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Aiden (Illumination Gaming) provides an in-depth analysis of Dr. Joan Naidorf's boosted Medium stories, offering insights into writing impactful content and the benefits of Medium's Friendship program, while also sharing submission guidelines and resources for writers.


In the latest episode of "Lessons Learned from Boosted Stories," Aiden explores the work of Dr. Joan Naidorf, an emergency physician and author, whose stories on Medium have been boosted for their significant impact and originality. Aiden dissects Naidorf's narratives, which range from the emotional landscape of emergency medicine to the overlooked aspects of healthcare and personal experiences. He emphasizes the importance of constructive, original, and well-crafted stories that resonate with readers. Aiden also discusses his recent decision to become a Friend of Medium (FoM), highlighting the increased support for writers and the potential for greater story amplification. Additionally, he provides submission guidelines for various publications under ILLUMINATION and invites new writers to join the community through Slack and Discord for collaboration and support.


  • Aiden believes that Dr. Naidorf's stories are exemplary in their ability to address pressing issues in healthcare while engaging readers with compelling narratives.
  • He suggests that writers should aim to produce content that is impactful, original,

Boost Education by Aiden

Lessons Learned from Boosted Stories : Episode #3

An analysis of boosted stories written by Dr Joan Naidorf to guide writers to write impactful stories for increasing the chance of further distribution on Medium

Image created by Aiden (Illumination Gaming)

Dear writers and readers, I read and analyze boosted stories on Medium in my roles as a publication owner, editor, and boost nominator. Through this journey, I have gained valuable insights that I believe could greatly benefit you.

In this series, I spotlight successful writers, showcase their top stories, and toss in a few tricks I have picked up. This dive into boosted stories has been illuminating on multiple fronts for me. It is good for refining my writing skills, becoming a better boost nominator, and boosting the buzz for the publications I back.

I am grateful that 3 of my stories close to my heart were also boosted. I share the links here as samples for aspiring writers and interested readers.

My Sample Boosted Stories.

So, consider subscribing to this series; it could be quite a game-changer for you. Boosted stories are like the A-listers of Medium, bringing in at least tenfold engagement. Definitely worth exploring!

Previous Episodes #1 and #2

In the previous episode, I explored, analyzed, and introduced boosted stories of Dr Mehmet Yildiz.

And Matt Williams-Spooner, Ph.D.

Curation of Boosted Stories

I compiled boosted stories and share them with our subscribers. Here is the latest one.

Curation of Non-Boosted Stories

I also curate non-boosted stories daily. Here’s the latest version.

Episode #3 — Introducing Dr Joan Naidorf

Today, I cover another accomplished writer with specialty in medicine.

Dr. Joan Naidorf is an emergency physician, author and speaker based in Alexandria, VA. Her Medium articles draw from her extensive experience as a physician, her travels around the world, her love of reading and her experiences parenting three children and an anxious poodle.

The boosted stories of Dr Naildorf share a common thread of shedding light on important yet often overlooked aspects of healthcare and human experiences.

Each narrative explores and describes a specific aspect of healthcare, from the emotional toll on healthcare professionals in the emergency department to the unseen struggle of moral injury.

They highlight gaps in medical education regarding women’s health, the challenges of patient interactions, and the need for a paradigm shift in healthcare professionals’ approach to patient care.

Moreover, the travel blog offers a refreshing change of scenery, providing readers with a glimpse into vibrant cultures and historical relics.

These stories are boosted and curated for their compelling content, which addresses pressing issues and offers unique perspectives, while their writing styles captivate readers with vivid descriptions and engaging narratives, making them relatable and thought-provoking.

Here are some samples to give you a quick taste.

Sample Boosted Stories by Dr Joan Naidorf

I provide a link to the story and briefly introduce the content.

Listening for Heartbreak and Joy

This story captivates from both content and writing style perspectives for its raw portrayal of life’s highs & lows within the tumultuous setting of an emergency department. The vivid descriptions immerse readers in the chaotic atmosphere, where the cacophony of sounds mirrors the range of human experiences — from heartbreak to joy. The narrative skillfully covers poignant moments of sorrow like screaming and crying and to unexpected moments of hope and resilience, like the miraculous laugher. Via evocative storytelling, she sheds light on the emotional weight carried by healthcare professionals, the complex dynamics of patient care, & the profound impact of human connection in times of crisis giving us a glimpse of emergency departments.

Moral Injury: The Unseen Struggle of Healthcare Professionals

Physicians and nurses generally know how their patients should be treated, how many staff members should be working on every shift, and how long it should take to transfer an admitted patient. When faced with unsafe patient conditions, inadequate supplies, and under-staffing, they feel moral injury. “Moral injury is defined as the social, psychological, and spiritual harm that arises from a betrayal of one’s core values, such as justice, fairness, and loyalty.” It is an unseen struggle that contributes to the exit of numerous highly trained doctors and nurses from their profession.

What They Don’t Teach in Med School about Menopause

This article highlights deficiencies in medical education surrounding women’s health in the menopausal years. Since physicians don’t learn much about menopause and their training is hospital-based in nature, they get little experience in treating symptoms that women find problematic.

The Myth of the Difficult Patient

This is a short narrative medicine piece that Dr. Naidorf wrote to help illustrate an important theme. The troubling interactions physicians and nurses have with patients who don’t follow the plan will never change. The approach should be for healthcare professionals to change the way that they think and approach their “difficult” patients with curiosity and acceptance.

Finding Light and Darkness in Vietnam: Our tour begins in Hanoi

This is part one of a travel blog from a fascinating trip that I took to visit Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. Hanoi is a vibrant city with historical relics and millions of people buzzing around on motor bikes. For a few minutes, you can feel like you are there too.

Thank you for reading and sharing these beautiful stories.

What did I learn from these stories?

All of these stories meet the boosting criteria. This means that when Dr Naidorf writing these stories she seems to asked the following questions:

1 — Is my story impactful and constructive?

2 — Is my story original?

3 — Do I write from relevant experience?

4 — Is my story well-crafted?

5 — Does my story feel memorable?

These points are well covered in this interview with Dr Mehmet Yildiz. You may also review our boosting checklist for new writers.

Final Thoughts

For a deeper understanding of these patterns, I encourage reviewing some of Dr Naidorf’s boosted stories for an educational experience. You may use this analysis to refine and craft similar narratives that resonate.

If you are a writer keen on creating such impactful stories, feel free to contact me. I can guide you through our Slack workspace or Discord server for further assistance.

I also plan to turn this series into educative YouTube videos, so stay tuned.

One of my goals is to provide better information to Friends of Medium (FoM). By the way, I have officially joined the ranks as a Friend of Medium.

From now on, stories I read from other writers will earn them four times the previous ones. Details are in the attached story.

I congratulate the early birds for Medium Friendship, as mentioned in the story of Dr Yildiz. I believe the more FoM members there are, the better it will be for writers. Let’s all inspire our readers with great stories. I am here to support and amplify your stories.

Why was I delayed, you might ask. After hearing about it for the past couple of weeks and skimming through a few stories, nothing has quite struck a chord until today. I did not see the value.

But recently, I stumbled upon a story that just clicked, and before I knew it, I was eagerly hitting that upgrade button, dropping $150 for an annual FoM subscription. It’s clear that certain writers have a knack for swaying our decisions, and Dr Mehmet Yildiz happens to be one of those influencers. For the full scoop, dive into his inspiring piece over on ILLUMINATION.

New writers, when you need help, please don’t hesitate to contact me on Slack workspace or Discord server. I introduce these services below.

Here is some information about my boost nominating publication.

Submission Guidelines

You may check all our submission guidelines.

ILLUMINATION-Curated: New Submission Guidelines 2023

Submission Guidelines: Illumination Integrated Publications

SYNERGY: Submission Guidelines 2023

Technology Hits: Submission Guidelines 2023

ILLUMINATION Book Chapters: Submission Guidelines 2023

Readers Hope: New Submission Guidelines 2023

ILLUMINATION Gaming: Submission Guidelines 2023

ILLUMINATION Videos and Podcasts: Submission Guidelines 2023

Publishing and Conduct Guidelines for the Lampshade of ILLUMINATION

You may wonder why I stopped writing for Vocal Media.

I enjoy introducing writers on YouTube. So, if you are interested, you may contact me on Slack or Discord.

I also enjoy collecting writer bios, so if you write one, please send me a link on Slack.

Some info about Slack and Discords

About Me

I write articles in my field covering gaming, film-making, social media, and design. I am also a YouTuber. Thank you for subscribing to my account to get notifications when I post on Medium. I created a new website to share my content for free and promote stories of writers contributing to my publications on Medium. I also have a Substack newsletter. Let’s connect on Twitter and LinkedIn.

I own two publications on Medium. One for video gamers and another for YouTubers and Podcasters. I also support Illumination Integrated Publications as a volunteer editor and participate in collaborative activities in the Slack Workspace.

Writer applications for my publications can be sent via this weblink. Please add your Medium ID. I also enjoy email marketing using Cliqly, which is my affiliate link.

Life Lessons
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