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The provided content discusses the concept of time and timelines from a spiritualist perspective, emphasizing the role of individual and collective consciousness in shaping reality and the potential for changing personal and global timelines through spiritual awakening and ascension.


The text delves into the spiritualist understanding of 'time' and 'timelines,' proposing that time is an illusion of the 3rd Dimension (3D), where humans experience it linearly. It suggests that the only real time exists in the present moment, the 'Now,' and that our beliefs and consciousness create our experienced reality, including our past and future. The article explores the idea that through spiritual awakening and ascension, individuals can alter their timelines and influence collective realities. It touches on the interconnectedness of individual vibrations with shared timelines, the existence of infinite and parallel timelines, and the possibility of changing one's universe through conscious belief and vibrational alignment. The text also addresses common spiritual beliefs such as reincarnation, karma, and time travel, and offers guidance on how to change personal timelines by aligning with higher vibrational energies and focusing on present-moment awareness.


  • Time is perceived as a strong characteristic of the 3D universe, but it is more flexible in higher dimensions, such as the 4th Dimension (4D), and almost non-existent in the highest dimensions.
  • The present moment, the 'Now,' is considered the only real time, with the past and future being constructs created in the present through memory and imagination.
  • Individual consciousness and beliefs are powerful tools in shaping one's personal timeline and, by extension, the collective timeline of humanity.
  • Spiritual awakening and ascension are seen as processes that allow individuals to transcend the limitations of linear time and access the infinite nature of the universe.
  • The concept of reincarnation is presented as an experience where past, present, and future lives are occurring simultaneously in a timeless universe.
  • Predicting the future is viewed with skepticism, as the act of prediction itself can influence the outcome, and free will always plays a role in the manifestation of reality.
  • The text suggests that time travel is theoretically possible through the manipulation of one's vibrational frequency to align with different timelines.
  • Changing one's timeline involves adjusting beliefs, practicing mindfulness, meditation, and trusting in the universe, while avoiding lower vibrational emotions and attitudes.
  • The text posits that everything in the universe is an energy vibration, and by changing these vibrations, individuals can influence their experienced reality and ascend both personally and collectively.

Part of the New Earth Consciousness Time Series

Explainer: ‘Time’ & ‘Timelines’ — What They Are and How to Use Them

[Updated March 17, 2023] A spiritualist way of understanding and using time.

by Andy Blackledge (Flicker.com, cc-by)

Non-Medium subscribers can access this full article here.


  1. Introduction: Something Special is Going On (Global Ascension)
  2. Definitions & Assumptions About Time [2.1] Time is a 3rd Dimension Experience [2.1.1] The Physics & Philosophy of Time [2.2] The Only Real Time in the Present Moment “Now” [2.3] Timelines & Ascension
  3. Personal & Global Timelines [3.1] Sharing Your Timeline Vibrations with Others [3.2] Collective Timelines, Free Will, & History [3.3] Polarities & Shared Timelines
  4. Infinite & Parallel Timelines [4.1] Jumping Timelines [4.2] Instant Manifestations [4.3] Reincarnation in a Timeless Universe
  5. Other Perspectives on Time & Timelines [5.1] Predicting the Future [5.2] Alien Disclosure Timelines [5.3] Karma & Timeline Consequences [5.4] Conspiracy Theory Timelines [5.5] Time Travel
  6. How to Change Your Timeline & Your Universe [6.1] How do we change our timeline and our universe? [6.2] Basic Rules to Change a Timeline [6.3] Time in Other Spiritual Dimensions of Reality
  7. Related Resources

[1] Introduction: Something Special Is Going On (Global Ascension)

SINCE the Covid pandemic, people have been speaking about the “global ascension” or “global awakening”. There is something special going on. Collectively, ascension is the best way to describe it. Individually, many people are now awakening to that knowledge.

The thing is, ascension and awakening have always been going on. And they will always continue to be going on. That is the nature of the universe — it is always expanding into infinity.

The difference is that the internet is enabling many more people to share their experiences with others. In doing so, they are sharing vibrations (vibrational entrainments) that support each other’s awakenings. The 2020 pandemic also encouraged large numbers to explore their spirituality through social media and other online resources.

As part of this current ascension, humanity has experienced massive time-related shifts. In 2020, the pandemic chaos sped time up as the external, taken-for-granted world quickly changed.

In 2021, people turned inward through spiritual practices and other forms of “forced” introspection. As a result, time slowed down — more for some than others. That is because the closer we come to our inner self (our soul) and the present moment (the now), the closer we are to timeless eternity.

Some say time stops when we are our soul and when we are in the “now” moment.

So, something special is going on because of the coming together of these conditions. People are now more aware of and empowered by the natural ascension of the universe. And as a result, individual timelines have changed.

by Nicolas Raymond (Flickr.com cc-by)

[2] Definitions & Assumptions About Time

[2.1] Time is a 3rd Dimension Experience

TIME is a strong characteristic of the 3rd Dimension (3D), which is our physical universe. Humans and other 3D beings experience time as a linear progression of one event after another.

That linear experience is stronger in 3D than in any other spiritual dimension of reality. Other dimensional beings seek to be born into the 3rd Dimension to experience linear time because it offers unique opportunities for learning that are less available where they are from.

For example, our human language is a characteristic of 3D linear time. Most other beings in our universe communicate instantaneously by telepathy (which is a 4D and higher skill). Humans (and other 3D beings) string out communication using a variety of sounds and symbols, such as “words”. Unlike telepathic downloads, words and sounds take time. In that way, they strongly reinforce linear time. But words can also be beautiful, such as in a poem or song.

Seth/Jane Roberts on the non-linearity of time…

The theory I like best says time originated in the 2nd Dimension (2D). The absolute oneness of the 1st Dimension (1D) split into 2 objects (self & other) to create 2D. The basic experience of 2D is separation.

Separation implies space between objects. But we do not experience space until we traverse it, moving from one place or object to another. The experience of traversing, crossing, and moving through space is one where we notice changes in our environment. That experience is what we have in the 3rd Dimension (3D).

Our surroundings and perspectives change as we move through space and time. If we perceive almost no change, then we assume we are standing still in space. If absolutely nothing changes, we feel as though time had stopped (as in science fiction movies/shows where everything is frozen, except for one or two people).

So 2D holds the potential for experiencing space and time, and 3D is the experience of space and time. (1D is the oneness that exists before space and time.)

We know our surroundings and perspectives (space & time) are changing because our thinking mind is in a constant state of measuring, comparing, and judging everything it perceives. As soon as we measure and compare something, the 2D experience of simple separation becomes a 3D experience of space and time. (Our thinking mind is also known as our ego-mind.)

We measure space using the distance (inches, miles, & light years) and the direction (height-up/down, width-left/right, & depth-far/near) that other things are from us (the self). When we traverse space, the distance and direction of objects change relative to one another within our field of experience. We have 2 eyes and 2 ears to help us make those kinds of measurements.

To move from one place to another also “takes time”. We measure time using intervals (seconds, hours, & centuries) and cycles. Cycles are how things come into and pass out of our field of experience in an apparently predictable manner.

The basic time cycle pattern is the timeline of “emergence/birth → evolution/growth → dissolution/death”. The diurnal (day/night) cycle and our human life cycle are two common examples of that timeline. But everything in manifest reality changes through time in that way, from physical objects and living things, to civilizations, personal thoughts, and gods.

Space comes first because it is created in 2D, and it holds the potential for time. Time comes second because it is the experience of space. In the 3rd Dimension they become “spacetime”. We move through both space and time simultaneously because in 3D they are actually inseparable.

(Another perspective says 2D is as having 2 objects, as described above. But the differences between those 2 objects cannot be known until a third object comes into existence to measure, compare, and contrast the 2 objects (2D). That third object creates the 3D experience, which includes comparisons, evaluations, and judgments, like what I describe above.)

We have objective measurements of time and space, based on atomic clocks these days. But time is also a subjective experience. A fleeting time for one person can be a long time for another.

In sum, whether subjective or objective, time is the experience of change as we traverse the space of separation. There is no time in 1D (absolute oneness with no separation) and 2D (self & other separation or witnessing only). Spacetime only comes into existence when we measure, compare, and judge ourselves and our world, which is what happens in 3D.

[2.1.1] The Physics & Philosophy of Time

Physics defines “spacetime” as the 4th Dimension (after 3D length, width, and height). In 3D, time and space are always relative because no 2 measurements are ever exactly the same. There is agreement that a fixed space and time exists, but we cannot measure it in 3D. Thus, physics says it exists in 4D. Also “4D spacetime” is spaceless and timeless — all spaces exist in the same space and all time exists simultaneously. For more on that see:



  • The Philosophy of Time: Philosophers in the west and east have thought about and debated what time is and how it works for thousands of years. The range of debates is wide, deep and overlapping with many of the spiritualist perspectives I outlined in this article. Wikipedia does a good job in summarizing those discussions, along with links to more detailed information on some theories:

[2.2] The Only Real Time in the Present Moment “Now”

AS described above, time emerges in the 3rd Dimension and is strongest in 3D reality. It is more flexible in the 4th Dimension (4D) and is almost non-existent in the highest dimensions.

In the higher dimensions, there is increasing awareness that the past, present, and future all occur in the present moment (the “Now”). Even in 3D, we never directly experience the past or the future. We remember (or imagine) your past. And we guess (or imagine) our probable futures.

There is only the present “Now” (which is the same as the 1st Dimension (1D). When we are fully present in the “Now” (and not thinking of the past or future), we do not experience time at all. Nor do you have any thoughts or sense of a separate ego-identity. We transcend time and are in a non-judgmental state of witnessing consciousness (which is like 2D).

Our present momentNow” is always the strongest point of our creative power. Just as the diversity of creation emerges from 1D and 2D, the “Now” unfolds into our 3D experiences of past, present, and probable futures.

“Whenever science or religion seeks the origin of the universe, they search for it in the past. The universe is being created NOW. Creation occurs in each moment, in your terms. The illusion of time itself is being created NOW. It is therefore somewhat futile to look for the origins of the universe by using a time scheme that is in itself, at the very least, highly relative.” — Seth/Jane Roberts, Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment, vol. 1, session 882 on September 26, 1979

The present moment “Now” is always new.

The present moment “Now” has never happened in the past and will never happen again in the future. This is “newness” of each present moment makes the universe infinite and eternally expanding.

“Ichi-go ichi-e” — Japanese: 一期一会, lit. “one time, one meeting”, meaning: treasure each meeting with another, for each moment is always a once-in-a-lifetime event.

Related to this, what we think of as the past and future have their own present moments that are also always new. So, besides a new “Now” always coming into being in our present moment, there is also always a new “Now” in each past moment, and a new “Now” in each future moment point. And they are all happening simultaneously and changing, evolving, and ascending simultaneously.

“…you also have the memory of your future existences, for time does not exist as it seems to you now, and a portion of you is aware of your future as it is aware of your past.” — Seth/Jane Roberts, The Early Class Sessions, vol. 2, ESP Class Session on December 22, 1970

The present moment “Now” is how we experience the infinity of our universe.

Our 3D universe is infinite. It is so vast that it is incomprehensible to the human mind. Our physics, for example, has not (yet) been able to prove if the physical universe is infinite or not. And non-physical realities make that challenge further beyond reach.

The way our universe shows its infinity to us is by forever creating a new “Now” in every present moment. That is how the universe expands. It is always changing and creating something new. Nothing is ever repeated. That is how expansion works.

  • Here is one way that physics things about past, present, and future…

[2.3] Timelines & Ascension

THE present “Now” creates a new reality in each moment. Because the “Now” is the only real time that exists, each new “Now” comes with a fully developed past, present, and future. As we move from one “Now” to the next, we create and experience the “flowing river of time”. As we choose the next parallel reality (or “Now”) to experience, we create our individual and collective timelines.

A “timeline” is an apparent linear flow of experiences that include a remembered past, an ever-new present, and an imagined future. It is called “an apparent linear flow” because the only real time is the present moment “Now”. The timeline is a story created in that present moment “Now”.

That story follows from our 3rd Dimension belief system. Our core 3D time beliefs are: (1) the past is fixed and cannot change; (2) the present is where we are having our direct experience, which is often overshadowed by our beliefs about your past; and (3) the future is a potential set of experiences that follow from our beliefs about our past and present experiences.

Each person, entity, or being experiences only one timeline at a time. From a 3D perspective, that timeline is closed in the past, open in the future, and managed in the present. From a higher dimensional perspective, the past and future are both open sets of possibilities that we create from in the present moment “Now”. (See also section [4.1] on jumping timelines.)

Spiritual awakening and ascension are one form of timeline.

They are ways we turn the present moment “Now” into a 3D linear time experience. In our 3D experience, we see them emerging in a linear manner over the course of time.

They are also how we experience (or sense) the expansion of the universe. Ascension is the 3D experience of an infinitely expanding universe. From our 3D linear time perspective, the expansion and ascension of the universe (and us) cannot stop, and it cannot be reversed.

Each of us chooses an ascension timeline for our current 3D incarnation. We vibrate that timeline to form their personal universe, as well as our experiences and our personality.

Our 3D personality (ego-self) results from our accumulated experiences, acquired knowledge, and assimilated wisdom. Our memories of these form the overall vibration of who we are now, and that vibration largely shapes our universe and future timeline.

You are your universe. You create your universe completely in every present moment point. That is how powerful you are.

(Some spiritual teachings say we are already fully awakened and enlightened. That is true from a higher dimensional consciousness where time is very flexible and almost non-existent. But that is not knowable from a 3D consciousness. In our 3D consciousness, awakening and ascension are experienced through time and timelines.)

  • For an astrophysics view on our 3D experience of the flow of time, see:
  • As mentioned above, our experience of time is subjectively relative — it varies a lot from one person to the next. But theoretical physics has shown that it is also physically relative. — At the quantum level, entangled particles instantaneously react to stimulations at great distances, which is more like 1D and 2D realities from a spiritualist perspective. Also, in Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, the closer one comes to the speed of light, the slower time gets. At the speed of light, time stops. Photons, which are light, are both at their start point and end point at the same time. (At least that is what I have read. 😵)

“People like us, who believe in physics, know the distinction between past, present, and future is only an illusion, albeit a stubborn one.” — Albert Einstein (a real quote, translated from German, unlike most Einstein quotes on Facebook)

  • Seth/Jane Roberts on the relative unreality and reality of our human experience of space and time…

“As I have said that the walls of your house do not actually exist as such, so the divisions that you have placed within the spacious present do not exist. But, as the walls of your house are experienced by your outer senses and serve to protect you against other camouflage materializations, even those of wind and rain and cold, so do the walls of past, present, and future, erected by you as a different kind of camouflage pattern, protect you from inner forces and realities with which you are not as yet equipped to deal.” — Seth/Jane Roberts, The Early Sessions, book 1, session 41 on April 6, 1964.

[3] Personal & Global Timelines

[3.1] Sharing Your Timeline Vibrations with Others

WE create our timeline in which we have defined a unique past, present, and probable future for our personal ascension. Others are doing the same thing with their ascension, although most of them refer to it as their “life”.

by new 1llumiati (Flikr.com, cc-by)

As we ascend, our universe ascends because we are also defining and creating the past, present, and future of our universe. Our personal and universe timelines are inseparable.

Our universe timeline includes all those who share something in common with us. And they are also ascending with us as we all co-create a shared reality.

It may not seem like everyone we encounter is ascending, especially when we see the diversity and polarity of experiences in the world. But everything that we encounter or perceive in our world is part of our consciousness.

Even if others appear completely different from you, if you perceive them, then they are on at least a partially similar ascension timeline to yours. And they will ascend with you through the overlapping of your universes.

At our most fundamental level, we are frequencies of energy vibration oscillating between positive (+) and negative polarities (-). That is true of everything in existence. Different vibrations result in different forms, expressions, and experiences.

The more two vibrations are alike, the more they will be attracted to one another. Dissimilar vibrations repel one another. Everything in our personal universe vibrates with us to some degree and is co-creating with us. Things that we have no shared vibrations with are simply not in our universe.

Beings and objects that are closest to us in vibrations are physically and socially closest to us in our universe and in our life (or timeline). Objects here include everything we own, where we live, and our job.

We can see this in some people and objects. But others seem the exact opposite to us. That is important because they represent parts of us that we suppress or reject. But they are still parts of our vibration and so they must be dealt with in some way.

Nothing that appears in our life is random. Everything has a purpose. The purpose is what draws similar vibrations to one other in a shared timeline. We can learn from the “others” who share vibrational timelines with us. Those who seem different from us are teaching us what we need to be more aware of in ourselves.

A common teaching is to avoid people and things that do not resonate with our vibration. That is an effective way to manage “negative” influences. But, they will need to be faced. Or maybe not — it all depends on the timeline that you create for yourself.

You cannot change another person. You can force a temporary change in them. But you cannot create real change in another person. They can only change themselves. And you can only change in yourself (your vibration, your timeline, and your life).

As you change yourself (and your timeline), those who continue to resonate with the new you will continue to accompany you in a shared timeline. Those who no longer share your vibration will move away from your timeline (or life). They may abruptly leave your universe by dying. Or they might simply disappear from your awareness, and even from your memory.

  • There is an opposite theory that sees everything in the universe as random, with no inherent meaning or purpose. We (our minds) create and impose coherence, meaning, and purpose on those random phenomena. Either way, the result is the same in our 3D experience, as described above.
  • There is another theory in which space is seen to be the creative, expansive, external, positive (+) energy of the universe, while time is its conservative, constrictive, internal, negative (-) energy. Together, they create the diversity of the universe (both physical and non-physical). I can see how space could be expansive and time limiting, so this approach makes some sense to me. But this article would be quite different if I took that approach.
  • For more on Spiritual Vibrations and how they relate to Time, see:

[3.2] Collective Timelines, Free Will, & History

WE can see and experience the vibrations we create with others through a range of local, global, and galactic scales. Just as we have a timeline as an individual, so too does a community and a planet have a timeline as an entity. They connect to us as shared aspects of our timeline.

Some say aliens and other higher-dimensional beings form and control these larger timelines. They say that aliens control (or imprison) us using these timelines, which are part of a matrix. Others say it is the global elite who do this (see section [5.4]). That is one way of understanding collective timelines.

Even without aliens, one can think their timeline is determined more by the collective society than by themselves. They feel that the collective timeline is denying them the free will to create their own life. (In the social sciences, that is known as the Structure vs Agency debate.)

Some spiritual teachers associate the sense of no free will with the ego. That is because the ego holds all the rules that our society and others have taught us. The more we identify ourselves as our ego (as a separate self), the less free will we have.

That line of belief holds that the more we identify with our inner self, or soul, the more freedom we have to define our timeline and life. Therefore, we meditate and turn inward. We seek spiritual practices to help us identify more with our inner self than our outer ego-self.

But we can never abandon our collective identity. If we have a physical human body, those larger shared vibrations are a part of us. Through them, we cooperate and co-create our larger shared universe — our collective reality.

There is often a tug-of-war between our individual and shared timelines. People like to focus on the impacts of various global timelines because those seem so dramatic (and in the news headlines). But they impact us less on a personal level than do local timelines.

The closer the collective timeline is to you in space, the more it will affect you and you will affect it.

The degree to which individuals engage with collective timelines varies. Most turn at least a part of their creative power over to some shared timeline because doing so is “easier”. That happens when, for example, we strongly identify with a religion, spiritual teacher, political party, or sports team, for example. Doing that also provides life lessons one can learn.

A history book is a good example of a collective timeline. And, of course, history books do not agree with one another because our stories of the past are infinite. Those disagreements expose divisions within the collective co-creation of our present reality.

  • Seth/Jane Roberts said the following on how we create a collective history when time does not really exist. He says our society selectively chooses certain things from what we call “past civilizations” to create our present civilization.

“Theoretically, all of the information of so-called lost civilizations is quite available to you, as yours is to them. A closed mind will perceive none of this.

…[Your] conscious intent, however, directs the kind of material you receive. If you have no interest in such things, no phenomena will occur strong enough to impress you in the waking state. It is very possible then to be building a civilization that in your terms you are now studying, to be interpreting ancient records that you yourself may have written, to be digging up roads that you yourself built.

This applies to your own historical time, as well as to others. At other layers, of course, your civilization is already in the past, as in others your civilization does not yet exist. The bleed-throughs, however, mean that each people, according to their characteristic, interests and activities, attract certain ideas both from the future and the past, and there is constant interaction. Because of this, even the past as you think of it, as I told you, is never done and completed, but constantly changed by your present and future.”

Seth/Jane Roberts, The Private Sessions, book 2,session 605 on January 17, 1972

[3.3] Polarities & Shared Timelines

More people on Earth are interested in awakening and ascension. Those who are reading this article also have this interest, which is evidence they are sharing timeline vibrations.

Many like to talk about how this is happening now, how dramatic and life-changing it has been, and what it is going to be like in the years to come. They see and hear those messages, including those from ETs and higher dimensional beings (channeled on YouTube), because that is the shared ascension timeline these beings are all bringing to Earth.

On the one hand, some of those messages on social media platforms present ideas and beliefs that you reject. But because you can hear their ideas and beliefs, that means you hold those vibrations somewhere within yourself, as well. They are just not at the core of your chosen identity.

by Patrizio Cuscito (Flikr.com, cc-by)

But some hold beliefs that are like yours. You support each other in your shared universes. If you each continue to hold those common beliefs, ideas, and expectations, you will be in a shared universe.

Your universe and theirs are aligned. But they are never in perfect alignment because every being and entity creates its own unique universe (or vibration) that distinguishes it from every other being and entity.

As long as you can see, think about, or in some way conceptualize that other being, object, thought, or emotion, then you both are sharing vibrational characteristics and sharing that portion of your universes. As mentioned above (section [3.1]), you are ascending together.

Timelines, life paths, or vibrations can gradually or suddenly change direction. When shared vibrations diminish, because of decisions and actions that different individuals take, then their shared universe also diminishes to a corresponding degree. Their ascension paths diverge.

That is not a bad thing. Remember that each being has its own unique path and timeline to awakening and ascension.

[4] Infinite & Parallel Timelines

THE universe is infinite, and you have infinite timelines (or ‘lives’) to select from in each present moment. You cannot not create your timelines.

colliding galaxies — NASA, Hubble

If you create or select a timeline that includes a rapid shift in global consciousness, then you will share that experience with others who have also chosen that same type of timeline. In fact, everyone you can think of in your current memory has chosen a timeline that resonates with the one you have chosen to some degree.

They, of course, are experiencing their timeline (or universe) in their way. Theirs is different from yours, but there is a shared overlap (as discussed above).

There are an infinite number of other timelines for your planet that you can also create or choose from as part of your identity. (Note that “infinite” is a big number!)

These include, for example, timelines associated with past, future, and parallel incarnations of yourself (they are all actually parallel). Those timelines are vibrationally connected to you. What you do influences them and what they do influences you.

There are also parallel versions of your planet playing out timelines different from your vibration. Beings in those timelines may share an Earth that is ascending faster (or slower) than the one you are on. There are also diverse ways that faster and slower alternatives manifest.

Time, as you know it in 3D, is an illusion. All these parallel timelines and parallel Earths are happening at the same present moment point. That fact gives you ready access to them, if you are open to doing that.

by its Jason B (Flikr.com, cc-by)

“…forget the idea that what you see physically is the only reality, and that what only one [person] perceives must be an hallucination if it is not perceived by the others. A reality is a reality regardless of how many perceive it.

It is only at your present point of comprehension that you judge reality according to the number of people who perceive the same thing. …You are afraid of going off into your own realities afar from your fellows …and yet to a large degree you do so all of the time in the daily life that you know.” — Seth/Jane Roberts, The Early Class Sessions, book 3, ESP Class Session on January 19, 1971

[4.1] Jumping Timelines

NEW AGE spirituality speaks of “changing”, “jumping”, “ending”, and “speeding up” timelines. The terms seem to refer to 2 major experiences: (1) a major timeline change, or (2) being in multiple timelines at the same time.

[4.1.1] A Major Timeline Change

As noted above, the only real time is the present moment. We are forever moving from one present moment to the next. Dzogchen Tibetan Buddhism says the present moment is like writing your name on water. It instantly passes and all we have left is the memory. That memory is what we use to create our “timeline”.

Most of the time, we make only minor changes from one moment to the next. We rarely notice anything significantly different as we add each new present moment to our memory timeline.

But occasionally we make shifts in the present moment that change ourselves and everything around us. Often, even then, we do not notice because each new reality comes with its own memory, which replaces the old memory. But sometimes there are “bleed throughs” in which we also remember our old timeline and can compare it to the new one.

That would be the experience of a major timeline shift.

It is the same as shifting to a new dimension of reality. In fact, timelines and dimensions are different perspectives of the same reality. When we talk about changing timelines, we are focused more on vibrational time changes. When we talk about changing dimensions, we are focused more on the vibration of space. As noted above, spacetime is just one thing.

[4.1.2] Experiencing Multiple Timelines at the Same Time

Another way that people talk about jumping timelines is in terms of noticing differences between their experience and the experience they or others remember. For example, here are some comments on jumping timelines that were posted on a spiritual Facebook group:

  • You’ve put the keys in the car, but they are not there, and you can’t find them. Then you find them in another place.
  • My phone screen was cracked, then it wasn’t. I stepped on a nail with my left foot, next morning it was my right foot. I made plans with a friend and poof, the conversation never happened.
  • I feel my body has shifted, like I had been out of body, but all of a sudden, I am back. Everything is normal except me.
  • It has felt like I am not sure if I am still actually here or if I am in a dream, but for sure awake — like I am not quite in my body.
  • Some days I can’t even speak properly. I forget words and trip over my own feet. Just a crazy mess really, lol.

The first 2 quotes above are time-related, and I think they would be a legitimate use of the term “jumping timelines”. Remember that time is created in memory, and so there are two different memories conflicting with one another.

The other 3 quotes are more typical of what was posted on FB. They are not time related. They could be deeper psychological problems, like an attention deficit (one person said it felt like Alzheimer's). But to me, they sound more like being aware of more than one spiritual dimension at the same time — a “bleed through” between dimensions.

Related to those quotes, I had a reader tell me about having experiences in which he feels he is reliving an earlier part of his life, even as a pre-ego infant. Those experiences were rare and only lasted for 5 minutes at the most, he says. But when they happened, they were intense and visceral. His entire mind and body were in that past time.

One could dismiss experiences like that as simply “imagination”. But as Seth/Jane Roberts says, and I agree, everything in our universe is created by imagination. Our imagination is the most powerful tool we have to create our reality. And every reality that is created is real, even if only one person experiences it.

I believe the experiences the reader described are another form of straddling timelines or being in 2 dimensions at the same time. Elsewhere, I have described déjà vu as an experience of being in 2 dimensions at the same time. I had an intense experience of that during a work trip to China in 2019, which I describe here (⬇):

[4.1.3] Being Out of Sync

The only real times is the present moment (the ‘Now’). We (our ego-self) never directly know the ‘Now’ because it is too fleeting for our conscious mind. Everything that we hold in our mind is a memory of the present moment. Our ego tries to interpret, judge, and generalize those memories to predict future outcomes.

Also, we shift timelines/dimensions in every instant — in every new present moment. So, we are always jumping timelines. But most of the time, that is not a problem. Even when we realize there has been a timeline or dimensional shift, we may be perfectly happy with or accepting of that.

Time and space shifts become problematic when our memory system is out of normal sync, and we lose track of what is going on.

For example, we remember things from a previous timeline that we normally would have forgotten in the new one. We then get confused, especially if we do not know that this is going on. We feel something is wrong, but we cannot identify what it is.

If we have a structure of understanding that incorporates those out-of-sync moments, we might negotiate them better. My understanding of our multidimensional reality gave me such a structure in my déjà vu experience, described above (⬆). But I was also by myself and not directly interacting with other people, which probably made it easier.

On the slowness of our conscious brain, see:

“Seth II” on the Flexibility of Time

Seth II: “As we peer into your room, so do you peer into other realities all unknowing. You do not physically recall those journeys that you have yourselves made and are now making. You leave from any moment of your time, and you are gone sometimes for centuries of physical time. You leave in the middle of a day and return the day before yesterday or a thousand years hence. Now, that is reality ….

The small portion that you perceive is but one letter on a page. You cannot comprehend its meaning, for the entire word is hidden. Not because it must be. But because you are becoming. At this stage, you are only perceiving a portion of your own becoming….

You must realize that each reality is unique and precious and a part of the whole.... And so will you awaken, and so have you awakened, and so even in the trance of physical focus are you already awake to your own greater reality.... You are in other terms, the memory of us, yet we are also the memory of you.”

Seth II/Jane Roberts, The Early Sessions, book 3, ESP Class Session on January 19, 1971

  • Jane Roberts channeled Seth from the mid-1960s to 1984. He described himself as a “future” version of Jane. Jane occasionally channeled Seth II, who was a “future” (or higher dimensional) version of Seth. As the last line of this quote indicates, the whole concept of “time” is very relative from higher dimensional perspectives. — Also see section [6.3] “Time in Other Spiritual Dimensions of Reality”, below.

[4.2] Instant Manifestations

THE more spiritually mature you are, the less the shared timelines will influence you, and the more you express your point of power and free will.

For example, I have heard that the more your desires and wishes align with those of your soul (or higher consciousness), the more easily and quickly those desires will manifest.

Our soul is beyond time as we (our ego) experience it. It is said that all our soul’s desires instantaneously manifest as they arise. We (our ego) create time through our beliefs and resistances to our memories. The more resistance we hold, the longer it takes to manifest what we want. That can sometimes take many lifetimes.

Our state of consciousness is also a major factor in determining when the time is right for a manifestation to occur. The higher or more expanded and open your consciousness is, the quicker and more powerful our manifestations will be.

For example, someone connected to their soul without their ego’s interference can know the contents of a book (or of another person) just by looking at it. Most of us would take much longer than that, of course.

Some say that is because we (ego) have free will to accept or reject what our soul is offering us. Others say that it is the Matrix (collective timelines) that causes us to reject what is good for us.

On the other hand, we might not want to create our universe and timeline from our soul level because we are then even more responsible for the outcomes. We might want to avoid the large karmic consequences that more powerful changes might entail. Sometimes, it may seem better to be a powerless ego with less responsibility. (See section [5.3] for more on karma timelines.)

  • For more on the soul and instantaneous manifestations, see:
  • For more on the Matrix, see:

[4.3] Reincarnation in a Timeless Universe

MANY people, even those who do not come from a reincarnation-oriented culture or religion, believe that reincarnation takes place. They believe that we have lived past lives on this planet (and elsewhere) and that we will return in a future life after this current one ends.

by Steffy B. (Flikr.com, cc-by)

Reincarnation is a common belief in Hinduism. (It was also common in Christianity prior to being removed from the Bible in 325 C.E.) We often associate Hindu reincarnation with karma. We need to reincarnate (have another life) to pay off our karmic debts from past lives. Many, however, see that as an oversimplification.

A more common New Age spiritual belief is that we reincarnate because our 3rd Dimension Planet Earth is one of the best places to expand spiritually. After the end of a life, we meet with our oversoul for a life review to see how well we accomplished our life goals.

If there are issues or attachments that might hold us back from further ascension, we might opt for another Earth incarnation to work on those. Some say we have no choice in this, but others say we have a choice. Some say we only return to Earth, but other say we can reincarnate in any 3D world or in other dimensional realms. (Again, see the Soul article linked above (⬆) for more on this.)

“You may decide upon another reincarnation. You may decide to focus instead upon your past life, using it as the stuff of new experience, as mentioned previously, creating variations of events as you have known them, making corrections as you choose. Or you may enter another system of probability entirely; and this is quite apart from a reincarnational existence. You will be leaving all thoughts of continuity of time behind you in such a case.”


Some simply find the physical system not to their liking, and in such a way, take leave of it. This cannot be done, however, until the reincarnational cycle, once chosen, is completed, so the last choice exists for those who have developed their abilities through reincarnation as far as possible within that system.” — Seth/Jane Roberts, Seth Speaks, chapter 11, session 540 on July 6, 1970

Of course, these are all belief systems. Many are based on people who remember their “in-between lifetimes”, and those who have had Near-Death Experiences (NDEs). While these vary, the life review is a consistent experience.

But they are still beliefs about how we work with time in physical reality. Most of us believe we have had past lives, and so we place past lives into “the past” of our timeline. We give them a “past” vibration.

There is nothing wrong with that. Anything and everything that we create in our imagination has a reality within a universe that is infinite in every way. From that perspective, the past lives that we see in a past life regression are as real as we believe them to be. Some are even verifiable through historical records — that is how deep our beliefs and realities can be.

For some people, knowledge of their past has provided incredible avenues for healing present life illnesses and other challenges. That is the true value of past life regressions — to gain new insights into our present moment self.

“I will tell you that reincarnation, in its own way, is also a parable. The other word is a fable or a tale. It seems very difficult for you to understand the fact that you live many realities at one time, simultaneously, and since the time scheme seems to be such a reality to you, the multidimensional aspects of your own consciousness are explained in those terms.” — Seth/Jane Roberts, The Early Class Sessions, book 3, ESP Class Session on May 4, 1971

From an infinite universe timeline perspective, any past life that we can imagine has a reality and can give us insight into our present life. Similarly, any future life we can imagine has the same power in the present moment point.

Seth/Jane Roberts says that we are living our past, present, and future lives all at the same time. None of them ever ends, and each is learning and evolving. And, importantly, what one learns affects others.

So, as we spiritually evolve in the present, our past and future selves will also spiritually evolve.

Thus, the general rule is to allow our imagination to create a past or future self. (Another way to look at it is to allow your imagination to “see” your past and future selves.) Trust that what it has created is a reality (because it is), and that you can learn from and use the knowledge and experience of your other selves now.

If you cannot envision an alternate incarnation, then blame the limits society has taught you to place limits on your imagination. Try to remember what it was like when you were a child and imagination was how you lived your life. It was your childhood imagination that solidified into the life that you now believe is so solid and fixed.

That is also why past lives remembered by very young children are the most powerful. We can often verify them through historical records. It is because their imagination is so strong at that age that they pull the rest of us into their universe. (That is one explanation, among others.)

Of course, we do not always see it that way. What we see is more like a “miracle”.

Reincarnation is not about past or future lives (because time is a 3D illusion). Reincarnation is about how you are a multidimensional identity, and which dimensionalities your imagination draws upon in the moment point of now, as you create your present reality. In that way, past life regression can be a lot like channeling:

“Because of the true nature of time, and the interrelationships of consciousness, a future life affects a past one, for in actuality, all of these existences happen simultaneously. All systems are open-ended, particularly psychological ones. In greater terms, you are working “at all levels” and at all of your own existences at once, even though it is useful sometimes to think of reincarnation as a series of lives, one after the other.” — Seth/Jane Roberts, The Way Toward Health, Chapter 4, session on April 2, 1984

And, on why we prefer to think about past live rather than future lives:

“You are afraid to consider future lives because then you have to face the death that must be met first, in your terms.” — Seth/Jane Roberts, Dreams, “Evolution”, and Value Fulfillment, volume 1, essay 7, session on May 7, 1982

  • This is one of the few experiences I have had encountering my past lives (though not a past life regression) …
  • Simcha Lev gave this interesting interpretation of reincarnation from a nonduality (no other & no time) perspective…

[5] Other Perspectives on Time & Timelines

[5.1] Predicting the Future

TIMELINES are what psychics use to predict the future. They use their intuition and inner senses to express the most probable future scenario for an individual, a country, or the planet. Some channel an external being (a higher dimensional entity or alien) to describe a future scenario.

I have had sessions with psychics who have made accurate predictions. For example, a psychic predicted the month I would get married 6 months before my wife and I ever met.

As I mentioned earlier, it is said that the future is a faster/higher vibration than the past. We are accessing that higher vibration from a 4D or higher consciousness. The challenge is in keeping our 3D consciousness (ego-self) out of the way when we do that.

Unfortunately, most of the psychics and channelers could not keep their 3D preferences out of the way when they made predictions about the US stock market and the US presidential election in 2020. Most of those predictions were wrong (I was keeping track).

I also noticed that many channeled beings hedged their predictions in early 2020. They said that they could be wrong because there are “many global timelines” with equal probabilities in play that year.

That is an entirely plausible explanation. There are an infinite number of timelines available in each present moment. But that has always been the case.

Both personal and global timelines were easier to sense in the past (like my marriage was over 30 years ago) when people were less spiritually awakened. The future timeline was easier to identify in a more ego-identified world.

What has changed today is more people are aware of things like the Law of Attraction and Seth’s teachings on creating your own reality. As individuals become more connected to their soul (inner self), and free themselves from their ego (outer self), they express more free will.

Free will gives us access to a wider range of probable future timelines than ever before. This is true both on personal and global levels. And that is a good thing. But it can also make it tough for psychic fortune tellers.

I believe many channelers and psychics like to continue to predict the future because it gets them more viewers on YouTube. And it seems their followers do not care if they are right or wrong.

To me, they seem more like the political pundits on television. They are presenting entertainment, with a sprinkling of facts. That is unethical because they are using their status to (1) manipulate humanity, (2) self-aggrandize their ego, and (3) dissuade their listeners from creating their own future timelines.

“I am not cautious, I am simply realistic and when you understand the nature of reality, then you realize that predictions of future events are basically meaningless.

Now you can predict some events and they occur, but you create the future in every moment in your frame of reference, and time in your terms is plastic. Most predictions are made in a highly distorted fashion, and they lead the public astray. Not only that, but when the predictors fall flat on their faces, it does not help “the Cause.” Reality does not exist in that fashion.

You can tune in to certain probabilities and predict “that they will occur,” but free will always operates and no god in giant ivory figures says, this will happen February 15th at 8:05. And if no god predicts, then I do not see the point of doing so myself.” — Seth/Jane Roberts, The Early Class Sessions, book 3, ESP Class Session, January 5, 1971

[5.2] Alien Disclosure Timelines

ONE of the more common predictions that arise every year is that of Alien Disclosure — “this will be the year that humankind learns the full truth of alien visitations and manipulations on our planet”. Many are wondering when the ‘full disclosure’ of aliens will take place on Earth.

If you are more outer-ego identified, then you are more at the mercy of your current collective timelines. As your outer-ego self, society conditioned you on how to respond to collective norms and experiences. You use those conditionings to create your universe. And alien disclosure could take a while.

As you awaken more into your deeper, inner self, you can choose what will happen in your timeline to create your universe. Others who share the same choices that you have made will share that universe with you. And alien disclosure could be much sooner than later.

You can see this in your life. The more you hear people talking about aliens and extra-terrestrials, and how they are becoming seen more every day, the stronger that belief is manifesting within your timeline. If someone else chooses a non-disclosure timeline, then those types of stories will be far less noticeable in their universe.

How to join the Galactic Federation…

[5.3] Karma & Timeline Consequences

ANYTHING we believe must happen is our karma. Those beliefs come from our sense of responsibility for the consequences of actions we have taken. That is how we commonly define karma.

But any conditioned responses that we have internalized in our mind and personality is also our karma. Our ego, which is entirely made of conditioned responses, is our karma.

Related to that, anything we believe should happen is our karma. What we believe influences what we create. And the consequences of all of that we create are our karma. For example, many believe that for us and our planet to ascend, certain things need to happen. For many, that means we need to change the global political order and economic system.

  • My guides have told me that is why the COVID-19 pandemic happened (see the article linked below ⬇). We created the pandemic to bring about those kinds of massive social changes. Everyone on our planet co-created that shared pandemic experience. Individuals may have different goals, and most were unaware of their goals. But at a deeper soul level, they all believed that the pandemic vibration would help.

We see myriads of karmic beliefs being played out all around us in the psychological challenges expressed by individuals (both those who are spiritually “awakened” and those who are not). That is because almost everyone on our planet these days believes that to advance, they should or must deal with their karma (including their shadows and other past actions).

If the feeling or vibration of “needing to do” or “must do” is there, then you are in the karmic timeline cycle of life-death-rebirth. And you remain locked in your outer ego-self.

  • There is also the idea that personal change and liberation can take place without addressing past karma and shadows. We can do that by being in the moment point (the “Now”), and not in the ego-based past and future. That perspective remains a minority one for most people in your 3D reality. Radical Nonduality (Neo-Advaita) teachings talk about that approach the most (see section [6], below), although it also seen in other Eastern religions and New Age teachings.
  • For more on karma, see:
  • For more on the collective origin of the pandemic, see:

[5.4] Conspiracy Theory Timelines

KARMA and consequences are also part of so-called “conspiracy theories” that many individuals have adopted. In these, they blame “evil alien beings” and the “global elite” for the problems in the world and their lives.

In reality, of course, individuals create those conspiracies by talking and believing in them. That is how all realities and timelines are created. They reflect beliefs people have about themselves and their universe.

Some hold these beliefs strongly. They give away their free will to those beliefs. As mentioned above (in section [3.2]), it can be easier to adopt a collective timeline belief system. There is comfort in that because they feel less responsible for the outcomes.

But in holding such a belief, people are more likely to experience outcomes that are not fully aligned with their vibrational energy. That, like everything in our timeline of life, is a learning experience.

Some find conspiracy theories interesting but are not so entangled in them. They are not at the core of their personal belief system and have less impact on their timeline.

Others are exposed to those ideas and reject them outright because they are on the periphery of their belief system. But because those beliefs are there, they are still part of their reality and their timeline.

Accepting a belief is easier from your outer-ego level. Rejecting a belief is easier from your soul or inner-self level.

You can, through free will, move any belief into your core and move any out into your periphery. Or you can place them anywhere else in your universe. You can also drop them completely from your universe.

It is up to you to create your belief system, your timeline, and your universe.

  • For more on your core and periphery beliefs, see:

“You create reality according to your beliefs and expectations. Therefore, it behooves you to examine your beliefs and expectations very clearly.” —Seth/Jane Roberts, The Early Sessions, vol. 7, session on March 25, 1967

[5.5] Time Travel

TIME travel is possible, though not easy. Because everything exists in the present, we can experience realities that we call “the past” and “the future” through the present moment “Now”. We do that by changing our vibration.

A common New Age belief (also shared with quantum physics) is that everything is an energy vibration and frequency. Things that feel like “the past” share a distinct frequency (mostly slower/lower). Things that feel like the “future” share a different frequency pattern (mostly faster/higher). Desire, motivation, and manifestation are future energy vibrations, for example.

All we ever really experience are frequencies of vibration in the present moment, which we weave together to create our universe of objects, thoughts, time, timelines, and all experiences. So, if we are aware enough, we can visit and change the past and manifest desired futures through our vibration in the present moment.

As noted above, what we call the past are present parallel realities that vibrate at slower/lower rates. We can change those so-called “past” realities by creating vibrations in them that are more aligned with our preferences. In the same way, we can change the faster/higher vibrations of what we call “the future” to align more with your desired “future”.

But to do that, we need at least a 4th Dimension (4D) level of consciousness, and 5D and higher would be even better. While we may temporarily experience those levels of consciousness, very few of us master them while in our human form.

  • For a quantum physics view on how time moves both forward and backward, see:
  • and

[6] How to Change Your Timeline & Your Universe

  • The Present is an infinitely brief moment that is never directly experienced by our ego-mind.
  • The Past is an ego-self memory that we never directly experience.
  • The Future is a probability that will also forever be beyond our direct experience.
  • But we spend much of our lives lost in memories of the past and thoughts about the future, while avoiding the present that is the only real thing in our existence.

That is why we call time an “illusion” and why teachings say, “time does not exist” — at least not as we know it from our 3D ego-self perspective. We (ego) only really “know” time through vague mental concepts and never through direct experience.

That is a basic teaching of nonduality (Advaita and Neo-Advaita), and they often cite the Einstein quote in section [2.3] to suggest that quantum physics supports that view. They suggest that time is created by the sense of having an ego-self that is separate from everything else (duality). Remember that I suggested (in section [2.1]) that time is how we experience the space created in the 2nd Dimension (2D), where the one becomes a duality.

Nondualists say spiritual liberation comes when we dis-identify with our judging, measuring, and separate ego-self to become our true self, which is like the oneness (nonduality) of the 1st Dimension (1D). But most of us spend most of our time lost in the illusion of duality and time.

One reason we are stuck in the illusion of time is that the present moment “Now” is infinitely small and fleetingly short. It is beyond direct experience with our very slow conscious mind (as mentioned in section [4.1.3]). But that infinitely small “Now” is the source of all creation and all manifestations.

We can become the present “Now” by transcending our conscious ego-mind and becoming our deeper, inner, soul-self (as mentioned in the section on “manifestations” [4.2]). Doing that is one of the core aspirations of spirituality.

From the greater sense of oneness/nonduality of our soul-self, we can see how our ego-mind creates our past memories and future probabilities in the present moment. And in understanding that, we might have some control over it. But that control can never come through the duality of our thinking ego-mind.

  • For more on Neo-Advaita (also known as Radical Nonduality), see:
  • Physics usually defines “time” as the 4th Dimension (4D), as noted in section [2.1], above. Matias De Stefano says we should think of 4D as the dimension in which we learn to work with or manipulate time, rather than being completely subject to it, as we are in 3D. In his approach, 3D is where we learn to work with and manipulate space. Using that analogy, we can perhaps imagine what it is like to move through 4D time as freely as we move through 3D space here on Earth. — This article (⬇) explains Matias De Stefano’s approach in more detail:
  • Seth/Jane Roberts also often spoke about traveling through time as easily as we travel through space. For example…

“You do not understand as yet, however, that in a way you can move through time as you move through space — and until you understand that you will not know the meaning of a true journey or be able to thoroughly explore any planet — or any reality, including your own. You imagine that your own earth is mapped out, and all frontiers known, but the linear aspects of your planet’s life represent a most minute portion of its reality.” — Seth/Jane Roberts, The “Unknown” Reality, vol. 2, Session 712 on October 16, 1974

by janet farthing (Flikr.com, cc-by)

[6.1] How do we change our timeline and our universe?

THE simple answer is to change our beliefs. That, of course, is simpler said than done!

We can think of time as an expansion of our beliefs from the present into the past and into the future. Our beliefs about the past create what we think our past experiences were. We rarely directly experience the present moment, but our beliefs about what we call “the present” shape our experience of it. And our beliefs of the future create how we feel about the future.

As mentioned before, together, that is how we create the timeline that we call our life. We adjust that timeline in the present moment “Now”, which is the only real time that exists.

In our 3D Earth experience, we mostly only make the smallest, minor, and incremental changes to our past-present-future timeline as each new present moment “Now” emerges and passes on.

Using that incremental approach, which we are already familiar with, we need to gently take beliefs that do not align with our desired outcomes further and further away to our periphery.

At the same time, we need to move beliefs/messages/ideas that align with our desired universe closer to our core. (Closely related to this approach, see the article: “Our Mind is a Fascinating Mix of Multiple Points of Consciousness”, also linked in section [5.4], above.)

That cannot be done by force. The most accessible ways to do that are:

[6.1.1] Mindfulness

Be mindful and aware of the thoughts that you are having, the emotions that you feel, and the actions (speaking and moving your body) that you take. You should gently observe and give preference to those thoughts, emotions, and actions that support the universe that you want to create.

Avoid those that do not, but do not push them away too hard. If they are there, they are there for a reason. Allow that reason to work its way through your mind (not so much through your physical actions).

Keep your desire turning back within and be patient. Allow the fulfillment to come to you. Gently resist the temptation to chase dreams out into the world. Pursue them in your heart until they disappear into the Self and leave them there. It may take a little self-discipline. - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation movement

[6.1.2] Meditation

Mindfulness is not always easy, especially when you first start. But you can cultivate it through quiet meditation. Find guided meditations and instructors that resonate with you and take you to the deepest state of internal silence possible. [There are many of these for free on YouTube these days.]

[6.1.3] Your Heart

We can also cultivate mindfulness through the heart — through the feeling of love. Thinking from the heart first, instead of the mind, works very well. But it is difficult for most of us who were taught since birth to think from our brain first. Shifting the mental focus to the heart is possible, with some mild effort.

Ideally, we should balance the energies in our brain, heart, and gut so they can guide our decisions and behaviors effectively.

by Christian Scheja (Flkr.com cc-by)

[6.1.4] Trust the Universe

Most of all, there is a need to trust the intelligence of the universe — which is your deepest or highest self. Changing your universe takes time and patience. We need to place a lot of our memories and beliefs of the “past” in new or better perspectives to unleash the power of the present moment “Now”.

Trust that the universe is always expanding and that every person is always performing at their highest capability at each moment in time. In that way, we slowly learn to see everything a perfect reflection of Source/God/All-That-Is/Brahman.

If the universe is always a perfect reflection of Source, then every timeline, reality, and experience is also perfect in that way. They are perfect opportunities to learn, expand, and ascend the individual and the planet.

“There are no clear mirrors to look through [speaking to a student] that will show you one impeccable, immaculate reality; and no one, ideal Carlos who can say “I shall and must do this and that to fulfill my abilities.”

There are, instead, an infinite number of probabilities. And you, my dear friend, have the freedom to move within them.

You want me to say you should do thus and so, or you want yourself to say “I must do thus and so”. But if you flow with the feeling of yourself, you will go where your being goes.

Trust — trust — the lives that are within you now. Go along with your own living that flows through you. In your here and now, you are here and now. Feel that here and nowness! Know its knowing! And you will be where the being of you wants to go!”

The Seth Audio Collection 2 (channeled by Jane Roberts, ESP classes 1972–1979) (bold text added by me)

[6.2] Basic Rules to Change a Timeline

TO create the planetary ascension timeline that many people are desiring these days requires changing the vibration of your present universe.

Remember that we each live in our own separate universe, although there is also a lot of overlap with others. But we can only change our universe. To do that, we need to manifest the vibration of the ascended universe we desire. That usually means a “higher” vibration than the present one.

Some rules or guidelines for that are:

  1. Don’t worry about what others desire. Each person creates their own universe and does so through a timeline that they have chosen based on their deepest and strongest beliefs. You can never know what the deepest beliefs and purposes of another are. - Focus on yourself. As you form your desired timeline, you will draw others to you with shared vibrational aspirations. Those with divergent belief agendas will drift away.
  2. Support those messages and energies that resonate and align with the type of world that you are most hoping to manifest. Give them your attention, give them a clap and thumbs up, share them, even give them some time and money. - Trust that the things you are drawn to the most will be the most likely to be manifested in your universe. Focus your attention on the best universe that you can.
  3. Avoid lower vibrational emotions and attitudes. Lower/slower vibrations are characteristics of the past. The past is always a lower vibration than the present in a universe that is always expanding. Lower vibrations do not move you or the planet forward into an expanding and ascending future. Common low 3D vibrations include dividing the world into good and bad people, blaming/hating others, anger, jealousy, and greed (search on “low vibrations” to see more and how to avoid them). — Gently move away from those messages and vibrations that do not resonate or align with the world that you most desire. - Do not spend energy trying to change the minds of others. - Do not spend energy trying to stop the expression of messages that you find undesirable. They have as much of a right to be expressed as those messages that you support. Allow them to find their own universe. - Do not give low vibrations any of your soul’s energy. The more of your energy you spend resisting them, the stronger they will become in your universe. That is what the ‘Law of Attraction’ is all about.
  4. Cultivate being in the present moment — the Be Here Now. That means allowing the past to be the past. Do not resist the past, just observe it and allow it to be. The same for the future — just allow it to be what it is (or what you believe it will be). - Put your full awareness and trust in the present moment “Now” as the seat of your power. In the “Now”, you are unhindered by the past and future, and by your ego. You can then change your beliefs (vibrations) to create the universe, thoughts, emotions, and actions that you most desire.
  5. Use vibrations and frequency to change the past, present, and future. Everything in our manifest universe is a different frequency or vibration of energy. The slower/lower vibrations of the past and the faster/higher future vibrations are both influenced by how we perceive them in our present vibration. Knowing this, we can change them using tools that change frequencies. These include: — our vocal cords (such as humming, chanting, singing, talking), — sound instruments (such as musical instruments, drums, gongs, bells), — our emotional / energetic body (energy healing & expressions of emotions), and — our creative imagination. Seth/Jane Roberts often says that our imagination is the most powerful tool we have to create our reality.

“As a physical being, your beliefs and concepts form your reality. The psyche from which your identity springs is free of the picture of reality that you have chosen. You choose, in other words, to accept a given picture of the world, and you use that picture as a frame within which you form a life.

…Creativity is endless, and the psyche is the greatest source of creativity. Pretend that you are a writer of fiction, and you create a character. This character is so independent, alive, and real, that it in turn forms OTHER characters — and each writes its own book or forms its own reality. That is a truer picture of your position.”

— Seth/Jane Roberts, The Unknown Reality, vol. 2, session 728

  • I once heard someone say that we return to Source in the emptiness between each present moment point “Now” we experience. If we experience a billion moment points during what we call a “day”, then that means we return to Source a billion times within that day, as well. And that is where the unfathomable creative power that we each hold comes from.

[6.3] Time in Other Spiritual Dimensions of Reality

AS mentioned previously, we perceive time as very fixed in the 3rd Dimension (3D). But it is more flexible in the 4th Dimension (4D) and almost disappears in the highest dimensions.

There are many models that try to explain how time works in those higher dimensions. Those efforts simplify a concept that is impossible for the human intellect to grasp. They are all best treated as pointers than actual truths.

The following two quotes from Seth/Jane Roberts offer other ways to think about (or point to) what time is. I include them here to help stretch your mind around the infinite nature of time.

Another Way to Think of Time in the 3rd Dimension

“To the question, What is time?, the following answer might quite rightly be given:

Time is an apple. Time is no apple. Time (smile) is a worm in an apple. Time is a worm not in an apple; and yet such definitions will be absolutely meaningless to most people, for they can only think of time in terms of days or hours, and they do not think of time as experience itself, or quite simply, being.

And yet such definitions are far more near the truth than those that have to do with measurements. There are no measurements of any kind. Reality, of itself, forms an apple. Your perception of the apple enables you to see it piecemeal.

The apple is time. It is an event. It is the so-many-odd days or months that have gone into its production in your terms, or years that have gone into production of the tree. It is as much an event of time as it is an event of space.

Here I am merely using your terms to make the point. There are such natural things as apples, you see. There are no natural things such as minutes or hours. These are concepts imposed upon reality, but this does not make them real in themselves.

An individual, and I am speaking in your terms now, again to make a point: an individual is the 60 or 70-odd years of his earthly existence, as much as he is the 150-odd pounds that he may be.”

Seth/Jane Roberts, The Early Sessions, book 9, session 430 on August 22, 1968

Time in Other Dimensions of Reality

“If you are traveling around the world, you have to make frequent time adjustments. When you travel through the psyche, you will also discover that your own time is automatically squeezed out of shape. If for a moment you try to imagine that you were able to carry your own time with you on such a journey, all packaged neatly in a wristwatch, then you would be quite amazed at what would happen.

As you approached the boundaries of certain psychic lands, the wristwatch would run backwards. As you entered other kingdoms of the psyche your watch would go faster or slower. Now, if time suddenly ran backward you would notice it. If it ran faster or slower enough, you would also notice the differences. If time ran backward very slowly, and according to the conditions, you might not be aware of the difference, because it would take so much “time” to get from the present moment to the one “before” it that you might be struck, instead, simply with the feeling that something was familiar, as if it had happened before.

In other lands of the psyche, however, even stranger events might occur. The watch itself might change shape, or turn heavy as a rock, or as light as a gas, so that you could not read the time at all. Or the hands might never move.

Different portions of the psyche are familiar with all of these mentioned occurrences — because the psyche straddles any of the local laws that you recognize as “official,” and has within itself the capacity to deal with an infinite number of reality-hyphen-experiences.”

Seth/Jane Roberts, The Nature of The Psyche, chapter 1, session 753 on August 4, 1975

  • For more on the different spiritual dimensions of reality, see:

[7] Related Resources

  • In this video (on YouTube), the Nonduality (neo-Advaita) writer, Richard Sylvester, explains the sense of No Time and No Space some people experience in an awakening event. It is an interesting perspective.
  • In this video (on YouTube), Dolores Cannon talks about the different dimensions that we create. What she describes is the same as what I call different timelines. It is an interesting talk.
  • In this video, the comedian George Carlin insightfully points out the many silly ways we talk about time. (11.5 min on YouTube)
  • For more on Understanding Time and Creating Timelines, see this collection of articles. Note that the articles in this collection are behind the Medium paywall. For paywall-free access to my articles, go to www.AlanLew.com, linked below.


  • I was just going to add a new section on Jumping Timelines, but I ended up almost completely re-writing this article in October, 2022.
  • I am not financially affiliated with any of the people or products discussed in this article.
  • I appreciate comments, questions, and typo corrections. - See the About link in my Medium profile for contact information and related articles.
  • Written in collaboration with my Energy Group/Higher Self. This is our perspective of the truth and not the whole truth of reality.

My Medium writings are available “paywall free” at www.AlanLew.com:

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