D & 5D and split again to create Angels > those rays shine into 5D and split to create Ascended Masters & Spirit Guides > and finally the rays reach 4D & 3D where they split to create Us

Flowers are a projection of the 7D rays. Their primary color is their ray. If we can understand this, then we can understand our same connection to that dimension.

Matias says 7D is related to the Root Chakra.

Thus, the 7th Dimension is the realm of enlightenment, which is a natural attraction to all spiritually awakened beings. It is a realm that is both powerfully (even overwhelmingly) ecstatic and holds the ultimate potential for creation within manifest reality.

To me, rays are like soul families or soul groups:

[4.8] 8D — The Akashic Records

THE 8th Dimension as the “Akashic Records”, the “Tree of Life”, and the “Matrix”. The Akashic Records include all information of every moment that has and will ever happen in time. This includes full information on every entity, being, and form that has and will ever exist.

The Tree of Life shows how every consciousness that ever existed connects in a hierarchical pattern of branches extending out of oneness (the trunk). He likens our human personalities to the atoms inside the molecules of the leaves at the most dispersed edges of the tree.

The Akashic Records and Tree of Life form a Matrix designed to help us navigate to awakening, self-realization, and enlightenment. (see also, my article: ‘Awakening’ vs ‘Self-Realization’ vs ‘Enlightenment’)

The expansion of “light” is also a major characteristic of the 8th Dimension.

The 8D Matrix is created from the overlapping and interconnecting of the 12 Rays of Light in 7D. The interconnecting of these rays forms the structure of time and space that is used in all the other dimensions (except 1D & 9D).

Each individual ray forms a torus pattern as light energy flows from the present moment point… — upward: into the future of expanding time (and energy) that defines the essence of being; the light then curves out into “eternity”, which is the point directly opposite in the cycle from the present, and then it moves… — downward: into the past of contracting space and the process of creating rigid structures to be experienced when the light… — returns to the center: the present moment point where time and space concentrate into structured physical forms that are 3D experiences. From that present point, a new desire emerges to move upward to create a new future, which then creates a new past.

We can think of that process as a timeline. But an aspect of us exists in each portion of the torus timeline, serving different roles of expansion, concentration, experience, and eternity.

There is no linear time, it is all circular time. Time moves in an unending circle: Present > Future > Past > Present > Future > Past > Present > …

He also says the Future (and Time in general) is the main driving force for all creation to come into existence. He describes that in this way:

Future = Essence / Math / Expansion — ⬆ — — — — — ⬇ — Present = Sense / Geometry / Eternity (requires Essence to exist) — ⬆ — — — — — ⬇ — Past = Experience / Reality /Contraction (requires Sense to exist)

— In the upward part of the cycle (⬆), the Past becomes the foundation for the Present, and the Present becomes the foundation for the Future. — In the downward part of the cycle (⬇), The Essence becomes the foundation for the Senses, and the Senses become the foundation for Experience. — Past-Present-Future is linear time. Everything else is non-time.

(Further explanation of the above, see this link on YouTube.)

According to Matias, circular time is how the future creates the past, which only happens in 8D. This process occurs for every object in every universe and every reality, from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy. And this is how 8D holds all the infinite versions of time and space as “potentials” within its Matrix. (It is not a coincidence that the number “8” turned sideways is the infinity symbol “♾️”.)

Also, in 3D and 4D we experience only one timeline like this. But in 8D, all timelines of every being/object/form in the universe are experienced at once.

In this way, the 8th Dimension holds and defines the “constant” of time and space. It is the framework within which every other dimension exists. (Remember, in the 5D section that time creates space, and those two are the only constants that exist through all the dimensions.)

Having an 8D consciousness means that we know and are aware of all those connections (the Tree of Life) and have access to all that information and knowledge (Akash). We simultaneously know, for example, every 3D space and every 4D timeline ever created in the universe — not just our own, which we had access to in 5D.

The way to access 8D is to shift our consciousness to match the 8D vibration or frequency, which is a more expansive than 7D. We can do temporarily this from another dimension so that we can search the Akashic Records for information. Or we can become an 8D being focused there all the time (I do not know how that works).

“Lucid dreaming” is connecting to our 8D consciousness. This is when we become awake in a dream and realize that we can instantaneously create whatever we want. (We can also experience that with chemical substances, as discussed in the Dec 2021 YouTube interview linked below.)

Matias cautions that temporary visits to 8D often result in contaminated information caused by the lower vibrations where the visitors came from. So, we cannot always trust our 3D human interpretations of our Akashic Record experiences.

Elsewhere, he notes that the DNA of each cell in each human body contain the Akashic Records. The process of cell mitosis (splitting) updates those records daily. We are looking at the Akash every time we look in a mirror. Thus, the answers to the universe are all within us.

To me, the 8th Dimension is what some call the ‘Universal Mind’. It is the mind that knows everything about every reality conceivable in all of creation. If God had a mind, this would be it.

The Tree of Life — by Kumweni (Flikr.com, cc-by)

Note: Matias says that 8D and 9D are impossible to explain fully in a 3D context. The models and examples he provides point to what they are but do not fully encompass them.

[4.9] 9D — The Void Beyond Dimensions

THE 9th Dimension is the “void”. There is no light and no dark, no (+) and no (-), and no preferences or perspectives of any kind. 9D is completely beyond all creation. But it also contains the potential for all creation. 9D is the source of 1D, and subsequently all the other dimensions.

It is God / Source / The Absolute.

9D is not a true dimension because it is completely beyond all the other dimensions.

Matias De Stefano’s definition of 9D is like how most other models of the spiritual dimensions define their last dimension. In my article on the spiritual dimensions of reality, I refer to this as “The Last Dimension”.

What Matias emphasizes that is different is that we need to go to 9D to transform 3D and 4D. So, to change our 3D world, we need to access the “void” of 9D. That “void” exists in everything in the universe.

Our 3D consciousness can access 9D through meditation. Meditation, especially breathwork, helps us to find the “void” within us. When we reach a state of pure emptiness, we are in 9D. From that, when we have the first thought of “I Am”, we move into 1D. Creation and transformation take place from these basic foundations.

As noted above, 1D is the consciousness of “I Am”. In 9D we know that, but it also knows that “I Am Everything” (all the different dimensions) and “I Am Infinite”. 9D seems to be what many refer to as “Unity Consciousness”, the experience of “oneness”, and even “enlightenment”, although I have not heard Matias say that.

In the 365-Day Alignment series (#219 on YouTube), Matias emphasizes that 9D is the “idea” that created all the other dimensions. It is the initial spark of thought by God/Source that put the dimensions into action.

He uses the analogy of a movie to describe the relationships of 1D through 9D: — 1D = The Basic Plot — a beginning (alpha) and an end (omega) — 2D = The Story Board — synopsis showing the path from start to end — 3D = The Characters & Scenery — who and where of the story — 4D = The Narrative — mixing past and future to tell an interesting story — 5D = The Script — details of what happens, when, and why — 6D = The Production — with constant revisions to enhance the story — 7D = The Filming — “lights, camera, action” of what is recorded — 8D = The Recording — holding or containing the entire story — 9D = The Inspiration — the initial idea to create a movie

Once finished, the recording (a kind of hologram) is projected from 7D (“light”) through 8D for the other dimensions to “see” and “experience”. 9D is the “idea” of God/Source that puts the movie creation in motion.

We (every being & entity in existence) experience this movie (this initial idea from God/Source). We are “inspired” by it to create our own movie in the same manner. We want to express our own idea of who we are (our essence).

Thus, the 9th Dimension is our Divine Inspiration. This is how we are all learning to be God/Source from our distinct individual perspectives.

The 9th Dimension is what most New Age spiritualists refer to as Source or God. It is beyond all manifest forms of existence, but is the inspiration for all dimensions and all that we can experience and know.

[4.0] 0D — The Question with No Answer

Matias also talked about a “0” Dimension. He did not include that dimension in the Initiation series on Gaia TV. It even surprised him when he channeled it on March 11, 2021 — as is apparent in his “I Am” blog. This section is based on his talk about “0D” on YouTube.

The 0 Dimension sounds a lot 9D (the Void) and 1D (Pure Light). He describes both as the “I Am”. But 0D is the “Am I?” It is the question that starts everything — that brings everything else into existence. “I Am” is the answer to that, but really it is a question that has no answer. In 0D, there is no beginning, no end, no (+), no (-), no meaning, no purpose, and no answers.

In a more recent interview (November 1, 2022), Matias said that 0D is the beginning of the next level (what some call an octave) of reality. So 0D in the next level is 10D from our current level perspective. It is a transition to the next level/octave, which has its own version of 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, … and 9D. That might explain his talking about 18 Dimensions in the past (see sections [7.5] and [7.6] below).

He uses 0D to discuss the number 144. He says there are 144 aspects / attributes of each being or entity. We are one of 144 aspects/attributes of our higher being (higher self, oversoul, soul group, or whatever name you want to use.) Those 144 are us and our past/future/parallel selves or lives. But there are also 144 aspects within each of us, such as our body, mind, emotions (happy, sad, joy, anger…). And our higher self/oversoul is one of 144 aspects/attributes of its higher being.

These 144 divisions go on above and below us into eternity/infinity. Based on his Nov. 2022 interview, dimensions also probably go on forever into octaves above and below our present 9-Dimensional reality. (Elsewhere, I have heard it is extremely difficult to move from octave to the next.)

Matias says the number 144,000 is a symbol to remind us of the 0 point (0D) origin of our mind, body, and soul. We become the “I Am” when we accept and allow our role as one of the 144 aspects of our higher being. When we do that, we remember all our other 143 parallel selves/lives.

The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao; The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth; The Named is the mother of all things.

There was something undifferentiated and yet complete, Which existed before Heaven and Earth. Soundless and formless it depends on nothing and does not change. It operates everywhere and is free from danger. It may be considered the mother of the universe. I do not know its name; I call it Tao.

All things in the world come from being. And being comes from non-being.

Lao Zi, Tao Te Ching, from verses 1, 25, and 40, source: BBC

[5] The 9 Dimensions as Stages of Awakening & Enlightenment

In his Nov 2022 interview Matias De Stefano described his 9 Dimensions of Spiritual Reality as states or levels of consciousness. As I understand it, these would be:

  • 1st Dimension Consciousness — conscious of only the oneness and unity of manifest existence, no awareness of differentiation within the oneness
  • 2nd Dimension Consciousness — awareness of the polarity of positive (+) and negative (-) energy only, as the basis of all manifest reality
  • 3rd Dimension Consciousness — the experience of the diversity of polarity, including time and space (the 3D experience is required for dimensions higher than 3D to be realized in one’s consciousness)
  • 4th Dimension Consciousness — awareness and understanding of the full pattern or process of time and space (in one entire incarnation, for example)
  • 5th Dimension Consciousness — full awareness and complete understanding of all time and space process experienced in the 3rd Dimension (all one’s incarnations, for example)
  • 6th Dimension Consciousness — developing the conscious ability to transform and change time and space experiences (3D) and incarnations or timelines (4D & 5D); (the 6D experience is required for dimensions higher than 6D to be realized in one’s consciousness)
  • 7th Dimension Consciousness — becoming a God with full ability to create realities (also known as enlightenment)
  • 8th Dimension Consciousness — realization of all time, all knowledge, and all manifest realities (he calls this the Akashic Records)
  • 9th Dimension Consciousness — full knowing of the oneness, the divine, and the “I Am” of all manifest creation, which then leads to the 1st Dimension Consciousness of the next level of manifest creation (the 10th, 11th, 12th… Dimensions)

[6] Different from Others?

There is some overlap between what Matias presents and how others model the spiritual dimensions of reality. The number of dimensions in various models range from 6 to 34 (among those I have seen), but most are in the 7 to 12 range.

Matias emphasizes the purpose of each dimension and how they are all connected, building upon and dependent upon one another. This is less noticeable in other models, which often consider each as a distinct realm.

At their most general levels of description, Matias’s first two dimensions (1D & 2D) and his last two (8D & 9D) are like those found in many other approaches. His specifics vary, especially in the 365-Day Alignment videos, which go into much more detail on how these dimensions work than most others do.

His definition of positive (+) and negative (-) energy forces being a fundamental aspect of 2D seems quite different from how others define the 2nd Dimension. However, this is a matter of perspective, with Matias being focused on “energy”, while others focus on duality as a state of consciousness (“me” and “not me”).

The application of geometry as a defining feature of 3D through 8D differs from most other models that I have seen.

Seeing 3D as “physical reality” is the same for everyone. How the other dimensions created 3D may be his most significant contribution. Others often treat 3D almost as an accident, compared to the “perfection” of higher dimensions.

For Matias, 3D is the “fruit” of the other dimensions — it is the dimension that is most reflective of every other dimension. It has the strongest sense of separation, which makes it the furthest from the oneness of Source/God (1D and 9D). That makes 3D the peak creation of the other dimensions.

That also means 3D is the dimension from which all other dimensions are most accessible, which is a view found in only a few other models.

Most other models define 4D more in terms of the different beings that occupy it. They also emphasize psychic and extra-sensory abilities in 4D. This does not contradict what Matias presents, although he focuses on the specific psychic ability of time travel in 4D.

Many other models put the ability to see and understand entire 3D lifetimes in a higher dimension than 4D where Matias has it. But his emphasis on 4D time makes a lot of sense to me.

5D is very different between what Matias presents and how most others talk about it. Others emphasize “unconditional love” in 5D, rather than “non-judgment”, although they are closely related and it is hard to have one without the other.

Many New Age spiritualists see 5D as “Heaven on Earth” and many (based on Facebook posts) believe that they are already in a 5D consciousness because of their feelings of unconditional love. Perhaps they have truly mastered “space” and “time”, as Matias describes, and can fully remember, re-experience, and integrate their many incarnations. I have my doubts.

I created the table below ⬇ for an article on Earth’s ascension from 3D to 4D/5D. I include it here to compare Matias with a few different perspectives on the spiritual dimensions of reality. It only covers 3D, 4D, and 5D, but I think it is clear enough. Matias’ ideas are in the Space & Time row.

(click table to enlarge)

Beyond 5D, there are no common agreements among New Age spiritual models of reality. The wide range of numbers of dimensions used by different teachings complicates this. The most common are 7 and 12 dimensions. But they range from 5 to 144 and far beyond that.

Matias’s descriptions of 6D and 7D are roughly similar to other 9 dimensional models. It mostly depends on how we rank the level of enlightenment of different beings for whom we have little objective knowledge.

Most spiritual dimensional models place something like the Akashic Records (8D) in the 2nd highest dimension, just before the “void” dimension of God/Source (9D for Matias). That 2nd highest dimension is also known as the “Universal Soul”, the “Universal Mind”, and “Superconsciousness”, among other terms.

His 0D could be a higher level of 9D, if that is possible. Otherwise, it would be something different from what others conceptualize. He certainly goes into greater detail on it than I have heard anywhere else.

[7] Notes, Sources, & Related Items

[7.1] I originally based this article on Matias De Stefano’s Initiation series on Gaia TV in 2020. That series (which requires a subscription to watch) has much more information on the 9 dimensions than I provide here.

[7.2] In March 2021, Matias discussed the 9 dimensions of reality as part of his 365-Day Alignment series on YouTube. These videos are in both Spanish and English. I have included information from this series in the article above. Here are links to each of the dimensions in this YouTube series: 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D, 8D, 9D. The last 15-20 minutes of each video is an alignment meditation for that dimension. — In March 2022, someone released the same videos as above the Spanish portions edited out, so he is only speaking English (for English listeners). Here are the links to that series on YouTube: Intro+1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D, 8D, 9D, 0D. Also, this link is a a 2hr 14min long video compilation of all the English portions of the alignment meditations from the 9 (or 10?) YouTube videos from March 2021. — The video talks linked above were each based on channeled material from the “I Am”. That material is on his blog (yosoy.red) and contains additional information that I have not included in the article above. Maybe, someday, I will get to it. But in the meantime, here are the blog links: 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D, 8D, 9D, 0D. These were originally in Spanish, but show up in English on my computer. You can translate the blogs into 17 languages. — Matias ended each video above with a guided meditation to experience or connect with each dimension. Someone compiled his 9 dimensional alignment meditations into a single 2hr 14min long video (on YouTube). It only includes the English portion of the meditations.

[7.3] ⬇ In this recording (37min on YouTube), Matias De Stefano describes in a different way how 1D created 3D reality and how we need to integrate and fully accept/allow/understand the extremes of 3D to move to 4D and 5D. The other 9 dimensions are also covered, but in less detail.

[7.4] ⬇ I wrote the following as a kind of follow-up to the article above, focusing specifically on how Matias views 3D as Space and 4D as Time. These are the two dimensions that I think affect us the most in our Earth incarnation.

[7.5] ⬇ The link below is to the English translation (text) of a video of Matias De Stefano in 2009 when he was a young 22 years old. The original “Total Recall” video is in Spanish (he spoke no English then) and is on YouTube with subtitles (I think this is it). Among many other topics, he speaks of at least 18 dimensions. He either revised his thinking on that or maybe trimmed it down to fit the Gaia TV format better.

[7.6] ⬇ In the 2 videos below a young Matias talks of 22 dimensions. The YouTube channel that this video appears on has translated many Matias presentations from Spanish when he was younger and did not yet speak English. The first is 13 minutes long and describes 11 dense and 11 light dimensions. The second is 14.5 minutes and talks about the chakras and dimensions. I have not integrated these older ideas into the article above.

Because of his growing popularity, many videos of presentations by Matias are being released at the end of 2021 and into 2022. There is a lot of overlap between them. And there are a few contradictions between the older videos (a younger Matias) and the newer ones. In each one, though, he seems to present something new.

On contradictions you might find, Matias says that what he presents is not the absolute truth. It is one slice or version of the truth, based on his memories of Atlantean Egypt and Sirian incarnations. If that slice resonates with you, then great. If not, then that is OK as well.


  • For more on the Spiritual Dimensions of Reality, see this collection of articles. Note that the articles in this collection are behind the Medium paywall. For paywall-free access to my articles, go to www.AlanLew.com, linked below.


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