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My Eleventh Poem : Verse of Wanderlust

The World Through Words

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Amidst a world of endless streams, Where dreams are born and hopes take flight, I’ll craft a verse, a poet’s dream, To paint with words the gentle light.

Beneath a sky of azure hue, Where birds in graceful arcs do soar, My words will dance, a lively crew, Upon the canvas of this metaphor.

In forests deep, where secrets hide, Among the leaves, the whispering trees, I’ll seek the tales that there reside, And share them here, as I aim to please.

In cities bustling, neon-bright, Where stories unfold ‘neath the moon’s embrace, I’ll pen the tales of love and plight, In every corner, every busy place.

The ocean’s waves, a timeless song, Their crashing, calming, endless roar, With words, I’ll make their rhythm strong, And carry you to that distant shore.

From mountain peaks, to valleys low, To deserts hot, and tundra’s snow, I’ll weave a tapestry of words aglow, With nature’s beauty, I aim to show.

So, let us journey through this rhyme, Explore the world in every line, In poetry’s embrace, we’ll find, A place where hearts and souls entwine.

Check out my Other Poems

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