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My Second Poem: Whispers of the Heart

Photo by Sarah Mae on Unsplash

“Whispers of the Heart”

In the silence of the night, a hush profound, Where dreams take flight without a single sound, Whispers of the heart, in shadows they reside, In the tapestry of time, where secrets often hide.

Beneath the twinkling stars, their tales they weave, A symphony of hopes and fears, they do conceive, Softly they flutter, like pages of a sacred book, Inviting us to listen, to take a closer look.

They speak of love, a gentle, timeless grace, A smile that lights the dark, a tender embrace, They speak of loss, the tears that gently flow, And how in letting go, new strength we come to know.

Whispers of the heart, the stories they unfold, In the chambers of our souls, their mysteries are told, They guide us through the storms, the trials we must face, A reminder of our humanity, our common human grace.

So, when the world grows loud, and chaos does impart, Take a moment to listen to the whispers of your heart, For in their quiet wisdom, you’ll find the truth, you’ll see, The essence of your being, your purpose, and your key.

By Hasnain A

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