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My Fourteenth Poem : Whispers in Time’s Echo

Verses of Wandering Souls

Photo by pine watt on Unsplash

Upon the canvas of time, let’s paint a tale, A meandering journey, a story to unveil, With colors of emotion and words like art, Let’s explore the depths of a poet’s heart.

In a distant land where dreams take flight, Beneath the canopy of a starry night, A lone traveler walks a winding road, Seeking the truths that life has bestowed.

The sun rises with a golden kiss, Warming the earth, in nature’s bliss, The meadows bloom with flowers so fair, A fragrant breeze dances through the air.

Through valleys deep and mountains tall, The traveler’s spirit answers the call, To explore the mysteries of this world, And the many stories yet to be unfurled.

In the heart of a bustling, vibrant town, People’s lives intersect, swirling around, A symphony of laughter, tears, and song, In this place where they all belong.

From bustling streets to serene retreats, Where the ocean and sky in harmony meets, The horizon stretches beyond our sight, An endless expanse of tranquil delight.

In the quiet of a forest, ancient and wise, Where age-old trees reach for the skies, The hush of nature, a sacred song, Where peace and solitude both belong.

Through trials and triumphs, joys and tears, In the passage of years, with hopes and fears, Life’s tapestry woven with threads so fine, Each moment, a treasure, each heartbeat, a sign.

So let this poem be a wandering guide, Through the vast landscapes of life’s tide, A tapestry of moments, a symphony of rhyme, In the grand narrative of the sands of time.

For in every word and every line, A piece of the world, a glimpse so fine, In the endless pages of this poetic sea, The story of life, where we all roam free.

Check out my Other Poems

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