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The web content discusses the concept of spiritual awakening and ascension through the dimensions of space (3D) and time (4D), drawing on the teachings of Matias De Stefano and other spiritual teachers.


The article delves into the spiritual dimensions of reality, emphasizing the 3rd and 4th dimensions as taught by Matias De Stefano. It explains how humans experience space in the 3rd Dimension and time in the 4th Dimension, with insights into how these concepts relate to the popular New Age book "Be Here Now." The text explores the flexibility of space and the more rigid nature of time in 3D, contrasting it with the fluidity of time in 4D, which allows for experiences such as dream travel, out-of-body experiences, and psychic phenomena. It also touches on the spiritual ascension process, suggesting that mastery of these dimensions leads to growth and the ability to create and alter timelines, ultimately preparing one for the 5th Dimension.


  • The author aligns with Matias De Stefano's view that space is mastered in the 3rd Dimension and time in the 4th Dimension, reflecting the essence of the phrase "Be Here Now."
  • There is an agreement with the idea that while space is intuitively understood and navigated by humans in 3D, time is more challenging to grasp and manipulate.
  • The article suggests that time becomes more malleable in the 4th Dimension, allowing for a broader range of experiences and the development of psychic abilities.
  • The author and Matias De Stefano share the perspective that a high vibrational state can protect one from lower vibrational thought forms encountered in 4D.
  • The text conveys the opinion that humanity is collectively ascending to higher dimensions, with individuals at various stages of this spiritual journey.
  • There is an emphasis on the importance of overcoming barriers in 3D space as part of our earthly learning experience.
  • The author implies that the future holds the potential for humans to learn 4D travel and consciousness, akin to the abilities attributed to extraterrestrial beings.
  • The article presents the concept of timelines as a 4D construct that individuals can learn to navigate and influence as they evolve spiritually.
  • It is suggested that dreams are a significant way in which we create our reality and that they occur in the 4th Dimension.
  • The author endorses the notion that Earth itself may be transitioning to a higher dimensional reality, with various interpretations of what this entails for 3D and 4D existence.

Spiritual Awakening & Ascension

“Be Here Now” Means to Master Space (3D) & Time (4D)

[Updated April 4, 2022] New insights on the spiritual 3rd & 4th dimensions based on the teachings of Matias De Stefano.

by Hans Kylberg (Flikr.com, cc-by)

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Navigating Space & Navigating Time

As humans, we live in a reality that is structured by Time and Space.

  • We know space by watching things, including ourselves, move from one place to another.
  • We know space by occupying our bodies, our homes, and our communities.
  • We know space through the mental maps we hold of our world.
  • We know time by seeing the seconds pass on a clock.
  • We know time by seeing ourselves and our world change with age.
  • We know time through our individual and shared memories and histories.

In an article that I recently completed, I described how the young spiritual teacher, Matias De Stefano, says that we

  • learn to navigate Space in the 3rd Dimension, and
  • learn to navigate Time in the 4th Dimension.

I love this way of defining 3D and 4D. And I love how it reflects the title of the famous New Age book by Baba Ram Das (as he was called back in the early 1970s): “Be Here Now”. Now is Time, and Here is Space.


3D as the Dimension of ‘Space’

Space is formed from duality. It is the feeling or sensing that one thing is separate from another. That separation is what we call space.

Space is the first creation of the universe. In the oneness of the single point of the 1st Dimension, (1D) there is no space. Space first appears in the duality of the 2nd Dimension (2D) where the separation of 2 points gives a sense of space.

But it is not until the 3rd Dimension (3D) that we can measure the separation of those two points from the perspective of a third point. That measurement allows the full expression and exploration/experience of space. (It also gives rise to a sense of time, as discussed below.)

The 3rd Dimension (3D) is our physical experience here on Earth. Probably the most common 3D definition is that it is physical reality, where objects have length, width, and height. All physical things have those dimensions.

But, as humans, we experience both Time and Space on our 3D Earth. Being in Space is so common that we do not even notice it.

When thinking about Be Here Now, the Here is the easy part. Spiritual teachers, like Ram Das and Eckhart Tolle (author of The Power of Now), spend almost all their time talking about Now because it is more difficult.

The reason is that Time seems more fixed in 3D. We are always moving forward in time and it is impossible to stop time or to move backward in time (at least with our present technology).

Space is very flexible for us. We love moving through space, from one place to another, and occupying one place or another. We love to hold and examine 3D objects because of the many complex ways they show their length, width, and height dimensions.

We learn about our physical world and our reality by varying and exploring 3D spaces. That is easy, unless barriers prevent us from moving.

Border and boundary controls, lack of money, health issues, pandemic policies, phobias and fears, and competition from others are all barriers that can keep us from moving freely in 3D space. Learning to overcome those kinds of barriers is one thing we came to Earth to do. (The Law of Attraction is one way that we learn that — through creating our reality.)

When we overcome those barriers, we travel. And we love to travel, because that is why we are here. I have discussed this concept more in these two articles: - How to Create Your Reality — Explore Your World, Explore Your Mind - We Travel Because It Expands Our Global Consciousness

Another way to think of this is that in 3D, we are Space, and we are Learning the basics of Time. We are comfortable with space. Space is natural and intuitive for us — and, again, we even take it for granted. That is because we are spatial beings in 3D.

But time is more nebulous. We live through diurnal (daily), lunar (monthly) and solar (annual) cycles. But unless we are incredibly intuitive (or psychic), we need to exert considerable intellectual thinking power to manage those time cycles.

So we create clocks, calendars, and astrological systems to learn the elementary school basics of time while in the 3rd Dimension.

In the 4th Dimension, we graduate to high school Time. And in the 5th Dimension, we are doing university-level Time work. (Of course, those are just analogies that may not be perfect.)

by Adam Meek (Flikr.com, cc-by)

4D as the Dimension of ‘Time’

The 4th Dimension has several definitions. But the most well-known definition comes from physics and is that 4D adds the dimension of “Time” to the three dimensions in 3D (height, width, & depth).

Davidya Buckland says time is the experience or sense of change. Along with duality, change is a fundamental aspect of manifest reality. Everything is always changing in some way.

There are two ways that we sense time/change: (1) Moving through space from one point/thing to another. (2) Watching one point/thing evolve.

As noted above, space first emerged in the duality of the 2nd Dimension and reached its full expression in the 3rd Dimension. Time first emerges in the ability to contrast and compare (measure) things in 3D. As we move from one point to another, we experience time. As we watch something change (grow old) we experience time.

Time reaches its full expression in the 4th Dimension (4D). Most spiritual teachers who talk about dimensions agree that time is much more flexible in 4D than it is in 3D. For example, a 4D being or consciousness can instantly envision and experience the past and future, along with the present. (You can do that in a lucid dream, as well.)

That ability allows them to appear instantly anywhere in the universe and at any point in time in the universe. Most extraterrestrial (ET) beings travel using 4D technologies/consciousness, even those who are physical like us. Humans on Earth will learn how to do this in the future.

By learning to move through time in 4D, we are also learning how Timelines work. We are learning how to change and create timelines. Some say 5D is where we master that skill and start learning how to create new incarnations and timelines with it.

For New Age spiritualists, 4D is more commonly known as a “non-physical reality”. Our dreams mostly take place in the 4th Dimension, along with out-of-body experiences, past life regressions, inner child work, and contact with ETs/alien beings.

I sometimes like to think of 4D as being similar to 3D, except everyone has superpowers. But in reality, these are all ways of learning how to effectively use time and timelines.

Timelines are another topic that I have considerable interest in. I talk more about them several articles found in this collection:

On an interesting side note, Matias De Stefano says “purely 4D beings” (with no physical body and no 3D incarnation experiences) cannot directly experience space. They do not know what it is like to move through a landscape or hold a 3D physical object. They do not have a hard and solid physical body like we have.

That reminds me of when Jane Roberts channeled Seth (1960s-1984), who was probably a 6D or 7D entity. Seth would often have her look out the window at the street and trees below in different seasons because that was a 3D experience that he missed in his higher dimensional incarnation.

So there are advantages and disadvantages in both 3D and 4D.

You choose the city or state or country in which you live. No one forces you to stay there unless you are looking for an excuse to remain. So you choose your psychic land as well. You can travel from one psychic land to another as you can journey into other parts of the physical world. — Seth/Jane Roberts, “The Unknown Reality, volume 2”, section 6, session 733 January 27, 1975

Spiritual Ascension

According to Matias, we ascend to 4D when we have experienced as much 3D diversity as possible, and have completed our soul’s purpose in 3D.

In 4D, we use the flexibility of time to revisit our many 3D incarnations to learn the overall purpose of each. Once we accomplished that, then we can ascend to the 5th Dimension.

Seth (channeled by Jane Roberts) described spiritual ascension and time differently:

Past and future exist at once. Yet, in your terms of time, you are often in periods where you appear more influenced by the past. You are moving into a period where you are becoming more influenced by the future, in those terms, drawn by an impetus you feel but can not consciously elucidate as yet. — Seth (Jane Roberts), The Personal Sessions, Book 3, Aug 22, 1977

To be more influenced by the past (by what is known) is a 3D state of consciousness that we are very familiar with. Again, we take it for granted that the past defines who we are today.

To be more influenced by the future (by the unknown) is a 4D state of consciousness. It is how we create our own reality. Seth says we create our reality mostly in our dreams, which is the 4th Dimension.


Other Understandings of 4D

While somewhat different, Matias De Stefano’s approach does not totally contradict what others say about the 4th Dimension. The two most common descriptions of 4D are:

  1. 4D is the realm of lower vibration or frequency thought forms. Evil aliens and parasitic demons exist here. And interplanetary galactic wars are fought in 4D. Because of that, it needs to be avoided at all costs. — Matias (and many others) say that we can avoid these low-level thought forms easily if our 3D vibration is high enough (more love-based and less fear-based) before we enter 4D consciousness.
  2. Another approach sees 4D as the realm of psychic and ESP abilities. I believe psychic abilities aspects of the flexibility of time in 4D. Thus, when we work on developing psychic abilities in 3D, we are expanding our 4D consciousness.

For more understandings of 3D, 4D, and 5D, see also the table in the Related section, below.

For more on psychic abilities and ascension, see:

Questions for You…

  1. So how are you doing with your 3D lessons on space? Don’t you just love the diversity of places and people in our neighborhoods, cities, countries, and globe? That is what you are here to relish in every way!
  2. And how are you doing with your 4D time travels? Maybe you are just barely getting started exploring your psychic and higher mental abilities. Or maybe you are a long way along that path, helping to ascend our entire planet to a higher dimension. Either way, we are all cooperating to make this the best planet and universe possible.
by Luke Hayfield (Flikr.com, cc-by)


  • For more on Matias De Stefano’s perspective on the spiritual dimensions of reality, see:
  • I created the table below ⬇ for an article on Earth’s ascension from 3D to 4D/5D. I include it here to show some other perspectives on 3D and 4D, beyond Space and Time. In this table, the Space & Time row is based on Matias De Stefano’s teachings (as the article above), although Rudolph Steiner (1861–1925) also defines them as space and time. The others are very different.
(click table to enlarge)
  • In physics, 4D is “spacetime”. In 3D space and time are relative — no two measurements of space or time are ever exactly the same. But in theoretical 4D spacetime, space and time are fixed (not relative) because all space is one space and all time is one time. In comparison to our 3D experience, 4D spacetime is timeless and spaceless. For more on that see:
  • For more on the spiritual dimensions of reality, see:
  • Here (⬇️) is my collections of articles on the Spiritual Dimensions of Reality. Note that the articles in this collection are behind the Medium paywall. For paywall-free access to my articles, go to www.AlanLew.com, linked below.


  • I am not financially affiliated with any of the people or products discussed in this article.
  • I appreciate comments, questions, and typo corrections. - See the About link in my Medium profile for contact information and related articles.
  • Written in collaboration with my Energy Group/Higher Self. This is our perspective of the truth and not the whole truth of reality.

My Medium writings are available “paywall free” at www.AlanLew.com:

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