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The website content presents a channeled message advocating for the concept of infinity as a means to transcend perceived limitations and create a new, more ideal Earth.


The article, titled "To Create a New Earth: Stop! Think … 'Infinity'," is a channeled message from the author's Energy Group, emphasizing the limitless nature of reality. It challenges the common New Age spiritual teachings that impose numerical limits on dimensions and states of consciousness. The message encourages readers to reject these limitations and embrace the concept of infinity in all aspects of life. It suggests that by doing so, individuals can tap into their full potential, overcome conditioning from childhood, and exercise creativity to manifest a perfect life on a 'New Earth' that is less constrained by rules and boundaries. The text advocates for meditation and inner work as tools to connect with the infinite and encourages readers to consider the implications of infinity in their daily lives.


  • The author's Energy Group posits that any spiritual teaching, when articulated in human language, inherently imposes limitations on the understanding of reality.
  • Childhood conditioning instills a set of rules that define 'normal' in the 3rd Dimension, often at the expense of Astral connections and higher dimensional awareness.
  • The concept of infinity is presented as a counterpoint to any numerical or conceptual limitations found in spiritual teachings, suggesting that reality is boundless.
  • The article criticizes the tendency to compartmentalize spiritual growth into stages and processes, advocating instead for an expansive view that encompasses infinite possibilities.
  • It is implied that the current state of Earth can evolve into a 'New Earth' where inhabitants are less restricted by societal rules and more open to infinite potential.
  • The author recommends meditation as a method to silence the 'monkey mind' and access the infinite source of thoughts and creativity.
  • The message promotes the idea that personal trust and the ability to envision a full spectrum of possibilities are key to creating an ideal life experience.
  • The article encourages readers to question any perceived limitations and to engage with the concept of infinity as a pathway to a deeper understanding of the self and reality.

A Channeled Message from My Energy Group

To Create a New Earth: Stop! Think … “Infinity”

Let’s make the infinite part of our taken-for-granted reality.

by Michael Pollak (Flickr.com cc-by)

Non-Medium members can access this full article paywall-free here.

A channeled message from my Energy Group:

There Are No Limits

There are no limits.

There are many New Age spiritual teachers, in fact most of them, who talk about limits. They say there are 11 dimensions, or 12, or 17, or whatever. They tell you that to achieve a certain “higher state of consciousness”, a state of “awakening” or “enlightenment”, you must go through certain stages and processes. They tell you that if you do “this”, you will achieve “that”.

They may tell you that you have had a dozen previous lives to this one, and that those lives are influencing this life.

They tell you that there are ten rules that you must follow to be a perfect being.

Anytime you see or hear a number: Stop! Think … Infinity. Reality is “infinite”.

by DWRose (Flickr.com cc-by)

The numbers that you are given are basically designed to simplify things, to help you move through this physical time-space dimension (the 3rd Dimension) that you are currently experiencing. This dimension has a lot of rules that make it seem like there are limitations.

Early Childhood Conditioning

You learned those rules in a strong way when you were young. Anything that violated those rules, that you might have experienced when you were young, was rejected and wiped from your mind by the society you grew up in. This included Astral connections to your Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, and other Higher Dimensional beings.

Your early social upbringing made sure that you learned the 3rd Dimensional “rules” for what is accepted as “normal” in that reality. The 3rd Dimensional reality has hammered into you how “time”, “space” and “belief” systems work.

Some of you “survived” this socializing. And some of you, after many years, have been able to reopen yourselves to other dimensions.

That is happening more and more nowadays, of course. There are more and more people on your planet opening to their full reality.

Spiritual Teachings & Language Limitations

Simply putting a spiritual teaching into a human language limits its full knowing, which is beyond language.

So, all spiritual teachings, no matter who they come from, nor how deeply connected they are to the “I Am”, have limitations. They have these limitations so that your limited mind, which has been shaped by this 3rd dimensional reality, can conceptualize them, can understand them, and can utilize them.

In all teachings, whether explicitly part of the teaching or not, the goal is to go beyond the teachings. This is especially true for numbers. Anytime you hear a number, Stop and Think: “Infinity”. Anytime you hear a limitation of any kind, Think: “Infinity” — because reality is infinite in every way.

by Misha Donsov (Flickr.com cc-by)

It is only your limited imagination that causes blockages and challenges. Your imagination is limited by your belief system, which thinks there are only a certain number of options that you have available to you. That is what limits you from achieving your full potential.

If you believe in infinity, if you understand infinity, then there are no boundaries.

Creating a Perfect Earth

Then you can say, “well, so how can I use this tool, this infinity, to create the world that I want to experience and the perfect life that I want to experience?”

This takes creativity and imagination.

It takes trust in yourself — trust that you have the capacity to tap into infinity, to see the fullness of what is possible, and to select from that fullness to bring you the greatest joy in a perfect life.

There are many other ways to do this.

We recommend some form of inner work, some form of meditation work in which you silence your active monkey mind and open yourself up to infinity. This, in fact, is where all your thoughts come from. They come from that source of infinity.

It is just that some of those thoughts get trapped into ways and patterns of thinking and behavior that were part of those rules that were hammered into you as a small child when you first came into this reality and were taught by everything around you how this reality works, whether those lessons were true or not.

In many ways, this reality is no different than any other reality or dimension. It is as flexible as the 4th Dimension, if you can open yourself up to go beyond the limiting rules that you were taught to believe when you were young.

Those were rules that you agreed to when you came into this reality. But you can go beyond that.

This is because you are a part of infinity. And that means you do not have to continue to live in a present moment that is based on the limiting world that you came into, that is part of the limiting past that you believe existed, and that you believe is your reality.

You can move forward into a “New Earth” that is more evolved than the one you came into.

This is an earth where entities on the planet are less restricted by rules and boundaries. They are more open and available to using the “creativeness of infinity” to experience the planet and life that they want, that they feel is ideal.

Please Consider “Infinity”

So, please consider “infinity”.

Think about it.

Whenever you encounter a challenge, think about it.

Whenever you do not encounter a challenge, think about it.

Whenever you are open to the wonders of this reality, of this planet, of this life, think about infinity.

Where more could you go?

by Adam Meek (Flickr.com cc-by)


  • This is a slightly edited channeled message from my Energy Group/Higher Self on June 15, 2020. It is part of a series of messages on “infinity”, which, if understood fully, point to a path to our deepest self, beyond time, space, and forms.


  • For more on Our Infinite Universe, see this collection of articles:
  • Note that the articles in that collection are behind the Medium paywall. For paywall-free access to my articles, go to www.AlanLew.com, linked below.


  • I appreciate comments, questions, and typo corrections. - See the About link in my Medium profile for contact information and related articles.
  • Written in collaboration with my Energy Group/Higher Self. This is our perspective of the truth and not the whole truth of reality.

My Medium writings are available “paywall free” at www.AlanLew.com:

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