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The website content discusses the concept of joining the "Galactic Federation of Worlds," outlining the steps for individual membership and the potential benefits of such affiliation, as channeled by an entity named Elan.


The article delves into the idea of Earth's evolution being influenced by a group of extraterrestrial beings known as the Galactic Federation of Worlds. It provides an overview of recent media coverage and scientific discussions on the topic of extraterrestrial life, including statements from a former Israeli space security chief and a Harvard astronomer. The core of the piece focuses on the teachings of Elan, a channeled alien from the Orion constellation, who offers guidance on how individuals can join the Federation. Elan outlines five key principles that individuals must adopt to become members, which include unconditional love, recognizing synchronicity, following one's excitement with integrity, understanding the symbolic nature of events, and creating reality from the present moment. The article suggests that adhering to these principles could lead to personal and global spiritual advancement, potentially allowing Earth to become a full member of the Galactic Federation.


  • The author views the concept of the Galactic Federation as a serious proposition, not merely a publicity stunt or a joke.
  • There is an opinion that mainstream society and scientific communities are beginning to take the idea of extraterrestrial life more seriously.
  • The article implies that individual transformation, through adopting the five principles, is a pathway to collective evolution and potential membership in the Galactic Federation.
  • The author believes that by following the principles outlined by Elan, individuals can not only interact with the Galactic Federation but also contribute to a shift in global consciousness.
  • The piece suggests that skepticism exists within the scientific community regarding the existence of extraterrestrial life and its interaction with Earth.
  • There is an underlying belief that the past and future are shaped by our present actions and perceptions, emphasizing the importance of being present.
  • The author seems to hold the view that the spiritual teachings provided by channeled entities like Elan are credible and valuable for personal and planetary growth.

Awakening & Global Ascension

Time to Join the “Galactic Federation of Worlds”

[Updated April 2, 2023] Individual membership is easy, according to one channeled entity, and well worthwhile!

by Robert Couse-Baker

Non-Medium subscribers can access this full article here.

The former head of Israel’s space security program received a lot of media coverage for a book he published in 2020 by claiming that extraterrestrials have been working with the US and Israeli governments. Here are a couple of articles covering that story:

Most commentators treated it as a joke and a publicity stunt. But not all alien news stories in recent years have been a joke. But in early 2021, a highly respected Harvard University astronomer also suggested that there is good evidence for at least one alien visitation in the past few years.

Despite his exemplary credentials, he was also ridiculed by his scientific colleagues.

Even the US government is more open to these ideas. In June 2021, they released classified files documenting unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) phenomenon.

Possibly because of that release, UAP citings reported to the US government increased significantly in 2022.

New Age spiritualists and Ufologists have long been hoping for full “alien disclosure”, either by our governments or by aliens themselves. Every year, someone claims that this will finally be the year that alien visitations will be accepted worldwide as a common aspect of Earth’s reality.

Even though they do not have irrefutable proof, most people believe that aliens exist, as in this 2015 poll of US, UK, and German respondents:

How to Join the Galactic Federation

New Age ufologists, channelers, and others desire alien disclosure so that our Earth can become an equal member of the Galactic Federation of Planets. The Federation is an alien grouping that influences and guides our Earth’s evolution, as well as that of our Milky Way Galaxy. (Note that different people define that group in different ways.)

One of my favorite channeled aliens is “Elan”, who is from the planet “Essessani” in the Orion constellation. He was channeled by Andrew Bayuk in the late 1980s and 1990s.

Elan titled one of his messages: “Re-Member the Association” (posted to YouTube on May 13, 2018). In it, he instructs how to join the “Association of Worlds” as an individual, as opposed to planetary membership of our entire Earth. I am sure his Association is the same as the Federation.

According to Elan, to become an individual member of this group, all you need to do is to “act as an Association member.” To do that requires adopting these 5 characteristics:

1 — Hold Unconditional Love Toward Yourself and Others

You start by loving yourself unconditionally — “no matter what, I will love myself”. Once you do that, then you extend your unconditional love to others.

You cannot fake unconditional love. But you can nurture it by realizing that both you and everyone (and everything) that you encounter are always performing at the highest and best that they are capable of.

For more on #1, see:

2 — Recognize Everything as Synchronicity, and Act that Way

Synchronicity is the perception that random events are meaningful and purposeful. It is applying #1-Love of Self and Others to time and events. Whatever happens is perfect, just as it is. We may best know that when we experience “flow” and “being in the zone”. Elan wants us to be more aware that we are always in the zone, and everything that happens to us has meaning and purpose.

For more on #2, see:

3 — From All that is Available at Any Given Moment, Do What Excites You the Most with Integrity

To do what excites you the most is a fairly common recommendation in New Age spirituality. “Excitement” is an energy that moves us to a higher vibration or state of mind. When we are doing things we like, we are in the zone (see #2 above).

Elan emphasized that the action must be done with integrity. By that, he means we are not doing it simply for “ego” excitement, but because it is what thrills our soul. Elan suggests that sometimes the most exciting thing may not seem all that exciting, but if it is the best you can do at that moment, then do it.

For more on the differences between the outer-ego and inner-ego (or soul-self), see:

4 — Know that Everything and Every Event in Your Reality is a Set of Props with No Built-in Meaning

This may sound like the opposite of #2-Synchronicity. But it actually builds on that. It is that idea that everything is of equal value and importance from the perspective of the universe. We supply the meaning, especially when using labels like “good/positive” or “bad/negative”. That is how we shape our experience of our world, and how we create our reality. But it is also the basis of holding unconditional love for everything (#2 above).

For a perspective on #4, see:

5 — The Present is Not the Result of the Past — You create the Past and Future in the Present

You always create from the present moment because it is the only time that ever exists and that you ever experience. The past is always a memory, and, along with the future, we never directly experience it. All events are occurring right now.

Elan goes further to say that the past has no effect in the present other than what we assign, as in #4, above. That may be difficult to grasp from our Earth-based 3rd Dimensional experience. But even our 3D sciences are coming to realize the unreality of time.

For more on #5 see:

These five principles are not really that hard — except that they upend everything we are taught about how to relate to others, to ourselves, to our feelings, to time, and to our world.

The hard part is finding your own path that is independent of what your social world has taught you.

Advantages of Individual Membership

According to Elan, as an individual member of the Galactic Federation you might be able to see and interact with other Federation members “out of the corner of your eye”. And Federation members from other worlds can also see and interact with you.

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In addition, by adopting the 5 membership principles above, you also show your friends and others what is possible. In that way, you help shift global consciousness to a higher level. (I try to do this through the Medium articles I write, as well as through the various spiritual practices that I participate in.)

It is possible for the entire planet to join the Galactic Federation / Association of Worlds by shifting en masse to these 5 principles. That is a goal for more people on the planet today than ever before.

Such a shift would vibrationally move the planet into a higher spiritual dimension in which contact and communication with extraterrestrial societies would become common, and civilization on other planets in our solar system and beyond would become visible and accessible.

See, for example:

Whether or not we directly interact with the Association of Worlds or the Galactic Federation, following the 5 principles of Unconditional Love, Synchronicity, Excitement, Equanimity, and Being Present would be of enormous benefit to ourselves, our loved ones, and to our planet.


  • Some humor ⬇️ …

Yes, we probably have a long ways to go before our whole planet will be welcomed as a member of the Galactic Federation! But at least people are talking about it!

  • Here are a couple of articles of mine that are closely related to what I wrote above…
  • For more on the Spiritual Dimensions of Reality, see this collection of articles:
  • For more on Spiritual Awakenings, see this collection of articles:
  • Note that the articles in the 2 collections above are behind the Medium paywall. For paywall-free access to my articles, go to www.AlanLew.com, linked below.


  • I am not financially affiliated with any of the people or products discussed in this article.
  • I appreciate comments, questions, and typo corrections. - See the About link in my Medium profile for contact information and related articles.
  • Written in collaboration with my Energy Group/Higher Self. This is our perspective of the truth and not the whole truth of reality.

My Medium writings are available “paywall free” at www.AlanLew.com:

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