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A Reader Q&A

How December 21, 2020 Showed Me What I Believe About the World

[Updated Dec 22, 2020] Creating a new reality with this year’s Winter Solstice.

by Alice Popkorn

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After one of my meditations today, I looked at my phone and saw the following email:

Hi, Do you have any information about the December 21 ascension to 5D? I read your blog post. Thanks, C.

Part 1 — A Simple Answer from Me:

A SIMPLE answer to your question is that some channelers say that the Earth will, finally, enter the 4th/5th Dimension on December 21, 2020. As we have been getting closer to that date, however, more channelers are saying that it will be the “start” of the transition to the 4th/5th Dimension (the Age of Aquarius).

How long the transition will take seems to be wild speculation, with some channelers saying one year (by the end of 2021), and others saying 100 to 1000 years. Mostly, it depends on how one defines the Age of Aquarius and the 4th/5th Dimension — the bigger the change, the longer it will take. [Note that 4D and 5D are defined quite differently across various teachings.]

It seems to me that more and more people across the planet are interested in awakening, in 4D technologies/skills, and in ascension. In my opinion, this is a key indicator of the overall ascension of the planet, although it can also get confusing.

I am personally not expecting a huge change the day after December 21, 2020. For me, 2020 alone was an enormous shift in global consciousness. 2021 (and beyond) will be a year of coming into balance, of integrating what is new with what remains of the old. I don’t know how that is going to work, but I think the best we can do is to stay positive.

Part 2 — A Deeper Answer from My Higher Self/Energy Group:

FIRST let us state two fundamental truths that apply across all time, all space, and all dimensions/densities of reality:

(1) There are no accidents — everything is interrelated — everything has a purpose.

There are no accidents. Everything and every event in the universe that you know and experience is related to everything else, and to every other event that you are aware of. All things and all events have purpose and meaning, which also means that they are each a teacher that you can, potentially, tap into for a deeper understanding of yourself and your universe.

(2) You create your own reality that is shared with everything else.

You created your own reality. This is true. But you also share the reality you create with every person and object that is part of your perception. This takes place in a play of subconscious cooperation that is beyond anything that your human mind can truly understand. But you do not need to understand it, just trust it. Also, you have free will to select which reality, among an infinite range of potentially shared realities, you want to incorporate into your own experience.

by David Reeves

WITH those two concepts in mind, in your shared reality, December 21, 2020, has been created to stand out as a marker or indicator of changes that are taking place across the world and universe that you know. Your question alone indicates that you have selected this event to be a marker in your shared universe of experience. (Many people on the planet are unaware of any significance to that date, other than it being the Winter Solstice.)

At a minimum, it will mark a symbolic end to the 2020 year of transformation. At a maximum, it will mark the actual start of the Age of Aquarius, and all of the Heaven on Earth ideas associated with that astrological and astronomical concept.

Listen to what your shared universe tells you about this marker in time. You may hear many stories about this marker and what it will bring to your experience of Earth and beyond. Many will be contradictory, but all will be true, in a reality somewhere. (Remember that realities are infinite.)

Every one of those stories has a message for you, even if it is only to help you to better discern for yourself right from wrong, good from bad, and true from false.

Contradictory interpretations and stories also tell you that you are in a moment point in time where multiple timelines are coalescing, of which you have the option to choose one over another. Normally only one of these timelines will emerge for you once things settle out.

You have free will to determine which timeline and truth will be your experience from the potential December 21, 2020 stories that you come across. So choose carefully those stories (vibrations) that align with your core beliefs (vibrations).

Note that sometimes your true/core beliefs are deep and difficult to discern, and may give you results that contradict your more surface/superficial beliefs (those that you hear from others, not yourself). This is just another lesson on the need to go deeper into yourself (perhaps through meditation, or perhaps some other way).

In the end, everything that you are aware of and have knowledge of at any point in time is a reflection of your beliefs — whether you like them or not. And that is true for December 21, 2020, as well.

You are the artist, painting your reality with your beliefs.

HERE are a couple of quotes from Seth (Jane Roberts) that I think are relevant to this topic:

“…if you think of daily life as an ever-moving three-dimensional painting with you as the artist, then you will realize that as your beliefs change so will your experience. You must accept the idea completely, however, that your beliefs form your experience. Discard those beliefs that are not bringing you those effects you want.” — The Nature of Personal Reality, chapter 4, session 622, October 18, 1972


“Each person alive helps paint the living picture of civilization as it exists at any given time, in your terms. Be your own best artist. Your thoughts, feelings and expectations are like the living brush strokes with which you paint your corner of life’s landscape. If you do your best in your own life, then you are indeed helping improve the quality of ALL life.” —The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, chapter 10, session 873, August 15, 1979

Part 3 — Experiencing & Creating “December 21, 2020”

[Added Dec 15, 2020 - Back to just me, again. Someone asked me how to deal with the intense emotional and physical sensations of this 2020 Winter Solstice period. While I am not an expert on such things, here are some non-channeled thoughts that some might find helpful.]

source: unknown

As we get closer to December 21, 2020, the discussions in various spiritual awakening groups on Facebook have ramped up, both about that date and how it is impacting people, often in a negative way.

At one level, what people are feeling these days is a combination of the annual winter-time blues (shorter, darker, colder days, at least in the northern hemisphere), the seemingly unending virus situation that is now upending many Christmas and New Years traditions across the globe, continuing political uncertainty in the US, and an unusual Winter Solstice planetary alignment.

At a more spiritual level are the many channeled beings who are telling us about the Earth’s ascension to a higher dimensional frequency (which is something that we have been told almost every year for the past decade, by the way.)

All of those things together are a lot to deal with, making this year’s Winter Solstice possibly the most intense that any of us can remember.

It is often taught that the deeper the darkness, the brighter will be the light at the other end. If true, then the intensity we are all feeling (including myself) can only be an indication of the great belief that we have in the potential of this event to create a new reality!

And that is what our focus should be on — creating a new planet.

Creating a new planet means creating a new you because the planet that you experience is a mirror of your own inner self. Staying ascension-focused is the only way that we can create that new reality.

Remember your goal, and remember that those darker feelings have a purpose. Do not resist them. Embrace them through meditations, rest, baths, meditative music/sounds, listening to positive teachers. The same kind of things that can help us individually to get through this period of uncertainty, will also help the planet to ascend.

Remember that you create your own reality (re-read the Seth quote above).

I think we will see the light in 2021. By the end of January, things will be starting to look pretty good — at least that is what I feel (no guarantees!).


  • I had the following lucid meditation on the afternoon of December 21, 2020:
  • We (my guides and I) recently re-wrote and expanded an older article, which I think is especially geared towards understanding how to create a New Earth:
  • To see a collection of my Interactions with Readers & Others articles, see. Note that the articles in this collection are behind the Medium paywall. For paywall-free access to my articles, go to www.AlanLew.com, linked below.


  • Comments, questions, and typo corrections are appreciated. - See the About link in my Medium profile for contact information and related articles

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