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My Twentieth Poem : Ephemeral Tapestry Unfolds Grace

Chronicles of Silent Echoes

Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash

In the kingdom of forgotten dreams, Where moonbeams dance on silver streams, A melody of whispers plays, In the hush of enchanted bays.

Beneath the boughs of ancient trees, Where secrets ride on evening breeze, The stars above, a cosmic choir, Ignites the poet’s sacred fire.

Let’s venture to a distant shore, Where waves of azure gently roar. Upon the sands, a story weaves, Of sailors lost and mystic eves.

In twilight’s glow, the world takes pause, A canvas painted with no flaws. The colors blend in hues untold, A masterpiece of dusk unfolds.

On mountaintops where eagles soar, Above the clouds, where dreams implore, A symphony of silence reigns, As echoes dance in lofty plains.

In gardens where the flowers bloom, Their petals whisper tales of doom. Yet, in their fragrance, hope takes flight, A phoenix rising in the night.

Through bustling streets where neon gleams, A city hums with vibrant schemes. In every alley, shadows play, A noir of life in shades of gray.

Beneath the ocean’s vast expanse, A realm of wonders, a watery dance. The coral gardens, rainbow-hued, Tell tales of mysteries pursued.

Amidst the ruins of ancient lore, A phoenix rises, to explore. The echoes of a bygone age, Inscribed on each decaying page.

In the tapestry of fleeting time, A myriad of stories climb. From the mundane to the divine, Each moment, a precious design.

So let the quill of destiny write, In the book of life, day and night. A poem of existence, everlong, A random topic, in the cosmic throng.

Check out my Other Poems

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