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The website content describes a spiritual meditation experience where the author, Alan Lew, receives guidance from a Pleiadian entity named Adelle, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a high heart vibration to contribute to the creation of a New Earth aligned with ideals of cooperation, efficient resource distribution, and universal acceptance of diverse beliefs.


During a lucid meditation on the December 21, 2020 Winter Solstice, Alan Lew encounters a Pleiadian guide named Adelle, who appears as a pink crystal female energy form. Adelle imparts the message that sustaining the highest vibration of love in one's heart is crucial for manifesting a New Earth. This New Earth is envisioned as a place where governments operate through cooperation, businesses prioritize resource distribution based on needs, and religions embrace the diversity of truths. The vision for this new realm is based on affirmations and a lecture by theosophy teacher William Meader. Adelle also reveals that Alan has a past or parallel life on a planet similar to this envisioned New Earth and that his role is to bring knowledge and energy to support Earth's transition. The article further updates that Adelle revisited Alan with additional insights about the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021, which are detailed in a subsequent meditation experience. The author provides context for these experiences, linking to related meditations and emphasizing the spiritual significance of these encounters for global ascension and a New Earth.


  • The author believes in the concept of a "New Earth" that can be shaped by individual and collective heart vibrations.
  • Governments should ideally function on cooperation rather than competition.
  • Businesses should measure success by how efficiently they distribute resources based on need.
  • Religions should acknowledge that all beliefs contain elements of truth and celebrate the diversity of life.
  • The author suggests that maintaining a high vibration of love is the most important action one can take to contribute to the creation of a New Earth.
  • The author values the insights received from spiritual guides during lucid meditations and considers them relevant and impactful for personal and collective spiritual growth.
  • The experiences shared are presented as part of a broader narrative of

A Message on the December 21, 2020 Winter Solstice

“Keep this Heart Vibration to Create a New Earth”

[Updated Dec 24, 2020] Guidance for us from the Pleiades during a lucid meditation.

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Hold the highest vibration of love in your heart that you are capable of at all times. — Adelle

THEY do not use “names” in her dimension, but she said I could call her “Adelle” because that vibrated closest to what and who she is.

I saw her as a pink crystal female energy form. Her body was like a glowing pink quartz crystal with a very slight indication of a possible human shaped body surrounding it and wearing thin robes that flowed in her energy field. I could not make out details well beyond that because she glowed so brightly.

I had asked for a guide to appear who was different from my normal guides and I certainly got that with Adelle.

by Glenn Lascuna

I had entered this guided meditation with a strong focus on expanding my heart, and her message to me was to “keep this heart vibration to create a New Earth.”

She said that the New Earth that this vibration would bring would align with my desires. The desires she pointed to were those that I have listed in the past as affirmations of what I would like to see in a New Earth, and include:

  • For Governments: Cooperation, rather than competition, would define how well they operate.
  • For Businesses: Efficient Resource Distribution based on Needs would define how successful they are.
  • For Religions: The universal acceptance that All Beliefs have Truth and None has All the Truth, and celebrating the diversity of life based on that.

(These based on a lecture I heard earlier in 2020 by the theosophy teacher, William Meader.)

Cat Eye Nebula — NASA Hubble

Adelle then took me to what I think was the Pleiades — it was not clear, but felt like that — where a planet similar to Earth exists and already has these characteristics.

She said that I have a past / parallel life on that planet. I am here on Earth at this time to bring my knowledge and energy from that other planet to support the current transition to a New Earth.

To do this, the most important thing to do is to Hold the Highest Vibration of Love in My Heart that I am Capable of at All Times. I do not need to do anything else…

Love and Blessings to all on this December 21, 2020 day of the Winter Solstice and the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius.

[Update Dec 24, 2020:] Adelle visited me again in lucid meditation on Dec 23rd (two days later), with an expanded message about the end of 2020 and the coming of 2021.


MY first trip to the Pleiades occurred in another “lucid meditation” in which I brought back a very similar message for our Planet Earth. I tell that story here:

I refer to these types of meditation experiences as “lucid meditations”. Sometimes they are more like a “lucid dreams”, as in that first trip to the Pleiades. My wife says I look like I have fallen asleep when that happens. However, I have also heard that when we are out of body like that, the body can do whatever it wants, and sleeping is an option.

This second trip to the Pleiades (with Adelle, as described above) was more like a “lucid day dream” — the images were more hazy and less intense, and I had to consciously keep my ego mind at bay to allow the experience and messages to clearly come through, which they did.

This experience with Adelle came after I had already done close to 1.5 hours of two different types of meditations back-to-back on this Winter Solstice afternoon. The first was a guided meditation with a strong heart-centered focus. The second was a self regulated mantra meditation without any focus.

I met Adelle in my third afternoon meditation, which was a guided meditation specifically intended to bring a spiritual guide forward (see Notes below). Being guided like that may be why it felt more like a “lucid day dream”.


  • The lucid meditation experience described here was brought on through a guided meditation that was part of the weekly Lincoln Gergar — Higher Self Inner Circle, which is a paid spiritual teaching and community that I participated in. In February 2021, Lincoln was in this video (link to YouTube) which is a similar meditation focused on ETs. You can change “ET” to the “Akashic Records”, “Archangels”, your “Higher Self”, of anything else that you might want to connect to.
  • For more on Global Ascension & A New Earth, see this collection of articles. Note that the articles in this collection are behind the Medium paywall. For paywall-free access to my articles, go to www.AlanLew.com, linked below.


  • I am not financially affiliated with any of the people or products discussed in this article.
  • I appreciate comments, questions, and typo corrections. - See the About link in my Medium profile for contact information and related articles.
  • Written in collaboration with my Energy Group/Higher Self. This is our perspective of the truth and not the whole truth of reality.

My Medium writings are available “paywall free” at www.AlanLew.com:

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