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The website content provides a spiritualist perspective on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, emphasizing the importance of inner transformation and global unity in response to the invasion.


The article "The Ukraine Invasion: A Spiritualist Perspective & Response" offers an in-depth exploration of how spiritualists can navigate the complexities of the Russia-Ukraine war. It discusses various interpretations of the conflict, including its representation as a manifestation of humanity's collective shadows or an integration of spiritual and physical realities. The piece emphasizes the role of meditation, unconditional love, and the recognition of oneness in addressing global challenges. It also presents channeled messages and guided meditations to help readers find their spiritual center amidst the violence and darkness of the invasion. The author, Alan Lew, encourages a balanced approach to spiritual activism, advocating for both inner development and practical responses to the crisis, while also cautioning against spiritual bypassing.


  • The invasion is seen as either the last shadow or the first of many to be acknowledged as humanity spiritually ascends.
  • Some spiritualists view the conflict as an integration process merging non-physical spiritual reality with the physical.
  • Another perspective interprets the invasion as a prelude to the apocalypse and the emergence of a New Earth.
  • There is criticism of the hypocrisy in the selective condemnation of conflicts, highlighting a bias towards events closer to home or involving similar populations.
  • A common spiritual solution proposed is to meditate on peace and to embody the higher self's qualities of unconditional love, cooperation, and compassion.
  • The article suggests that the conflict is a catalyst for global unity and a shift in human consciousness.
  • The author's Energy Group/Higher Self advises maintaining a heart-centered energy and understanding that darkness is not an enemy but a tool for global awakening.
  • The content advocates for a non-violent approach, stating that killing can never be justified from a spiritual perspective.
  • The piece encourages readers to create a positive story that aligns with the perfection of the universe, rather than focusing on judgment and polarities.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of balancing the higher self with the 3D ego-self in the context of spiritual activism.

Spiritual Activism

The Ukraine Invasion: A Spiritualist Perspective & Response

[Updated April 7, 2022] How to find your spiritual center amid the violence & darkness of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A gift from a Ukrainian graduate student, which is among my favorite hats. (photo by Alan Lew, author, cc-by)

Non-Medium subscribers can access this full article here.


[1] Spiritualist Responses on Ukraine [2] Everything Is “One” — A Guided Meditation [3] Everything is a “Story” — Create the Best Story — [3.1] The Ego Story — [3.2] The Universe Story [4] Watching the Story Emerge — A Postscript — [4.1] A Soul Perspective from Seth [5] Related Resources

Part [1]: Spiritualist Responses on Ukraine

22 February 2022 (or 22022022) was supposed to be yet another milestone in Earth’s current path toward spiritual ascension.

Two days later, on February 24th, Russia invaded Ukraine and turned the world upside down.

Among the channelers I have listened to on YouTube, I have also not heard any clear clairvoyant messages on Ukraine. A couple said they are picking up that Putin is ill, and this is his last stand. But that feels like wishful thinking on their part.

Mostly, I have heard the following spiritualist responses to that event:

  1. The most common interpretation is that invasion is the last shadow or the first of many shadows that will arise to be recognized as humanity moves into a higher spiritual density or dimension. It is a mirror or externalization of the inner mind of humanity, which includes all of us. We create our reality, and we collectively created this war to (1) show us the shadows that we still hold within, and (2) teach us to choose a new higher path over our old conditioned ways. — As we ascend, both individually and collectively, each new phase exposes shadows we have hidden away and ignored. For some, these are Dark Night of the Soul experiences of bliss followed by despair. But it is a natural process as we learn to go deeper into ourselves from a higher spiritual knowing.
  2. A less common view is that the invasion is an integration process that is bringing non-physical spiritual reality into the physical reality, and vice versa. It is the merging and balancing of positive (+) and negative (+) energies of the universe. It teaches spiritualists the importance of non-spiritual physical reality, and it teaches non-spiritualists the importance of spiritual non-physical reality. — This message is like what my guides emphasize in Part [3] below. Their last statement is: “That is what this event is all about. It is teaching you how to make spirituality real, physical, and 3rd Dimensional.”
  3. Another less common view is that the invasion is the start of the final apocalypse that will bring the end of the political and economic systems that have dominated humanity for maybe 10,000 years to allow a New Earth to emerge. From this perspective, the spiritual path is the only way to survive the coming destruction. — I feel this perspective focuses too much on the negative (-) and not enough on the positive (+) polarities.
  4. A fourth view says the global elite, military industrial complex, or evil aliens orchestrated the Ukraine war to ensure their continued domination of humanity and enriching their pockets by manipulating truth and the news media. Some accuse those with this perspective of supporting Vladimir Putin’s narrative on the war. Others see darkness and blame on all sides. For example, they also blame spiritualists for being overly concerned with Ukraine while ignoring other global conflicts. — This view appears in spiritualist groups on Facebook and is the source of much debate when it comes up. The emphasis is more on blame and rarely offers a spiritual solution. — I agree with the criticism that many are hypocritical in their condemnation of the Ukraine invasion and silence on other world atrocities. That is because humans respond to disasters more when the locations are closer to their home (Europe in this case) and the people impacted are more like them (white Europeans).
  5. Another less common view tries to understand both sides of the conflict without judgement. For example, Spirit News gave a good background overview of the Ukraine invasion (on YouTube) trying to approach it from a “unity consciousness” perspective. — From a higher spiritual perspective such as that, everyone acts at the highest level they are capable of all the time. This applies both individually and collectively. For some, their highest level is not very high. Having compassion for that needs to be the starting point for our understanding.


The most common solution, when offered, is to meditate on peace. We need to change ourselves to change our world/reality. We need to choose a new way of thinking in which the unconditional love, cooperation, and compassion of our higher or true self dominates over the fear, competition, and separation of our outer ego. That is the individual and global awakening process.

But that said, war and killing of any kind can never be justified from a spiritual perspective.

The mostly universal condemnation of the invasion is evidence of the growing unity of humankind to speak with a single voice against darkness and evil. That alone is a major sign of the shift in human consciousness taking place today.

In addition, blaming or attacking one side or person for anything that happens in the world is also not a spiritual perspective. If a person or group is fearful, we cannot overcome that fear by making them more fearful. We may push them out of view for a while, but the fear will eventually return with possibly greater force.

The Ukraine invasion happened because Putin and his followers were afraid of NATO. And NATO was also afraid of Russian. Each gave the other every reason to be afraid because of their conditioned ego responses — which is the base cause of all our problems, or so it seems.

History would be very different if NATO had disarmed after the breakup of the Soviet Union and Russia joined the European Union along with other Eastern European countries. That history would have been more aligned with spirituality beyond the ego.

But that did not happen and we have the history that is before us now. For all three perspectives listed above, the suggestion is for New Age spiritualists to hold their higher vibration and to continue to focus on inner development, unconditional love, and planetary oneness. Starting from the silence of Source within, we can then move outward to take action to change the planet.

“If there is one message I would give to you all, it is that there is no justification for killing — there is no justification for hatred — there is no justification for violence. It may occur, but those who indulge in violence are themselves changed, and the purity of their purpose adulterated. They are no longer the selves that they were.” — Seth/Jane Roberts, The Early class Sessions, Book 1, ESP Class Session on January 21, 1969


“Now the weapons and the destruction are the obvious things that you see. The counterparts are not so evident, and yet it is the counterparts that are important. The self-discipline learned, the control, the compassion that finally is aroused, and the final and last lesson learned, the positive desire for creativity and love over destruction and hatred. When this is learned the reincarnational cycle is finished.” — Seth/Jane Roberts, The Early Sessions, Book 9, Session 452, December 2, 1968

Part [2] below is a channeled meditation intended to guide us to recognize our inner/higher/greater/universal self perspective on what is happening on our planet at any moment in time.

Part [3] came after the guided meditation and offers an explanation it.

Part [4] are non-channeled afterthoughts from me.

I initially channeled this message from my Energy Group/Higher Self (EG/HS) on Feb. 24, 2022, after hearing news of the Russian invasion and attack on Ukraine. I added the introduction (Part [1]) and other revisions a month later.

The Hat Photo: I have never been to Ukraine, but I was the advisor to a Ukrainian graduate student who came to the US on a Fulbright Scholarship a few years ago. The hat in the cover photo was a gift from that student.

[2] Everything Is “One” — A Guided Meditation

ME: I’m seeking a message that is in my highest and best interest. Blessings to all who hear this message.

EG/HS: Hello, Alan. You are wondering about the Ukraine situation and about an appropriate spiritual response.

As you know, everything is one.

Everything happens as it happens. It happens for a reason, and it happens for no reason.

Everything happens — everything you think and feel, and every action you take; and everything your planet thinks and feels, and every action your planet takes in this part of the universe.

It all happens.

Think of this in the context of the universe. The universe is perfect in every way. Think of the stars. Let your mind go to the stars. Imagine the nighttime sky, full of stars.

Every possible star you can see from your planet is twinkling, vibrating, and sending energy in a perfect pattern. They cannot be anything but what they are.

That is the context of your world. That is the context of your universe. Start with the stars. Start with the universe.

Feel that perfection. Hold that perfect pattern, that perfect universe.

Now, bring that pattern down. Bring it closer to you.

Feel that pattern on your aura, surrounding your body — that perfect pattern of the universe and the stars.

That is you.

Feel yourself within the universe, within your personal universe of stars, of galaxies, and of constellations.

And everything is perfect because you, your body, and your mind are directly connected and directly reflected in and by those stars.

If you could understand the pattern of the night sky, you would fully understand who you are. But there is no need to do that. Just trust that this is so.

Feel the perfection.

Now, expand your little bubble of a universe. Expand it out to include your entire planet.

Your planet is now ensconced within its own universe, just as you were moments ago.

And everything that happens on your planet has a direct connection to the pattern and energy of those stars, those galaxies, and those constellations.

It is all one.

Feel it as all one, the universe and your planet, and everything that happens on your planet — everything that is, everything that exists, on your planet.

Everything that happens on your planet, from what you judge as good to what you judge as bad, is in direct connection to the universe, to the energy of the universe, the stars, the planets, and the constellations.

Feel that around your planet.

Try to understand that in the forms, the events, the shapes, and the energies of everything that happens on your planet.

This is how to understand what is happening on your planet at any moment in time. It is the universe.


[3] Everything is a “Story” — Create the Best Story

Everything is a fractal, a microcosm, of the entire universe. And so is your planet. And so are you, your body, and your mind.

And so are the stories that you associate with your body, your mind, and your planet.

There are at least two ways that you can place those stories in the context of what is happening in your universe, on your planet, and in your body.

[3.1] The Ego Story

One way is to create a story that makes the most sense to you.

All that is happening is pure energy.

There is concentration and expansion. The waves oscillate through positive and negative. Everything happens in this way, with no particular meaning or purpose, and with no judgment.

When you create a story, that is when judgment comes into play. That is when there is good and evil. There is malintent and good intent. There are positive and negative outcomes. Those are all part of the story that you create.

And there are many stories.

Every person has a story. Not only that, but within every person, there are many stories. Some of those come to the surface and are told. Some of those are acted out.

Many, many, many more are never acted out and are never told at the surface level. But they exist at the mental level and in the astral dream realm.

Look around and you will see many stories related to this incident that you are thinking about this day [the Ukraine invasion].

You will see many stories from news media outlets. You will see them in spiritual discussion groups and on many other platforms.

Just remember that these are all stories and you can create your own story, which is what you are doing now, of course.

[3.2] The Universe Story

The other approach to this is to see and understand it [the Ukraine invasion] from the perspective of the universe — from the perspective of Source, which is beyond the universe.

That is the perspective of unconditional love for everything.

That happens from the energy of unconditional love — from the energy of the universe. It is the energy that brought the universe into existence. It is the energy from Source, which is beyond existence.

You can feel that energy. Everything you feel and think is that energy. And everything you encounter is that energy.

And this event is that energy.

From this second perspective, it is what is happening. It is a way that the energy is contracting.

And you allow it to do that.

If there are energies within yourself that contract, expand, and oscillate in particular ways, you allow that to happen, too.

If there is, for example, an energy that arises that propels you to do something about this incident, then you do it. You follow that energy. If there is no energy like that, then you do not force it.

You allow everything as is.

And realize that you contain everything. So anything can happen. There is total freedom within you to respond to anything. There is total freedom within you to experience anything.

And you watch, as you go through the stories of the energies that arise.

Resistance can also arise. That is another energy. But to watch is beyond that. It is beyond following your passion. It is beyond resisting your passion.

You are the witness to what is happening now.

It is difficult to put this into words, if not impossible. But we think we are pointing in a direction that you understand.

So, that is our message for you today. It is complicated. But that is our message.

  • You have a universe that is perfect in every way. We tried to show you this. The universe is integrated — it is connected in every way. The perfection of the universe is seen in the stars. And the complexity of those stars is seen in your physical and mental realities.

There are two ways to respond to that complexity.

  • The first is the ego path. It is the story path. Create a story. It is important that you create a story that is positive and reflects the story that we just told you of the perfection of the universe. Anything short of that from the ego will increase the suffering that this event has created.
  • But ultimately, the deeper reality is beyond the story and beyond the ego. It is in the witnessing of the perfect flow of energy in the universe. And in understanding the universe as that. It includes the ego story because that, too, is part of that perfect energy in those perfect stars.

That is what this event is all about. It is teaching you how to make spirituality real, physical, and 3rd Dimensional.

We love you. We love your experience. Namaste.

ME: Thank you.

by Alice Popkorn (Flicker.com, cc-by)

[4] Watching the Story Emerge — A Postscript

Peace is not something you wish for; It’s something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give away. — John Lennon

There is no destruction and there is no evil. But while you believe that there is, then you must act accordingly. While you believe that to murder a man is to destroy his consciousness forever, then you cannot murder, and in your terms it is an evil. — Seth/Jane Roberts, The Early Class Sessions, Book 4, ESP class session on May 25, 1971

After I channeled the message above, I immediately started editing it to post it here on Medium. As I was doing so, I saw articles about protests around the globe, including in Russia, against the invasion. I also saw photos of how the people of Ukraine are needing to respond to this act. That is the story that is emerging before our collective eyes.

The darkness is always a catalyst for the light. I hope that the darkness of this event will bring about a much needed global response and move toward a better world. The initial response seems to point in that direction. But only time will tell.

My (me and my guides) advice to myself and all spiritually minded people is:

  1. Be Heart-Centered. Hold our heart-centered energy as best we can within ourselves, and direct it to the people of Ukraine as best we can.
  2. Remember that Darkness is Not an Enemy. It has a role to play and is a powerful tool to bring people together globally to create the world we want. That is the story we need to create — of oneness not separation.
  3. Remember that We Create a New Reality in Every Moment through our Intentions. It is easy to not see this because we do it from our deepest causal/mental/witnessing body. Look to see how your reality is changing/shifting toward the better. Focus your positive shifting toward the Ukraine (and other troubled places on our planet).
  4. Respond. It is important to respond in whatever ways arise and feel spiritually and practically appropriate for you. Remember that we are both the divine oneness and the 3D ego-self— at the same time. — Hold your higher understanding/witnessing based within the spiritual truth of reality (suggestions #1, #2, & #3 above) as you act our your 3D reality response. That is what spiritual activism is all about. (Also see the Comments to this article for a discussion on avoiding spiritual bypassing.)
  5. Meditate. In your meditation, transcend your thoughts. Feel your emotional/energy/astral body beneath your thoughts. This is where healing takes place. As you heal yourself, send that healing to the people of Ukraine and Russia. (That is what I am doing in my meditations. I fill my being with my emotional reaction to the Ukraine invasion and allowed it to express and be. It is a powerful healing.)
  6. Be Patient. In our essence, we are eternal beings. We have eternity to figure out our apparent challenges.

NOTE: After writing the section above, and receiving some comments on it, I felt I had more to say about finding a balance between our higher and lower selves. So I wrote this article, which includes 2 channeled messages:

For more on my view of Spiritual Activism, see:

[4.1] A Soul Perspective from Seth

In the article on “The Soul”, below, I cover different points of view about our soul and how it relates to other souls in the incarnations we have on Earth.

Seth (channeled by Jane Roberts from the mid-1960s to 1984) said that there are periods in which our parallel souls (or incarnations) and our oversoul (“entity”) come together and “meet” in a kind of way. Another way to think of it is that communication with these our different selves is especially energetic.

We can think of our current time such an event. When this happens…

“…the magnified potency of the entity can flow. This may appear as erratic energy, however, an analogy being sunspots. Psychologically, great ferment occurs, and often the individual personalities involved organize themselves along new lines.

Privately, this is when human beings find themselves aware of greater illumination, when they make sudden decisions and experience new strengths. Now such a time is in the offing socially. This may be reflected in periods of seeming unrest in which, however, new creativity is looming. There will then be great planetary changes in terms of your organizations, but these will reflect private interior illuminations that become physically materialized. (More powerfully:) You do not trust your inner selves enough, or realize the creative ferment brewing. If you did, you could save yourselves much trouble.” — Seth/Jane Roberts, The Nature of Personal Reality, chapter 19, session 668, June 6, 1973


The problems exist in the inner realms — you can solve them there. You help indeed by trying to solve them in your community and in your society. But they will actually be solved in inner reality. Use all of your courage and your brain and solve the problems at their source. Find out what the nature of inner reality is. You can then use inner reality as a secure basis from which you can look outward and see the world’s problems more clearly and in better focus. — Seth/Jane Roberts, The Early Class Sessions, Book 1, ESP class session, April 8, 1969


“Creativity often parades under the guise of disruption.” — Seth/Jane Roberts, The Personal Sessions: Book 4, July 5, 1978

[5] Related Resources

(1) Alexandra Andrianova, who is Ukrainian and a reader of Seth/Jane Roberts, gives a moving spiritual perspective on the invasions of her homeland, (on YouTube, 39min).

(2) I received this comment about this article on Facebook: “I was reading a post by someone last night about how their prayers hadn’t been answered because Russia had moved forward with the invasion. I was thinking maybe they had, but it just appears in a way they weren’t expecting. This is opening so many eyes to the horror of war and opening many more hearts. Through this invasion, people can see more clearly how atrocities are committed by genocide, colonization, slavery, etc. If this is the last war or the beginning of the end to wars, well then maybe their prayer is being answered.”

(3) The Advaita (nondualism) teacher, Roger Castillo, talks about Ukraine and the difference between the truth of no-self and what is happening in our experience in his Saturday Satsang on Feb 26, 2022 (on YouTube).

(4) Spirit News gave a good background overview to the Ukraine invasion, trying to understand both sides on Mar 5, 2022 for a unity consciousness perspective. (on YouTube)

(5) Lincoln Gergar channeled this interesting Higher Self response (on March 28, 2022, on YouTube) about how the Ukraine invasion can be a tool for expanding our spiritual consciousness.

(6) Steve Rother is a channeler who has been to Ukraine and Russia many times. He presented this special program on the invasion on Feb 26, 2022 (on YouTube) and with a longer channeled message on Mar 8, 2022 (on YouTube).

(7) Matias De Stefano was asked about WWIII in 2012. This was his response (on YouTube). It is relevant to today’s Ukraine situation, as well.

The Tryzub (pronounced “treh-zoob”), or trident, is the symbol of Ukraine. A version of it originated as a tribal symbol about 2 thousand years ago. The modern version shown here comes from the family crest of Volodymyr, a Ukrainian Prince in the 900s CE. Today it is on flags, stamps, money, business logos, and hats. Also known as the Poseidon Trident, it is a symbol of the Christian trinity and the synthesis of the divine elements of fire and water in the manifest world. (source) (photo by Alan Lew, author, cc-by)
  • The Ukraine invasion can be seen as a Dark Night of the Soul for our planet:
  • For more on Spiritual Activism, see this collection of articles:
  • Note that the articles in that collection are behind the Medium paywall. For paywall-free access to my articles, go to www.AlanLew.com, linked below.


  • I am not financially affiliated with any of the people or products discussed in this article.
  • I appreciate comments, questions, and typo corrections. - See the About link in my Medium profile for contact information and related articles.
  • Written in collaboration with my Energy Group/Higher Self. This is our perspective of the truth and not the whole truth of reality.

My Medium writings are available “paywall free” at www.AlanLew.com:

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