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The website content presents a channeled message predicting that 2022 will be a year of heightened consciousness, where individuals will connect more deeply with their higher selves to facilitate planetary healing and expansion.


The provided text is a spiritual forecast for the year 2022, channeled by Alan Lew from his Energy Group (EG)/Higher Self. It suggests that the new year will bring about an opening for higher consciousness to emerge, allowing for greater communication between the higher and lower selves of individuals. This shift is expected to lead to an awakening on a planetary scale, with self-reflective individuals experiencing rapid personal expansion. The message emphasizes the interconnectedness of all beings as part of a larger collective consciousness, which is crucial for the healing of the Earth. It also touches on the concept of 'sangha,' or the coming together of like-minded individuals to merge their consciousness for a greater purpose. The text encourages letting go of the ego to embrace a collective consciousness that will guide actions and decisions in the coming year.


  • The author believes that 2022 will be characterized by an increased flow of energy and synchronicities as individuals open up to their higher consciousness.
  • The EG suggests that the entire planet will undergo an awakening, with people recognizing their connection to the collective consciousness and their role in the larger scheme of the universe.
  • The message posits that reality is hierarchical, with diversity at the individual level giving way to unity at the soul level.
  • It is proposed that the ego must yield to the collective consciousness, which will become the guiding force for individual and collective actions.
  • The text implies that the diversity of understanding among individuals should be seen as an advantage to be harnessed rather than a disadvantage

A Channeled Message & Writing Prompt

Spiritually, What Will 2022 Bring Our New Earth?

My guides say in 2022 we will bring our higher consciousness to heal the planet. What are your guides telling you?

by Kunshou (Flicker.com, cc-by)

Non-Medium subscribers can access this full article here.

Below is a channeled message I received recently from my Energy Group (EG)/Higher Self saying that 2022 will be about opening up to allow our higher consciousness to come through.

ME: I am ready for a message that is in my highest and best interest. Blessings to all who hear this message.

EG: Hello Alan.

You have had an interesting day. And we have had an interesting day because we are you. We are driving your live experience, if you let us. And you let us today. You let us by allowing us to bring you synchronicities.

In fact, because you are opening this channel to us, because you are opening yourself in this way, things will flow. This is what 2022 is going to be for you. And this is also what it will mean for your universe.

You have not asked what 2022 is going to be, but this is what 2022 will be.

It will be a year of opening, of new messages, new pathways to communication, between us, your higher self, and your lower self, we could say. Although both are of equal value.

And this is not only true for you, this will be true for the entire planet.

Yes, every individual. It will not be obvious for every individual because not every individual is reflective enough to notice what is going on. But it will happen.

Those who are self-reflective enough will see a rapid expansion in 2022.

You are the consciousness of this planet. You are the eyes, the ears, the touch, the taste, the emotions, the thoughts of planet earth, just as you are the eyes, the ears, the touch, the thoughts of Source experiencing the universe through you, and through each individual.

There are 7.8 billion people on the planet. Each of them has a set of eyes. All of those eyes are the eyes of Source, each of them has a set of ears. All those ears are the ears of Source. They are also the eyes and ears of the planet Earth.

And they are the thoughts of the planet Earth.

by Steffy B. (Flicker.com, cc-by)

So 2022 is going to be the year that all of those eyes, ears, and thoughts expand and open more to who they truly are, to their deeper self, to their soul-self, and this is an awakening for the entire planet.

You are not an individual. You are everything. You are connected to everything.

This is another awakening that you have noticed, starting recently, and you will see this more, of the idea of a sangha. The idea of a group of people coming together to merge their consciousness, to merge their personality, to empower themselves to a larger degree through that merger.

Because, as we have mentioned before, reality is a hierarchy. At one level, at your level, there is great diversity.

But when you turn inward and move to the next higher level, the next level of broadening of awareness, that diversity becomes somewhat less. Because you and those who are part of your soul group, your soul collective, merge into a higher awareness, a higher being.

You are still yourself. As we said, you, for example, are the eyes of God. You are God and you are the eyes of God. And you are yourself. And you are the eyes of yourself.

You are also the eyes of your higher entity. You and your other soul family members. Each of you has your own set of eyes. But you are also, collectively, the eyes of that larger group.

Your Higher Self/Energy Group has often spoken how they experience planet Earth, that 3rd Dimension, your incarnation, through you. And that is because they are you at that next higher level.

And they also experience all the other incarnations in other realities, other planets, other timelines from their group — through the members that have descended into greater levels of diversity, we can say, as you have in the 3rd Dimensional Earth.

So, as all of your fellow humans, who are more or less at the same level, as they become more aware of their higher collective, they will empower themselves to a greater degree.

That requires a level of letting go, because the ego is at this greatest level of diversity. Whereas, the soul is at a greater level of oneness, of unity amongst these different consciousnesses, or personalities, we should say.

by Gideon Wright (Flicker.com, cc-by)

And so, the ego has to allow that collective consciousness to come to the fore, to be the guiding light for your actions, for your discernment, your decisions in the world. This is going to be happening in 2022.

Now, we said that most of the people on your planet are more or less the same. However, there are also vast differences from one person to the next in terms of their understanding, and in terms of how they interpret what is happening.

And that is an area that you could explore in your writing. We can help you do that, to explore how that diversity of understanding affects the planet, and how humankind can better adapt, understand, and work with that diversity as an advantage, rather than a disadvantage, which it has been in the past. This is something to consider.

With that, we will leave you for now. We love you. We love your experience.


ME: Thank you. Namaste.

So, based on the message above, to me… — 2020 was the year of upheaval, — 2021 was the year of integration and recovery, and — 2022 will be the year we connect with our true self to heal the planet.


  • NEC contributor, Ahna Hendrix, has already contributed a detailed channeled message about 2022 being a year of relationships. And I think that is true:
  • For more Channeled Messages from my Energy Group/Higher Self, see this collection of articles:
  • Note that the articles in that collection are behind the Medium paywall. For paywall-free access to my articles, go to www.AlanLew.com, linked below.


  • I am not financially affiliated with any of the people or products discussed in this article.
  • I appreciate comments, questions, and typo corrections. - See the About link in my Medium profile for contact information and related articles.
  • Written in collaboration with my Energy Group/Higher Self. This is our perspective of the truth and not the whole truth of reality.

My Medium writings are available “paywall free” at www.AlanLew.com:

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