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My First Poem: Uncharted Realm

Photo by jules a. on Unsplash

Beneath a sky of tangerine and gold,

In a land where tales have never been told,

There lies a forest, ageless, grand,

Where mystic wonders forever expand.

Trees stretch high in a verdant embrace,

Their branches whisper in a secret space,

In this realm where dreams find their way,

Where the night and day entwine and sway.

With every step, a new adventure found,

Through hidden glades and enchanted ground,

Stars above, earth below, unite in a dance,

Weaving tales of magic with every glance.

The river sings, a melodious refrain,

Carrying hopes and fears on its gentle plane,

In this realm where the ordinary fades,

In the heart of enchantment, serenity pervades.

So, come, my friend, let’s wander through,

This uncharted world, where skies are blue,

In this poem unwritten, a canvas unrolled,

Where dreams and reality gently enfold.

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